Batman or Wolf?
hello everyone, ok so I have know played episode 1 of batman and wolf!
Both good games I cant decide if I should buy season pass to batman first or wolf?
Your thoughts, opinions, suggestions, advice will help me decide which game to play next, thanks.
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Definitely Wolf Among Us. Batman (the game) sucks.
ok thanks for your reply, I was thinking batman but wolf is pretty cool.
Glad to be of service.
I recommend picking up Wolf first if you want a complete game as Batman only has 4 episodes out, but if you want to wait for the finale like the rest of us, there's always that option. Its a very tough choice I have to agree.
yeah tuff choice at first I thought I should go with batman but want to hear yours guys opinions first.
Well if you don't mind waiting maybe a month or so for the finale I think you should pick up Batman, its already on sale, and I can't see the price getting any lower, while Wolf goes on sale quite a bit.
Also did Batman run okay for you. This is a pretty big deciding factor, as well.
Adding more to this, Batman has framerate issues. Not sure if this is a consisting problem on XB1/PS4 but definitely is there on PC and last gens. I'd swing for Wolf.
Definitely Wolf. Batman isn't bad from what I've seen but definitely not as good as Wolf. Do Wolf first and then go check out Tales if you haven't. Those are Telltale's best works if you ask me.
Batman has been really good, technical issues aside. I'd say play Batman over Wolf.
Definitely Wolf. Batman isn't nearly as polished engine or story wise, and it feels like each episode is rushed and there isn't very much flexibility playing as Batman. Wolf, however, is an awesome slow burn detective mystery and is just awesome all around and not a cash in.
Really digging both, but Id say Wolf because Id still say it comes out on top as a better game, and all the episodes are currently out right now.
As much as I like the Telltale version of Batman... Wolf has such an amazing story. Bigby is a much more interesting character than Bruce Wayne... so I have to say The Wolf Among Us.
Batman does not suck at all. In all honesty, it is better than Wolf. I never really understood why Wolf is loved so much anyway. It's an okay game, but wasn't at all memorable for me.
Get Batman, but only if you have a console, as I feel Batman has the better story, characters, and impactful choices (that and I'm a huge fan of Batman in general). If you don't have a console but PC, then go with Wolf, as Batman is practically unplayable even with a really good PC. Mine is only about a year old and on it's lowest settings, I still have frame rate issues and severe lagging. Wolf is also a great game, with a great story and a sense of mystery and intrigue, but I feel Batman is the much better game.
thanks for your reply that helps, i like batman to big fan. think i will go with batman just wanted to hear from other people.
wow really, ok thanks for your reply.
thanks for your reply, im a big batman fan but i do like the wolf.
thanks your comment help, most are saying wolf.
thanks, i play my games on xbox360 soon on xbox one.
thanks for your reply, im a big batman fan. people in here seem to like wolf over batman a bit more.
The Wolf Among Us by far for me. The story is better structured and much more deeper as it's atmosphere and environment are brought to life through beautiful visuals and more detailed graphics, the characters are awesomely brought to life through well written dialogue. The clincher moments also stuck to me a lot and has left a more lasting impression (not to say Batman doesn't have any it certainly does). Batman had a rough start but I like the story and characters but The Wolf Among Us is one of my favorite games and Batman, while still good is not.
Get Wolf Now...but Batman when you have the Xbox both of them.
Since Wolf is already finished I'd pick that first. But eventually you should definitely get both, because they're amazing. Certainly one of Telltale's best games.
I prefer Batman but apparently it has a lot of issues. I haven't experienced much but I play on Xbox One.
Thats a hard choice...
Tftb vs GoT: tftb
Wdmichonne vs Mcsm: mcsm
Wolf vs Batman? Idk, maybe batman coz we aint getting wolf's complete story. It was a cliffhanger
I haven't had any performance problems on my notebook with Batman (and my notebook is 3 years old). I just needed the newest driver for my graphic card and everything was fine.
Because you're playing on 360, definitely get The Wolf Among Us. For Batman, I've heard scenes are missing on old generation consoles and a lot of things with graphics being a bit iffy also.
Yes, but it's kind of a bandwagon. Many people genuinely love the game and many have always done so, and that's fine since they are actual fans and not just people following a trend. I'm only annoyed at the people who started spamming "TWAU Season 2" everywhere out of the blue because it was cool, but not because they actually wanted it.
Like, be honest, when was the last time you have really seen people demanding for Wolf Season 2 on Twitter? Exactly, they stopped as soon as it became a trend to spam Telltale about Season 3 again.
In the end, it's your decision, but I say go with Batman.
I loved Wolf and am loving the Batman series but personally I would have to choose Batman. I've always been a fan and being able to really interact with the characters as Bruce as well as Batman is awesome. They're both really good stories and I hope both of them get a 2nd season.
Wolf. My reason?
That is all.
haha wtf is he doing?
i just paid for the wolf season pass but Batman will be next, then game of thrones.
I played episode 1 of batman and thrones and I really like both of them. but i will play batman cant wait!
ok thanks, i just got season pass to wolf downloading episode 2 right now.
ok ok, thanks for your comment.
ok thanks.
i got wolf season pass but batman is next hope it dosent have issues on my xbox360.
hii, i got wolf, ,downloading episode 2 right now.
i will get batman next cant wait to play that one as well.
ok ok thanks, i did get wolf, and i want to play batman next but i have a xbox360 and not sure when i will get a xbox one.
ok thanks for your reply, i just got wolf entire season. will play batman next i think? also likes game of thrones episode 1 is free played it and i really liked it.
alright thanks for your reply. im playing wolf, batman will be next cant wait.