The Vent/Help Thread



  • Please don't be scared to reach out! Most people fail to because they're scared of how their families will react, and while that's okay, sometimes depression gets worse from being pent up. Try taking a small step and tell one person you truly trust, and if you feel the need, tell others too. :)

    If that person chose other people over her family, maybe she's uncomfortable and doesn't know how to handle these situations. Or more likely, she's just being ignorant from not knowing what depression is like. If she's close to you, have a serious talk with her, but otherwise it might be best to let her have her space.

    When you call a suicide/depression hotline, there's will be someone at the other end who's willing to lend a listening ear and talk with you. They're trained for this topic, and unless you tell them you're feeling dangerously suicidal, they won't do anything crazy like send an ambulance. At the end of the call, they might refer you to the closest therapy center if you still feel bothered, but that's about it. Here's a hotline specifically for depression too: 1-630-482-9696.

    Don't feel afraid to find a new therapist, especially if your current one is giving you bad advice. If they want to see you back at the office and you don't want to go, ignore them; they can't force you to do therapy again. Try BetterHelp is an anonymous therapy session with professional.

    I hope that my story might have helped you some, and again, I'm here if you need to talk. :)

    Wow, thank you very much for sharing your personal experience with me. I appreciate your heartfelt words. I'm sorry that you have also g

  • edited November 2016

    enter image description here

    R.I.P. Biebz.

    Ignore my posting time being roughly 15 minutes before the documented time there.

    I'm really frustrated with social media and how most other people my age get their news and world perspective from Facebook, where most articles are just aiming to get hits and are mostly misleading, biased, or completely false.

  • Now this is going to be stuck in my head now

    There used to be these kinder surprise things from about 2002 Football crazy chocolate mad Grab a power pod and play football with the l

  • Im annoyed how ive got the manager i dont like on christmas day just wonderful

  • That means the manager's manager doesn't like him, either. :)

    Wear a Santa hat and see if that makes him jollier.

    Im annoyed how ive got the manager i dont like on christmas day just wonderful

  • I don't know. But it's a funny game. You'll spend some time playing it and not thinking about existential crisis. I guess you won't find solution to your problem here.

    You mean "Tales from the Borderlands" gives good advice about dealing with existential crisis? ;P

  • edited November 2016

    My friends ganges up on me and removed me from our class chat. Damn.

    It seems, when they have take me as a substitute, and treat me badly when their other, some even more popular friends turn up.

    When the more extroverted friends do something cheeky, the teachers do not punish. But when I do, i get punished.

    Why is it so unfair? Why are they the ones that gets the better things? 2 even got better grades than me. Why am I fated to always lose to them?

  • You could do something good for youreselfe like buy something you wanted for a longer time or watch some tv show you like ore play a game you enjoied or do something you are good at, by doing this you will apprecciate yourself for being good at it and maybe you are getting appreciation from other people too. I myself like to write character for the forum of thrones fanfiction or just watch my favorite show. Maybe these things can help :)

    Sparrow7 posted: »

    you need to accept and love yourself honestly, I don't have the faintest idea of how to start doing that. And yeah, actually you wer

  • Ih had the same problem with my big brother, he was always better in everything and never had to do anything for school or other things it always came to him. But as time passed on and live got harder he suddenly did not do so well becaus he did not know how to work hard for something and that hit him really hard whereas I on the other hand who had to work hard for everything ( and always will) did not have much prorblem dealing with things like managing money and just working to accomplish something. What I am trying to say is keep on working hard, it wont be easy but because you always had to do it you are having a big advantege over those guys. And also there will always be something you are better at then them you may not have found it yet but you will.

    My friends ganges up on me and removed me from our class chat. Damn. It seems, when they have take me as a substitute, and treat me badly

  • But it's my friends now. Not someone close like a brother, who would always side you and help you.

    Nolonius posted: »

    Ih had the same problem with my big brother, he was always better in everything and never had to do anything for school or other things it a

  • Sounds like you need new friends.

    My friends ganges up on me and removed me from our class chat. Damn. It seems, when they have take me as a substitute, and treat me badly

  • Or people could just stop insulting people? Which comes first- the chicken, or the egg?

    If you have been insulted every time, it is time to consider the posibility that the common factor is what is igniting the insults—you. T

  • edited November 2016

    For being "friends", they don't sound very friendly. If you can find a way to let go and be friendly yourself, that's something you'll have that they don't. There's nothing you have to gain by comparing yourself to others- you'll become too proud or not proud enough with no balance between the two- but judge yourself by what you want to become. Maybe your teachers are harder on you because they expect more from you as far as your impact on society goes. In other words, they're hard on you because they believe in you. I can't say for sure, but if your peers are causing more stress than they're worth, you'd best find some replacements. Hope things look up!

    But it's my friends now. Not someone close like a brother, who would always side you and help you.

  • edited November 2016

    The people I find interesting and I can relate to and have fun are all like thaat. For some reason.

    Yes, the teachers do expect more from me. But that's totally different. TEACHERS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE NEUTRAL AND FAIR.

    Tohabath posted: »

    For being "friends", they don't sound very friendly. If you can find a way to let go and be friendly yourself, that's something you'll have

  • Can't find those I can have fun with except for these.

    Sounds like you need new friends.

  • Too idealistic.

    How will you get everyone to stop insulting others?

    Tohabath posted: »

    Or people could just stop insulting people? Which comes first- the chicken, or the egg?

  • I hate...telltales support/customer service so much!!!!! Arghhh....

  • What's wrong with it?

    They seem to answer my questions fast.

    Lord Vandal posted: »

    I hate...telltales support/customer service so much!!!!! Arghhh....

  • Answering questions on facebook/twitter forums about release dates for Batman are blatantly ignoring the issue, and it's not just me.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    What's wrong with it? They seem to answer my questions fast.

  • What issue? The performance issues?

    Lord Vandal posted: »

    Answering questions on facebook/twitter forums about release dates for Batman are blatantly ignoring the issue, and it's not just me.

  • Mobile..release's bonkers they release a game on one day 22nd November and change mobile/android from 22nd to coming soon..with no explanation. All I'm asking is when is it coming and they're ignoring the fact.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    What issue? The performance issues?

  • My internet sucks ASSSSSSSSSSSS

  • edited November 2016


    I'm in the living room by myself for Thanksgiving because I wanted to avoid the inevitable political arguments that will ensue and my douchebag cousin, we'll call him Brandon, comes into the room. With his girlfriend. His annual girlfriend, since he has a new one every single year because he's a fucking player. I just wanna look her in the eye, break out my best Rebecca voice and go, "I wouldn't get comfortable if I were you."

    Seriously. I wouldn't.

    It's a new girl every year. I can guarantee you there will be a completely different lady friend sitting on the same loveseat in 2017.

    Brandon, why do you have to be such a douchebag that feels the need to constantly brag about things despite peaking in middle school?

    Better yet, what the fuck is up with your tires being too big for your truck? Why is that considered even considered cool? When was it ever cool? Are you compensating for something??

    Jesus Christ in a haystack in the middle of snowstorm, how in god's name do we have the same blood?!


    Okay... Okay...I feel better now. I'm so happy this thread exists.

    Edit: This dumb bastard also brought his gun. HIS GUN. TO THANKSGIVING DINNER. WHAT THE FUCK?

  • Why the FUCK would someone bring a gun to Thanksgiving?

    But anyways, I'm sorry to hear your Thanksgiving isn't going good.

    Motherfucker. I'm in the living room by myself for Thanksgiving because I wanted to avoid the inevitable political arguments that will en

  • edited November 2016

    Here in Florida, bringing your gun to thanksgiving dinner is normal, as we eat in the woods and hunt for our food the same day.

    I'm kidding obviously, but guns here are common. I have 4 in my house right now. I don't see the big deal of wanting to show off a gun. (Unless he brought it loaded/pointing it at people.)

    Motherfucker. I'm in the living room by myself for Thanksgiving because I wanted to avoid the inevitable political arguments that will en

  • Has Brandon not killed you yet?

    Motherfucker. I'm in the living room by myself for Thanksgiving because I wanted to avoid the inevitable political arguments that will en

  • No gunshot wounds for me. But I ate too much :D

    Has Brandon not killed you yet?

  • All good mate. Food heals all wounds

    Why the FUCK would someone bring a gun to Thanksgiving? But anyways, I'm sorry to hear your Thanksgiving isn't going good.

  • Indeed it does.

    All good mate. Food heals all wounds

  • Welcome to my world, mate. I gotta use TWC all the fucking time.

    BroKenny posted: »

    My internet sucks ASSSSSSSSSSSS

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited November 2016

    nvm, didn't read correctly.

    Here in Florida, bringing your gun to thanksgiving dinner is normal, as we eat in the woods and hunt for our food the same day. I'm kiddi

  • Are these actual girlfriends or the kind of girlfriend you pay for?

    Motherfucker. I'm in the living room by myself for Thanksgiving because I wanted to avoid the inevitable political arguments that will en

  • Lol, they're legit girlfriends. They just don't last long.

    This has happened 5 years in a row.

    Are these actual girlfriends or the kind of girlfriend you pay for?

  • Sorry for the late reply;---; I haven't checked my feed in 3 years.


    Just keep going!

    You are such a sweetheart MarijaaNo7... ;A; I'm honestly suprised people have remembered me enough to show any concern. But I really appreci

  • My living situation isn't that great at the moment. There are two people in my life who will ask me about how things are going with my roomies, and if I tell them my honest feelings, they'll tell me I have no right to be upset about the stuff that's going on in my place. They tell me how I'm allowed to feel about the situation. It's extremely frustrating. I'm entitled to my feelings. :/ I know that if I try to tell them that they'll argue with me until the end of time. I could argue my point until I'm blue in the face, and they'll still tell me I'm wrong. :| After 7 months of it I'm starting to get to the point where I'm feeling bitter and angry towards them. I'm to the point where I'm ready to cut them out of my life because I feel like a silent exit would be better than going out in a ball of flames.

  • Well, that is an option.

    Or, you could just treat the how-things-are-going requests as polite conversation instead of something requiring an honest answer. Kind of like when the store clerk asks how you are doing today, he really doesn't want to hear, "I'M DYING INSIDE!"

    Or, you could reply like, "Well, they haven't murdered me in my sleep yet, so things aren't too bad!"

    Or find new roomies that you can feel free to tell the questioners good things about.

    My living situation isn't that great at the moment. There are two people in my life who will ask me about how things are going with my roomi

  • Or, you could just treat the how-things-are-going requests as polite conversation instead of something requiring an honest answer. Kind of like when the store clerk asks how you are doing today, he really doesn't want to hear, "I'M DYING INSIDE!" Or, you could reply like, "Well, they haven't murdered me in my sleep yet, so things aren't too bad!"

    I've tried giving them the generic answer multiple times to avoid dealing with the situation, but they'll poke and prod until they get my real feelings out. When I do tell them how I really feel they'll go into the same song and dance. I feel that if they can't handle my true feelings, they should lay off and stop bugging me about it when we see each other. I'd rather talk about mundane things like how the weather is outside vs. having that same conversation about what's going on at my apartment. And, as a side note, I worked two years as a cashier for a big retail chain. I met a lot of people during that time, and I personally didn't mind people being honest with me about their day.

    Or find new roomies that you can feel free to tell the questioners good things about.

    I plan on it, but for now I'm unfortunately locked into a lease for a little while still. Someday I'll be able to ride into the sunset and be free. :)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Well, that is an option. Or, you could just treat the how-things-are-going requests as polite conversation instead of something requiring

  • I am so sorry about the late response.

    This is a very moving story you have shared with us about yourself, I really appreciate your sincerity and honesty. Thank you so much, really.

    I often wonder if things will really get better, sometimes they do and I feel great, but then one little thing sets me back so bad all I can do is curl up in bed and want to cry and mope, I can't do anything and can hardly function. I'm too scared to do anything, and that's the worst part. I'm too scared to try and make things better, to go out and meet new people, I'm scared to put myself out there because I'm certain people will simply hate me.

    I really do appreciate your kind words and help. Thank you. :)

    Quaker540 posted: »

    Hello @SupernovaeHollay, I'm really sorry to hear about your story. I just want to let you know that I've been there, and I want to share

  • edited November 2016

    Welp, simple solution:

    ...Kill your roomies.


    My living situation isn't that great at the moment. There are two people in my life who will ask me about how things are going with my roomi

  • It's about time, I've been waiting for your answer! Don't worry about being late, it's fine. :)

    "I often wonder if things will really get better, sometimes they do and I feel great, but then one little thing sets me back so bad all I can do is curl up in bed and want to cry and mope, I can't do anything and can hardly function."

    It's good. Our surroundings make us react in a certain way, but each of us handles them differently. Sometimes there are feelings that you can't carry for long and you need to let them go. That's okay. Please do not feel sorry or ashamed because of your feelings. Try to focus on the positive side of life. Life has it's ups and it's downs. You can't always win, but you can't always lose! ;)

    "I'm too scared to do anything, and that's the worst part. I'm too scared to try and make things better, to go out and meet new people"

    It's time to walk out of your comfort zone, then. By changing nothing, nothing changes. Don't think twice and just do it!

    "I'm scared to put myself out there because I'm certain people will simply hate me."

    Why don't you let them tell you that?

    You're welcome, I'm so glad I could help you. :) Please keep me posted!

    I am so sorry about the late response. This is a very moving story you have shared with us about yourself, I really appreciate your since

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