Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • I agree.

    In my opinion, S2E2 is the best and most complete episode so far in the series.

  • edited November 2016

    I've heard @DabigRPG talk about it and I wasn't sure what it was so I thought I'd ask.

    Which one is Sarah's "canon" death?

  • edited November 2016

    I didn't wanna risk other peoples' lives just to save one. And he was an asshole. :p

    I felt bad for Lilly until she killed my boy, Doug. And then tried to kill my other boy, Ben.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Really? Not even a little? You just killed the closest person to Lilly and... No regrets?

  • She tried to kill both? I thought it was only the one.

    I didn't wanna risk other peoples' lives just to save one. And he was an asshole. I felt bad for Lilly until she killed my boy, Doug. And then tried to kill my other boy, Ben.

  • The one where Clem decides to leave Sarah at the trailer park.

  • The "canon" death is the deck one. That's the one that had the canon on it... I'll see myself out.

    But on a serious note, can we please not start the whole "canon" discussions again. There was enough of this foolishness during the post-Season 2 forum frenzy. It's a choice based game. "Canon" is what you want it to be. Nothing is official or fake. Your story is how you want it. For the sake of us all that went through this mess 2 years ago...

    enter image description here

  • No, no, no. She tried to kill Ben, but in the process, killed Doug and missed Ben.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    She tried to kill both? I thought it was only the one.

  • And have you ever thought that maybe if Larry's head hand't been smashed, Lilly would never be paranoid, therefore she would've never had killed 'your boy' Doug?

    Maybe helping smashing Larry's head did came back with terrible consequences on you, at least I can live knowing that I had no part on the destruction of Lilly's mind state therefore also knowing that I'm completely faultless on the killing of Carley/Doug, same can't be said for people, such as you, who didn't decide to give Larry's life a chance.

    Just so you know that your actions played a part on the killing of Doug.

    I didn't wanna risk other peoples' lives just to save one. And he was an asshole. I felt bad for Lilly until she killed my boy, Doug. And then tried to kill my other boy, Ben.

  • I think

    I want

    it's not mine opinions

    Those are your opinions.

    poop1995 posted: »

    I think Clementine is ugly, I want her to die now! (it's not mine opinions)

  • There is no 'canon'. We all make our own choices.

  • No, this is not a popular opinion, that's why I wrote it. This is not what I think.

    I think I want it's not mine opinions Those are your opinions.

  • edited November 2016

    I'm sorry if I'm making you cringe when I say "my boy". I'm trying to sound cool, and I'm obviously failing miserably lol.

    As for the rest you said:

    You make some good points. I guess, if Larry never died, Doug/Carley would never have died. I think I'm starting to regret hating Lilly. Don't gonna regret hating Larry, though. But maybe I would have if he lived, because he might have given me some kinda thanks, or become my friend.

    Kinda like Finn from GoT.

    And have you ever thought that maybe if Larry's head hand't been smashed, Lilly would never be paranoid, therefore she would've never had ki

  • You are entirely right.

    poop1995 posted: »

    No, this is not a popular opinion, that's why I wrote it. This is not what I think.

  • :)

    You are entirely right.

  • edited November 2016

    I'm sorry if I'm making you cringe when I say "my boy". I'm trying to sound cool, and I'm obviously failing miserably lol.

    You didn't. I just used quotation marks because I'd never say 'your boy Doug' in a normal scenario : p.

    And hating Lilly for what she did to Carley/Doug is a valid sentiment as any other! What she did was terrible and she should be held acountable. Just saying that Kenny and determiant Lee's actions led her to that moment.

    And, yeah. Fuck Larry.

    I'm sorry if I'm making you cringe when I say "my boy". I'm trying to sound cool, and I'm obviously failing miserably lol. As for the res

  • I think I'm starting to regret hating Lilly.

    This is a sign that you have recently understood her better!

    I'm sorry if I'm making you cringe when I say "my boy". I'm trying to sound cool, and I'm obviously failing miserably lol. As for the res

  • edited November 2016

    The latest event in which she can die aka the Observation Deck. The quotation marks are me showing my distaste for how pointless and sloppy it was.

    Also, not sure if this was the right thread for this question unless you were replying to something I(DabigRG, not RPG) said here.

  • :D

    I think I'm starting to regret hating Lilly. This is a sign that you have recently understood her better!

  • I don't think A New Frontier will be able to pull it off.

    All these design choices the TT staff are adding to what will most certainly be a roughly 10-14 hour game seems their spreading the narrative focus very thin. Having two characters switching off a-la Tales from the Borderlands, mixed with Clementine's segments being apart of a different timeline all-together, and couple all that with not having the same leisure a comedic game like TftB had to work with will be difficult for me and many others to get any level of investment out of because of it's so-called "emotionally focused narrative".

    I hope it isn't a matter of "too many hands in the cookie jar".

  • edited November 2016

    Same, but I smashed that bastards head in for a different reason. I don't even feel bad at all. Fuck Larry.

  • I actually agree with all of these, except the Starved for Help.

    * I like Season 2 almost as much as Season 1 * I enjoyed playing as Clementine more than Lee. * In Harms Way is an amazing episode. * Sta

    • I like Alvin.

    • Carver was a great villain.

    • Kenny is my dude for life, despite the fact that I see his flaws.

    • I enjoyed S2 greatly.

    • Clem is a better protagonist than Lee.

  • Well, they pulled off 400 Days and Game of Thrones, so I think they can make it work for New Frontier.

    I don't think A New Frontier will be able to pull it off. All these design choices the TT staff are adding to what will most certainly be

  • I hardly know Javi and I already like him. Clem is still the coolest, though.

  • I agree with all of these 100%.

    Sanders12 posted: »

    * I like Alvin. * Carver was a great villain. * Kenny is my dude for life, despite the fact that I see his flaws. * I enjoyed S2 greatly. * Clem is a better protagonist than Lee.

  • Yes to all of this.

    Sanders12 posted: »

    * I like Alvin. * Carver was a great villain. * Kenny is my dude for life, despite the fact that I see his flaws. * I enjoyed S2 greatly. * Clem is a better protagonist than Lee.

  • "too many hands in the cookie jar"


    I don't think A New Frontier will be able to pull it off. All these design choices the TT staff are adding to what will most certainly be

  • I haven't played Game of Thrones, and 400 Days isn't the best example considering many people didn't exactly enjoy it's sloppy and unfocused narrative.

    You're also forgetting Telltales smash hit Jurassic Park game that is currently sitting at an aggregated score of 55-60. And that also had multiple narratives. So it would seem like a largely hit and miss risk right now.

    Well, they pulled off 400 Days and Game of Thrones, so I think they can make it work for New Frontier.

  • 400 Days isn't the best example considering many people didn't exactly enjoy it's sloppy and unfocused narrative.


    I haven't played Game of Thrones, and 400 Days isn't the best example considering many people didn't exactly enjoy it's sloppy and unfocused

  • Having two characters switching off a-la Tales from the Borderlands, mixed with Clementine's segments being apart of a different timeline all-together, and couple all that with not having the same leisure a comedic game like TftB had to work with will be difficult for me and many others to get any level of investment out of because of it's so-called "emotionally focused narrative".

    This is by far my biggest worry this season as well. I think I would have honestly preferred that Javier be the solo protagonist as opposed to dual protagonists.

    The 'flashbacks' themselves, while a cool idea, also sound concerning to me. I think the idea behind them is that in the 'main' story, we're going to see a changed Clementine, and the focus of the flashbacks is to see what triggered those changes and why she pursues a different mind set than the Clementine we've seen in the prior two seasons. The problem with this to me is that it sounds like it's trying to fit two stories into one. If we get Season Two length episodes with X amount of time spent on flashbacks, I have a strong feeling the 'main' plot is going to feel cannibalised and stripped down due to lack of time spent on them.

    I know this is all speculation, but every time I hear news I expect to be comforted and hyped that the next season is going to be fun. But every time I just get more unsure as to how it's going to be done.

    I don't think A New Frontier will be able to pull it off. All these design choices the TT staff are adding to what will most certainly be

  • edited November 2016

    Oops, sorry. I thought this was the TWD questions thread.

    And thank you.

    ... And sorry for getting your name wrong...

    DabigRG posted: »

    The latest event in which she can die aka the Observation Deck. The quotation marks are me showing my distaste for how pointless and sloppy

  • I agree with everything here.

    Sanders12 posted: »

    * I like Alvin. * Carver was a great villain. * Kenny is my dude for life, despite the fact that I see his flaws. * I enjoyed S2 greatly. * Clem is a better protagonist than Lee.

  • edited November 2016

    Y'know, there's more hands in the jar then cookies, someone's going to miss out.

    That's what they mean, right?

    "too many hands in the cookie jar" What?

  • edited November 2016

    Really really.

    DabigRG posted: »

    400 Days isn't the best example considering many people didn't exactly enjoy it's sloppy and unfocused narrative. Really?!

  • edited November 2016

    My opinions towards TWD Comic

    • Abe should have survived at least AOW and even after
    • Dwight was one of the best characters in AOW
    • Carl is the best character
    • I wanted Negan to die after AOW
    • But I soon changed my decision

    My opinions towards the Game

    • I loved Kenny in season 2
    • Lukes death was stupid, much rather he had been bitten
    • 400 Days was pointless and didnt really do anything for me
    • Lily should have stayed with the group
  • I thought people liked that DLC so much that they were really butthurt when the characters involved weren't very prominent in Season 2?

    Really really.

  • Lukes death was stupid, much rather he had been bitten

    Oh, I heavily disagree!

    Lily should have stayed with the group

    Agreed. To a point.

  • That doesn't really speak for the overall quality of the DLC though. Just that largely bland and uninteresting characters could be cool if they had more screen time. In fact, people primarily taking about 400 Days' characters making a return would, in some regard, hint at the fact the DLC itself isn't much more then a fairly forgettable experience that desperately needed it's characters to be expanded upon for it to even be worthy of it's price.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I thought people liked that DLC so much that they were really butthurt when the characters involved weren't very prominent in Season 2?

  • Okay then.

    That doesn't really speak for the overall quality of the DLC though. Just that largely bland and uninteresting characters could be cool if t

  • Now that I've had time to go back and observe certain aspects of that episode more thoroughly, I kinda agree.

    Deltino posted: »

    Amid The Ruins is probably the most atmospheric episode of the game. If there is one thing that episode definitely nailed, it was atmosph

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