The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • How much time has passed between Vince's scenario and Jane being captured by Carver/Troy?

  • Because I'm having trouble actually getting my next two critiques done, I thought I'd test the waters by posing a query related to one of them: Who is the worst spotlight hog-- Kenny or Jane? Or perhaps a third one that's not as noticeable.

  • I want second opinions from a Writing Standpoint: Do you think Sarah's death was necessary for Luke's character development?

    And yes, I know I'm asking two questions back to back. Sue me.

  • Do you think Sarah's death was necessary for Luke's character development?

    I wouldn't say Sarah's death so much as it was everyone's death.

    After all, the only time when Luke opened up and properly admitted to his own faults was when he was alone with Clementine in S2E5, long after everyone else from the Cabin Group is gone.

    I suppose you could argue that Sarah's death (at least her first death, as it results in a slightly more sombre scene on the walk back with Jane) could have been the initial realisation on Luke's part that people are being killed in situations that he could have helped had his own circumstances been different, i.e not being beaten.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I want second opinions from a Writing Standpoint: Do you think Sarah's death was necessary for Luke's character development? And yes, I know I'm asking two questions back to back. Sue me.

  • Around two years, right?

    Do we even know when she was captured?

    DabigRG posted: »

    How much time has passed between Vince's scenario and Jane being captured by Carver/Troy?

  • I don't think so.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I want second opinions from a Writing Standpoint: Do you think Sarah's death was necessary for Luke's character development? And yes, I know I'm asking two questions back to back. Sue me.

  • would carver had been a better character had telltale not made him a Governor expy?

  • would carver had been a better good character had telltale not made him a Governor expy?

    Definitely. He was heading in the right direction in the beginning of Episode 2, then turned into a lunatic at the end and continued being a comically crazy bastard throughout Episode 3.

    megamike15 posted: »

    would carver had been a better character had telltale not made him a Governor expy?

  • edited November 2016

    Well, the reason some people, myself included, somewhat dislike Alvin's character is because he had no real development and outside of just being "nice", heavily lacked in personality. There's also the added fact he had hardly any scenes, making it near impossible to form any type of attachment to him anyway.

    I like characters who're layered and can be relatable, so, in order words, the opposite of Alvin. Having said that, though, I certainty don't hate Alvin, really, because there's just not enough there to either hate, nor love.

    What's the general consensus of Alvin these days? At first I thought everyone liked him, but now I'm seeing some people don't. I'm confused...

  • edited November 2016

    What do you think Clementine's sexuality may be? I know, this is super random, but I feel curious, since poeple start to develop their sexuality and stuff in their teens, and Clem is already 13, which means that writers probably already feel allowed to give her a boyfriend/girlfriend. Also if Kirkman puts more of his work in this season than in the previous ones (just like I heard somewhere around it's going to be), I think we could expect that (and knowing him, even child sex/rape cuz he's frikin crazy).


  • edited November 2016

    enter image description here

    What do you think Clementine's sexuality may be? I know, this is super random, but I feel curious, since poeple start to develop their sexua

  • edited November 2016

    I honestly don't know we could begin to answer that. There isn't much relevant material to form an assumption on or even a guess. She can say she would come back for Luke in season 2 when Bonnie says Jane may have come back for him, but that may mean he was a good friend not that he was attractive to her.

    What do you think Clementine's sexuality may be? I know, this is super random, but I feel curious, since poeple start to develop their sexua

  • edited November 2016

    Not to decry myself as a shitlord that assumes someone's sexuality, but I'm guessing heterosexual until proven otherwise. I'm somewhat of a believer in the idea that she had some form of crush or admiration for Luke in Season 2, and that's just about all the evidence of anything on the subject. Which is good. Anything more would probably be getting into weird territory.

    Asexuality/Aromantic is probably a safe bet for TellTale to make though. It justifies not having to tangle Clementine's development with a romance subplot or any of the like. Plus, I'll admit, I outright can't imagine that TellTale or anyone for that matter could make a character that would make me want to pair Clementine up with them.

    What do you think Clementine's sexuality may be? I know, this is super random, but I feel curious, since poeple start to develop their sexua

  • Not really. Reggie seems to imply that she had been captured fairly recently and if Mike's original backstory is taken into account, that would mean less than a week.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Around two years, right? Do we even know when she was captured?

  • I don't watch the TV show yet and have relatively vague knowledge of who the Governor is, so I can only assume yes.

    megamike15 posted: »

    would carver had been a better character had telltale not made him a Governor expy?

  • edited November 2016

    Personally, I like to chalk it up to "a little bi-curious" for fanfic-y reasons. After all, she's likely been shipped with anyone like Lee, Duck, Luke, Sarah, Carver, Jane, and maybe even Kenny, Michelle, or Arvo at some point because this is the internet, so who knows.

    In canon, she was only 11 in Season 2 and the most I remember her commenting on such a topic is a playfully knowing expression towards Jane as because she "made it with Luke" and saying that she would come back for Luke if she was Jane. So while the question of whether she could be attracted to anyone herself is up in the air, she at least has a vague understanding of straight relationships.

    What do you think Clementine's sexuality may be? I know, this is super random, but I feel curious, since poeple start to develop their sexua

  • Interesting or not, they still get a lot more screentime, development, and love than the other characters. The question is meant to determine who is more guilty about that.

  • I wouldn't say Sarah's death so much as it was everyone's death.I suppose you could argue that Sarah's death (at least her first death, as it results in a slightly more sombre scene on the walk back with Jane) could have been the initial realisation on Luke's part that people are being killed in situations that he could have helped had his own circumstances been different, i.e not being beaten.

    That's my thinking on why it is necessary as well. Ultimately, Luke's character development probably the only good thing to come out of her "canon" death--and that was established by the first death!

    Davissons posted: »

    Do you think Sarah's death was necessary for Luke's character development? I wouldn't say Sarah's death so much as it was everyone's

  • Weird thought: Do you think the scene of Kenny wrestling with Mike was pointless? Either way, do you think that scene would've meant more if Jane had replaced one or the other?

  • Yeah, I'm kinda tied on the issue myself. After all, his character development could just as easily be seen as triggered by getting shot in the leg in the middle of gunfight and thus, causing him to question his own mortality and the fact that he's still alive after failing to protect everyone besides himself and Sarah, who Clementine and Jane saved.

    I don't think so.

  • Really now?

    there were at least 3 different writers....but I thought Amid the Ruins had a lot of rewrites.

  • really besides that scene kenny never seemed to care about mike. it should have been jane would have worked as foreshadowing.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Weird thought: Do you think the scene of Kenny wrestling with Mike was pointless? Either way, do you think that scene would've meant more if Jane had replaced one or the other?

  • What/how would you describe the phrase "redeeming qualities"?

  • edited November 2016

    :unamused: Stepping into something of a visible mine field here since I'm smart/obsessive enough to have thought this out for myself but I want to know what other people have to say on the subject nowadays:
    Can someone please tell me how exactly Sarah dying at all is supposed to prove Jane right?

  • Looking at marcost3's review made me think of something: What if it had been Christa who had been captured by Troy, bunking up with Mike and Reggie and thus, was the one teaching Clementine those tricks instead of Jane?

  • What and/who are/were you expecting in the way of "boss battles" from all of the installments?

  • And too dead to die.

    Hmm, that reminds me of another question...

    Acheive250 posted: »

    And too dead to die. Oh, wait...

  • Are animals affected by the virus and thus, are able to turn?

    (Sorry I'm posting so many questions back to back, but I've had no internet/phone connection for a few days.)

  • edited November 2016

    Was there any real reason Nick has such a resemblance to Kenny? It was pointed out to me on TVTropes and now I can't unsee it.

  • It may have been to show that Mike and Kenny didn't get agree from the outset to explain his leaving in episode 5.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Weird thought: Do you think the scene of Kenny wrestling with Mike was pointless? Either way, do you think that scene would've meant more if Jane had replaced one or the other?

  • edited November 2016

    Perhaps. Especially, since Luke feels like he was meant to be something between Lee and Carley.

  • Eh, maybe. Though I can't help but think that's more of a retroactive justification because of how slap dash Amid the Ruins and No Going Back felt, especially since I heard both were rewritten a few times.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    It may have been to show that Mike and Kenny didn't get agree from the outset to explain his leaving in episode 5.

  • Random ass thought here: How does a thread about Counterpart Comparisons(namely, Walking Dead characters compared to those from other shows/games/books) sound to ya'll?

  • I have a 400 Days question if anybody can answer it.

    In Shel's story, the cancer survivors make different comments based on your season 1 choices. Do you have to threaten them twice and/or lie to them in order for Clive to say that he would've shot Lee? Is it possible to threaten Vernon the first time and still have them be regretful for stealing the boat?

  • Acording to King Ezekiel, A.K.A the old man with a star shirt and a pet tiger A.K.A Michonne's boyfriend number five

    no they can't

    why becuz


    DabigRG posted: »

    Are animals affected by the virus and thus, are able to turn? (Sorry I'm posting so many questions back to back, but I've had no internet/phone connection for a few days.)

  • King Ezekiel, A.K.A the old man with a star shirt and a pet tiger A.K.A Michonne's boyfriend number five

    What the frenchkissin' fuck?!

    Acording to King Ezekiel, A.K.A the old man with a star shirt and a pet tiger A.K.A Michonne's boyfriend number five no they can't why becuz plot

  • Well, some characters, mostly villains, can appear like absolute bastards and have mostly negative qualities, but suddenly it could be revealed that the character truly cares about his daughter, or has a policy of not killing kids or some shit like that. It'd be considered a redeeming quality, as it prevents the character from being presented as a complete monster.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What/how would you describe the phrase "redeeming qualities"?

  • edited November 2016

    In universe and out: Is there anyone that didn't like Clementine?

  • I meant in-universe but okay.

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