Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • It's not his thing, it's...someone else's.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    "Who deserves to be Clementine's girlfriend more: Sarah or Jane?" What's with you and talking about Clem having a girlfriend?

  • Is that a running gag with me? :confused: I only recall saying she's probably bi-curious for the sake of ambiguity.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    "Who deserves to be Clementine's girlfriend more: Sarah or Jane?" What's with you and talking about Clem having a girlfriend?

  • I remember you saying similar things many times before about Clem and Sarah.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Is that a running gag with me? I only recall saying she's probably bi-curious for the sake of ambiguity.

  • Huh. I didn't think I outright said anything about that at least recently, but I'll take your word for it.

    Anyway, it's just a thing. [Insert Carley and Lilly pic here]

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I remember you saying similar things many times before about Clem and Sarah.

  • That's cool...Kenny died in my playthru..and I did not make sure he would not come back as a walker....how messed up is it that Clem leaves friends to become walkers....SHE IS A MONSTER.

    Jane is pretty cool but I have to hate her.... I rewatch my season 2 gameplay and I can't even believe the things that she says and does. She reminds me of the darker parts of myself in some ways.... I am glad Kenny killed her in the end.

  • It was pretty odd that we didn't get an option to destroy Jane/Kenny's brain, isn't it? Maybe we can attribute that to the craziness and stress of the situation.

    That's cool...Kenny died in my playthru..and I did not make sure he would not come back as a walker....how messed up is it that Clem leaves friends to become walkers....SHE IS A MONSTER.

  • I honestly had high hopes for the guy and I liked him overall.

    But then Luke did a complete 180 in Amid the Ruins, thus resulting in my apathy when he died.

    There was nothing special about him. He was just a good looking and nice guy, but that's it. He was neither rude and aggressive, nor especia

  • That's exactly how I felt too.

    I honestly had high hopes for the guy and I liked him overall. But then Luke did a complete 180 in Amid the Ruins, thus resulting in my apathy when he died.

  • I like Season 7 so far.

  • Just kinda like what everyone's saying: there's really nothing special about Luke. He's just there, and he never really stood out to me. Just another character that was gonna die off. He's kind of like Javier to everyone. "I hate him", "I hope he gets killed", etc.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay then. Care to go into why?

  • I know Sarita didn't serve that much of a purpose but I never got some of people's comments about her being Katjaa. At least not to such an extreme.

  • I agree completely. I chose her over Kenny.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Jane has excellent character development.

  • edited December 2016

    I'm happy for this new season. I'm 100% sure I'll love it. I still wish we could have seen a character that was essentially what Clementine would have been like if Lee had lived. A compare and contrast in characters of equal aptitude but of different lives would have been cool. I think they missed a major opportunity by not having Clem interact with Becca from 400 Days during S2:E3, especially if you include Carver's influence on the two. I would mention Sarah, but they clearly stated from the beginning her role in comparison to Clementine.

  • edited July 2017

    Not sure what else you'd been looking for then. What exactly was Sarah's issue with that concept?

    eRock92 posted: »

    I'm happy for this new season. I'm 100% sure I'll love it. I still wish we could have seen a character that was essentially what Clementin

  • edited December 2016

    They look a bit similar. Particularly the hairstyle. I thought their accents were similar too even as Katjaa is European and Sarita is middle eastern.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know Sarita didn't serve that much of a purpose but I never got some of people's comments about her being Katjaa. At least not to such an extreme.

  • Ya know, what you put them together like that, they do look similar. Sarita is obvious younger, though.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    They look a bit similar. Particularly the hairstyle. I thought their accents were similar too even as Katjaa is European and Sarita is middle eastern.

  • edited February 2017

    Okay, I finally got a chance to give this a proper look over. In addition to the issues with the writing itself, I would've preferred that you left Kenny out of it as much as possible, but whatever.

    So, your reasoning basically amounts to "At least she didn't these things to quite the level/scale Kenny did." Okay then....

    .Jane says hey lets wear walker guts(This has to be a fetish thing)

    Yeah, I can see how you'd come to that conclusion.

    he relates nothing about Sarita...nope just how life is unfair to him and what a shitty husband and father he was...we already knew this from season 1 Kenny...how about some info on your newly dead girl...no? Ok off to see about finding anything useful....

    Oh my goodness, I didn't even think about that. What the heck?

    Well..lets see...Jane never tried to beat a kid to death....Jane never forced marched people to a place that was sure to have what they need

  • Yeah, that makes sense. She technically has one of the prettier faces, if that makes sense, but everything else is weird.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I don't think she looks odd or unattractive. She falls in my mind at around average.

  • Well, Jane is one of the few characters I legitimately hate despite being an easy 8 or 9, so I'm obviously not superficial (myself). I did a whole topic about it, don't cha know.

    As for Sarita, I think chunky was the word. Maybe it's just the artstyle, but quite a few characters have odd proportions and looks to them, particularly the females. I've since gotten used to it and she's thus she's more hollywood homely aka average for her race and age.

    Also, no this isn't late, why do you ask? :lol:

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    It's really weird for me to see you argue really deep and complex topics and character motivations, while at the same time commenting on cha

  • Kenny was a bit of a dick even before he lost his family.
    I found myself legitimately liking Lily during My 3rd Pragmatic Lee playthrough despite myself inevitable personal issue with her.

  • edited December 2016

    I actually enjoyed episodes 1 and 2 of ANF. There's only 2 sort of "flaws" I've seen, both being in episode 1. However, I feel like episode 2 justified why those parts happened. I like where this story is going.

  • edited December 2016

    I'm not inclined to jump on the "A New Frontier" bashing bandwagon, just because of the 3 minutes flashbacks. It's not fair to call the whole Season shit just because of 3 minutes.

    I think that Jane's resolution makes a lot of sense to her character. She must've been frightened:

    • She was going to have something alive inside of her, so, if it ever died she'd be eaten from the inside out
    • She'd have to stick with it for the rest of her life, something Jane always seem to dislike: being stuck.
    • Due to past trauma (Jaime and Sarah's deaths), she must've thought that even if it survived months of stress while inside of her, she'd eventually have to watch it die, because, just as the previous two, it would be helpless.
      She was definitely not thinking straight, most likely due to fear.
      It was terrible, very horrific and TWD-y. Since I was very attached to her it was also very sad and a very strong emotional punch.

    I think I prefer what we got rather than having both Kenny and Jane being left unknown. It's best to have some sense of closure than having and ambiguous and shallow disappearance.

  • Honestly, you could probably go either way about whether it makes sense for her character or if its a predictable aspect for her archetype(s). I choose the latter but only because of how it was executed.

    I'm not inclined to jump on the "A New Frontier" bashing bandwagon, just because of the 3 minutes flashbacks. It's not fair to call the whol

  • I consider TWD S1 to be telltale most overrated game and I feel a lot of people are looking at it through rose tinted glasses. I loved s1 though btw

  • Babies who die during labour don't turn into walkers and eat their mothers inside out -.-

    I'm not inclined to jump on the "A New Frontier" bashing bandwagon, just because of the 3 minutes flashbacks. It's not fair to call the whol

  • edited December 2016

    They don't?

    Babies who die during labour don't turn into walkers and eat their mothers inside out -.-

  • I like playing as Javier more than I like playing as Clementine.
    I love season 3 so far, I don't understand the hate it's getting.

  • Well, you probably should know why by now.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I like playing as Javier more than I like playing as Clementine. I love season 3 so far, I don't understand the hate it's getting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • edited December 2016

    As far as I can tell, people are just angry because there isn't a whole lot of Clementine? I personally don't mind. I like the new direction and I really like how mysterious and badass Clem has been in this so far.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Well, you probably should know why by now.

  • Most seem to be mad about a certain scene

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    As far as I can tell, people are just angry because there isn't a whole lot of Clementine? I personally don't mind. I like the new direction and I really like how mysterious and badass Clem has been in this so far.

  • Much more than that

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    As far as I can tell, people are just angry because there isn't a whole lot of Clementine? I personally don't mind. I like the new direction and I really like how mysterious and badass Clem has been in this so far.

  • edited December 2016

    Am I?

    (What's with all these comments that I have to reply late to?)

    Well you are wrong.

  • Eh...I agree. To a point.

    Rynna posted: »

    I blame nearly all of Season 2's many flaws on the inclusion of Kenny. He took the spotlight from the other characters, which made it harder

  • I have enjoyed Season 3 so far.

  • To be honest, I am too. And this is coming from someone who had little to no interest in it outside of vague interest in seeing certain characters return in some fashion. Really, my only issues are nitpicks and observations in general.

    I have enjoyed Season 3 so far.

  • There are problems but it has been really enjoyable so far.

    DabigRG posted: »

    To be honest, I am too. And this is coming from someone who had little to no interest in it outside of vague interest in seeing certain characters return in some fashion. Really, my only issues are nitpicks and observations in general.

  • I don't mind short episodes. I've never understood the notion that longer lengths correlate to better characterization. Some of my favorite movies were an hour and a half long compared to other movies that are 2 to 3 hours in length. Considering that TellTale's games are narrative driven and that there is no real "gameplay" in the traditional sense, there is nothing a longer episode can contribute besides extra filler-like dialogue (for The Walking Dead series at least). I'm fine with short episodes as long as the pace and story are good.

  • I enjoy playing as Javier more then i did as Clem. Guess since i'm a grown man i like playing as a grown man.

  • edited December 2016
    • I think Christa is dead.
    • I think Carver was AJ's father. Even though I'd prefer if he was Alvin's, I think he's most likely Carver's.
    • I don't hate Ben, Sarah, Nick or Duck.
    • I don't blame Lilly for killing Carley/Doug or stealing the RV.
    • Even though I totally love Kenny, I think he should have died in No Time Left.
  • I feel the exact same way, Iron! On every single point you made.


    Abbreviation for The Walking Deady! :lol:

    I'm not inclined to jump on the "A New Frontier" bashing bandwagon, just because of the 3 minutes flashbacks. It's not fair to call the whol

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