The Fairbanks family.
I just finished the Michonne miniseries today, and I was pretty happy with my choices. I know I'm late to the game, and these questions have probably been answered a million times (tried to do a search on here):
Will we be seeing the Fairbanks crew: Sam (determinant) along with Paige (the lesbian crush), and maybe her two little brothers, in TWD: A new frontier? Sam's character, and all that she's dealing with, and her possible relationship with Paige, were both extremely compelling to me. Will they be in Wellington, or Oceanside? If Oceanside, will we get to visit that community?
Fun thoughts about possibilities, running through my head.
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I think Michonne is a self contained story that does not carry over to Season 3, effectively making a comeback of the Fairbanks very unlikely.
Yeah I doubt we will ever see any of the Fairbanks again. THat was just a story to tell us what Michonne was up to during her time away from the comic. THe fact that the survivors went to Oceanside is a pretty good indicator in my opinion that it was a ride off into the sunset moment for them.
Oceanside has been described in both the comics and the game as a fairly safe location that is a way from much of the conflict going on in the area right now. It is a perfect location to place people that you don't want to kill off but at the same time don't plan on using anymore.
(though I'm not sure if I want SamxPaige or SamxJavi idk)
(though I'm not sure if I want SamxPaige or SamxJavi idk)
Ahh, I see. Also, I kind of aagree with the point that it was sort of a ride off into the sunset for them, that's kinda what it felt like, albiet unfortunate :P
So if she lived (which is the ending that makes more sense, who would pick staying in the house?), she would've been taken to Oceanside with her family? I was hoping it would be Wellington, as it was another community "up north," as Pete put it.
The stuff that went down with Sam and her family were super compelling. I hated Sam at first, but Sam's brash, inexperienced, but good-natured and self-righteous character grew on me a lot, and I would love to see what becomes of her. I'd like to see if she learned anything from Michonne and grew up and made it in that world successfully while keeping her close ones safe. Her willingness to put everything on the line for her family, especially her kid brothers, really hit home with me, especially as a scared kid herself.
I would like to think that the ending where Michonne said goodbye to her daughters for the very last time in the burning house was canon, as I feel that she NEEDED to say goodbye to them, and get one step closer to putting those demons behind her. And hell no, I didn't sacrifice Sam :P
Also, has either comic or show, visited Oceanside yet? I'd still love to see it!
Pete was referring to the main communities (Alexandria, Hilltop, etc) when he said that. The miniseries takes place down south from where Alexandria and the other communities are. Wellington is still game-only, at the moment.
And to answer your question about Oceanside appearing in the comics; no. There have been multiple references to it, and they apparently trade with Alexandria and the rest of the communities, but it hasn't actually been seen yet.
Ahh, very interesting. So basically definitely not Wellington, but rather Alexandria, Hilltop, etc.
Out of curiosity, how do you know that's what Pete meant? Are you close to the telltale devs/writers? Also, any more info on the Fairbanks and Paige would be very pleasing to read, if you happen to know.
michonne was a stand alone story to hold people while they waited for anf. we are more likely to see the fair banks again in the comics then the games.
Really? You think they might show up in the comics? That would be pretty cool. Has a TellTale Walking dead character ever made an appearance or transition in the comic?
Because Wellington is a location only mentioned in the main game series, so Pete probably doesn't even know about it. If put in context, Pete definitely meant Alexandria, Hilltop, Oceanside etc. Also, Wellington is somewhere up near Michigan, so it wouldn't make sense to head there from Chesapeake Bay.
On a somewhat related note, anyone else think that the wiki is completely wrong in saying that Wellington is Wellington, Ohio? I thought it was pretty obvious that it was named after the writings on the shipping containers making up the wall. Enid's comment, "A lot of people call it that." makes no sense if it was an actual town with a set name.
Pete mentions Oceanside by name at the end and then after that says 'or one of the other communities up north'. Since none of the Fairbanks has appeared in the comics at all you can assume they did end up in Oceanside. Pete himself is mainly from Oceanside.
Just in issue 158 during the Whisperer War Siddiq asks Pete if he can help them out but Pete says they (most like meaning Oceanside) have their own problems to worry about.
It has been stated that A New Frontier will take place in the area where the communities in the comic series are located, and also that we will meet prominent comic characters—hence, we will most likely be in said communities.
Oceanside is one of these communities, and Paige and the Fairbanks were directed toward Oceanside by the end of "What We Deserve," so it is quite possible that we will meet them again. Plenty of residents in this network of communities move homes from settlement to settlement, making their appearance even more likely.
Possibly the game might go to Oceanside. However with what is currently going on in the comics Oceanside may very well appear in the comics soon and I think Kirkman would be the one to want to give Oceanside its first introduction into the universe. Unless he told TellTale exactly how he wanted Oceanside to look I don't see us seeing Oceanside for the very first time in the game.
Sony, I think he meant that Paige and the Fairbanks could move from Oceanside to one of the communities more inland and close to where the game takes place, and that we don't have to go to Oceanside to see them.
B/c apparently a lot of residents in this network of communities moves homes from settlement to settlement.
Wow! That would be so amazing if they did. The way you explained it makes perfectly good sense. I know people say that Michonne was a stand alone series to keep us busy before ANF came out, but I was kinda hoping for a better "400 Days" effect, where some choices you make do affect characters that may reappear in ANF (aka Sam n' Paige, etc).
That would be so goddamned amazing. There's a lot to explore with Sam's character, Paige, the little bros, lesbian romances, and all the crazy shenanigans with it :P
I don't wanna see this fu**ers again.
They steal from Monroe, they destroy in fire community with people and families, because "Awww, find/make food to hard, well i just steal it from other people, why not?, and when i get in trouble, i blame Michonne and she's crew(like Arvo did), hehehe a cunning plan".
Seem's like only Paige okay girl of them.
Yeah, I did hate sam and greg at first, you see them as reckless and stupid kids at first. But as things go by you realize that Norma and Randall are murdering scumfucks that executed a shit ton of people (and children) on the mobjack and took all their stuff, lolol. The only reason why Sam lied about Michonne being with them at first is b/c she didn't trust or know Michonne. But, Sam apologized for getting Michonne involved when they were captured, she genuinely felt stupid.
Not only was Randall behind executing children on the Mobjack, with their hands bound, but remember the sunken boat that Pete's boat got snagged on? The people of Randall's crew most likely sank that boat, too, when it was trying to escape the violence on the Mobjack, like Oak was thinking. That boat was with Rashid and Vanessa (pete's sailing friends), b/c they left the picture on the mobjack for Pete. Rashid and Vanessa, almost got killed by Randall and his thugs, too! Hell, even Zachary (the gay kid) wanted to shoot Randall, not Greg; Zach was telling the truth. If you play that scene again, you'll notice Zach trying to point more to the right to shoot Randall, but shoots too early
Also, Michonne was sick of their shit and shot the flare to get away that incidentally burned their homes down. I don't blame her for that, after learning what their leaders were really like...
Norma was more reasonable at first, but then you realize she was in on Randall's killing spree; she was more like the cold, ruthless brain of the operations, taking that psycho Randall off his leash to do her dirty work to take supplies/conduct overkill-punishment. I stopped believing in Norma when she tried to feed me that "Randall was a hero that avenged the people on the mobjack, by taking out the bandits that got them," story. What a load of propaganda bullshit, LOL. I stopped believing in Randall and Norma more so when Randall blew John's (the Dad) head off. And then Randall talks about killing Sam's kid brothers, b/c he's used to killing children and totally ok with it. That's why I chose to kill the shit out of Randall, and let Norma suffer
B/c Norma was probably in on hanging the Mobjack leader on the doors and letting him get eaten alive by walkers. Norma was basically a ruthless tyrant on the inside, while Randall was the overzealous, murdering, psychopath.
Exactly! It's not likely, but it is possible.
Maybe, maybe and maybe. You never know what ttg may have planned
I agree completely with your understanding of the Fairbanks.
I disagree profoundly with your contempt of Norma—she was only a forgiving and reasonable woman with the best of intentions, that was juggling between keeping a community of survivors safe and keeping her sadistic brother on a leash.
Haha, yeah. I truthfully felt bad for Norma, almost as much as I hated her for fighting so hard for that awful person Randall. She could've done so much better for herself if she wised up and realized how much of a piece of shit her brother was, and put her foot down... on his face. Not to mention, her "never a third chance" policy and the dead kids at the mobjack definitely made me raise an eyebrow at her. Even the best intentions can take you on a path straight to hell, lol.
Forgot to note: Zachary was wanting to shoot Randall, why? Not only was he an murdering asshole, but Randall probably forced Zach to go to the Mobjack slaughter and "help."
I do like that the comics are referencing Wellington now..apparently Skybound ie Kirkman is in very close contact with TellTalegames. It does seem Kirkman is very happy with TellTalegames and the characters in the game.
Cool that would work. Not all the residents get any screen time so it would be acceptable if they were a part of those communities.
As much as some of us have talked about Wellington potentially being in the comics as of now it is still only a theory. Nothing has officially been stated about the name of Stephanie's community. People have just been connecting it with Wellington because it is the only 'Ohio' community we know of so far.
Don't be shocked or dissapointed though if Stephanie doesn't end up being a part of Wellington as Kirkman might not want to connect the video game series and the actual comic that closely.
So don't take the Wellington claims as gospel just yet. There is a real possibility Wellington will eventually get into the comic but as of now it is just a theory.
True...but as a loyal Buckeye...glad to have my state mentioned.
We don't even know if Wellington is actually Wellington, Ohio. I think it's more likely that it's named after the writing on the containers:
Enid also says, "A lot of people call it that." which makes no sense if it's an actual city with a name before the apocalypse.
EDIT: It could still be located in northern Ohio, I just don't think that it's related to the city with the same name.
Yeah there is a Wellington Ohio (suburb of Cleveland) and that is likely how it originally got placed in Ohio. Given the fact that Kenny says that Wellington was somewhere up by Michigan and there is a Wellington Ohio is probably how it cam to be believed that it was in that town.
We probably don't really know if Telltale intended it to be that way but its possible. Possibly somebody that works on the TellTale staff is just from that area and when they were thinking up where they wanted a new community to be located they just started throwing around ideas. Regardless rather they intentionally intended it to be there at this point they would probably just leave it as Wellington Ohio's wikipedia page even has a reference to the game now.
Seriously? The comics have now referenced Wellington?!
Potentially. They have eluded to a large scale community in Ohio. Rather or not it ends up being Wellington remains to be seen but the fact that it might be Wellington is a strong theory going around right now.
Expanding on what @sony12 said.
A main character in the comic series has contacted a woman named Stephanie by using some sort of repaired radio. This woman claims to be part of a community in Ohio with more than fifty people that has been there since the beginning of the apocalypse; she says that they have received plenty of people who have travelled long ways.
Hey, bettertosleep, I just saw you mentioned in this Gameover ENT video on youtube! A big youtuber that's a huge fant of telltale games, basically. Just thought I'd give you a shoutout, in case you didn't see this:
Ok so check out this robert kirkman interview. I time linked it when he starts talking about Season 3 walking dead.
The way he responds makes me sort of inclined to believe Wellington might be a comic-canon thing in S3 walking dead. What do you think, sony?
Yeah I have seen that video before. Yes it does confirm we will be seeing some connections to the comic but what yet we really don't know. I have my doubts that we would see Stephanie in Wellington because if that character is infact in Wellington that would be a reveal saved for the comic in my opinion.
My best bets are that we just run into particular comic characters during the journey of season 3. Magna and her group would be a good bet and Siddiq has been out there running around as well. We also just might get some added information about Oceanside.
I'm aware of this, though thank you for pointing it out! The subject of the video above is discussed in length in this thread—the thread which by the way gave birth to the widespread speculation.
I will take this chance to publicly acknowledge how I feel.
Part of me is thankful that @GameOverENT has served as an outlet that allowed 150,000 people to receive this information. Part of me is envious that Trey is receiving so much attention for spreading the knowledge of a hidden symbol that he did not himself find. Part of me is upset that @Clem_is_awesome did not have a shoutout when they made the connection with Caprikorn Farms. Part of me is happy that @Lilacsbloom was mentioned. Part of me is ashamed that I am getting the credit for finding the symbol when others, including @Dont_Look_Back, found it independently. Part of me is proud to have been the absolute first person on the internet to discuss this subject that will one day be remembered as an integral aspect of A New Frontier.
Humans' stream of consciousness is complex.
Wow! You say Siddiq has been running around, too? Maybe with Pete? God knows, I'd love to see Pete again. I loved the shit outta that guy. I tend to like good-natured optimistic characters, hehe.
Some sort of run in with Siddiq/Pete and Oceanside would be awesome. Not to mention that also gives a chance we'd see Sam and company again, which I'm obviously all for.