Things you want TT to fix.
Now that TT has more money I hope that they look at Mass Effect for continuing story arcs were your decisions matter. I really am tired of this all roads lead to one destination, TT. We need TT games were everyone has much different endings compared to other fans. In one thread I outlined that every that is destined to die in the games, does, but how they die is left up to you. I love TT games yet after playing through the Mass Effect trilogy I can see the illusion of choice in these games all too clear.
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Absolutely nothing. Telltale is fine.
To be fair I think that's a problem pretty much every game with the Choices and Consequences mechanic, not just Telltale. Life Is Strange was a great piece with an interesting mechanic and impactful choice but it was still ultimately the fact that it all came down to your final choice and nothing else matters. But I guess we'll have to see how S3 of WD ends up based on your choices in S2.
I have to disagree with Life is Strange. I thought every choice was well placed with the final moments being genius. I cried for many minutes during the final moments. I'm not hating on TT I really like them a lot and buy every new game they make without hesitating. I was skeptical and mocked Minecraft TT yet it was incredible and got me into that series lol.
I felt that the choices of Life is Strange had pretty much the same effect as Telltale choices. Not beating up Nathan, saving Victoria, and saving Kate were such choices that felt the same as Telltale choices.
I want the lag/frame issue problem that we (or most people including myself) have with Batman to be resolved by TWD3. They pushed the release back a month so hopefully they're ironing out some bugs.
New engine and better marketing. They should stop acting like some indie developers.
My main issue with them is their marketing and communication. They're pretty terrible, and need a lot of improvement.
Communication is crap. Us fans need to know what's going off with episodes. They're ignoring us.
Now think what we TWD fans felt for over a month.
Yeah they think it's a big game.
Bio Ware had a A++ production budget with the Mass Effect games and your choices still didn't matter in the end, lol. So I'm doubtful telltale would fare any different with more development capital. Its really difficult to program a game with a truely complex web of outcomes.
I agree with some of the comments already made. Their marketing and PR efforts could be put it kindly. But that starts from the top, so maybe the execs at TTG could use a trip to the disney customer service course or something.. Their tendency to put out unpolished and glitchy games is unprofessional, IMO. The only set of their new games I've played in the last couple years has been Game of Thrones, but good god that game was a bug fest. Com'on man. People are paying money for these games.
Italian language.
yes. that's all.
the sound mixing is a little off, needs fixing.
the games tend to lag a lot during the "previously on..." segments, needs fixing.
fix the bugs, too.
i dont see much else that needs fixing.
Your choices in Mass Effect mattered as you were going through the trilogy. For instance if you saved Grunt in Mass 2 he lives throughout the series. If you look at everyone's different choices throughout the series, everyone is playing a completely different game. Romances, character interaction, etc. TT has a good amount of money nowadays so I think that they need to get on it. In TT games it's like Carly or Doug, yet we know what happens to them. Pete or his nephew, we know what happens to them etc. In TT games choice is like a flip of the coin when you look at everyone's choices. I want to be tailored to the journey I'm not talking about the ending.
A better focus on communication for series yet to premiere, instead of silence
Performance issues with batman on PC
That's all I got.
Pretty much everything, that has to do with the technicle side of the games.
That's it.
Stop the long black outs especially when it lags.
There communication can be a lot better, there's been too many times when they have left people in the dark.
I've said this before, but Telltale needs to have something in place to allow players to save their choices, like Dragon Age's Keep. It's unreasonable to expect fans to buy and play through these stories multiple times just so we can keep our previous choices.
Sure, previous choices haven't had a huge effect in the past, but they have had some effect.
What do you mean ?
For example, a lot of players have swapped from consoles to PC, or consoles to different consoles, since Telltale's The Walking Dead Season 2. In season 2 you could bring over your season 1 choices if you played both seasons on the same platform. But now that a lot of people have swapped platforms, how will we bring our old choices to season 3?
Bioware fixed this problem with Dragon Age by making a website where you can list your old choices, and then the game reads your past choices from the website, not an old save file. So, if Telltale did something similar, you could go from Xbox 360 to PC without having your old choices be randomised.
OK thanks for clearing that up. I'm a console player and was confused lol.
Yes. Sometimes the sound does tend to get chopped off at certain points, and with the new Batman, sound effects not appear at all. The Falcone infiltration in Episode 1, and the [ahem, trying not to spoil much] Wayne Enterprises fight in Episode 4.
Double Yes. I just think the game should load all the choices and scenes it needs to process before showing it to us. Then it's all one, flowing cutscene instead of separate ones with awkward pauses between them. I also think they need to fix some of the "Next Time" segments as well, I know the one in Batman episode 1 (for Batman episode 2) was very choppy and paused quite a lot.
I would REALLY REALLY REALLY like to have the option to chose the dialog language in the menue. I am German but I hate it that I have to play with the German Subs because they are just horrible (most of the time - more written than spoken dialog and so on..) and I can't switch back to the Englisch ones.
The web site is rubbish...
Here's an idea, make it so somebody who is using Windows can actually create an account. I tried using Windows 10 64bit Pro's Explorer and Firefox to open an account, and QUITE SIMPLY COULDNT AS THE SCREEN WONT SCROLL DOWN TO WHERE YOU CLICK ACCEPT!
Sorry for shouting, but I'm hoping it will get you to fix it.