I'm in the same boat as you lol. I think it has something to do with all the Americans here.
Castro has a really complex legacy and I don't feel like arguing it with everyone else screaming "Ragh muh gommunist tyranny".
The guy did a lot of good and a lot of bad. Batista was unequivocally worse. Cuba would probably be better off if a more liberal faction won the revolution, but que sera sera.
walks into the thread to support fidel castro
sees what's going on
Well, uh... rest in piece, man.
leaves thread
P.S. I summon @BigBlindMax in this thread!
Guess 2016 finally got something right :P Even if it was effectively symbolic.
Aside from the intolerant and totalitarian regime thing, … moreI also associate him with possibly the nastiest flavor of soda to ever pass my lips
So yeah, ding dong, adios, etc
Couldn't agree with you more. I hate it when people make someone look either completely good or extremely bad. He's no saint indeed, but he's not a damn monster who was willing to destroy the universe. He's dead anyway so what's the point in arguing? I just respect him as a person who did a big influence on history. He did some bad stuff, yes, but mocking his death is no better.
Btw, I forgot to mention how cool is the fact that people tried to kill Castro 600~ times but he died of old age. That's like a massive middle finger into their faces, lol.
I'm in the same boat as you lol. I think it has something to do with all the Americans here.
Castro has a really complex legacy and I do… moren't feel like arguing it with everyone else screaming "Ragh muh gommunist tyranny".
The guy did a lot of good and a lot of bad. Batista was unequivocally worse. Cuba would probably be better off if a more liberal faction won the revolution, but que sera sera.
The man they couldn't kill is finally dead, at a ripe old age. Let's examine his scorecard.
The good.
Didn't murder labor agitators like dogs. (Batista did)
Wasn't in bed with the mob. (Batista was)
Wasn't a US puppet.
His country managed to survive more than half a century of embargo.
One of few leaders to survive the fall of the USSR without going liberal.
Largely delivered on promises of agrarian redistribution. Privileged landlord class got what they deserved.
Cuba has good healthcare for a country of its development level.
The Cuban working-class is better off than it was under Batista (though their lifestyle is still very lean).
Made the CIA look bad, and led troops from the front during Bay of Pigs.
Was a friend to Africa, put boots on the ground against Portugal and the South African apartheid state.
The bad.
Was a tyrant, running a single-party state.
Put cronies in charge.
Followed a hardcore Marxist-Leninist line, despite the market/goulash socialism of Yugoslavia and Hungary proving much more successful.
Prison camps, torture, firing squads used against dissidents, including other leftists.
The boatlift.
The Cuban Missile Crisis.
Created a police/surveillance state.
Persecuted the religious, while fostering a pretty grotesque religion of the state.
Was criminally unfashionable
Was a Soviet sock-puppet for quite some time.
Enriched himself on the public dime.
Basically, he wasn't a great guy, just a marginally better bastard than the one who came before. History won't "absolve him", but it probably will look at him a bit differently once the Cold War rah rah of our grandparents' generation is good and dead. I'd put him somewhere between Assad and Tito on the authoritarian leader scale.
Yeah, I'm real mixed on him. I respect his land reforms and the fact that he ended the tyranny of the Batistiano landlords.
At the same time, I have the problem with him that have with all of the great, romantic revolutionaries. The replacementof one ruling class (bourgeoisie) with another (red bureaucracy).
He's definitely a complex figure though. Hardly as black and white as people think.
Couldn't agree with you more. I hate it when people make someone look either completely good or extremely bad. He's no saint indeed, but he'… mores not a damn monster who was willing to destroy the universe. He's dead anyway so what's the point in arguing? I just respect him as a person who did a big influence on history. He did some bad stuff, yes, but mocking his death is no better.
Btw, I forgot to mention how cool is the fact that people tried to kill Castro 600~ times but he died of old age. That's like a massive middle finger into their faces, lol.
Usually don't say this but in Fidel Castro's case: He deserved far worse
Looks like Alex Mason didn't kill the body double this time.
Sic semper tyrannus.
walks into the thread to support fidel castro
sees what's going on
Well, uh... rest in piece, man.
leaves thread
P.S. I summon @BigBlindMax in this thread!
No matter what your personal opinion of the man may be, these good riddance comments are really unnecessary.
Not really. Knowing the things he has done, dying was the easy way out for him.
Woowie! You need to research more friendo, less time here, more time studying.
amount of time i spend on here is 5 minutes a day at most. you on the other hand seem to post in every single thread.
Guess 2016 finally got something right :P Even if it was effectively symbolic.
Aside from the intolerant and totalitarian regime thing, I also associate him with possibly the nastiest flavor of soda to ever pass my lips
So yeah, ding dong, adios, etc
I'm in the same boat as you lol. I think it has something to do with all the Americans here.
Castro has a really complex legacy and I don't feel like arguing it with everyone else screaming "Ragh muh gommunist tyranny".
The guy did a lot of good and a lot of bad. Batista was unequivocally worse. Cuba would probably be better off if a more liberal faction won the revolution, but que sera sera.
It's necessary to show everyone how much of a proud murrican patriot you are.
The revolution tastes sickeningly sweet with a bitter, chemical aftertaste? Seems pretty fitting, actually!
You know, you gotta point there
And while definitely curious at first, it soon leaves you full of regret
To be fair, it's not worse than bacon soda now that I think about it. Now there's a crime against humanity. But I digress
Everyone who dislikes Castro online is an American?
Bad man or not celebrating a persons death is wrong.
Get prank'd Fidel!
Wow... Is it bad I'm laughing not because he's dead it's because I started learning about the Cuban Missile crisis in school on Friday.
Nope, but Americans are much more likely than Europeans or others to blindly hate the Castro regime.
Couldn't agree with you more. I hate it when people make someone look either completely good or extremely bad. He's no saint indeed, but he's not a damn monster who was willing to destroy the universe. He's dead anyway so what's the point in arguing? I just respect him as a person who did a big influence on history. He did some bad stuff, yes, but mocking his death is no better.
Btw, I forgot to mention how cool is the fact that people tried to kill Castro 600~ times but he died of old age. That's like a massive middle finger into their faces, lol.
The man they couldn't kill is finally dead, at a ripe old age. Let's examine his scorecard.
The good.
Didn't murder labor agitators like dogs. (Batista did)
Wasn't in bed with the mob. (Batista was)
Wasn't a US puppet.
His country managed to survive more than half a century of embargo.
One of few leaders to survive the fall of the USSR without going liberal.
Largely delivered on promises of agrarian redistribution. Privileged landlord class got what they deserved.
Cuba has good healthcare for a country of its development level.
The Cuban working-class is better off than it was under Batista (though their lifestyle is still very lean).
Made the CIA look bad, and led troops from the front during Bay of Pigs.
Was a friend to Africa, put boots on the ground against Portugal and the South African apartheid state.
The bad.
Was a tyrant, running a single-party state.
Put cronies in charge.
Followed a hardcore Marxist-Leninist line, despite the market/goulash socialism of Yugoslavia and Hungary proving much more successful.
Prison camps, torture, firing squads used against dissidents, including other leftists.
The boatlift.
The Cuban Missile Crisis.
Created a police/surveillance state.
Persecuted the religious, while fostering a pretty grotesque religion of the state.
Was criminally unfashionable
Was a Soviet sock-puppet for quite some time.
Enriched himself on the public dime.
Basically, he wasn't a great guy, just a marginally better bastard than the one who came before. History won't "absolve him", but it probably will look at him a bit differently once the Cold War rah rah of our grandparents' generation is good and dead. I'd put him somewhere between Assad and Tito on the authoritarian leader scale.
Why is it wrong? The guy was a nasty fucker.
Don't Fidel my Castro or I'll Marx my Karlendar. ~ Egoraptor, 2012.
Maybe he was but I consider it nasty to cheer because a man is dead.
I just realized something.
Tropico series is probably inspired from Cuba and its famous leader Fidel Castro.
Now I wonder who will replace him while actually managing to stay in power more than a few days.
Would you apply that to, say, Adolf Hitler?
I think so. It doesn't matter how shitty a person is to me I'm never going to think good riddance about a person's death.
Quit Stalin and Marx your calendar for the day I Fidel you from many Engels until you go Mao!
Fuckin' hell man that earned an upvote from me.
Yeah, I'm real mixed on him. I respect his land reforms and the fact that he ended the tyranny of the Batistiano landlords.
At the same time, I have the problem with him that have with all of the great, romantic revolutionaries. The replacementof one ruling class (bourgeoisie) with another (red bureaucracy).
He's definitely a complex figure though. Hardly as black and white as people think.
That's pretty irrational.
Same statement could be applied to you.
Not gonna lie, that roast was good.
All the times people tried to kill him and he dies of natural causes at age 90. What an amazing middle finger to everybody.