Telltale's Community 'Dirty Data' thread (NEW SURVEY IS UP)
Hey guys! So if you didn't know there is a very interesting series on youtube called 'Dirty Data' in which people in a large room with contrasting differences show their opinions and views on issues in today's society.
I was thinking it would be really interesting to do a version of this one here where you guys can take part in a small survey and ill post the results on here! If this is something you guys are interested in i'd love to make it weekly! If you have any differences you want me to base the surveys on (ex. Religion, Ethnicity, Which Telltale game is your favorite, etc.) Feel free to place it in the comments!
My second survey is based off of what Telltale game is your favorite. The question is regarding Telltale's performance and their decisions
(I'm aware subjective threads that showcase different opinions can easily be closed due to arguments or fights so please keep it respectful and REMEMBER the whole point of Dirty Data is to bring us together, not tear us apart)
I like polls like this. Sent my answers.
Thanks so much!
Interesting! I will be following this thread closely.
In the first day ive gotten an overwhelming 137 responses! Thank you all so much i will close it on Monday, results to come soon after!
Any ideas for what I should do next week?
Hey! I've decided the next survey will be on What Telltale game is your favorite and what it says about you!
Also the current survey closes at 6PM (PST) today so make sure to take it if you haven't already!
I have closed it now and done 3 hours of data collection and getting the results started. Should come out tomorrow or Tuesday!
Whew, this is a lot of work. Having so much fun doing it though.
I got a total of 192
I got a total of 192.
((For some reason when I post a photo on here it doesnt work properly?))
I can't see the pictures.
It has to be a link that ends with some kind of picture filename extension, like .jpg or .png or .gif. If the site won't let you get that link, then just provide a link to the page that contains the photo, but say what it is so we'll know if it's worth our while to look at it.
(Second attempt to do this failed) This is really frustrating, im considering just writing out the results.. I guess its called a first try for a reason.
Just tried that and I think it works! uploading now!
Hey guys, im proud to announce the results of the first survey. This was a lot of work but also a lot of fun, once again thanks a ton to everyone who took part and please feel free to discuss the results below
(Some questions I have for you guys below!)
I know what the Dakota Access Pipeline is, but I didn't know what DAPL was. I guess I don't read Twitter as much as they think I should.
Honestly, my biggest surprise was a 62% female majority. So much for the gamer stereotype!
Yeah so basically NoDAPL is the name of the movement
Why close soo sooon~! I want MOAR!
I'm kidding, but honestly, I eagerly await your next poll. Thank you @#TeamSarah
The only result that really surprises me is that there are 62% women who took the pole.
Maybe I'm just a white cis scum male, but I always thought that most people on here were male, at least going by usernames and writing styles.
It's funny how typical those charts are of their respective supporters.
This was pretty cool and eye-opening, so thank you for the hard work in putting all of this together I can't say I'm much of an outlier here.
The close results for whether Clinton is a criminal among Bernie voters might be the most surprising, though not wildly so. Also interesting were the Clinton supporters awareness (or lack thereof) of NoDAPL.
I think what surprised me the least were the results to the question of what America should strive to be.
I can't say the results altered my perception of the community too significantly-- all walks of life passing through here.
Accidently didn't add them I'll quickly do that now!
Thank you so much!! I'll start preparing next survey Thursday haha.
Here is a forgotten abortion questions haha, next survey will open Friday or Saturday. Stay tuned tonight for a poll regarding the next poll (Need your guy's input!)
With this question its important to note the amount of Americans who are pro choice as shot up from (49 to 62) since the Planned Parenthood shooting in 2015.
For my next survey I actually need your guys input first. I can only pick 3 or 4 Telltale games because I cant do more than that (In terms of data) so I was hoping you guys could vote for your favorite Telltale Game so I can add the most popular ones as the core of the next survey (Make relevant questions about them etc.)
(This is favorite Telltale game or series so if you vote for Walking Dead for example you are voting for both Seasons)
Starting my second survey right now! Should be up tonight?
This is mostly regarding Telltale's decision and performance Feel free to discuss in the comments.
Why isn't Game of Thrones on there?
Not enough peolpe voted for it when I made the survey. IF your first choice isnt on there pick your second
Well that's kinda depressing, not gonna lie.
Will do
Yeah I know I was dissapointed too. Big GOT fan.