Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Okay then.

    For those who know about the games files, is there any existing evidence that Larry would indeed turn during this scene that may have been cut? Nope. The files say nothing.

  • Not sure if this counts or not, but Bonnie actually offers Jane to sit by Luke when she joins everyone around the fire.

  • Nick's sad and slow walk after Pete's death is the same animation as Kenny's walk when Clem looks back at him while she's in the truck in 205.

  • Not sure if this counts, but it's implied that Sarah isn't or at least wasn't always quite the daddy's girl people think she is.

  • When? I missed that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Not sure if this counts, but it's implied that Sarah isn't or at least wasn't always quite the daddy's girl people think she is.

  • In the first two episodes. Certain things she does and says, along with one or two determinant lines from Carlos, indicates that she apparently has something resembling a rebellious streak.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    When? I missed that.

  • Yeah, she dies a few times actually. For some reason, her reaction is underwhelmingly hilarious there in particular.

  • Like...

    DabigRG posted: »

    In the first two episodes. Certain things she does and says, along with one or two determinant lines from Carlos, indicates that she apparently has something resembling a rebellious streak.

  • edited November 2016

    Fun fact: If you don't grab the ladder in time when Mike holds you with the rope, he just drops you.

    Damn, son.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, I knew Jane was a bitch, but wow!

  • Who can say that Jane was not running halfway around the fallen slide to have a better chance of putting Clementine out of her misery?

    She is out of screen after a few steps.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, I knew Jane was a bitch, but wow!

  • To be fair that was Clementine's fuck up. Jane was under the impression that Clem could handle herself and not just watch the walker come towards her.

    Oh and just to clarify... JANE AIN'T NO BITCH!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, I knew Jane was a bitch, but wow!

  • One of the early story concepts for Season 2 involved an abandoned zoo and a tiger.

  • Not sure it it's in game, but I found the website of someone who is a concept artist for Telltale Games, Jesse Maccabe. They have very beautiful pieces from the game and they made some of the famous covers for the game.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • For starters, there's her willingness to help Clementine (even without Clementine asking her) despite admitting that she's not even supposed to be talking to her. Of course, there's the moral myopia and straw hypocrisy of some people pointing out that this means she's more than willing to essentially steal from the group to help Clementine.

    Asking her if she should be in bed has her mention that needed light to read her book and asks Clementine not to tell her dad. This can be preempted by eavesdropping on the house meeting, where Pete asking where Sarah is has Carlos quickly say she has her book and that she doesn't need to be a part of the meeting, which suggests that he both knows she'll go behind his back on a whim, as well as the fact that she'd probably be willing to actively advocate helping Clementine despite her considerable reluctance to disappoint him.

    One of the red flags that she tends to raise with people(myself included) is how she suddenly decides that Clementine should be her friend, how distracted she gets from helping Clementine due to her enthusiasm, and of course how insistent she is about it should Clementine show any misgivings. Not to be too suggestive here, but "let's be friends" can easily be replaced with something else that would put this into context. The fact that their discussing this a dark bedroom while Clementine is essentially at her mercy doesn't help.

    When you first see her in Episode 2, she mentions that she found the camera and the gun under the house and that there's lots of cool things down there, suggesting that she may sneak out fairly often despite Carlos trying to keep her in the Cabin. She also mentions that she couldn't find any bullets, which is both concerning and intuitive of her, since Carlos's assertion that she doesn't know what the world is really like is contradicted early on with her reaction to Clementine showing her the bite. And may I point out her smooth segueway into asking Clementine to teach her and her comments about it if you hesitate to answer? Honestly, that scene in general is what made me fall in love with her character.

    Not sure where this is exactly, but there is a line where trying to lie to Carlos will have him calmly see through it pretty quick, with him claiming that she has similar mannerisms as when he catches Sarah in a lie.

    Another little implication that people tend to miss is that Carlos and maybe even Carver seem to disapprove of her hanging with Clementine in part because it's implied that being around Clementine is causing her to act out a lot more than she would otherwise. Somewhat backing this up is her determinate bold claim that she never got in trouble with Carver before, combined with Carver's unusually stern but quiet reactions to her stepping out of line.

    I'm sure I'm forgetting something at the moment, but I think the point has been made.


  • edited November 2016

    Yeah, I asked someone about that a while ago. The hilarious thing is that he's really just casually lets go of the rope and walks off if you slow it down.

    Fun fact: If you don't grab the ladder in time when Mike holds you with the rope, he just drops you. Damn, son.

  • Actually, the tumblr post that pointed that scene out to me rightfully notes that Jane starts to leave as the walker grabs Clementine. While she might be planning to put her down afterwards, she still decides to leave rather than intervening despite having a gun on her--something she would later do to Sarah.

    Who can say that Jane was not running halfway around the fallen slide to have a better chance of putting Clementine out of her misery? She is out of screen after a few steps.

  • The joke is that Jane just up and leaves rather than do anything to help a little girl she's supposedly interested in, but true.

    Also, what else do you call a mean female that's prone to selfish and petty even behavior?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    To be fair that was Clementine's fuck up. Jane was under the impression that Clem could handle herself and not just watch the walker come towards her. Oh and just to clarify... JANE AIN'T NO BITCH!

  • I don't know but that's not what Jane is.

    DabigRG posted: »

    The joke is that Jane just up and leaves rather than do anything to help a little girl she's supposedly interested in, but true. Also, what else do you call a mean female that's prone to selfish and petty even behavior?

  • In Season 1 Episode 4 Ben hands Lee the well known Axe/Hammer with the yellow center and black handle.
    In 400 Days Shel's story this same axe is seen on the table to be inventoried.
    In Season 2 Episode 3 as they leave the Mall Clementine is handed the same axe.

  • Yeah that walk cycle is really awkward.

    BroKenny posted: »

    Nick's sad and slow walk after Pete's death is the same animation as Kenny's walk when Clem looks back at him while she's in the truck in 205.

  • Clem at 2:17 was just "fuck this im just going to die"

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, I knew Jane was a bitch, but wow!

  • edited November 2016

    I know this doesn't count, but it's something I didn't really think about till just now: as you know, Sarah's death(mostly the "canon" one) is seen as a low point of the game due to how needlessly meanspirited, pointless, and sloppy it is. As a testament to this laziness, the only character guaranteed to be actively affected by it, if only for a few scant seconds, is Jane of all people when she's about to sneak off. This is weird for a number reasons, but the thing that makes this especially messed up? Even though this scene is virtually identical regardless of how Sarah died, Jane seems to be saying this about the canon death.

    Jane: Jaime...Sarah...I'm not going to stick around and watch it happen to you too.

  • think too much about Sarah's death...secondly...Jane is awesome...thirdly..consider this...after the group leaves the platform...Sarah the walker is still trapped under the deck...cursed to starve like Fivel. I suggest you rewrite season 2 for yourself and see how you would change through this and have fun with it. But always remember...even when you are playing S3...Walker Sarah is out there..and that is canon.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know this doesn't count, but it's something I didn't really think about till just now: as you know, Sarah's death(mostly the "canon" one)

  • you think too much about Sarah's death

    The irony of thinking about one of the only shining lights in all the darkness that is Season 2 is having to acknowledge that. It's almost like it's a major sticking point with the Season as a whole or something.

    Jane is awesome

    Whatever. Not sure what that has to do with anything, but whatever.

    Sarah the walker is still trapped under the deck...cursed to starve like Fivel.

    Foq u 2.

    I suggest you rewrite season 2 for yourself and see how you would change things

    I already have. Made a thread about rewrites and everything.

    even when you are playing S3.

    Not interested.

    But always remember...Walker Sarah is out there..and that is canon.

    No, that is technically(and most likely) determinant. Considering they kinda have to walk through there to leave, not to mention THEY DROPPED THE FUCKING DECK ON HER, I sincerely doubt that. Also, canon in this sense is the latest something can happen to anyone. think too much about Sarah's death...secondly...Jane is awesome...thirdly..consider this...after the group leaves the platform

  • The only one who cared that Sarah had died.

  • edited November 2016

    Okay, admittedly, I may have overgeneralized that statement: Jane is the only who actively shows that she was affected by the loss. Clementine and Luke are clearly horrified by what happens and Mike can be seen comforting an apparently crying Bonnie, but they don't say anything about it otherwise. Clementine is perfectly capable of saying something about it as well, but she apparently completely forgets about it in the next episode alongside Jane.

    The only one who cared that Sarah had died.

  • I know...was just joking around. In the walking dead...death happens so much...I think S1 handled death so much better.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, admittedly, I may have overgeneralized that statement: Jane is the only who actively shows that she was affected by the loss. Clementi

  • I dunno if this connects to it but in episode 1 of season 2, Clem can say to Luke in the kitchen, "sometimes people die because of me" was this FORESHADOWING a few of the characters that die determinately because of her choices?

    also if you don't break the ice bonnie dies

  • People who get killed normally, turn walker in like 1 or 2 minutes I think.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, so I'm able to confirm this due to my recent/current 3rd "Pragmatic Lee" playthrough: If you side with Kenny in the meat locker and dr

  • This totally makes sense, also I thought she was suffering PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). So she was an okay gal during episode 1 to 3, until her dad got shot and bit, scarred her seeing this happen made her "cease to function" by what Carlos told Clementine, ignoring anyone who tries to help her, and also one scene in episode 4, she thinks her dad would come back and that they should go back to the cabin where its safe.

    DabigRG posted: »

    For starters, there's her willingness to help Clementine (even without Clementine asking her) despite admitting that she's not even supposed

  • That would be cool if Ezekiel and his tiger Shiba was going to be in season 2, or could be a mini series on his life during the apocalypse.

    One of the early story concepts for Season 2 involved an abandoned zoo and a tiger.

  • I thought she was suffering PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

    I believe it was implied that this was indeed the case: Carlos explains that she's all he has left and Sarah later insists that she's alone now, which suggests that they lost her mother and that Sarah didn't handle it well at first. Combine that with the fact that she may have witnessed Nick have to put down his mom and it makes perfect sense as to why she tends to get worked up when people die. Also, part of why Luke spent hours arguing with her and why slapping her is mandatory is that she seemed to be constantly flashing back to Carlos's death, making her be literally paralyzed with fear and causing her to freak out whenever someone tries to get close to her.

    also one scene in episode 4, she thinks her dad would come back and that they should go back to the cabin where its safe.

    Okay, funny thing about this: while I definitely got this at first, I can't help but think that she was intentionally trying to delude herself there after my second playthrough. Her behavior up till that point makes it very clear that she knows that Carlos is in fact dead and that she's messed up because of it, so the fact that she was talking about Jane wanting to leave her and asking why Clementine didn't just before makes me think she was trying to trick herself into feeling better so she can move on--essentially what Jane did, interestingly enough.

    This totally makes sense, also I thought she was suffering PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). So she was an okay gal during episode 1 to

  • I don't see why everyone thinks Jane is terrible just because she didn't devote all her time and life to other characters. She barely knew Sarah. She doesn't need to be all lovey dovey towards Sarah. It's not like she pushed Sarah into a hoard or pushed her over the edge of the balcony (I don't know what it's called.) Even if she told Clem to leave Sarah there, she probably thought what happened to Jaime would happen to Clem had she not fled. That way instead of both of them dying, only one had to die. I don't see what's so wrong with that. What if Clem was still down there when the zombies broke through? Bam, both of them dead.

    There's nothing wrong with looking out for yourself. It's human nature to put your survival in front of other's. Especially when those others are practically strangers to you. If Jane thought her survival would be best outside of the group, then that's fine. If Jane wanted to leave because she attained emotional scarring due to the past (her sister) and didn't want to relive the trauma, that's fine. She doesn't need to take a bullet for every single character she meets to be a good person and that's what people have trouble realizing.

  • That's really cool. It looks like the campsite where Clementine met Sam was intended to be next to the cabin.

    Not sure it it's in game, but I found the website of someone who is a concept artist for Telltale Games, Jesse Maccabe. They have very beautiful pieces from the game and they made some of the famous covers for the game.

  • edited November 2016

    It appears to be a "Stanley" brand hatchet.

    vipprimo posted: »

    In Season 1 Episode 4 Ben hands Lee the well known Axe/Hammer with the yellow center and black handle. In 400 Days Shel's story this same a

  • Luke can mention it later.

    The only one who cared that Sarah had died.

  • It was implied that Fivel starved to death before he became a walker. think too much about Sarah's death...secondly...Jane is awesome...thirdly..consider this...after the group leaves the platform

  • It wouldn't matter that they dropped the deck on her. She was beyond help. I didn't understand why Jane or someone above didn't shoot her when they realised she couldn't be rescued quickly.

    DabigRG posted: »

    you think too much about Sarah's death The irony of thinking about one of the only shining lights in all the darkness that is Season

  • The vices in the game are by Clarke. It actually says so on the side, it's not even censored or uses a fake brand name or anything. So it's possible it actually is a Stanley hatchet, not just using the likeness of one.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    It appears to be a "Stanley" brand hatchet.

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