Not an actual contribution(I am planning it, though just trying to make a
decision) but I thought in celebration of my milestone post(as in fifth), I would do a brief recap of all the suggestions I’ve made to this topic. Feel free to go back to the original posts for the full original experience!
5. Michelle/The Daughter: She seems like the type of person that would have bought Carver's "the strongest must keep the sheep in the pin" B.S., could function as a "rival" for Edgy!Clementine(which I can't say I'm a fan of, but still), made Carlos's role as a medic in the settlement relevant, and, at the same time, served to show the type of behavior that Carver is discouraging. This invokes the image of a school yard bully all grown up, as well as citizen/captive of Carver's camp with a similar development as Reggie, who will be portrayed as being afraid of Clementine if she recognizes who she is but still tries to fight against her as both a [dim] way to improve her standing with Carver and as payback for the scar on her stomach (as to why we'd see her with her shirt/hoodie up, don't ask).
When Clementine decides to go confront her where the other women are working, the two get into a scuffle that also serves to explain how she survived: she has a stronger constitution than her thin frame suggests but is also a terrible fighter due to having stolen to keep herself going. Taavia, Russell, Rebecca, and Sarita intervene in an attempt to break up the fight, with Sarita just barely managing to keep Clementine from approaching Michelle again and Taavia using her gun to neutralize Michelle, though Russell chooses to just stand aside with Rebecca rather than doing anything to stop Michelle. Having taken hits to her stomach wound, she painfully begins to yell at Clementine that she isn't the only one who lost people or had a rough time on her own. Despite Taavia threatening to shoot her if she doesn't calm down and stop struggling, Michelle begins to reveal her own backstory....
She reveals herself to have been the daughter from Steve's group, but like Russell, didn't like how merciless he was but her dad gradually convinced her that it was for the best, which she took to heart. After Russell secretly left the group, Steve nearly flipped out, eventually leading to an incident where his recklessness caused her to be traumatized when her dad died. She decided that going on the lam with some of Steve's booty was the right idea and eventually ran into Mike, who decided to take care of her for a while until they had a disagreement about how they should go about getting supplies. Michelle decided she prefered to be a solo "fisherman" so she can do things her way and have fun doing it, eventually leading her to Gil's Pitstop. Despite being in no condition to survive, both physically and emotionally, Michelle was able to get herself moving roughly ten minutes later and nearly blacked out before even getting out of the area when she found by a passing truck....
When she surprisingly woke up a few days later, her wound had been very crudely dressed by some redneck was clearly crazy attached to her and she decided played nice for several weeks just to get the guy to nurse her back to health. Impatient with even that, she decided to sneak off but he came after her less than a week later and she was forced for try and fight him off. Having come too far to just give up, she pretended to give in and let him do whatever he wanted in exchange for a ride to the state border. When they finally got there, she angrily told him off for his psychotic behavior and, surprising at this point, he didn't seem too insulted, even looking a little sad to see her go. Rather than push her luck by giving the nutcase a chance to change his mind, Michelle decided to begin her trek through South Carolina so she could get as far away from her past as possible.
Eventually, after several close calls, she was lucky enough hitch a ride—from Mike of all people—causing her to swallow her pride to out of hunger, thirst, and exhaustion once again sat in the presence of her mentor for a time. Despite intending to eventually rob him blind when the time came, she had to be there for him and convince him that he did what he had to and eventually soon her dirty deeds since she left were out in the open. Unable to deal with the hypocrisy of him being concerned for her decisions that she kept hidden when he clearly told her that he's done far worse on purpose, she left him in Laurens and made her way west just to avoid having to deal with him again.
After numerous run-ins with walkers, protective survivors, and the occassion bandit alike, she found a hope spot: an emissary for the Howe's Hardware community. She ended up being a citizen there, unfortunately she had a habit of getting into disagreements with the others and found herself in the pin on more than one occassion. Things finally found an air of consistency for her when the conditions had gotten tougher and Carver's leadership got more Darwinistic. The Cabin Group escaping meant that she got twice as much punishment as before and had to suffer the alienation of other citizens like Becca and Russell, in addition to having to deal with Carver and Troy's brutality. She just got to a point where she was so used to just allowing everyone to just do what they wanted that she just accepted it and become even more withdrawn. Not even having people like Mike or Jane around seemed to phase her much anymore. And then, barely two days ago, after Carver left on a retrieval trip alongside Troy, Bonnie, and Johnny a while back, he returned with the Cabin Group, Kenny, Sarita and Clementine in tow. Michelle knew she had a bad feeling when she heard about a girl in a baseball cap and had trouble sleeping the first night. And now, after all those months of suffering, she knows that Clementine and the girl from the bathroom stall are one in the same.
Ignorant of the fact that she's been crying for the past few minutes, Michelle claims that even after all that time of being angry, even after all her pain that made her numb, even after all her work to be stronger, she isn't able to get over how tough things are now. And, judging by how Clementine faired in the fight, she never could've beaten her and even if she did, she just doesn't have balls to get payback and outright kill her. After Clementine chooses whether Michelle deserves to just be miserable or she should take Nick's advice and forgive the poor girl, she is escorted away to the infirmary to have her stomach and battle wounds looked at. Her fate would be left up in the air, though Mike sadly implies that she was killed by either her injuries or by Carver or Troy assaulting her.
Purpose: I wanted someone who could mutually bust on Clementine and have it carry weight. Given that the two were "introduced" under very submissive circumstances, it could have blossomed into a very personal throw down: something I feel the game's story was severely lacking. While she happens to have the same problem that Natasha later would, she actually does have an advantage in that she has no ties to any major plot points that would necessitate her staying dead. So, that gives a smorgasborg of freedom to use her character in a later part of the game that could benefit from her existence: so she would go from Flint Marko into a morally gray (but not grey) character.
6. Mike/“Ralph”: When Mike is officially introduced to the players presumably the following morning of arriving in Carver's Camp, Clementine would recognize him as one of the guys that cornered Christa by the river, and alert Kenny to his identity. Should Clementine inquire on Mike's backstory when they get a free moment to talk about their differences, he makes reference to mentoring a scavenger girl with a bad attitude, whom he decided to take care of her for a while since she was obviously shaken up by whatever happened, before she decided to go her own way after he disagreed with how she wanted to go about getting supplies. After he resorted to stealing for himself, even going as far as to steal a car from a family of three who supposedly got themselves captured by bandits, he was happy to see her again on a South Carolina road in despite how shaky their separation was. After allowing her to hitch a ride for a while so they could catch up, things began to add up and soon her dirty deeds since she left were out in the open: She failed to repeatedly dodged his questions and the stomach wound she obtained from a shakedown gone horribly wrong occasionally ached. Getting very upset and concerned about her terrible decisions and the consequences that came with them, he was called out on the hypocrisy having done far worse on purpose before she left him in Laurens and made her way west just to avoid having to deal with him again.
If she sourly brings up that she is probably the one who tried to rob her using her own gun, accidentally killed Christa's husband/baby-daddy Omid due to how obviously untrained she was with one, and then got herself killed over it by Christa, Mike freezes in a conflicted manner, shakes his head a few times as if he doesn't believe her, and obviously tries to hold back his regret before deciding to laugh in spite of his grief. He explains that he actually finds it kinda funny that not only did he go and do exactly what he didn't want “Michelle” to do despite being the elder, but he also attacked her shooter with a loaded gun handy without even realizing it—he really was “Ralph” of the North Carolina Bandits! If Clementine tries to ask how knowing this information makes him feel, he thinks for a moment to really cycle through and contemplate his emotions before answering that he feels angry and desperate to think otherwise and...sad. She can take advantage of this moment to reveal how she felt when she had to run away and lose contact with Christa or when Omid got shot or when she had to deal with the fact that she killed Lee by shooting/leaving him. If she chooses to do so or not, it basically acts as an additional punch for her to throw his way and can use it alongside Michelle's death to either sympathize with him, ask him for his thoughts on whether he could forgive her, demand to know whether that makes them even, or even go as far as to mock him over what happened to him and Michelle.
While his immediate reaction would vary based on the response, Mike eventually calms himself down enough to simply talk through their similar losses with each other. He begins to furrowedly confess that he is starting to get some of the apprehension she had with being around him, not to mention the bitterness she has no doubt been repressing. Knowing that Clementine is directly responsible for Michelle getting herself killed by Christa does make him feel a little salty, but also...content. What he and Michelle did to her was wrong and while she could've easily kept all of this dirty laundry to herself or had him be dealt with and/or taken out anonymously, he's happy that she was [wo]man enough to accept her feelings and personally confronted him over it. He agrees that he'd rather those circumstances back then didn't cause any more confusion and hopes that it won't get in the way of a settlement for peace now. Though it's ultimately up to Clementine whether she wants to forgive Mike for what he was a part of, the general idea is that Mike is fine with your decision either way because he knows that what he did was terrible and he shouldn't expect her to trust him just because he apologized. If she chooses not to forgive him, Clementine will continue to tolerate his presence in favor of just working together out of an alliance of convenience since they're both trapped in a position where there is a bigger threat controlling their lives, to which Mike respectfully accepts her stance and goes about his business. Of course, Clementine would learn later that Michelle is still alive and has been browbeaten into accepting her place among Carver's citizens as a laborer and expansion worker. She could confer Mike to her presence among the populace so that his earlier heartbreak would be mended and he could have the chance to reconcile his feelings of regret.
His role from that point on would be roughly the same, with him helping out Kenny in the escape from Howe’s, helping Bonnie take care of Rebecca as she approaches her baby’s birthdate, coming to Arvo's defense with Luke despite having been shot, and finally the beginnings of his growing intolerance of Kenny's behavior, with his beating Arvo into a bloody pulp over the conditions of his house being the last straw. Another detail I didn't notice until recently was that after finishing talking with Kenny in time for Clementine to come clean his wound, Jane walks away to join in on a conversation with Mike and Arvo. I would kill to know what these three were discussing at the time, since not only is it one of the few times Mike and Jane interact with each other, but Arvo is also apparently part of the conversation. I think it would have been a great opportunity to not only develop Mike's friendship with Arvo and growing fear of Kenny, but it could also try to fix/justify a serious problem with Jane's character.
That gloomy night, when Clementine is awakened by the sound of a conveniently loose rope at the window, she finds Mike and Arvo putting his bag of supplies in the truck while looking for the keys. While more negative minded players could take this as a sign that he never really changed and run with it, those with a more neutral disposition would be able to see the intention: stealing the supplies really is nothing personal. His past actions and antagonism against Clementine stayed in the past, he just was pressured into stealing again due to his own standards and limitations concerning Kenny and his previously established bottled up regrets as a survivor: Arvo would be his second chance to make things right like he should've done with Michelle. Arvo draws a gun of his own and keeps his aim on her while having enough trust in Mike to allow him the chance to reason with her. Honestly explaining the situation despite knowing that Clementine's preexisting history and feelings around Kenny would only complicate things, Mike takes a moment to make the best decision before setting down the bag and, in spite of the possibility that Clementine could easily gun him down or alert the others, starts to ease his way towards Clementine to get her gun so they can talk things out. The fact that Clementine may not even bring AJ up doesn't really give her much leeway to convince them that their wrong for wanting to leave and I would like to think that Mike would be conflicted if she did.
As Mike approaches Clementine to hopefully get her to put down the gun so they can talk, you have four options at this point: ask to join Mike, threaten him to give up, warn him that you'll shoot, or call for help. While, on one hand, reinstating his original death scene would give the more vengeful players a chance to take out their frustrations with this development, I personally would rather he live. Because, on the other hand, we get a fitting character moment that really nails home the point of his forgiveness arc: he would be conscious, like in the final game, to witness yet another ally let him down when Arvo shoots Clementine regardless of her actions. This would also make Arvo's decision actually have a little more impact, as he seemed to be genuinely concerned about Mike's safety but he had truly crossed the line because he still decided to do so against his wishes so he could get revenge for Natasha. After Clementine drops to the ground and Arvo stumbles to his escape in a panic, Mike and Bonnie express shock that this happened and are concerned for all of their well beings now. Deciding that they need to go to avoid Kenny's wrath, he tries to convince Bonnie that if she is the first to go to Clementine's side; On the other hand, Mike himself also wants to help Clementine since he obviously didn't want anyone else to get hurt but decides to follow Bonnie and leave under the hopes that Clementine is in good hands. Once again, Mike has failed to convince a youth to do things in an orderly fashion and now he has to presumably live knowing that a little girl may have died because he took pity on someone who was nominally her enemy.
Purpose: Mike was originally supposed to be Ralph which is why their models look so similar. The original result of the gunshot Clementine hears as she runs away from the group had the bullet nick "Ralph" on the left side of his face and damage his ear. "Ralph" reappearing in Episode 3 would mean that the players would have an opportunity to have him explain what has happened with Christa, helped propagate a theme of gaining trust, eventually, he and Bonnie would become sidelined but appreciated comic relief in Amid the Ruins before playing major roles in the plot of No Going Back that would end in their betrayal. Leaving the "Ralph" subplot in the game would have make his penultimate betrayal more poignant, and possibly give us a deliberately vague clue to Christa's whereabouts. His connections with Michelle would give them both a negative parallel to Lee and Clementine, but would also tie in with the whole forgiveness arc that I recently confirmed was supposed to be in the game. While it would give them a common ground, it would sorta showcase a more black/gray and grey/white morality between the two: Michelle tried to rob Clementine and accidentally killed Omid, while "Ralph"'s band ganged up on Christa and tried to kill Clementine. And then, for their parts in these events, Michelle was popped by Christa, Christa was presumably sent off to parts unknown, "Ralph"'s band got wiped out by Clementine, Roman, and/or Carver, and Mike himself got his ear scarred and then got himself captured by Carver's group. It would serve to deliver a message about the cycle of revenge and how it may never end unless one person is man enough to admit to their mistakes and put an end to it. Kinda reminiscent to the Walter-Matthew-Nick situation, except on grander scale and, unlike with Nick, they have to look each other in the eye on a daily basis and thus deal with the consequences of their actions; Nick can even be the one to advise Clementine on this path, since he probably feels guilty that he never got to make it up to Walter before Carver killed him. It would also serve to distance Michelle from Clementine and Mike, who both have feelings revolving around friendship and preserving those who have helped you, and distance Mike from Carver and Jane, who both have policies revolving around self-reliance and killing those who have wronged you.If Clementine doesn’t forgive Mike, he proves himself a compassionate and understanding person who only did the bad things he does because he genuinely saw no easier way at the time, but respects her decision. I also gives him an edge against the other nebulous parties such as Carver, Troy, Bonnie, or Jane: While Mike and Michelle both have this shady thuggishess about them, they also have enough restraint to be trustworthy or, at the very least, predictable.
Here’s is a table of contents for old times sake!:
I want to get more mileage out of Mark, Mr. Parker2, Chuck, Omid, Becca3, Michelle5, Nick, Alvin, Sarah1, Sarita, Taavia, Reggie, Mike/Ralph6, and Natasha4. They all felt like there should have been more to them and the story could have benefited from their increased presence.
Though Mr. Parker2, Chuck, Becca3, Michelle5, Alvin, Reggie, and Natasha4 would still play relatively minor roles, just with more spotlight and development than they got.
I noticed Luke and Sarah stay with AJ. In this context, Kenny weren't attached to the baby? Cuz if it were the Kenny from the actual season,… more he wouldn't leave him behind. Perhaps not even Christa in this context.
I tried to make Kenny less of the villain that the original game tried to make him out to be which included his protectiveness of AJ. Kenny would want what is best for AJ and Sarah and Clem if she decided to go with Luke, Sarah and AJ.
And what about Chuck? The train guy from the 1st season? I'm curious if you would make any change about his storyline.
I did think about what i could change about Chuck but decided he would be one of the characters i didn't change for now but by all means if you can think up a decent idea as to what changes Chuck's character could have i'd love to see you share your ideas here too! Thanks for reading my post, i appreciate the time it took you
I posted this in the Dead Characters Potential thread. Not really canon to my other entries.
Troy would've been a "nice" addition to the team had Jane not decided he outlived his usefulness. Keeping a former villain around could lead to moral dilemmas.
Having Troy, Mike, and Jane(and arguably Sarah...) on the team at once would help bring forward more moral complexity to the team by having many of them be untrustworthy. Whereas Mike is a mystery due to dummied out plot elements and Jane is just suspicious in general, Troy had made little to no attempt to make friends with any of the Cabin, Ski Lodge, and Howe's Hardware group members(with the possible "exception" of Jane) and would be the token evil teammate who would have to earn the trust of the group and learn to interchange respect with others without fear and domination being the motivator. Given that he has the distinction of actually having some decent interaction with Clementine(grumpily saving her from walkers, slapping her for going into the comic shot after he caught her doing so before, butting her/Sarita in the face for attempting to stop Carver), it would call her willingness to trust, forgive, or begrudge into question.
He's a genuinely weak person, yet he struggled so hard to fit into Carver's definition of strength. It would have been interesting to see that characterization expanded on.Instead of killing Troy, take him prisoner and strip him of his gun and of the power Carver gave him. It would have been a breath of fresh air to see this cocksure, bullying lapdog given a taste of his own medicine rather than just killed off in the blink of an eye. Who knows, maybe it would have even changed him for the better.
I'm only thinking of this now because of a model swapped video I saw, but it would have been a much more morally compromising and imo fascinating scenario to have Troy in Arvo's position. Instead of just using Arvo to exist solely as an object to make you question your loyalty to Kenny, you could use this genuinely unpleasant person who, post Howe's, is rendered into essentially a non-threatening prisoner, with maybe some (?) Troy will remember that moments to tease possible future usefulness or maybe even a change of heart--and he's getting the shit kicked out of him in a manner that you know isn't a fair fight. So do you support Kenny, your friend who's mercilessly beating an unarmed man, or do you support Troy, who's harmless now, but has done horrible things and may or may not do horrible things should he ever come into that kind of power again?
You know, now that I've had some time to stew it over as a whole, suggesting that Becca is determinately killed by the Cabin Group or Troy is a bit much for what she is.
Ok, for the third time around, I'm gonna "generalize" my thoughts on Becca. For those unfamiliar with/who forgot the 400 Days characters, Be… morecca is a supporting character in Shel's scenario. Shel is a character I tend to forget but her need to make sure her sister grows up right in a world like the Walking Dead's, despite Becca's harsh demeanor, made her the most sympathetic of the 400 days protagonists. I mentioned in the 400 Days Longer Topic that I wish her story would have been longer. This would accomplish several things:
* Develop her relationship with Stephanie so her "betrayal" means more and show how her dynamic with Becca changed over time.
* Develop Roman a little more as well. Perhaps expanding on Dee's theft and ensuing karma while you're at it.
* Also, show off the Cancer group a little more so we can get a better idea of who each of them are and why they ended up exchanging one tyrant for another.
Back on topic,… [view original content]
I'd make it so that if you defended Nick in S2E2 and saved Sarah at the trailer park in S2E4, they'd die in the shootout with Clementine's group and Arvo's friends and sister. That way it would have had more of an emotional impact.
God, their second deaths in Amid the Ruins...
They're not even death scenes! They're nothing but cheap, poorly-written shock value.
The writers of that episode should never be allowed to use a pen, a pencil, a marker or any other kind of writing material, because apparently, they can't be trusted with it!
This is just some stuff I'd do.
I'd make it so that if you defended Nick in S2E2 and saved Sarah at the trailer park in S2E4, they'd die … morein the shootout with Clementine's group and Arvo's friends and sister. That way it would have had more of an emotional impact.
God, their second deaths in Amid the Ruins...
They're not even death scenes! They're nothing but cheap, poorly-written shock value.
The writers of that episode should never be allowed to use a pen, a pencil, a marker or any other kind of writing material, because apparently, they can't be trusted with it!
Apparently, one the writers (JT Petty, I believe; Ironic or fitting?) wasn't even an active writer for Telltale at that point.
At the very least, I thought the idea of Nick's death was kinda good but yeah, it sucked.
Sarah: Now I would instead get rid of the choice to Leave Sarah or Convince Sarah in the tralier park, Sarah would come with you no matter what.
Now this dates back to Episode 2: If you showed Sarah how to shoot a Gun, this will play a huge role in her fate for Episode 4.
Episode 4: Now at the part where Sarah falls off the deck, and Jane is holding onto the to remaining of the deck you're given the choice to Pull Jane up (In Which Sarah dies) or Give Gun to Sarah Now this choice is on possible if you showed Sarah how to use a gun, now Clementine will give Sarah a memorable speech, then Clementine will throw Sarah her gun, in which Sarah will man up and shoot the walkers that are coming towards her, buying herself time to escape from the debris and join back up with the group and LIVE. Jane will still be alive no matter what. However Sarah will die in the ambush.
Luke: Now at the Frozen Lake Scene, the same choices will appear where you get to Cover Luke or Help Luke. Now if you choose the Cover Luke choice, the part when you see Bonnie walking towards Luke, you can shoot Bonnie in the leg, which results in her death, but Luke will be able to get out of the Ice and live, but he will take Bonnie' s spot in leaving with Mike and Arvo. If you choose not shoot Bonnie, Luke dies. If you choose the Help Luke choice, Luke dies.
Episode 4: Now at the part where Sarah falls off the deck, and Jane is holding onto the to remaining of the deck you're given the choice to Pull Jane up (In Which Sarah dies) or Give Gun to Sarah Now this choice is on possible if you showed Sarah how to use a gun, now Clementine will give Sarah a memorable speech, then Clementine will throw Sarah her gun, in which Sarah will man up and shoot the walkers that are coming towards her, buying herself time to escape from the debris and join back up with the group and LIVE. Jane will still be alive no matter what. However Sarah will die in the ambush.
Huh. That's a pretty creative way to handle that, though I won't lie and say the idea of Clementine giving Sarah a speech isn't a little odd. What, are the walkers just saying their prayers as this is happening?
Luke: Now at the Frozen Lake Scene, the same choices will appear where you get to Cover Luke or Help Luke. Now if you choose the Cover Luke choice, the part when you see Bonnie walking towards Luke, you can shoot Bonnie in the leg, which results in her death, but Luke will be able to get out of the Ice and live, but he will take Bonnie' s spot in leaving with Mike and Arvo. If you choose not shoot Bonnie, Luke dies. If you choose the Help Luke choice, Luke dies.
This morning: Somebody dies! I think you're the second person I've seen mention Bonnie getting killed instead of someone else and this time, it's darkly hilarious!
* Sarah: Now I would instead get rid of the choice to Leave Sarah or Convince Sarah in the tralier park, Sarah would come with you no matter… more what.
* Now this dates back to Episode 2: If you showed Sarah how to shoot a Gun, this will play a huge role in her fate for Episode 4.
* Episode 4: Now at the part where Sarah falls off the deck, and Jane is holding onto the to remaining of the deck you're given the choice to Pull Jane up (In Which Sarah dies) or Give Gun to Sarah Now this choice is on possible if you showed Sarah how to use a gun, now Clementine will give Sarah a memorable speech, then Clementine will throw Sarah her gun, in which Sarah will man up and shoot the walkers that are coming towards her, buying herself time to escape from the debris and join back up with the group and LIVE. Jane will still be alive no matter what. However Sarah will die in the ambush.
Luke: Now at the Frozen Lake Scene, the same choices will appear whe… [view original content]
I won't lie and say the idea of Clementine giving Sarah a speech *isn't * a little odd. What are the walkers just saying their prayers as this is happening?
Episode 4: Now at the part where Sarah falls off the deck, and Jane is holding onto the to remaining of the deck you're given the choice to … morePull Jane up (In Which Sarah dies) or Give Gun to Sarah Now this choice is on possible if you showed Sarah how to use a gun, now Clementine will give Sarah a memorable speech, then Clementine will throw Sarah her gun, in which Sarah will man up and shoot the walkers that are coming towards her, buying herself time to escape from the debris and join back up with the group and LIVE. Jane will still be alive no matter what. However Sarah will die in the ambush.
Huh. That's a pretty creative way to handle that, though I won't lie and say the idea of Clementine giving Sarah a speech isn't a little odd. What, are the walkers just saying their prayers as this is happening?
Luke: Now at the Frozen Lake Scene, the same choices will appear where you get to Cover Luke or Help Luke. Now if you choose t… [view original content]
I won't lie and say the idea of Clementine giving Sarah a speech *isn't * a little odd. What are the walkers just saying their prayers as this is happening?
Well Bonnie will be covering Sarah during this.
Katja: I wouldn't have had her shoot herself. I thought that was abrupt, and out of nowhere. She was so calm and collected, and I understand that mental problems can be that way but still, in front of her son was too much. I'm very understanding to victim of suicide and depression, but I was so pissed off at her for doing that in front of her dying son. Instead I would have her not do that, and live on. She lives all the way till the (possible) scene of Lee dealing with his bite in the morgue. It'd be nice to even have her amputate his arm if she's there. Anyway, she slows down a lot during the escape due to her weight and age. I can't come up with a scenario off the top of my head in good details, but the situation goes like this. If Ben is there, he falls - Lee, Kenny, and Katja go down to help. Walkers close in, Katja's trying to help Ben even though it's hopeless, but she feels like by saving Ben, she redeems herself for not protecting her son. Kenny is not going to leave his wife behind no matter how helpless the situation is, and forces Lee to go on ahead. Their fate is unknown, but you do hear Katja scream. Spoiler alert: She dies, and Kenny tells all of it in S2. Now if Ben isn't there, Katja falls instead. So what happens to Ben happens to Katja, and Kenny forces Lee to go ahead yet again.
Season 2
Okay... here we go. Excuse me for being sloppy in the following since it's a lot, and I do mean A LOT.
Pete: I'm not going to change his death, but I'm going to add this important detail if you go with Nick. While in the area hiding from walkers with Nick, you can calm him down with Pete's watch (this is optional). You might not want to give him the watch since they already accused you of stealing from them, or you missed the watch while searching the cabin. Anyway, remember this detail.
Matthew: I'd try to have his death make more sense. Although he's having a peaceful conversation with Clementine and Luke, I would make him keep his gun ready at all times. Just a very smart and cautious guy. Sure, Clem's just a kid, but you never know with people these days. Nick finally catches him since he started walking all slow - way behind the group since he's sulking over Pete's death. Again, he had to catch up, so he panics and shoots first. Matthew doesn't see it coming, neither does Clem or Luke. It's a shock, a total surprise in mid-sentence. Hell, to make it even more fun - have him shot before he can answer the question about Christa lol.
Nick: Because of Matthew's death, in Nick's first death scenario - Walter can let him die if he's not convinced that Nick is a good guy. I say skip the whole convincing part since Nick was completely irrelevant until he showed up dead in the following episode. Make it to where Nick WILL die. HOWEVER, there's a chance you can save both Nick and Matthew (for a very short time). If you gave Pete's watch to Nick then he will not be too bad. Therefore he'd keep up with the group, he wouldn't rush to aid Clementine and Luke. Sure, he'd still be sulking but the watch will keep him focused on the goal. Matthew lives, brings them to his group, big reunion, happy dinner until all hell breaks loose when Carver arrives. Nick ironically saves Matthew from a walker, but is attacked from behind and killed. Again, I'm removing the scene where Walter has to be convinced to save Nick. I won't even have the opportunity there since I think Walter is a stand up guy even in grief.
Matthew & Walter: In Matt's second death scenario, it's when Carver has them in a cabin. Kenny has just shot down one of his men, in retaliation Carver shoots Walter. Matthew in a fit of rage attacks Carver, he's shot and killed by Carver. Kenny shoots, but the bullet only grazes Carver. Carver sort of shrugs it off saying he'll let that one slide since he took out another (Matt).
Alvin: Carver grabs Alvin, he threatens to shoot him if Kenny doesn't stop. If Kenny is by himself, he will shoot - the shot will only graze Carver, but enough to leave the man bleeding - and Carver will kill Alvin. Then he grabs Clementine, and that's when Kenny surrenders. If Clem is with Kenny you have the option to tell him whether to surrender or take the shot. If he takes the shot, Alvin dies as planned and the next target is Rebecca. You get the option to tell Kenny to shoot again, but Kenny will refuse because she's a pregnant woman. Alvin's second death scenario goes as planned.
Carver: Carver gets taken down by the group thanks to Clementine just as planned, but you have an option to tell Kenny to stop. Kenny gets a few hits in before he finally does. It takes all his might not to do it, but he stops. Rebecca is pissed off and an argument ensues. Kenny admits he wants to beat Carver to an unrecognizable mess, but he won't because of Clementine - and perhaps if he goes down that road there's no coming back. Rebecca aims her gun at Carver and gets ready to shoot. Now you have the option to stop Rebecca by telling her to think about the baby, "You wouldn't want your baby to grow up like him, right? He'll get what he wants!" You have other options, obviously, so if you fail then Rebecca shoots Carver in the crotch then the throat; a gruesome and brutal death. If you successfully stop Rebecca, she cries a bit, Kenny sorta comforts her with an arm and they leave. They think the walkers will get to him anyway - he'll get what he deserves. BUT ... at the end, if you leave with Jane and return to this place, you will find that all the supplies are gone. Carver's body is missing, but his blood trail is there (for a certain distance). Carver, some of his people, and the 100 Days group have escaped - that's what it's hinting to. Now if you let Kenny or Rebecca kill Carver, you see his body IF you're with Jane at the end, and that includes some of the 100 Days characters; those you see are walkers, the others may have wandered off as walkers or escaped alive. But you still have SOME supplies left if Carver is dead.
Sarita: Sarita's death if Clementine causes her death goes as planned, along with Kenny being pissed at her. However in the second scenario when she leaves with a bite, you have the option to keep them both company until it's time to put her down. Kenny does not blame Clementine for her death in this scenario. Instead, you get to see him really vent and mentally break apart. All your dialogue options will be met with pessimism, hopelessness, and sorrow. Of course there's an option to be rude and tell him to get over it, which will be met with anger or shock depending on how you've been toward him in previous episodes.
Carlos: Sarah's maintaining her composure quite well all things considering, but Carlos is still very concerned about her freaking out. So when he's shot, I'd have him shot through the head while he's saying something to calm Sarah down, in mid-sentence. Blood, brain, and skull all over Sarah. That much gore of her own father is more than enough to make her react the way she did - I'm hoping to get people to sympathize and understand her more rather than get annoyed when she runs off like she did.
Sarah: First death scenario in the trailer park? Keep it. It's good, broke my damn heart... Second death scenario? It happens during the shootout with the Russians. If you taught Sarah how to shoot a gun, she gets the courage enough to shoot one of the Russians. She fatally injures him, but doesn't kill him then in-turn she is shot and killed. If you don't teach Sarah how to shoot a gun, she still tries shooting one of the Russians, but the shot misses due to recoil and poor grip, she's then shot and killed.
Luke & Bonnie: Oh boy... So let me explain myself briefly on why I'd still have him die. I can't picture Luke leaving with Mike taking all of the supplies and leaving Clementine behind. Sure I could come up with a scenario of Mike and Luke arguing then Arvo shooting Luke, but that's too easy. Luke's death was fine at that point of the timeline, but the WAY it happened was stupid. Now, we start off the same way - Luke's shot and one leg in water. Only I would have made the gunshot more serious, but he was bandaged up well enough to travel. If Clementine goes after him, she falls through as planned. But instead of them fighting off walkers under water, he uses the last of his strength to push Clementine to the edge. She crawls out, using his shoulders and whatnot to escape while Jane helps pull her away. Bonnie tries to help Luke out but the ice crumbles more. Jane runs away to avoid falling in with Clementine in her arms. Bonnie won't leave and falls in with Luke. They watch on, but no one rises up. You only hear them splashing until being trapped under and drowning. If you cover Luke instead, Bonnie goes toward him and falls in as planned. Only this time while you're banging on the ice to break it, Jane stops you before you can. I personally disliked Bonnie ever since the betrayal, and while the story tried redeeming her - I felt they ruined that redemption by having Bonnie in the situation with Mike, or even having the chance of her blaming Clementine for Luke's death.
Mike: I'm bringing back the death option of having Clementine shoot him, but I'll add more to make the following event (Clementine getting shot) make more sense. So if you shoot and kill Mike, Arvo shoots you and escapes. If you don't shoot Mike, Mike takes the gun then knocks out Clementine (with his fist, not the gun). Now let me explain, Mike knocks Clementine out because he's that desperate to escape. I figure since he would leave her alone after she's been shot, he'd be willing to knock her out too.
Jane: Jane can be killed by Kenny as usual as a first scenario. Second scenario is if Kenny is killed, and Clementine discovers AJ is alive. After Jane tells Clementine what she did, you have the option to shoot her. If Kenny has not been shot in the head, or stabbed in the head post-mortem, you can let Walker-Kenny attack Jane from behind. Even if you warn Jane of Walker-Kenny and save her, you still have the option to leave her. Now leaving with Jane and Carver is alive, you find there's no supplies left as mentioned already. But when it comes to the family, you only see the boy approach the gates. He talks about a man attacking his mom and dad, his details makes it clear that it was Carver. Anyway, you still have the option of rejecting the boy - and yes, Jane will allow you to make that rejecting decision, but if you remain silent she will let him in. The last choice is not to make Jane cold, but she's trying to let Clementine grow into her own person in a way. So it's clear that she's not a parental figure, and that Clementine is truly a new sister for her.
Kenny: During the last fight, you have the option of shooting Kenny in the head or his side. If you shoot his side, things proceed as they usually would in that scenario with a small but meaningful difference. You will have the option to stab Kenny through the head after he has passed away, and also whether it's through the temple or in front (in case you want to respect the body). If you shoot him in the head, his brain matter falls all over Jane, and she gets up in shock - things go on as planned (for the most part). If you let him kill Jane, he will continue as planned talking about letting AJ get killed, how everything is lost now and pointless. Then he will ask Clementine for the gun, you can give it to him or refuse. If he's refused, he breaks down crying until he hears AJ crying - then things go as planned. If you give him the gun, he points it to himself and gives Clementine a speech similar to the one at Wellington, but way more self-deprecating. He talks very low of himself, how she's better off without him, how he's sorry. That she needs to find Wellington somehow. That he's sorry to Lee. Finally Kenny will ask Clementine to walk away. Clem can walk off, watch him do it, or stop him. Lastly, while deciding whether or not you will stay with Kenny once you both found AJ, Walker-Jane will come up behind Kenny. Whether or not you warn Kenny, he will successfully defend himself (just like in the woods with the other walker). However if you don't warn him, Kenny sees it as you tried to let him die. Although he doesn't say anything, he's cold and silent toward you. At this point you can still decide to leave with or without him. Leaving with him will be cold and bitter during the goodbye; he's more affectionate toward AJ than Clem, but it's clear he wants the best for both of you. However for not warning him, you WILL NOT be able to leave Wellington with him even if you decide to - he won't allow it. If you warn Kenny, things go as planned whether you leave him alone or with him.
Now finally... the alone ending. I hated this ending so much, but the option should be there. My changes will be minor. A different location, but still warmer. Clementine is cooking a rabbit much like the beginning of the game with Christa. She's feeding AJ the meat and having some herself. He starts crying cause it's too hot, or because it's not baby food - either way this attracts a walker. Clementine grabs a melee weapon, stands in front of AJ, cut to black.
Neat idea. Kinda squeamish about her taking Ben's place though.
Neat, I suppose.
While I like the option to have Mattew survive the bridge scene, why kill him off ? Especially taking the next thing in mind. Though I do kinda like the idea of Carver admitting he was excessive.
So I'm guessing you really liked Walter or something because why would you kill Nick regardless? Especially considering Matthew doesn't survive the episode anyway. I can only assume you're either filling a quota or just don't like Nick.
Why would Carver use Rebecca as a hostage if she's the main reason he even tracked them down? That seems really counterproductive to his plan.
I do like that you actually gave Rebecca an actual moment, though, so props for that. Also, spooky ending.
Aaaand my Rebecca question suddenly makes a little more sense, and that's as far as I'll go.
Holy shit! Also, yes, people getting annoyed when she runs off is stupid considering 1. she's technically making things easier on everyone by running away instead of just staying behind and crying, and 2. she doesn't have a weapon.
Thank you! That should've been obvious...which is why I didn't have her shoot any of them. :P
Nah, actually Luke dying wasn't a problem to me because it seem like actually fitting closure for his character. Though, I personally like the fact that Bonnie loses faith in Clementine if you don't go after Luke, since it's a harsh but understandable overreaction to losing someone when you believe there was a chance to save them--ain't that right, Jane? Also, what betrayal?
Okay, that is an example of something that should've happened because it makes so much more sense than Arvo shooting her regardless of his opinion of her specifically. Plus, its not like Mike hasn't been a hypocrite before, even where Clementine is involved. Although, I have to wonder what would happen if you ask to go with Mike and have a good relationship with him. Mike doesn't seem the type to just do something so blatantly aggressive to someone he likes, hence the tone in his voice when Clementine catches them.
Thank you! Though the idea of Walker Kenny and welcoming Gil into a place that's been cleaned out is a bit odd. I do like that it gives Jane a chance to pet the dog, however empty.
You know, I wasn't that big on Kenny...but these changes hit hard, man. Good job.
alone ending
I like it. Much more climactic and not depressing.
Season 1
Katja: I wouldn't have had her shoot herself. I thought that was abrupt, and out of nowhere. She was so calm and collected, and … moreI understand that mental problems can be that way but still, in front of her son was too much. I'm very understanding to victim of suicide and depression, but I was so pissed off at her for doing that in front of her dying son. Instead I would have her not do that, and live on. She lives all the way till the (possible) scene of Lee dealing with his bite in the morgue. It'd be nice to even have her amputate his arm if she's there. Anyway, she slows down a lot during the escape due to her weight and age. I can't come up with a scenario off the top of my head in good details, but the situation goes like this. If Ben is there, he falls - Lee, Kenny, and Katja go down to help. Walkers close in, Katja's trying to help Ben even though it's hopeless, but she feels like by saving Ben, she redeems herself for not p… [view original content]
Thanks a lot for reading all of that, I really appreciate it! I'll try answering all of your questions. I liked Walter, but not a lot. When I wrote Nick's death, I just didn't see him going the distance. But now that I think about it, it's probably because in the following episode he was practically invisible. Now I believe he would have fit better than Luke after Luke's own death. Like that situation with Mike, Arvo, and possibly Bonnie? I can't see Luke being in that situation with them, or even with Jane and Kenny. He's too much of a good guy, imo. However Nick has the potential to go that far, especially after losing Pete, Luke, and the others? I think we could have seen a twisted version of him. Not that he would be a bad guy, but something interesting nonetheless. Maybe if I sat for a while and thought about it, I could come up with a good plot for him.
The Rebecca situation is more of a bluff on Carver's part, he wouldn't really harm her. I was also thinking who else (other than Clementine) would be good enough to stop Kenny from trying to kill this guy? Maybe Sarah would've been a better choice, this way we could take his threats seriously.
Luke's death what I didn't like about it was just how it happened. I'm fine with him falling in ice, I saw it coming once we started crossing. But how in one scenario he's fighting walkers under water, and the other he drowns nearly instantly. But the timing of the death overall was really good. The betrayal I was thinking of was just the lie she did when we first met her. I shouldn't have said betrayal, it's my mistake. I saw it as a betrayal when I first played because I had played 100 Days prior to that. So I was really mad when she lied and set us up. I was so damn salty; I'm STILL salty.
Yes, Mike is not as good as a lot of people think he is. You're also right, I don't think he would hit Clementine for asking to go with him. Off the top of my head, all I could think of is the following: Clementine asks to go with him, but Mike refuses because he believes Kenny would really give chase. Clementine tries to argue in order to change his mind, and the commotion wakes Kenny and/or Jane. Arvo urges them to leave right away, Clementine clings a bit trying to change his mind at the last minute. Arvo (depending on how you've been treating him) either shoots Clementine, or shoots at her. I'm sure someone can come up with something better than that, though. I was going to originally say that Clementine shouldn't have the option to leave since she would abandon AJ, but there are options already to leave AJ (though you really can't). Like for example during the shootout, you can go for cover instead of trying to save AJ. Also choices shouldn't always go away, I like feeling free even when choices may not actually matter.
Walker-Kenny was something I was afraid about when watching the ending with Jane for the first time. Because there's a moment where Clementine looks over Jane's shoulder, and she's like, "Oh no!" Jane's didn't even bother to look. So I was like, "Damn it, Kenny just turned!" But no, that didn't happen. A few people told me they wouldn't turn because of the cold, but I remember we were walking through the snow storm and had to avoid or shoot walkers. I think the cold just slows them down severely which is why it's best to be in that area. As for Gil, I think of it as he's looking for some sort of shelter, you know? He has no idea there's no supplies, but he sees two people - who don't look scary - behind some sort of fort. He lost his parents, he's scared and lonely. Though my ending is being alone with Kenny & AJ, I really like the idea of Jane pretty much taking care of Gil, Clementine, and AJ. Or rather learning how to care for three kids. I'm a Kenny fan (obviously), but I didn't hate Jane. I cried during their fight, not gonna lie lol. Bawled my eyes out. I liked the potential her character had for development. So yeah, I would really enjoy the opportunity to see her grow into someone better or worse.
Okay, let's get into a few things:
Neat idea. Kinda squeamish about her taking Ben's place though.
N… moreeat, I suppose.
While I like the option to have Mattew survive the bridge scene, why kill him off ? Especially taking the next thing in mind. Though I do kinda like the idea of Carver admitting he was excessive.
So I'm guessing you really liked Walter or something because why would you kill Nick regardless? Especially considering Matthew doesn't survive the episode anyway. I can only assume you're either filling a quota or just don't like Nick.
Why would Carver use Rebecca as a hostage if she's the main reason he even tracked them down? That seems really counterproductive to his plan.
I do like that you actually gave Rebecca an actual moment, though, so props for that. Also, spooky ending.
Aaaand my Reb… [view original content]
When I wrote Nick's death, I just didn't see him going the distance.Maybe if I sat for a while and thought about it, I could come up with a good plot for him.
Oh okay. Yeah, I had that basic issue with him as well when I first joined (I've come up with what I would've done now, though) but I just thought it was weird to kill him and then kill Matthew as well.
However Nick has the potential to go that far, especially after losing Pete, Luke, and the others? I think we could have seen a twisted version of him. Not that he would be a bad guy, but something interesting nonetheless.
Oh, so some of my predictions about Sarah then. Got ya!
The Rebecca situation is more of a bluff on Carver's part, he wouldn't really harm her.
Well I would hope so, but considering Kenny already shot him while holding Alvin hostage, its still a pretty big ass risk.
Maybe Sarah would've been a better choice, this way we could take his threats seriously.
As a hostage? Yeah, I've thought about that as well. Though Kenny shootin anyway would earn him a double asswoopin.
Luke's death what I didn't like about it was just how it happened. I'm fine with him falling in ice, I saw it coming once we started crossing. But how in one scenario he's fighting walkers under water, and the other he drowns nearly instantly. But the timing of the death overall was really good.
Oh okay. And yeah, him having super drowning skills is a little weird depending on how fast you are. Though you could argue him banging on the ice overexerted him.
The betrayal I was thinking of was just the lie she did when we first met her. I shouldn't have said betrayal, it's my mistake. I saw it as a betrayal when I first played because I had played 100 Days prior to that. So I was really mad when she lied and set us up. I was so damn salty; I'm STILL salty
Yeah that what I thought. Personally, I didn't hold it against her since she was working for Carver and didn't actually do much besides possibly point out the lodge.
Yes, Mike is not as good as a lot of people think he is.
You know what, you're not the first I've seen say that. Maybe ya'll see something I don't cause excluding his unused past, Mike just seemed like a decent enough guy, if a bit of an occasional grump who had a habit of saying dumb shit.
You're also right, I don't think he would hit Clementine for asking to go with him. Off the top of my head, all I could think of is the following: Clementine asks to go with him, but Mike refuses because he believes Kenny would really give chase. Clementine tries to argue in order to change his mind, and the commotion wakes Kenny and/or Jane. Arvo urges them to leave right away, Clementine clings a bit trying to change his mind at the last minute. Arvo (depending on how you've been treating him) either shoots Clementine, or shoots at her. I'm sure someone can come up with something better than that, though.
Admittedly, I can't really think of too many ways myself outside of one of them fitting her and I kinda doubt Arvo would get physical unless he had a weapon...which does, nevermind.
Walker-Kenny was something I was afraid about when watching the ending with Jane for the first time. Because there's a moment where Clementine looks over Jane's shoulder, and she's like, "Oh no!" Jane's didn't even bother to look. So I was like, "Damn it, Kenny just turned!" But no, that didn't happen.
You know what, it's been forever since my first playthrough, but I think I do recall something like that. Kinda wish it were true, given what Clementine just learned.
As for Gil, I think of it as he's looking for some sort of shelter, you know? He has no idea there's no supplies, but he sees two people - who don't look scary - behind some sort of fort. He lost his parents, he's scared and lonely. Though my ending is being alone with Kenny & AJ, I really like the idea of Jane pretty much taking care of Gil, Clementine, and AJ. Or rather learning how to care for three kids.
Yeah, and admittedly, the idea of Clementine having her own community is hella appealing to me. Almost makes me wish Carver hadn't been so onenote and had a legitimate connection to Clementine, as well as makes me consider going with Jane on my third playthrough.
I'm a Kenny fan (obviously), but I didn't hate Jane. I cried during their fight, not gonna lie lol. Bawled my eyes out. I liked the potential her character had for development. So yeah, I would really enjoy the opportunity to see her grow into someone better or worse.
Well, I'm not much of a Kenny fan and I hate Jane. I do think her character deserves more development and more screentime than Kenny in the future, but I guess we'll see. Also, I'm sure Season 3 will try to pull something outta it's ass to redeem her, but I'm not holding my breath on that. Or Season 3 in general.
Thanks a lot for reading all of that, I really appreciate it! I'll try answering all of your questions. I liked Walter, but not a lot. When … moreI wrote Nick's death, I just didn't see him going the distance. But now that I think about it, it's probably because in the following episode he was practically invisible. Now I believe he would have fit better than Luke after Luke's own death. Like that situation with Mike, Arvo, and possibly Bonnie? I can't see Luke being in that situation with them, or even with Jane and Kenny. He's too much of a good guy, imo. However Nick has the potential to go that far, especially after losing Pete, Luke, and the others? I think we could have seen a twisted version of him. Not that he would be a bad guy, but something interesting nonetheless. Maybe if I sat for a while and thought about it, I could come up with a good plot for him.
The Rebecca situation is more of a bluff on Carver's part, he wouldn't really har… [view original content]
You're unique for not liking either Kenny or Jane; at least I think you don't like Kenny. I always see people choosing a side between the two, so that's why I try lurking the threads for people who got the alone ending. From the videos I saw it all boiled down to either Kenny was too dangerous, or Jane was too crazy. On a side note, I was so naive during my first playthrough; I believed that Jane, Kenny, and Clementine could be a dysfunctional family. Jane being the rebellious teen daughter, Kenny being the strict and grumpy father that means well. Then Clementine being the little girl that's stuck in the middle but holds the family together. If there was a way to get that ending, I would've forgave season 2 for a lot of the bad decisions (imo) they made. Because I wish there was a choice to just shoot in the air while Jane & Kenny were fighting!
When I wrote Nick's death, I just didn't see him going the distance.Maybe if I sat for a while and thought about it, I could come up with a … moregood plot for him.
Oh okay. Yeah, I had that basic issue with him as well when I first joined (I've come up with what I would've done now, though) but I just thought it was weird to kill him and then kill Matthew as well.
However Nick has the potential to go that far, especially after losing Pete, Luke, and the others? I think we could have seen a twisted version of him. Not that he would be a bad guy, but something interesting nonetheless.
Oh, so some of my predictions about Sarah then. Got ya!
The Rebecca situation is more of a bluff on Carver's part, he wouldn't really harm her.
Well I would hope so, but considering Kenny already shot him while holding Alvin hostage, its still a pretty big ass risk.
Maybe Sarah would've been a better choice, this way we could t… [view original content]
You're unique for not liking either Kenny or Jane; at least I think you don't like Kenny. I always see people choosing a side between the two, so that's why I try lurking the threads for people who got the alone ending.
It's not that I dislike him, more that I just don't have a solid opinion either way. I'm like a mood ring with him: I'm more than okay with him when he's helpful and when he's being an asshole, I wanna punch him in the face. At the very least, I recognized that he was once a decent man whose lost too much, so shooting him to stop him to going down the same road that Lilly did was the original choice. And then when the truth came out, I reloaded that chapter and had to let him cross it anyway just to make sure Jane was dead cause I was done with her.
I believed that Jane, Kenny, and Clementine could be a dysfunctional family. Jane being the rebellious teen daughter, Kenny being the strict and grumpy father that means well. Then Clementine being the little girl that's stuck in the middle but holds the family together.
Odd way to picture those three, that is.
I would've forgave season 2 for a lot of the bad decisions (imo) they made.
There's a thread called Thoughts on Season 2's Writing. I'm not sure what happened to the creator of it but you should totally put your thoughts there, if only because I have no idea where else would be more appropriate.
You're unique for not liking either Kenny or Jane; at least I think you don't like Kenny. I always see people choosing a side between the tw… moreo, so that's why I try lurking the threads for people who got the alone ending. From the videos I saw it all boiled down to either Kenny was too dangerous, or Jane was too crazy. On a side note, I was so naive during my first playthrough; I believed that Jane, Kenny, and Clementine could be a dysfunctional family. Jane being the rebellious teen daughter, Kenny being the strict and grumpy father that means well. Then Clementine being the little girl that's stuck in the middle but holds the family together. If there was a way to get that ending, I would've forgave season 2 for a lot of the bad decisions (imo) they made. Because I wish there was a choice to just shoot in the air while Jane & Kenny were fighting!
I posted this in the Dead Characters Potential thread. Not really canon to my other entries.
I guess Jolene? She's one of my favorite characters in not only Season 1 but the whole game series because she was amusing, intimidating, tragic, and she helped set the tone for the series in general. A two scene wonder, she is arguably one of the most memorable characters in Season 1 because she is visually a former middle class employee who just happens to fill that Crazy Awesome niche that characters like Nate and Vitali do but doesn't really fall into an outright villainous category. Robbed by the Save Lots Bandits, Jolene was apparently hunting and spying on her former co-workers long enough to know who they traded with, what said traders were doing to produce their product, and the fact that they were targeting the Hotel Group without anyone besides possibly Danny knowing that was doing so. This even includes sneaking into the Hotel yard at some point and taking Clementine's hat due to feeling a connection to her with the kidnapping of her own daughter Danielle.
Much like fellow bystanders/hostiles Irene, Beatrice, , Michelle, Troy, Arvo, and Natasha, I would've liked to have secured/captured her and try to help her get over her demons so she could move on with her life and maybe even become a helpful ally/member of the group given her skills.
Well, I suppose maybe Clementine could've actually saved him, maybe have Bonnie die instead. Luke would be alive and Bonnie wouldn't blame Clementine for Luke's death and Luke would help keep the group together, and idk.
Well, I suppose maybe Clementine could've actually saved him, maybe have Bonnie die instead. Luke would be alive and Bonnie wouldn't blame Clementine for Luke's death and Luke would help keep the group together, and idk.
Well, I suppose maybe Clementine could've actually saved him, maybe have Bonnie die instead. Luke would be alive and Bonnie wouldn't blame Clementine for Luke's death and Luke would help keep the group together, and idk.
Anyway, I probably should get back to this now that it's available again. I think I've seen a few things that can help me come up with material for the characters I didn't do.
Did you mean to post this as a separate comment?
Anyway, I probably should get back to this now that it's available again. I think I've seen a few things that can help me come up with material for the characters I didn't do.
Carley and Doug: Same changes you did.
Mark: Same thing with David except if you did not manage to cut his leg off Mark would be Dinner and Travis would Live ((Cause i think Ben should have atleast one character he could talk to freely Since the rest of the group just Saw Ben as a Kid.))
If David was the one who became the Dinner the same changes you said apply here.
Larry: during the Meatlocker Scene travis would be there since either David/Mark would become Dinner. He would try to stop Kenny which gives you a couple seconds of extra time to do CPR to Larry if you Side with Lily which would end up reviving the Old Asshole.
Larry would Give Lee the 2 coins and tell him that what he did Doesnt mean a goddamm thing to him.
He would then sit down because his heart rate still hadnt gone back to Normal completely and Lily would stay with Him.
During episode 3 if Larry s alive he will be shotdown as an Example by the savelots bandits which would Cause Lily to go insane with Anger and If Carley s alive you would be able to Give her your gun and ask her to cover for Him while he tries to get Lily to come down. If You dont Kenny will take off without her.
Lily: If Lily is taken out of the motor Inn she will break down and cry in the RV instead of accusing people.
Later on when you go get the Pencil she will try to steal the RV.
You can convince her if you choose the right Dialogue for her to step down and stay with them.
During episode 4 like with Doug and Carley you would have a Choice to have her Come with you to Crawford or Have her stay in the house.
If she goes to crawford she manages to get out with the Others but if She stays in the house Unlike Doug and Carley she Stays with Omid taking care of him.
She will get caught offguard by a walker that enters the house ((the same walker that enters the house if you Leave Clem in the house.)) and get bitten. When Lee arrives she will ask him to shoot Her because she s bitten if you dont shoot her she grabs the gun and does it herself.If lee shoots her you will get a chance to say something to her before shooting :
´´Im sorry Lily´´
´´You will be with your Father´´
If lily lives onto episode 5 She will get an unknown status because she would fall with Kenny if Ben s dead or Fall in the hole alone if Ben s alive ((If she fell with Kenny he would tell Clementine in season 2 that they got separated))
Travis: Unlike the original game Lee would not Find out that Ben betrayed them in episode 3 but in episode 4 In the house where he would overhear Travis and Ben talking about it and confront them. ((Ben would have told Travis in episode 3 instead of Lee about him giving supplies to the bandits.))
Travis would die the way Brie does in episode 4 ((Not before voicing his Opinion that they should not Kick ben Off and if they did he would go with him.))
Brie: If brie lives thought episode 4 she would either Make an appearance in the 400 Days DLC or in season 2.
If you were rude to the cancer Group she would Help them take off with The boat and be in the 400 days Dlc and Suggest to Kill the person they captured ((She like the rest of the cancer group/Roman s group would die.)) if You were nice to the Cancer Group she would disagree with them about stealing the boat and Be locked up in the place where the boat was kept in and Go with Lee to help Clementine.
She would die in season 2 To the Bandits that attack Christa.
Ben: I would keep the choice of Saving him or Dropping him but that s just it.
Kenny: Same thing you said.
Need to think more about what i would change from Season 2.
EDIT: Allright so i ve changed my mind on a couple of things so:
Mark: I would have Mark be able to survive until episode 5 but have him have a death in every subsequent episode after 2 ((Kind of what telltale did with Conrad in episode 3.))
episode 3: Mark can die attempting to flee the motor inn but failing but it can be avoided by having Lee help him before he helps Carley/Doug and Ben.
Episode 4: In the beggining of the episode Mark would save Clem with Chuck but unlike Chuck he would survive and Help Lee thought the Sewer Puzzle.
Mark would go to Crawford either way and you would get a choice of having Him go with Lee and Molly to get the Battery or Have him go With Kenny to get the Gasoline .
If you send Mark to get the Gasoline Kenny would come back with it and Tell Lee ´´He lost Mark´´.
If Mark goes with Lee and Molly He would ask Molly if she ever had a group before She would tell him she had one but she left then Run off on her Own to come back later ((When she appearks bashing the Crawford doctor s head in.)) After they get the Battery there would be a harder than Normal QTE to Bring Mark up after he tries to jump from the Building to the other one. If you fail Mark falls and Dies if you dont Lee manages to Pull him up and he lives though the episode.
In episode 5 he would have Ben s death scene whether or not Ben survived episode 4 or not.
after Mark s death you would get an achievement if you managed to Keep Mark alive up until that point with the Title ´´Final Destination´´ .
Duck: I would have Duck survive season 1 and turn out to be a pretty good Shot because of his hyperactivity helping him with Adreline situations. And also have Katjaa Get bitten instead of Duck so that Kenny still get his Arc from episode 3.
Thanks for your input although becauase Larry's heart had stopped, if he had been revived he would be extremely ill and without immediate medical care he would have died anyway and certainly wouldn't be able to give Lee the coins or what you mentioned.
Carley and Doug: Same changes you did.
Mark: Same thing with David except if you did not manage to cut his leg off Mark would be Dinner and… more Travis would Live ((Cause i think Ben should have atleast one character he could talk to freely Since the rest of the group just Saw Ben as a Kid.))
If David was the one who became the Dinner the same changes you said apply here.
Larry: during the Meatlocker Scene travis would be there since either David/Mark would become Dinner. He would try to stop Kenny which gives you a couple seconds of extra time to do CPR to Larry if you Side with Lily which would end up reviving the Old Asshole.
Larry would Give Lee the 2 coins and tell him that what he did Doesnt mean a goddamm thing to him.
He would then sit down because his heart rate still hadnt gone back to Normal completely and Lily would stay with Him.
During episode 3 if Larry s alive he will be shotdown as an Example by the savelots bandits which w… [view original content]
Thanks for your input although becauase Larry's heart had stopped, if he had been revived he would be extremely ill and without immediate me… moredical care he would have died anyway and certainly wouldn't be able to give Lee the coins or what you mentioned.
I liked what you said though
Allright so i ve changed my mind on a couple of things so:
Mark: I would have Mark be able to survive until episode 5 but have him have a death in every subsequent episode after 2 ((Kind of what telltale did with Conrad in episode 3.))
episode 3: Mark can die attempting to flee the motor inn but failing but it can be avoided by having Lee help him before he helps Carley/Doug and Ben.
Episode 4: In the beggining of the episode Mark would save Clem with Chuck but unlike Chuck he would survive and Help Lee thought the Sewer Puzzle.
Mark would go to Crawford either way and you would get a choice of having Him go with Lee and Molly to get the Battery or Have him go With Kenny to get the Gasoline .
If you send Mark to get the Gasoline Kenny would come back with it and Tell Lee ´´He lost Mark´´.
If Mark goes with Lee and Molly He would ask Molly if she ever had a group before She would tell him she had one but she left then Run off on her Own to come back later ((When she appearks bashing the Crawford doctor s head in.)) After they get the Battery there would be a harder than Normal QTE to Bring Mark up after he tries to jump from the Building to the other one. If you fail Mark falls and Dies if you dont Lee manages to Pull him up and he lives though the episode.
In episode 5 he would have Ben s death scene whether or not Ben survived episode 4 or not.
after Mark s death you would get an achievement if you managed to Keep Mark alive up until that point with the Title ´´Final Destination´´ .
Duck: I would have Duck survive season 1 and turn out to be a pretty good Shot because of his hyperactivity helping him with Adreline situations. And also have Katjaa Get bitten instead of Duck so that Kenny still get his Arc from episode 3.
Carley and Doug: Same changes you did.
Mark: Same thing with David except if you did not manage to cut his leg off Mark would be Dinner and… more Travis would Live ((Cause i think Ben should have atleast one character he could talk to freely Since the rest of the group just Saw Ben as a Kid.))
If David was the one who became the Dinner the same changes you said apply here.
Larry: during the Meatlocker Scene travis would be there since either David/Mark would become Dinner. He would try to stop Kenny which gives you a couple seconds of extra time to do CPR to Larry if you Side with Lily which would end up reviving the Old Asshole.
Larry would Give Lee the 2 coins and tell him that what he did Doesnt mean a goddamm thing to him.
He would then sit down because his heart rate still hadnt gone back to Normal completely and Lily would stay with Him.
During episode 3 if Larry s alive he will be shotdown as an Example by the savelots bandits which w… [view original content]
Part 2 for Space Limitations: The Milestone Duo!
Not an actual contribution(I am planning it, though just trying to make a
decision) but I thought in celebration of my milestone post(as in fifth), I would do a brief recap of all the suggestions I’ve made to this topic. Feel free to go back to the original posts for the full original experience!
5. Michelle/The Daughter: She seems like the type of person that would have bought Carver's "the strongest must keep the sheep in the pin" B.S., could function as a "rival" for Edgy!Clementine(which I can't say I'm a fan of, but still), made Carlos's role as a medic in the settlement relevant, and, at the same time, served to show the type of behavior that Carver is discouraging. This invokes the image of a school yard bully all grown up, as well as citizen/captive of Carver's camp with a similar development as Reggie, who will be portrayed as being afraid of Clementine if she recognizes who she is but still tries to fight against her as both a [dim] way to improve her standing with Carver and as payback for the scar on her stomach (as to why we'd see her with her shirt/hoodie up, don't ask).
When Clementine decides to go confront her where the other women are working, the two get into a scuffle that also serves to explain how she survived: she has a stronger constitution than her thin frame suggests but is also a terrible fighter due to having stolen to keep herself going. Taavia, Russell, Rebecca, and Sarita intervene in an attempt to break up the fight, with Sarita just barely managing to keep Clementine from approaching Michelle again and Taavia using her gun to neutralize Michelle, though Russell chooses to just stand aside with Rebecca rather than doing anything to stop Michelle. Having taken hits to her stomach wound, she painfully begins to yell at Clementine that she isn't the only one who lost people or had a rough time on her own. Despite Taavia threatening to shoot her if she doesn't calm down and stop struggling, Michelle begins to reveal her own backstory....
She reveals herself to have been the daughter from Steve's group, but like Russell, didn't like how merciless he was but her dad gradually convinced her that it was for the best, which she took to heart. After Russell secretly left the group, Steve nearly flipped out, eventually leading to an incident where his recklessness caused her to be traumatized when her dad died. She decided that going on the lam with some of Steve's booty was the right idea and eventually ran into Mike, who decided to take care of her for a while until they had a disagreement about how they should go about getting supplies. Michelle decided she prefered to be a solo "fisherman" so she can do things her way and have fun doing it, eventually leading her to Gil's Pitstop. Despite being in no condition to survive, both physically and emotionally, Michelle was able to get herself moving roughly ten minutes later and nearly blacked out before even getting out of the area when she found by a passing truck....
When she surprisingly woke up a few days later, her wound had been very crudely dressed by some redneck was clearly crazy attached to her and she decided played nice for several weeks just to get the guy to nurse her back to health. Impatient with even that, she decided to sneak off but he came after her less than a week later and she was forced for try and fight him off. Having come too far to just give up, she pretended to give in and let him do whatever he wanted in exchange for a ride to the state border. When they finally got there, she angrily told him off for his psychotic behavior and, surprising at this point, he didn't seem too insulted, even looking a little sad to see her go. Rather than push her luck by giving the nutcase a chance to change his mind, Michelle decided to begin her trek through South Carolina so she could get as far away from her past as possible.
Eventually, after several close calls, she was lucky enough hitch a ride—from Mike of all people—causing her to swallow her pride to out of hunger, thirst, and exhaustion once again sat in the presence of her mentor for a time. Despite intending to eventually rob him blind when the time came, she had to be there for him and convince him that he did what he had to and eventually soon her dirty deeds since she left were out in the open. Unable to deal with the hypocrisy of him being concerned for her decisions that she kept hidden when he clearly told her that he's done far worse on purpose, she left him in Laurens and made her way west just to avoid having to deal with him again.
After numerous run-ins with walkers, protective survivors, and the occassion bandit alike, she found a hope spot: an emissary for the Howe's Hardware community. She ended up being a citizen there, unfortunately she had a habit of getting into disagreements with the others and found herself in the pin on more than one occassion. Things finally found an air of consistency for her when the conditions had gotten tougher and Carver's leadership got more Darwinistic. The Cabin Group escaping meant that she got twice as much punishment as before and had to suffer the alienation of other citizens like Becca and Russell, in addition to having to deal with Carver and Troy's brutality. She just got to a point where she was so used to just allowing everyone to just do what they wanted that she just accepted it and become even more withdrawn. Not even having people like Mike or Jane around seemed to phase her much anymore. And then, barely two days ago, after Carver left on a retrieval trip alongside Troy, Bonnie, and Johnny a while back, he returned with the Cabin Group, Kenny, Sarita and Clementine in tow. Michelle knew she had a bad feeling when she heard about a girl in a baseball cap and had trouble sleeping the first night. And now, after all those months of suffering, she knows that Clementine and the girl from the bathroom stall are one in the same.
Ignorant of the fact that she's been crying for the past few minutes, Michelle claims that even after all that time of being angry, even after all her pain that made her numb, even after all her work to be stronger, she isn't able to get over how tough things are now. And, judging by how Clementine faired in the fight, she never could've beaten her and even if she did, she just doesn't have balls to get payback and outright kill her. After Clementine chooses whether Michelle deserves to just be miserable or she should take Nick's advice and forgive the poor girl, she is escorted away to the infirmary to have her stomach and battle wounds looked at. Her fate would be left up in the air, though Mike sadly implies that she was killed by either her injuries or by Carver or Troy assaulting her.
Purpose: I wanted someone who could mutually bust on Clementine and have it carry weight. Given that the two were "introduced" under very submissive circumstances, it could have blossomed into a very personal throw down: something I feel the game's story was severely lacking. While she happens to have the same problem that Natasha later would, she actually does have an advantage in that she has no ties to any major plot points that would necessitate her staying dead. So, that gives a smorgasborg of freedom to use her character in a later part of the game that could benefit from her existence: so she would go from Flint Marko into a morally gray (but not grey) character.
6. Mike/“Ralph”: When Mike is officially introduced to the players presumably the following morning of arriving in Carver's Camp, Clementine would recognize him as one of the guys that cornered Christa by the river, and alert Kenny to his identity. Should Clementine inquire on Mike's backstory when they get a free moment to talk about their differences, he makes reference to mentoring a scavenger girl with a bad attitude, whom he decided to take care of her for a while since she was obviously shaken up by whatever happened, before she decided to go her own way after he disagreed with how she wanted to go about getting supplies. After he resorted to stealing for himself, even going as far as to steal a car from a family of three who supposedly got themselves captured by bandits, he was happy to see her again on a South Carolina road in despite how shaky their separation was. After allowing her to hitch a ride for a while so they could catch up, things began to add up and soon her dirty deeds since she left were out in the open: She failed to repeatedly dodged his questions and the stomach wound she obtained from a shakedown gone horribly wrong occasionally ached. Getting very upset and concerned about her terrible decisions and the consequences that came with them, he was called out on the hypocrisy having done far worse on purpose before she left him in Laurens and made her way west just to avoid having to deal with him again.
If she sourly brings up that she is probably the one who tried to rob her using her own gun, accidentally killed Christa's husband/baby-daddy Omid due to how obviously untrained she was with one, and then got herself killed over it by Christa, Mike freezes in a conflicted manner, shakes his head a few times as if he doesn't believe her, and obviously tries to hold back his regret before deciding to laugh in spite of his grief. He explains that he actually finds it kinda funny that not only did he go and do exactly what he didn't want “Michelle” to do despite being the elder, but he also attacked her shooter with a loaded gun handy without even realizing it—he really was “Ralph” of the North Carolina Bandits! If Clementine tries to ask how knowing this information makes him feel, he thinks for a moment to really cycle through and contemplate his emotions before answering that he feels angry and desperate to think otherwise and...sad. She can take advantage of this moment to reveal how she felt when she had to run away and lose contact with Christa or when Omid got shot or when she had to deal with the fact that she killed Lee by shooting/leaving him. If she chooses to do so or not, it basically acts as an additional punch for her to throw his way and can use it alongside Michelle's death to either sympathize with him, ask him for his thoughts on whether he could forgive her, demand to know whether that makes them even, or even go as far as to mock him over what happened to him and Michelle.
While his immediate reaction would vary based on the response, Mike eventually calms himself down enough to simply talk through their similar losses with each other. He begins to furrowedly confess that he is starting to get some of the apprehension she had with being around him, not to mention the bitterness she has no doubt been repressing. Knowing that Clementine is directly responsible for Michelle getting herself killed by Christa does make him feel a little salty, but also...content. What he and Michelle did to her was wrong and while she could've easily kept all of this dirty laundry to herself or had him be dealt with and/or taken out anonymously, he's happy that she was [wo]man enough to accept her feelings and personally confronted him over it. He agrees that he'd rather those circumstances back then didn't cause any more confusion and hopes that it won't get in the way of a settlement for peace now. Though it's ultimately up to Clementine whether she wants to forgive Mike for what he was a part of, the general idea is that Mike is fine with your decision either way because he knows that what he did was terrible and he shouldn't expect her to trust him just because he apologized. If she chooses not to forgive him, Clementine will continue to tolerate his presence in favor of just working together out of an alliance of convenience since they're both trapped in a position where there is a bigger threat controlling their lives, to which Mike respectfully accepts her stance and goes about his business. Of course, Clementine would learn later that Michelle is still alive and has been browbeaten into accepting her place among Carver's citizens as a laborer and expansion worker. She could confer Mike to her presence among the populace so that his earlier heartbreak would be mended and he could have the chance to reconcile his feelings of regret.
His role from that point on would be roughly the same, with him helping out Kenny in the escape from Howe’s, helping Bonnie take care of Rebecca as she approaches her baby’s birthdate, coming to Arvo's defense with Luke despite having been shot, and finally the beginnings of his growing intolerance of Kenny's behavior, with his beating Arvo into a bloody pulp over the conditions of his house being the last straw. Another detail I didn't notice until recently was that after finishing talking with Kenny in time for Clementine to come clean his wound, Jane walks away to join in on a conversation with Mike and Arvo. I would kill to know what these three were discussing at the time, since not only is it one of the few times Mike and Jane interact with each other, but Arvo is also apparently part of the conversation. I think it would have been a great opportunity to not only develop Mike's friendship with Arvo and growing fear of Kenny, but it could also try to fix/justify a serious problem with Jane's character.
That gloomy night, when Clementine is awakened by the sound of a conveniently loose rope at the window, she finds Mike and Arvo putting his bag of supplies in the truck while looking for the keys. While more negative minded players could take this as a sign that he never really changed and run with it, those with a more neutral disposition would be able to see the intention: stealing the supplies really is nothing personal. His past actions and antagonism against Clementine stayed in the past, he just was pressured into stealing again due to his own standards and limitations concerning Kenny and his previously established bottled up regrets as a survivor: Arvo would be his second chance to make things right like he should've done with Michelle. Arvo draws a gun of his own and keeps his aim on her while having enough trust in Mike to allow him the chance to reason with her. Honestly explaining the situation despite knowing that Clementine's preexisting history and feelings around Kenny would only complicate things, Mike takes a moment to make the best decision before setting down the bag and, in spite of the possibility that Clementine could easily gun him down or alert the others, starts to ease his way towards Clementine to get her gun so they can talk things out. The fact that Clementine may not even bring AJ up doesn't really give her much leeway to convince them that their wrong for wanting to leave and I would like to think that Mike would be conflicted if she did.
As Mike approaches Clementine to hopefully get her to put down the gun so they can talk, you have four options at this point: ask to join Mike, threaten him to give up, warn him that you'll shoot, or call for help. While, on one hand, reinstating his original death scene would give the more vengeful players a chance to take out their frustrations with this development, I personally would rather he live. Because, on the other hand, we get a fitting character moment that really nails home the point of his forgiveness arc: he would be conscious, like in the final game, to witness yet another ally let him down when Arvo shoots Clementine regardless of her actions. This would also make Arvo's decision actually have a little more impact, as he seemed to be genuinely concerned about Mike's safety but he had truly crossed the line because he still decided to do so against his wishes so he could get revenge for Natasha. After Clementine drops to the ground and Arvo stumbles to his escape in a panic, Mike and Bonnie express shock that this happened and are concerned for all of their well beings now. Deciding that they need to go to avoid Kenny's wrath, he tries to convince Bonnie that if she is the first to go to Clementine's side; On the other hand, Mike himself also wants to help Clementine since he obviously didn't want anyone else to get hurt but decides to follow Bonnie and leave under the hopes that Clementine is in good hands. Once again, Mike has failed to convince a youth to do things in an orderly fashion and now he has to presumably live knowing that a little girl may have died because he took pity on someone who was nominally her enemy.
Purpose: Mike was originally supposed to be Ralph which is why their models look so similar. The original result of the gunshot Clementine hears as she runs away from the group had the bullet nick "Ralph" on the left side of his face and damage his ear. "Ralph" reappearing in Episode 3 would mean that the players would have an opportunity to have him explain what has happened with Christa, helped propagate a theme of gaining trust, eventually, he and Bonnie would become sidelined but appreciated comic relief in Amid the Ruins before playing major roles in the plot of No Going Back that would end in their betrayal. Leaving the "Ralph" subplot in the game would have make his penultimate betrayal more poignant, and possibly give us a deliberately vague clue to Christa's whereabouts. His connections with Michelle would give them both a negative parallel to Lee and Clementine, but would also tie in with the whole forgiveness arc that I recently confirmed was supposed to be in the game. While it would give them a common ground, it would sorta showcase a more black/gray and grey/white morality between the two: Michelle tried to rob Clementine and accidentally killed Omid, while "Ralph"'s band ganged up on Christa and tried to kill Clementine. And then, for their parts in these events, Michelle was popped by Christa, Christa was presumably sent off to parts unknown, "Ralph"'s band got wiped out by Clementine, Roman, and/or Carver, and Mike himself got his ear scarred and then got himself captured by Carver's group. It would serve to deliver a message about the cycle of revenge and how it may never end unless one person is man enough to admit to their mistakes and put an end to it. Kinda reminiscent to the Walter-Matthew-Nick situation, except on grander scale and, unlike with Nick, they have to look each other in the eye on a daily basis and thus deal with the consequences of their actions; Nick can even be the one to advise Clementine on this path, since he probably feels guilty that he never got to make it up to Walter before Carver killed him. It would also serve to distance Michelle from Clementine and Mike, who both have feelings revolving around friendship and preserving those who have helped you, and distance Mike from Carver and Jane, who both have policies revolving around self-reliance and killing those who have wronged you.If Clementine doesn’t forgive Mike, he proves himself a compassionate and understanding person who only did the bad things he does because he genuinely saw no easier way at the time, but respects her decision. I also gives him an edge against the other nebulous parties such as Carver, Troy, Bonnie, or Jane: While Mike and Michelle both have this shady thuggishess about them, they also have enough restraint to be trustworthy or, at the very least, predictable.
Here’s is a table of contents for old times sake!:
I want to get more mileage out of Mark, Mr. Parker2, Chuck, Omid, Becca3, Michelle5, Nick, Alvin, Sarah1, Sarita, Taavia, Reggie, Mike/Ralph6, and Natasha4. They all felt like there should have been more to them and the story could have benefited from their increased presence.
Though Mr. Parker2, Chuck, Becca3, Michelle5, Alvin, Reggie, and Natasha4 would still play relatively minor roles, just with more spotlight and development than they got.
WOW, that's a huge tread, you must've put a lot of work on writing it
You talkin to me? Or dan?
Dan, but you did write a lot as well :b
That's a problem I had with Natasha and suspect will be a problem with Chuck as well.
I posted this in the Dead Characters Potential thread. Not really canon to my other entries.
Troy would've been a "nice" addition to the team had Jane not decided he outlived his usefulness. Keeping a former villain around could lead to moral dilemmas.
Having Troy, Mike, and Jane(and arguably Sarah...) on the team at once would help bring forward more moral complexity to the team by having many of them be untrustworthy. Whereas Mike is a mystery due to dummied out plot elements and Jane is just suspicious in general, Troy had made little to no attempt to make friends with any of the Cabin, Ski Lodge, and Howe's Hardware group members(with the possible "exception" of Jane) and would be the token evil teammate who would have to earn the trust of the group and learn to interchange respect with others without fear and domination being the motivator. Given that he has the distinction of actually having some decent interaction with Clementine(grumpily saving her from walkers, slapping her for going into the comic shot after he caught her doing so before, butting her/Sarita in the face for attempting to stop Carver), it would call her willingness to trust, forgive, or begrudge into question.
Here's an example from an old thread:
Thanks man and thanks for reading it.
You know, now that I've had some time to stew it over as a whole, suggesting that Becca is determinately killed by the Cabin Group or Troy is a bit much for what she is.
This is just some stuff I'd do.
I'd make it so that if you defended Nick in S2E2 and saved Sarah at the trailer park in S2E4, they'd die in the shootout with Clementine's group and Arvo's friends and sister. That way it would have had more of an emotional impact.
God, their second deaths in Amid the Ruins...
They're not even death scenes! They're nothing but cheap, poorly-written shock value.
The writers of that episode should never be allowed to use a pen, a pencil, a marker or any other kind of writing material, because apparently, they can't be trusted with it!
Apparently, one the writers (JT Petty, I believe; Ironic or fitting?) wasn't even an active writer for Telltale at that point.
At the very least, I thought the idea of Nick's death was kinda good but yeah, it sucked.
Can you show me proof, pleaz?
People mention it here.
Luke: Now at the Frozen Lake Scene, the same choices will appear where you get to Cover Luke or Help Luke. Now if you choose the Cover Luke choice, the part when you see Bonnie walking towards Luke, you can shoot Bonnie in the leg, which results in her death, but Luke will be able to get out of the Ice and live, but he will take Bonnie' s spot in leaving with Mike and Arvo. If you choose not shoot Bonnie, Luke dies. If you choose the Help Luke choice, Luke dies.
Huh. That's a pretty creative way to handle that, though I won't lie and say the idea of Clementine giving Sarah a speech isn't a little odd. What, are the walkers just saying their prayers as this is happening?![:lol: :lol:](
This morning: Somebody dies! I think you're the second person I've seen mention Bonnie getting killed instead of someone else and this time, it's darkly hilarious!
Well Bonnie will be covering Sarah during this.
Doy! That should've been obvious.![:blush: :blush:](
Season 1
Katja: I wouldn't have had her shoot herself. I thought that was abrupt, and out of nowhere. She was so calm and collected, and I understand that mental problems can be that way but still, in front of her son was too much. I'm very understanding to victim of suicide and depression, but I was so pissed off at her for doing that in front of her dying son. Instead I would have her not do that, and live on. She lives all the way till the (possible) scene of Lee dealing with his bite in the morgue. It'd be nice to even have her amputate his arm if she's there. Anyway, she slows down a lot during the escape due to her weight and age. I can't come up with a scenario off the top of my head in good details, but the situation goes like this. If Ben is there, he falls - Lee, Kenny, and Katja go down to help. Walkers close in, Katja's trying to help Ben even though it's hopeless, but she feels like by saving Ben, she redeems herself for not protecting her son. Kenny is not going to leave his wife behind no matter how helpless the situation is, and forces Lee to go on ahead. Their fate is unknown, but you do hear Katja scream. Spoiler alert: She dies, and Kenny tells all of it in S2. Now if Ben isn't there, Katja falls instead. So what happens to Ben happens to Katja, and Kenny forces Lee to go ahead yet again.
Season 2
Okay... here we go. Excuse me for being sloppy in the following since it's a lot, and I do mean A LOT.
Pete: I'm not going to change his death, but I'm going to add this important detail if you go with Nick. While in the area hiding from walkers with Nick, you can calm him down with Pete's watch (this is optional). You might not want to give him the watch since they already accused you of stealing from them, or you missed the watch while searching the cabin. Anyway, remember this detail.
Matthew: I'd try to have his death make more sense. Although he's having a peaceful conversation with Clementine and Luke, I would make him keep his gun ready at all times. Just a very smart and cautious guy. Sure, Clem's just a kid, but you never know with people these days. Nick finally catches him since he started walking all slow - way behind the group since he's sulking over Pete's death. Again, he had to catch up, so he panics and shoots first. Matthew doesn't see it coming, neither does Clem or Luke. It's a shock, a total surprise in mid-sentence. Hell, to make it even more fun - have him shot before he can answer the question about Christa lol.
Nick: Because of Matthew's death, in Nick's first death scenario - Walter can let him die if he's not convinced that Nick is a good guy. I say skip the whole convincing part since Nick was completely irrelevant until he showed up dead in the following episode. Make it to where Nick WILL die. HOWEVER, there's a chance you can save both Nick and Matthew (for a very short time). If you gave Pete's watch to Nick then he will not be too bad. Therefore he'd keep up with the group, he wouldn't rush to aid Clementine and Luke. Sure, he'd still be sulking but the watch will keep him focused on the goal. Matthew lives, brings them to his group, big reunion, happy dinner until all hell breaks loose when Carver arrives. Nick ironically saves Matthew from a walker, but is attacked from behind and killed. Again, I'm removing the scene where Walter has to be convinced to save Nick. I won't even have the opportunity there since I think Walter is a stand up guy even in grief.
Matthew & Walter: In Matt's second death scenario, it's when Carver has them in a cabin. Kenny has just shot down one of his men, in retaliation Carver shoots Walter. Matthew in a fit of rage attacks Carver, he's shot and killed by Carver. Kenny shoots, but the bullet only grazes Carver. Carver sort of shrugs it off saying he'll let that one slide since he took out another (Matt).
Alvin: Carver grabs Alvin, he threatens to shoot him if Kenny doesn't stop. If Kenny is by himself, he will shoot - the shot will only graze Carver, but enough to leave the man bleeding - and Carver will kill Alvin. Then he grabs Clementine, and that's when Kenny surrenders. If Clem is with Kenny you have the option to tell him whether to surrender or take the shot. If he takes the shot, Alvin dies as planned and the next target is Rebecca. You get the option to tell Kenny to shoot again, but Kenny will refuse because she's a pregnant woman. Alvin's second death scenario goes as planned.
Carver: Carver gets taken down by the group thanks to Clementine just as planned, but you have an option to tell Kenny to stop. Kenny gets a few hits in before he finally does. It takes all his might not to do it, but he stops. Rebecca is pissed off and an argument ensues. Kenny admits he wants to beat Carver to an unrecognizable mess, but he won't because of Clementine - and perhaps if he goes down that road there's no coming back. Rebecca aims her gun at Carver and gets ready to shoot. Now you have the option to stop Rebecca by telling her to think about the baby, "You wouldn't want your baby to grow up like him, right? He'll get what he wants!" You have other options, obviously, so if you fail then Rebecca shoots Carver in the crotch then the throat; a gruesome and brutal death. If you successfully stop Rebecca, she cries a bit, Kenny sorta comforts her with an arm and they leave. They think the walkers will get to him anyway - he'll get what he deserves. BUT ... at the end, if you leave with Jane and return to this place, you will find that all the supplies are gone. Carver's body is missing, but his blood trail is there (for a certain distance). Carver, some of his people, and the 100 Days group have escaped - that's what it's hinting to. Now if you let Kenny or Rebecca kill Carver, you see his body IF you're with Jane at the end, and that includes some of the 100 Days characters; those you see are walkers, the others may have wandered off as walkers or escaped alive. But you still have SOME supplies left if Carver is dead.
Sarita: Sarita's death if Clementine causes her death goes as planned, along with Kenny being pissed at her. However in the second scenario when she leaves with a bite, you have the option to keep them both company until it's time to put her down. Kenny does not blame Clementine for her death in this scenario. Instead, you get to see him really vent and mentally break apart. All your dialogue options will be met with pessimism, hopelessness, and sorrow. Of course there's an option to be rude and tell him to get over it, which will be met with anger or shock depending on how you've been toward him in previous episodes.
Carlos: Sarah's maintaining her composure quite well all things considering, but Carlos is still very concerned about her freaking out. So when he's shot, I'd have him shot through the head while he's saying something to calm Sarah down, in mid-sentence. Blood, brain, and skull all over Sarah. That much gore of her own father is more than enough to make her react the way she did - I'm hoping to get people to sympathize and understand her more rather than get annoyed when she runs off like she did.
Sarah: First death scenario in the trailer park? Keep it. It's good, broke my damn heart... Second death scenario? It happens during the shootout with the Russians. If you taught Sarah how to shoot a gun, she gets the courage enough to shoot one of the Russians. She fatally injures him, but doesn't kill him then in-turn she is shot and killed. If you don't teach Sarah how to shoot a gun, she still tries shooting one of the Russians, but the shot misses due to recoil and poor grip, she's then shot and killed.
Luke & Bonnie: Oh boy... So let me explain myself briefly on why I'd still have him die. I can't picture Luke leaving with Mike taking all of the supplies and leaving Clementine behind. Sure I could come up with a scenario of Mike and Luke arguing then Arvo shooting Luke, but that's too easy. Luke's death was fine at that point of the timeline, but the WAY it happened was stupid. Now, we start off the same way - Luke's shot and one leg in water. Only I would have made the gunshot more serious, but he was bandaged up well enough to travel. If Clementine goes after him, she falls through as planned. But instead of them fighting off walkers under water, he uses the last of his strength to push Clementine to the edge. She crawls out, using his shoulders and whatnot to escape while Jane helps pull her away. Bonnie tries to help Luke out but the ice crumbles more. Jane runs away to avoid falling in with Clementine in her arms. Bonnie won't leave and falls in with Luke. They watch on, but no one rises up. You only hear them splashing until being trapped under and drowning. If you cover Luke instead, Bonnie goes toward him and falls in as planned. Only this time while you're banging on the ice to break it, Jane stops you before you can. I personally disliked Bonnie ever since the betrayal, and while the story tried redeeming her - I felt they ruined that redemption by having Bonnie in the situation with Mike, or even having the chance of her blaming Clementine for Luke's death.
Mike: I'm bringing back the death option of having Clementine shoot him, but I'll add more to make the following event (Clementine getting shot) make more sense. So if you shoot and kill Mike, Arvo shoots you and escapes. If you don't shoot Mike, Mike takes the gun then knocks out Clementine (with his fist, not the gun). Now let me explain, Mike knocks Clementine out because he's that desperate to escape. I figure since he would leave her alone after she's been shot, he'd be willing to knock her out too.
Jane: Jane can be killed by Kenny as usual as a first scenario. Second scenario is if Kenny is killed, and Clementine discovers AJ is alive. After Jane tells Clementine what she did, you have the option to shoot her. If Kenny has not been shot in the head, or stabbed in the head post-mortem, you can let Walker-Kenny attack Jane from behind. Even if you warn Jane of Walker-Kenny and save her, you still have the option to leave her. Now leaving with Jane and Carver is alive, you find there's no supplies left as mentioned already. But when it comes to the family, you only see the boy approach the gates. He talks about a man attacking his mom and dad, his details makes it clear that it was Carver. Anyway, you still have the option of rejecting the boy - and yes, Jane will allow you to make that rejecting decision, but if you remain silent she will let him in. The last choice is not to make Jane cold, but she's trying to let Clementine grow into her own person in a way. So it's clear that she's not a parental figure, and that Clementine is truly a new sister for her.
Kenny: During the last fight, you have the option of shooting Kenny in the head or his side. If you shoot his side, things proceed as they usually would in that scenario with a small but meaningful difference. You will have the option to stab Kenny through the head after he has passed away, and also whether it's through the temple or in front (in case you want to respect the body). If you shoot him in the head, his brain matter falls all over Jane, and she gets up in shock - things go on as planned (for the most part). If you let him kill Jane, he will continue as planned talking about letting AJ get killed, how everything is lost now and pointless. Then he will ask Clementine for the gun, you can give it to him or refuse. If he's refused, he breaks down crying until he hears AJ crying - then things go as planned. If you give him the gun, he points it to himself and gives Clementine a speech similar to the one at Wellington, but way more self-deprecating. He talks very low of himself, how she's better off without him, how he's sorry. That she needs to find Wellington somehow. That he's sorry to Lee. Finally Kenny will ask Clementine to walk away. Clem can walk off, watch him do it, or stop him. Lastly, while deciding whether or not you will stay with Kenny once you both found AJ, Walker-Jane will come up behind Kenny. Whether or not you warn Kenny, he will successfully defend himself (just like in the woods with the other walker). However if you don't warn him, Kenny sees it as you tried to let him die. Although he doesn't say anything, he's cold and silent toward you. At this point you can still decide to leave with or without him. Leaving with him will be cold and bitter during the goodbye; he's more affectionate toward AJ than Clem, but it's clear he wants the best for both of you. However for not warning him, you WILL NOT be able to leave Wellington with him even if you decide to - he won't allow it. If you warn Kenny, things go as planned whether you leave him alone or with him.
Now finally... the alone ending. I hated this ending so much, but the option should be there. My changes will be minor. A different location, but still warmer. Clementine is cooking a rabbit much like the beginning of the game with Christa. She's feeding AJ the meat and having some herself. He starts crying cause it's too hot, or because it's not baby food - either way this attracts a walker. Clementine grabs a melee weapon, stands in front of AJ, cut to black.
Okay, let's get into a few things:
Neat idea. Kinda squeamish about her taking Ben's place though.
Neat, I suppose.
While I like the option to have Mattew survive the bridge scene, why kill him off ? Especially taking the next thing in mind. Though I do kinda like the idea of Carver admitting he was excessive.
So I'm guessing you really liked Walter or something because why would you kill Nick regardless? Especially considering Matthew doesn't survive the episode anyway. I can only assume you're either filling a quota or just don't like Nick.
Why would Carver use Rebecca as a hostage if she's the main reason he even tracked them down? That seems really counterproductive to his plan.
I do like that you actually gave Rebecca an actual moment, though, so props for that. Also, spooky ending.
Aaaand my Rebecca question suddenly makes a little more sense, and that's as far as I'll go.
Holy shit! Also, yes, people getting annoyed when she runs off is stupid considering 1. she's technically making things easier on everyone by running away instead of just staying behind and crying, and 2. she doesn't have a weapon.
Thank you! That should've been obvious...which is why I didn't have her shoot any of them. :P
Nah, actually Luke dying wasn't a problem to me because it seem like actually fitting closure for his character. Though, I personally like the fact that Bonnie loses faith in Clementine if you don't go after Luke, since it's a harsh but understandable overreaction to losing someone when you believe there was a chance to save them--ain't that right, Jane?
Also, what betrayal?
Okay, that is an example of something that should've happened because it makes so much more sense than Arvo shooting her regardless of his opinion of her specifically. Plus, its not like Mike hasn't been a hypocrite before, even where Clementine is involved. Although, I have to wonder what would happen if you ask to go with Mike and have a good relationship with him. Mike doesn't seem the type to just do something so blatantly aggressive to someone he likes, hence the tone in his voice when Clementine catches them.
Thank you! Though the idea of Walker Kenny and welcoming Gil into a place that's been cleaned out is a bit odd. I do like that it gives Jane a chance to pet the dog, however empty.
You know, I wasn't that big on Kenny...but these changes hit hard, man.
Good job.
I like it. Much more climactic and not depressing.
Thanks a lot for reading all of that, I really appreciate it! I'll try answering all of your questions. I liked Walter, but not a lot. When I wrote Nick's death, I just didn't see him going the distance. But now that I think about it, it's probably because in the following episode he was practically invisible. Now I believe he would have fit better than Luke after Luke's own death. Like that situation with Mike, Arvo, and possibly Bonnie? I can't see Luke being in that situation with them, or even with Jane and Kenny. He's too much of a good guy, imo. However Nick has the potential to go that far, especially after losing Pete, Luke, and the others? I think we could have seen a twisted version of him. Not that he would be a bad guy, but something interesting nonetheless. Maybe if I sat for a while and thought about it, I could come up with a good plot for him.
The Rebecca situation is more of a bluff on Carver's part, he wouldn't really harm her. I was also thinking who else (other than Clementine) would be good enough to stop Kenny from trying to kill this guy? Maybe Sarah would've been a better choice, this way we could take his threats seriously.
Luke's death what I didn't like about it was just how it happened. I'm fine with him falling in ice, I saw it coming once we started crossing. But how in one scenario he's fighting walkers under water, and the other he drowns nearly instantly. But the timing of the death overall was really good. The betrayal I was thinking of was just the lie she did when we first met her. I shouldn't have said betrayal, it's my mistake. I saw it as a betrayal when I first played because I had played 100 Days prior to that. So I was really mad when she lied and set us up. I was so damn salty; I'm STILL salty.
Yes, Mike is not as good as a lot of people think he is. You're also right, I don't think he would hit Clementine for asking to go with him. Off the top of my head, all I could think of is the following: Clementine asks to go with him, but Mike refuses because he believes Kenny would really give chase. Clementine tries to argue in order to change his mind, and the commotion wakes Kenny and/or Jane. Arvo urges them to leave right away, Clementine clings a bit trying to change his mind at the last minute. Arvo (depending on how you've been treating him) either shoots Clementine, or shoots at her. I'm sure someone can come up with something better than that, though. I was going to originally say that Clementine shouldn't have the option to leave since she would abandon AJ, but there are options already to leave AJ (though you really can't). Like for example during the shootout, you can go for cover instead of trying to save AJ. Also choices shouldn't always go away, I like feeling free even when choices may not actually matter.
Walker-Kenny was something I was afraid about when watching the ending with Jane for the first time. Because there's a moment where Clementine looks over Jane's shoulder, and she's like, "Oh no!" Jane's didn't even bother to look. So I was like, "Damn it, Kenny just turned!" But no, that didn't happen. A few people told me they wouldn't turn because of the cold, but I remember we were walking through the snow storm and had to avoid or shoot walkers. I think the cold just slows them down severely which is why it's best to be in that area. As for Gil, I think of it as he's looking for some sort of shelter, you know? He has no idea there's no supplies, but he sees two people - who don't look scary - behind some sort of fort. He lost his parents, he's scared and lonely. Though my ending is being alone with Kenny & AJ, I really like the idea of Jane pretty much taking care of Gil, Clementine, and AJ. Or rather learning how to care for three kids. I'm a Kenny fan (obviously), but I didn't hate Jane. I cried during their fight, not gonna lie lol. Bawled my eyes out. I liked the potential her character had for development. So yeah, I would really enjoy the opportunity to see her grow into someone better or worse.
Oh okay. Yeah, I had that basic issue with him as well when I first joined (I've come up with what I would've done now, though) but I just thought it was weird to kill him and then kill Matthew as well.
Oh, so some of my predictions about Sarah then. Got ya!
Well I would hope so, but considering Kenny already shot him while holding Alvin hostage, its still a pretty big ass risk.
As a hostage? Yeah, I've thought about that as well. Though Kenny shootin anyway would earn him a double asswoopin.
Oh okay. And yeah, him having super drowning skills is a little weird depending on how fast you are. Though you could argue him banging on the ice overexerted him.
Yeah that what I thought. Personally, I didn't hold it against her since she was working for Carver and didn't actually do much besides possibly point out the lodge.
You know what, you're not the first I've seen say that. Maybe ya'll see something I don't cause excluding his unused past, Mike just seemed like a decent enough guy, if a bit of an occasional grump who had a habit of saying dumb shit.
Admittedly, I can't really think of too many ways myself outside of one of them fitting her and I kinda doubt Arvo would get physical unless he had a weapon...which does, nevermind.
You know what, it's been forever since my first playthrough, but I think I do recall something like that. Kinda wish it were true, given what Clementine just learned.
Yeah, and admittedly, the idea of Clementine having her own community is hella appealing to me. Almost makes me wish Carver hadn't been so onenote and had a legitimate connection to Clementine, as well as makes me consider going with Jane on my third playthrough.
Well, I'm not much of a Kenny fan and I hate Jane. I do think her character deserves more development and more screentime than Kenny in the future, but I guess we'll see. Also, I'm sure Season 3 will try to pull something outta it's ass to redeem her, but I'm not holding my breath on that. Or Season 3 in general.
You're unique for not liking either Kenny or Jane; at least I think you don't like Kenny. I always see people choosing a side between the two, so that's why I try lurking the threads for people who got the alone ending. From the videos I saw it all boiled down to either Kenny was too dangerous, or Jane was too crazy. On a side note, I was so naive during my first playthrough; I believed that Jane, Kenny, and Clementine could be a dysfunctional family. Jane being the rebellious teen daughter, Kenny being the strict and grumpy father that means well. Then Clementine being the little girl that's stuck in the middle but holds the family together. If there was a way to get that ending, I would've forgave season 2 for a lot of the bad decisions (imo) they made. Because I wish there was a choice to just shoot in the air while Jane & Kenny were fighting!
It's not that I dislike him, more that I just don't have a solid opinion either way. I'm like a mood ring with him: I'm more than okay with him when he's helpful and when he's being an asshole, I wanna punch him in the face. At the very least, I recognized that he was once a decent man whose lost too much, so shooting him to stop him to going down the same road that Lilly did was the original choice. And then when the truth came out, I reloaded that chapter and had to let him cross it anyway just to make sure Jane was dead cause I was done with her.![:angry: :angry:](
Odd way to picture those three, that is.
There's a thread called Thoughts on Season 2's Writing. I'm not sure what happened to the creator of it but you should totally put your thoughts there, if only because I have no idea where else would be more appropriate.
I posted this in the Dead Characters Potential thread. Not really canon to my other entries.
I guess Jolene? She's one of my favorite characters in not only Season 1 but the whole game series because she was amusing, intimidating, tragic, and she helped set the tone for the series in general. A two scene wonder, she is arguably one of the most memorable characters in Season 1 because she is visually a former middle class employee who just happens to fill that Crazy Awesome niche that characters like Nate and Vitali do but doesn't really fall into an outright villainous category. Robbed by the Save Lots Bandits, Jolene was apparently hunting and spying on her former co-workers long enough to know who they traded with, what said traders were doing to produce their product, and the fact that they were targeting the Hotel Group without anyone besides possibly Danny knowing that was doing so. This even includes sneaking into the Hotel yard at some point and taking Clementine's hat due to feeling a connection to her with the kidnapping of her own daughter Danielle.
Much like fellow bystanders/hostiles Irene, Beatrice, , Michelle, Troy, Arvo, and Natasha, I would've liked to have secured/captured her and try to help her get over her demons so she could move on with her life and maybe even become a helpful ally/member of the group given her skills.
Luke shouldn't of died. ;--;
How would you have changed that and how would the rest of the story be affected by that change?
Well, I suppose maybe Clementine could've actually saved him, maybe have Bonnie die instead. Luke would be alive and Bonnie wouldn't blame Clementine for Luke's death and Luke would help keep the group together, and idk.
No his death scene (if you fall in the water) was worth him dying for me it was cool.
Oh yeah, that is the obvious answer. Bonnie doesn't necessarily have to die, but whatever.
No. ;-;
I should compile a list of what i would change about Season 3 so far but it would take 2 years to write...oh wait!
Lets revive this![:) :)](
Did you mean to post this as a separate comment?![:lol: :lol:](
Anyway, I probably should get back to this now that it's available again. I think I've seen a few things that can help me come up with material for the characters I didn't do.
Haha i meant my thread yeah lol
If only you wrote for TellTale. I normally don't read texts that long on forums, but I have to applaud the time, effort, and well constructed ideas.
Thank you. I appreciate the kind words. Honestly i wish i could go back in time and have suggested my ideas to them
Carley and Doug: Same changes you did.
Mark: Same thing with David except if you did not manage to cut his leg off Mark would be Dinner and Travis would Live ((Cause i think Ben should have atleast one character he could talk to freely Since the rest of the group just Saw Ben as a Kid.))
If David was the one who became the Dinner the same changes you said apply here.
Larry: during the Meatlocker Scene travis would be there since either David/Mark would become Dinner. He would try to stop Kenny which gives you a couple seconds of extra time to do CPR to Larry if you Side with Lily which would end up reviving the Old Asshole.
Larry would Give Lee the 2 coins and tell him that what he did Doesnt mean a goddamm thing to him.
He would then sit down because his heart rate still hadnt gone back to Normal completely and Lily would stay with Him.
During episode 3 if Larry s alive he will be shotdown as an Example by the savelots bandits which would Cause Lily to go insane with Anger and If Carley s alive you would be able to Give her your gun and ask her to cover for Him while he tries to get Lily to come down. If You dont Kenny will take off without her.
Lily: If Lily is taken out of the motor Inn she will break down and cry in the RV instead of accusing people.
Later on when you go get the Pencil she will try to steal the RV.
You can convince her if you choose the right Dialogue for her to step down and stay with them.
During episode 4 like with Doug and Carley you would have a Choice to have her Come with you to Crawford or Have her stay in the house.
If she goes to crawford she manages to get out with the Others but if She stays in the house Unlike Doug and Carley she Stays with Omid taking care of him.
She will get caught offguard by a walker that enters the house ((the same walker that enters the house if you Leave Clem in the house.)) and get bitten. When Lee arrives she will ask him to shoot Her because she s bitten if you dont shoot her she grabs the gun and does it herself.If lee shoots her you will get a chance to say something to her before shooting :
´´Im sorry Lily´´
´´You will be with your Father´´
If lily lives onto episode 5 She will get an unknown status because she would fall with Kenny if Ben s dead or Fall in the hole alone if Ben s alive ((If she fell with Kenny he would tell Clementine in season 2 that they got separated))
Travis: Unlike the original game Lee would not Find out that Ben betrayed them in episode 3 but in episode 4 In the house where he would overhear Travis and Ben talking about it and confront them. ((Ben would have told Travis in episode 3 instead of Lee about him giving supplies to the bandits.))
Travis would die the way Brie does in episode 4 ((Not before voicing his Opinion that they should not Kick ben Off and if they did he would go with him.))
Brie: If brie lives thought episode 4 she would either Make an appearance in the 400 Days DLC or in season 2.
If you were rude to the cancer Group she would Help them take off with The boat and be in the 400 days Dlc and Suggest to Kill the person they captured ((She like the rest of the cancer group/Roman s group would die.)) if You were nice to the Cancer Group she would disagree with them about stealing the boat and Be locked up in the place where the boat was kept in and Go with Lee to help Clementine.
She would die in season 2 To the Bandits that attack Christa.
Ben: I would keep the choice of Saving him or Dropping him but that s just it.
Kenny: Same thing you said.
Need to think more about what i would change from Season 2.
EDIT: Allright so i ve changed my mind on a couple of things so:
Mark: I would have Mark be able to survive until episode 5 but have him have a death in every subsequent episode after 2 ((Kind of what telltale did with Conrad in episode 3.))
episode 3: Mark can die attempting to flee the motor inn but failing but it can be avoided by having Lee help him before he helps Carley/Doug and Ben.
Episode 4: In the beggining of the episode Mark would save Clem with Chuck but unlike Chuck he would survive and Help Lee thought the Sewer Puzzle.
Mark would go to Crawford either way and you would get a choice of having Him go with Lee and Molly to get the Battery or Have him go With Kenny to get the Gasoline .
If you send Mark to get the Gasoline Kenny would come back with it and Tell Lee ´´He lost Mark´´.
If Mark goes with Lee and Molly He would ask Molly if she ever had a group before She would tell him she had one but she left then Run off on her Own to come back later ((When she appearks bashing the Crawford doctor s head in.)) After they get the Battery there would be a harder than Normal QTE to Bring Mark up after he tries to jump from the Building to the other one. If you fail Mark falls and Dies if you dont Lee manages to Pull him up and he lives though the episode.
In episode 5 he would have Ben s death scene whether or not Ben survived episode 4 or not.
after Mark s death you would get an achievement if you managed to Keep Mark alive up until that point with the Title ´´Final Destination´´ .
Duck: I would have Duck survive season 1 and turn out to be a pretty good Shot because of his hyperactivity helping him with Adreline situations. And also have Katjaa Get bitten instead of Duck so that Kenny still get his Arc from episode 3.
Thanks for your input although becauase Larry's heart had stopped, if he had been revived he would be extremely ill and without immediate medical care he would have died anyway and certainly wouldn't be able to give Lee the coins or what you mentioned.
I liked what you said though
Should probably change that to they Get Katjaa to help him after Lee beats up Andy.
Allright so i ve changed my mind on a couple of things so:
Mark: I would have Mark be able to survive until episode 5 but have him have a death in every subsequent episode after 2 ((Kind of what telltale did with Conrad in episode 3.))
episode 3: Mark can die attempting to flee the motor inn but failing but it can be avoided by having Lee help him before he helps Carley/Doug and Ben.
Episode 4: In the beggining of the episode Mark would save Clem with Chuck but unlike Chuck he would survive and Help Lee thought the Sewer Puzzle.
Mark would go to Crawford either way and you would get a choice of having Him go with Lee and Molly to get the Battery or Have him go With Kenny to get the Gasoline .
If you send Mark to get the Gasoline Kenny would come back with it and Tell Lee ´´He lost Mark´´.
If Mark goes with Lee and Molly He would ask Molly if she ever had a group before She would tell him she had one but she left then Run off on her Own to come back later ((When she appearks bashing the Crawford doctor s head in.)) After they get the Battery there would be a harder than Normal QTE to Bring Mark up after he tries to jump from the Building to the other one. If you fail Mark falls and Dies if you dont Lee manages to Pull him up and he lives though the episode.
In episode 5 he would have Ben s death scene whether or not Ben survived episode 4 or not.
after Mark s death you would get an achievement if you managed to Keep Mark alive up until that point with the Title ´´Final Destination´´ .
Duck: I would have Duck survive season 1 and turn out to be a pretty good Shot because of his hyperactivity helping him with Adreline situations. And also have Katjaa Get bitten instead of Duck so that Kenny still get his Arc from episode 3.