Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • edited November 2016

    Mike shows up, just does things, and leaves or gets shot by Clementine.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Eeeh...I wouldn't say he's got no personality, but whatever.

  • Attractiveness is relative isn't it?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Rebecca is probably the most bizarrely unattractive person I've ever seen.

  • I agree. It's like the developers thought there should be another guy besides Luke and Kenny, but we're too lazy to write an actual character. Mike was season 2's Mark. At least Mark wasn't a jerk before he died.

    J-Master posted: »

    Mike sucks, but for different reasons. He's got no real personality, no real character, and he just leaves for shock value. Nick and Sarah get the axe but "colorful and complex" Mike gets to live for another episode. Lame.

  • Yes.

    AngeloMC21 posted: »

    I love Bonnie and Mike. Is that unpopular?

  • Season 2.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Out of all seasons or just season 2?

  • Mark at least foreshadowed for future events. Mike couldn't even do that.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    I agree. It's like the developers thought there should be another guy besides Luke and Kenny, but we're too lazy to write an actual character. Mike was season 2's Mark. At least Mark wasn't a jerk before he died.

  • Even though episode two was amazing, Lee's redemption story is still better in my opinion.

    Deltino posted: »

    If you ask me, Starved For Help's story is better than just about everything in the game, including stuff in S1 But that's just me, someo

  • I think the only weird part of is the Grade Clementine is in. She is 8 going on 9 in the first grade. Based off of this, she is 13 or 14, she would still be in the elementary school.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Clem's character in Season 1 seems a bit off. She's 8-going-on-9 years old; essentially a 3rd grader. However, TellTale wrote her at times

  • Sort of. I don't mean childish as a immature thing, but more like she is portrayed younger than she is. It's like TellTale wrote for a younger character but changed her age at the last minute. Like she acts more like the 1st graders my mom has watched than the 3rd/4th graders. As I said though, this is more in the first half of the season. The second half has seems like they adjusted her character to match her age.

    I know every kid is different, thus why I figured this would be an unpopular opinion since it's just from my perspective. I hope that made sense.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Do you mean that Clementine acted too childish in episodes 1-3 or too mature?

  • Well 13-14 is usually 8th grade, the end of US middle school.

    I think the only weird part of is the Grade Clementine is in. She is 8 going on 9 in the first grade. Based off of this, she is 13 or 14, she would still be in the elementary school.

  • Major shit will go down in Episode 3.

    Have fun playing :D

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I just wanted to say... Wow, TWD: Michonne episode 2 was fantastic! I thought episod

  • I like Season 2 more than Season 1.

    I think that Season 1 IS better, but for many reasons Season 2 resonated with me more.

  • Not quite sure what that's got to do with having no personality. Mike, unfortunately, is what I sometimes call a "professional supporting character" in that he doesn't really get to do much on his own or for himself, so I at least understand people's criticism that he's "just a guy." It doesn't help that his original purpose was cut from the game for whatever reason; yet another contribution to Episode 3's bareness..

    J-Master posted: »

    Mike shows up, just does things, and leaves or gets shot by Clementine.

  • edited November 2016

    Yesss. Judging by the trailer it seems very intense.

    Just... Please don't die Sam and Pete... (Please do not comment on that)

    Crips posted: »

    Major shit will go down in Episode 3. Have fun playing

  • Mmm...I suppose, given one of my previous topics. Then again, considering Jane and Carley tend to generally be considered at the top, there is some established consensus to go by. And that consensus says that Rebecca looks ...odd.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    Attractiveness is relative isn't it?

  • Good to know I'm not the only person here that watches that show...

    DabigRG posted: »

    Not quite sure what that's got to do with having no personality. Mike, unfortunately, is what I sometimes call a "professional supporting ch

  • Holy crap, I totally forgot that guy's was Mike. :lol:

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Good to know I'm not the only person here that watches that show...

  • I can see why, I know a lot of people hate it but I felt they did a decent job in that episode balancing the whole cast and peoples actions and intentions felt more authentic. I mean the determinant scenes were the real drawback to that episode along with a lack of major choice (but that was similar for all of season 2).

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    Season 2.

  • Hahaha, I didn't even notice that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Holy crap, I totally forgot that guy's was Mike.

  • edited November 2016

    Yes, but Clem is 8 going on 9 in the first grade, so she would be in the fifth grade by the time she is 13 or 14 she would be in the fifth grade. (This being only possible if the apocalypse hasn't happened)

    eRock92 posted: »

    Well 13-14 is usually 8th grade, the end of US middle school.

  • Michonne may in fact be the best TWD game so far.

    • Better qte
    • coherent story from start to finish
    • walkers walking on the bottom of the ocean
    • Norma and Randall are the ying and yang....she is the friendly face...he is the cold heart that does bad things
    • Michonne has no time for bullshit
    • Michonne actually has a proper arc

    Michonne is what Clementine will turn into...someone who can be totally reasonable and loyal....but when things go south, she turns into a remorseless killing machine. And that is what it takes to survive. Much like how Rick Grimes has two different personalities....Officer Friendly, the charming folksy guy who maintains order with a steady hand...and Rictatorship...this is what we do..no questions...kill everyone that is in our way.

    Loyalty is rewarded with respect and warmth. Everything else is a detriment.

    The only problem I have with Michonne is that the episodes are short...and there are only 3.

  • I'm probably the only one but...

    I think Mike and Bonnie would make a nice couple.

  • If you finished TWD:Michonne ,what did you think of Ep 3?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I just wanted to say... Wow, TWD: Michonne episode 2 was fantastic! I thought episod

  • Agreed, I guess.

    I'm probably the only one but... I think Mike and Bonnie would make a nice couple.

  • I mean the determinant scenes were the real drawback to that episode along with a lack of major choice (but that was similar for all of season 2).

    Agreed, with continuity and wasted characters/plots being the others.

    I can see why, I know a lot of people hate it but I felt they did a decent job in that episode balancing the whole cast and peoples actions

  • I ship them.

    I'm probably the only one but... I think Mike and Bonnie would make a nice couple.

  • I also agree. Those were the best episodes.

    Crips posted: »

    1, 2 and 5 of Season 2.

  • Like I said, I feel like that was error by TellTale. I think Clem was supposed to be younger but the changed wasn't communicated through. I don't believe Clementine, who is portrayed as a smart kid, was held back two grades. But that's just my opinion.

    Yes, but Clem is 8 going on 9 in the first grade, so she would be in the fifth grade by the time she is 13 or 14 she would be in the fifth grade. (This being only possible if the apocalypse hasn't happened)

  • Well doesn't it have to be that she failed a grade twice, It could be she started school really late. But yeah, it was probably a small error.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Like I said, I feel like that was error by TellTale. I think Clem was supposed to be younger but the changed wasn't communicated through.

  • I like them well enough.

    AngeloMC21 posted: »

    I love Bonnie and Mike. Is that unpopular?

  • I think the tv show is overrated. Dosen't suck, but it's a tad overrated.

  • Retroactive slight shift in opinion here, but part of me doesn't want to see Arvo return.

  • Thanks. That was why I liked it. It was the only time in the game Clem could start a conversation with someone aside from when the group was first brought to the prison yard/lawn and garden dept. I don't know if this is unpopular, but I thought Episode 3 was the worst of the bunch. Carver was a spiteful jerk, not scary, and it should have been soooooo obvious to the guards Clem and Kenny were up to something.

    I can see why, I know a lot of people hate it but I felt they did a decent job in that episode balancing the whole cast and peoples actions

  • edited November 2016

    I don't know if this is unpopular, but I thought Episode 3 was the worst of the bunch.

    Oh, I definitely agree. A bare bones story, a corny one-note villain, an woefully underutilized location, a pigeonholed protagonist, and Kenny hogging the spotlight at the expense of practically everyone else all adds up to make the weakest episode of the Season.

    it should have been soooooo obvious to the guards Clem and Kenny were up to something.

    The funny thing is you could make the case that they did, as Tavia and Troy both have brief moments where they could've caught on to their plan but seemingly ignore it due to skewered priorities.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    Thanks. That was why I liked it. It was the only time in the game Clem could start a conversation with someone aside from when the group was

  • Not even. During the episode 5 waiting period, Mike and Bonnie were the power couple. People even made fan art and mini fan fictions of them, Clem, and AJ surviving on their own as a mini group. Little did we all know what waited for us in episode 5...

    I'm probably the only one but... I think Mike and Bonnie would make a nice couple.

  • I haven't played episode 3 yet, but I'll post what I thought of it when I do.

    If you finished TWD:Michonne ,what did you think of Ep 3?

  • They're both thieves and traitors. They deserve each other.

    I'm probably the only one but... I think Mike and Bonnie would make a nice couple.

  • i obviously need to make my jokes more clearer lol.

    Deltino posted: »

    You know, I've seen some people complain about that sound, but I personally don't see what the problem is Given the manner of her death a

  • edited November 2016

    Really now? Care to give some examples?

    I like Season 2 more than Season 1. I think that Season 1 IS better, but for many reasons Season 2 resonated with me more.

  • I cannot for the life of me comprehend Nick and his abnormally large fan base/popularity. Every single other character I can at least somewhat grasp the justifications of why they are likeable, even if taken to extreme extents: Ben, Kenny, Clementine, Luke, Jane, Sarah, etc. But Nick is such an anomaly that baffles me. To me, he seems like almost everyone else in the cabin group: a character with an interesting backstory that didn't really reach their maximum potential as a character.

    Can someone who is a fan of Nick or at least understands his character legitimately explain this to me? What do you see in Nick's character that you don't see in anyone else?

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