Answer the question above you



  • AMC will kill Negan, but it will take a while

    Do you have a custom built computer?

    Negan. Simple. Don't even have to think about that one. Do you think AMC will kill Negan?

  • Nope.
    If you had the chance,would you leave everything behind and live alone in nature?

  • YES, @$#% society!

    If you change one thing about an event in history, what event would it be and what would change about it?

  • I'd stop Hillary Clinton from being able to be in the election. I'd kill her.

    Darkseid or Brainiac?

  • i don't understand the question, sorry. i know i'm stupid

    I'd stop Hillary Clinton from being able to be in the election. I'd kill her. Darkseid or Brainiac?

  • They're Superman villains.

    i don't understand the question, sorry. i know i'm stupid

  • ok, based off my little knowledge of superman, i would be Brainiac

    Favorite meme?

  • Ur mum

    Do you hate it when no one listens to you?

  • I absolutely despise it.

    Do you like children?

    Ur mum Do you hate it when no one listens to you?

  • Fuck yes I do.

    Do you hate people with disorders?

  • Not at all.
    Are you an early bird or a night owl?

  • Back to the Future.

    Favorite type of bird?

  • Duck.

    Correctly answer the following:
    There is a town with one male barber who is the only man capable of shaving other men. Every man who lives in this town must be clean shaven. The town has two rules:

    1. Every man who shaves himself must not be shaved by the barber
    2. The barber must shave all those who do not shave themselves

    Question: Does the barber shave himself?

  • Yes...?

    Favorite TWD S1 moment? (Or one of your favorites)

  • Incorrect.

    Lee: "Did you do that?"

    Clem:" Smiles." "Yes."

    Same question

  • No.

    If you had to live in the world of either The Last of Us, or The Walking Dead... Which would you choose?

  • Incorrect

    The walking dead, naturally.

    Same question.

  • Dude, stop asking that question. You're meant to ask questions about opinions. (At least that's what everyone else does)

    Clementine's hat or Kenny's hat?

  • Yeah. I win.

  • The cycle has been broken: all are free to roam where they please.

  • Alright, seriously.
    Clementine's hat.

    Who's your favorite idiot: that college kid in the first season or Nick in season 2

  • sigh

    crutchwork posted: »

    Yeah. I win.

  • edited October 2016

    I like them both, but Nick wins by just a little bit.

    Who do you like more? Duck or Sarah?

  • Duck, I hate them both. Never. Put. Clem. IN. DANGER.

    How do you imagine Clementine's personality changed as a result of lee's death?

  • edited October 2016

    You hate Duck... But you've got a picture of him as your avatar?

    And when did Duck put Clem in danger? Or were talking about Sarah?

  • Have you ever failed to stop Kenny at the train? Then you'll see.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    You hate Duck... But you've got a picture of him as your avatar? And when did Duck put Clem in danger? Or were talking about Sarah?

  • Oh... Okay.

    crutchwork posted: »

    Have you ever failed to stop Kenny at the train? Then you'll see.

  • Oh, I have duck as a picture just because it suited my previous joke when you asked for a favourite bird.
    That and to remind me everyday why I fight.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Oh... Okay.

  • It's a paradox,I think.If he doesn't shave himself then he must be shaved by the barber(which is him),but that would break the rule that he must not be shaved by the barber since he shaved himself.
    I suggest him to leave town.

    crutchwork posted: »

    Duck. Correctly answer the following: There is a town with one male barber who is the only man capable of shaving other men. Every man w

  • I mean what's even going on here.
    Leave it to Jordan, he'll sort the thread by creating a brand new question!

    Q: If you could forget everything about a game to experience it all again in all its glory, what game would it be?

  • Hmm... Probably The Walking Dead Season 1. Because I pretty much knew all the big spoilers when I played it the first time.

    Batman: The Telltale Series or The Wolf Among Us: A Telltale Series?

  • edited October 2016

    Your avatar perfectly matched your comment.

    I mean what's even going on here. Leave it to Jordan, he'll sort the thread by creating a brand new question! Q: If you could forget everything about a game to experience it all again in all its glory, what game would it be?

  • Wolf Among Us.

    Fruit or vegetables?

  • Fruit.

    Favorite Telltale Game's soundtrack?

  • Favorite TV show that was cancelled way too early?

  • Revolution

    Favorite Telltale villain?

  • Either Carver or the Stranger.

    Would you rather have a pet Wolf or a pet Tiger?

  • Pet wolf.

    enter image description here...what is it?

  • edited October 2016

    84... Did I get it?

    Favorite Telltale character's shoes...?

  • edited October 2016

    Pet Tiger. Correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that a Tiger is more "stable" around humans. If I am wrong, please let me know.

    The last weapon you saw/read of (fictitious, depicted, or seen in person) is your weapon for a hypothetical zombie apocalypse. What weapon is that? And on a scale of one to ten, how do you believe that you would fare? (0 = I am irrevocably fucked, 5 = I can survive, 10 = I am as a God/ess)

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