I wouldn't worry about it. If you read Mortal's earlier posts, you'll see he is (I sincerely hope) trolling this thread. If you have to ask which post I mean, you haven't read it.
Brilliant story don't make me laugh it was a cliche revenge plot with Arno looking like Ezio and after Bellec the game storyline became more filler with the most random terrible plot things I could see a Templar grandmaster do.
You are either a VERY committed troll (I'm all about the benefit of the doubt), or a very disturbed individual. But every post you make pushes me further to the latter.
The computer commercials, yes. I fear Mr. Parsons has become type cast. And I can't stand his character on BBT, how can a smart guy like him still be so clueless during the entire shows run? Plus, the other characters are just as annoying. I know its a sitcom but do sitcom characters always have to be NUTS?
Never seen the BBT, but the character/actor? (Shelby, Sheldon, something that starts with an "S" I think, the skinny, tallish one), every time I see him in something he grates on my nerves. He's the one in all those slow-->fast laptop commercials.
On this forum in general, I like Life is Strange.
On the internet in general, I like Walking Dead Survival Instinct, latest Resident Evil games, and I don't mind the latest Simpsons and SpongeBob episodes.
On this forum in general, I like Life is Strange.
On the internet in general, I like Walking Dead Survival Instinct, latest Resident Evil games, and I don't mind the latest Simpsons and SpongeBob episodes.
* Incest: I will get hate for this but if one of my friends told me he hooked up with his sister because he loves her and I mean incest I wo… moreuld be like ''oké sure'' look I can't do anything if they love each other and if they agreed on it together and nothing was forced I don't care or a niece and nephew love each other but I do think they shouldn't have children because the child could get problems
* I don't care if a friend of my is naked please don't! but I don't care that much at all.
* I don't care you have ''fun'' with yourself so long you don't shake your hand with me on the same day or haven't washed your hand this also counts for sex.
* I don't want children
* I will not respect my parents because they gave me life if they make me their slave which thank God they didn't do to me.
* Porn makes me depressed
But, and this goes for many of the "it's someone's choice/it's my body" arguments: yes, these things are choices, but frequently when people say "it doesn't hurt anyone else" they're wrong. We live as part of a society, and many of our choices, especially important ones like these, affect more people than are directly connected (i.e. the person who makes the decision and their partner, where applicable).
Because it's someone's choice. There are hundreds of things in the world that may be dangerous or have awful side effects on you, but that d… moreoesn't mean you should be forced not to do it. It's your life, your body, not the government's or anyone else's. Take smoking for an example. It's been proven time and time again that it's seriously unhealthy, yet people still smoke because while they may know of the health risks, it's still their right, as human beings, to make their own decisions, to decide for themselves.
Another reason why I believe drugs should be legalised is because, really, whether they're legal or not doesn't actually decrease drug use. If someone wants something, they'll try to get it. The law saying that's a "no, no" makes little difference because someone will still go out of their way to get what they're looking for, except with drugs being illegal, they'll go to more desperate measures.The prices for drugs on the black-ma… [view original content]
So I care even less about what movie "not-you" prefers, right, good to know. Why even bother posting an opinion that isn't even yours, that you apparently, judging from your emoji, don't even support?
I mean sure, I'm not upset or anything ridiculous like that, why would I care what movie anyone on here prefers. It's great that you do, and it's great that I prefer that I do. I get that this thread is minority opinions, which really just means "my opinions" let's be honest.
But with all the posts swinging between "my favorite movie/game/cartoon is..." and "I think siblings should be able to f#@% without being judged" posts...jeez, well, maybe you got some validation for it. I may not agree with it, but no one agrees with everything, and have it mean anything.
I didn't start out meaning to get this salty, but I can at least have some amount of respect the posts that bother providing a cogent reason or elaboration. Otherwise, they all bleed together. But still, I realize I'm dumping all this in some kid's post about his cousin's favorite movie. This post didn't really deserve that, you may have came here innocently, ready to share with the world your uniqueness through entertainment choices. Most of this post isn't even about you. But, your response was just at that right point in the thread, so here we are...boy howdy, here we are.
Love is what you make it and it can change from being"together" to "friends" if both parties agree to it! My ex and I have made this happen!… more Love is like matter it can never truly be destroyed,it may only change form. Aka you can still love somone and not be in love and still be friends! We were horrible living together,but as friends we click way better. No this isn't Ideal for everyone, but can and has happend....to me! Even her new boyfriend has came around to this idea! And no theres not any three ways or the like happening! Though it is a bit 2guys a girl and a pizza place! I am afraid any new girl of mine will want this friendship crushed and it will be by me. I've worked hard to save our friendship(my ex and I where friends before we dated) I've know her 16yrs we dated for 6, We broke up Christmas 2012,its been nearly as long as we dated! We have far more yrs as friends than as partners. By almost any yard stick, we ha… [view original content]
Now let's see if anyone has watched the movie I'm referencing, or at least gets it. If you haven't, and you're here...well that joke may be apparent once you watch the movie.
I see why you were banned then.
Your punctuation, obviously.
Here take one of my periods, you obviously need it more than I do. I have enough for everyone in the thread, and when we run out, no worries, I can make more.
From what I understand, gender is generally considered as learned, a social construct dictating how to act based on your biological sex. These two often align, it's true. I'm not a gender studies expert, and personally I use these interchangeably, but I understand some people see a notable difference between them.
Your half-hearted attempt at religious intolerance has failed to produce anything more than an acknowledgment of its existence in your post, and a note that others before me have rightfully called you out on your gross generalization. They have, quite frankly, given your comment far more attention than it ever deserved. But, my hat goes off to their efforts regardless.
But gender is not the same thing as your sex? That's scientific, not opinionated or made-up, like Christianity. lol.
What annoys me is ju… morest because YOU personally are cisgender, makes you think everyone must be cisgender. Sigh, bigots. And you are a bigot for refusing to accept someone's identity and deciding who they are yourself, when you should worry about who you are, not who someone else is. You know, bigot isn't really the word I should be using, more like "ignorant asshole."
Also, I am not agender, gender neutral, gender fluid, genderqueer, whatever else, I just have the capacity to understand that ignorant assholes like you aren't in charge of someone else's life.
And also, apparently your spacebar...are you...ashamed of it?
Now, now, just because it's a little...thicker...than the rest of the keys doesn't mean it deserves any less love than the others. All the keys are beautiful and deserved to be used.
I love how you rush to make the disclaimer that you have no problem interacting with Muslim women. It brought a smile to my face, as I am neither a Muslim nor a woman.
But seriously, this thread is most definitely NOT the place for your "majority opinions." I'm so triggered right now. You want to spout your filth about not supporting ISIS, about being tolerant of others, you get out of here immediately. It's people like you who make me ill; I would be physically sick on the screen, but you've already done that. Only fringe beliefs are allowed in here.
Yes, I see them almost daily. I have no issue with it.
But what I have an issue with is the extremist groups that come from Islam, like ISIS. I'm most certainly not in the minority with that.
Completely agree with you, 100%, it's shameful enticing others to perform necrophilia on a dead gorilla.
That's certain to break a few laws right there, as well as simple decency. That poor animal's been penetrated enough, I say!
Yesiree, I prefer my primat--hey! Why do I hear police sirens?
Although, considering some of the incest opinions in this thread, I would not be completely surprised if necrophilia also made an appearance.
Oh wait, I'm responding to a months old post in a thread several months older...nevermind!
So basically, you believe age doesn't matter except when it does. You have now circled back around and blinked your statement out of existence, leaving only a debris of words in your wake. That's...a feat, if nothing else.
**to admin: I buy the season pass of the wolf among us but when I started to play the season two it has no subtitles and the choices have no words. Please help me about this problem. Thanks. **
In all your posts so far, everything you've said sounds like the lines on some sort of cheap, Affirmation Fortune Cookie.
But it's where you talk about the secret shadow government that's really ruling the US, that brought tears of joy to my eyes. But in all required seriousness, you sound like you're stringing together a necklace of aphorisms. I needed something to finally was all of your posts down with, so I made this one. I mean at first, your musings were so scattered, I didn't know where to aim my comment.
But in truth, I didn't have to aim. With statements as bloated as yours, all over the place, anything I threw out was likely to hit somewhere.
I like classic rock and roll like C.C.R, The Beatles, Arrowsmith, Grand Funk Railroad, and etc. Which is unusual considering my age. Most pe… moreople my age like rap, hip hop, but I do not. And I never will.
I also do not like to be preached at. I have no problem with people who go to church, and who love their faith, but I simply have no interest in going to church.
I don't like using other people solely for what I can get out of them. I am just not that way, and yet I realize that most people today are like that.
I do love to sleep around, yet when I am in a relationship with a woman, I will not cheat on her. Even if I am just dating her, I will not sleep with other women, or date other women. I just don't think that that's right!
I know that a lot of guys do that, go out with multiple women/ sleep with them, but I am just not that way. Like I said, I just don't feel that that is right.
I like to party, yet I cannot say that I rea… [view original content]
I really like subs and dubs on anime, obviously there are script changes in dub and in some animes they dont get the best voice overs. But t… morehere are the few acceptions that I love.
But ones that really stand out for me are Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) & FMA Brotherhood (2010)
Vic Mignogna (Ed), Travis Willingham (Roy), Laura Bailey (Lust), Todd Haberkorn (Ling), Caitlin Glass (Winry), Colleen Clinkenbeard (Riza), J Micheal Tatum (Scar, 2010) & Dameon Clarke (Scar, 2003).
Also Fairy Tail Absolutely love the voice actors in that. Also staring, Colleen Clinkenbeard (Erza) & Todd Haberkorn (Natsu). Plus Cherami Leigh (Lucy) & Brittney Karbowski who plays Wendy (cutest character ever)
Watched Tokyo Ghoul in both sub and dub. I love Touka in both, her voice is amazing in both
Considering you were recently skirting around pedophilia in your posts, knowing you'd gladly bang to a kid's song isn't something I'll easily forget, either.
The fucking damn (I'm trying to sound like Negan) censorship is the only thing I hate about TWD show. If that didn't exist, I would like TWD… more show better.
And yeah, there's like no plot armor at all in the comics.
I'm going to say this right now: If Season 7 has another shitty ending like Season 6 did, or has a crappy plot like Season 2 did, I'm giving up on the show and I'm sticking to the comics.
* Iron Man 3 is underrated. I didn't like the Mandarin twist, but other than that, I thought it was an okay film.
* Avengers: Age of Ultron… more is underrated. Not as good as Civil War or Avengers, but still good. Mostly because I'm an Ultron fan.
* Captain America: The First Avenger is underrated. I think I'd dare say it was just as good as the original Iron Man.
* The Wolverine is underrated.
* The Dark Knight Rises is underrated.
* Batman Returns is underrated.
* Man of Steel is underrated.
* Morality shouldn't exist.
Seriously, where are all these disparate thoughts coming from. You sound like a bingo ball machine, and some old guy is reaching in and pulling out pithy sayings.
And then Granny gets Aphorism Bingo, then she jumps up in excitement, then breaks her hip in the process.
How could you contribute to poor old Granny breaking her hip, you monster!?
I think all these new gender identities that are being created by the school system, or whoever is creating them, is frankly ridiculous - ( … moreand that is the most polite word I could think of to describe my feelings on the issue.)
Science has proven time and time again that there are only two genders, male and female. So with that being said, until science proves otherwise, I am sticking with science.
And quite frankly, I feel that whatever gender you were born as, that's what you are, and always will be. No surgery is ever gonna change that!
Before clicking on your avatar: Did you have an accident on a blueberry farm? What's that on your face?
After clicking: Nevermind, false alarm. Two face Batman, that was the next logical guess. Please, carry on.
I liked Tim Owens in both Judas Priest and Iced Earth.
Too bad he fell into Steve Perry territory with not taking care of himself. After a decade, neither had their voices where they once were and it wasn't due to age.
I agree, it's like if someone kept posting their mundane observations on comic book properties over and over and over and over and over and over and over andoverandoverandoverand
That would get annoying to me as well. What were we talking about?
Well, when this thread fails to be insightful, it is definitely inciteful.
I wouldn't worry about it. If you read Mortal's earlier posts, you'll see he is (I sincerely hope) trolling this thread. If you have to ask which post I mean, you haven't read it.
Taking bets on the next Batman movie you'll make a separate post on?
You are either a VERY committed troll (I'm all about the benefit of the doubt), or a very disturbed individual. But every post you make pushes me further to the latter.
Couldn't agree more
The computer commercials, yes. I fear Mr. Parsons has become type cast. And I can't stand his character on BBT, how can a smart guy like him still be so clueless during the entire shows run? Plus, the other characters are just as annoying. I know its a sitcom but do sitcom characters always have to be NUTS?
What does that even mean? You either like something or you don't. If you truly like something, your environment shouldn't change that.
Yep, that's kind of the point of this thread...opinions in the minority mean, by definition, not many people hold them.
I see what you did there.
But, and this goes for many of the "it's someone's choice/it's my body" arguments: yes, these things are choices, but frequently when people say "it doesn't hurt anyone else" they're wrong. We live as part of a society, and many of our choices, especially important ones like these, affect more people than are directly connected (i.e. the person who makes the decision and their partner, where applicable).
Judging from your 0 thumbs up at the time of posting, no one did. But what are these posts, really, that you keep making?
I mean, how does that go for you? You say something (and this one wasn't even a response), people don't respond in a few days, so you delete it?
Or are you just randomly posting "NVM" throughout this thread? Nevermind what? lol, what are you even trying to communicate?
So I care even less about what movie "not-you" prefers, right, good to know. Why even bother posting an opinion that isn't even yours, that you apparently, judging from your emoji, don't even support?
I mean sure, I'm not upset or anything ridiculous like that, why would I care what movie anyone on here prefers. It's great that you do, and it's great that I prefer that I do. I get that this thread is minority opinions, which really just means "my opinions" let's be honest.
But with all the posts swinging between "my favorite movie/game/cartoon is..." and "I think siblings should be able to f#@% without being judged" posts...jeez, well, maybe you got some validation for it. I may not agree with it, but no one agrees with everything, and have it mean anything.
I didn't start out meaning to get this salty, but I can at least have some amount of respect the posts that bother providing a cogent reason or elaboration. Otherwise, they all bleed together. But still, I realize I'm dumping all this in some kid's post about his cousin's favorite movie. This post didn't really deserve that, you may have came here innocently, ready to share with the world your uniqueness through entertainment choices. Most of this post isn't even about you. But, your response was just at that right point in the thread, so here we are...boy howdy, here we are.
Was your spacebar broken when you typed this?
This is the Telltale forums; most, if not everyone here, likely know who you mean.
Just say the man's name...
But he crushed it as Gas.
Now let's see if anyone has watched the movie I'm referencing, or at least gets it. If you haven't, and you're here...well that joke may be apparent once you watch the movie.
I see why you were banned then.
Your punctuation, obviously.
Here take one of my periods, you obviously need it more than I do. I have enough for everyone in the thread, and when we run out, no worries, I can make more.
I want you to know my thumbs up came purely because I've been asking myself that exact same question throughout many of these posts.
Haha, you agreeing with someone you respond to, what a shocker that is!
From what I understand, gender is generally considered as learned, a social construct dictating how to act based on your biological sex. These two often align, it's true. I'm not a gender studies expert, and personally I use these interchangeably, but I understand some people see a notable difference between them.
Your half-hearted attempt at religious intolerance has failed to produce anything more than an acknowledgment of its existence in your post, and a note that others before me have rightfully called you out on your gross generalization. They have, quite frankly, given your comment far more attention than it ever deserved. But, my hat goes off to their efforts regardless.
And also, apparently your spacebar...are you...ashamed of it?
Now, now, just because it's a little...thicker...than the rest of the keys doesn't mean it deserves any less love than the others. All the keys are beautiful and deserved to be used.
qwerTy uiop[}\as
dfghjkl;'Zxc vbnm,./
I love how you rush to make the disclaimer that you have no problem interacting with Muslim women. It brought a smile to my face, as I am neither a Muslim nor a woman.
But seriously, this thread is most definitely NOT the place for your "majority opinions." I'm so triggered right now. You want to spout your filth about not supporting ISIS, about being tolerant of others, you get out of here immediately. It's people like you who make me ill; I would be physically sick on the screen, but you've already done that. Only fringe beliefs are allowed in here.
Completely agree with you, 100%, it's shameful enticing others to perform necrophilia on a dead gorilla.
That's certain to break a few laws right there, as well as simple decency. That poor animal's been penetrated enough, I say!
Yesiree, I prefer my primat--hey! Why do I hear police sirens?
Although, considering some of the incest opinions in this thread, I would not be completely surprised if necrophilia also made an appearance.
Oh wait, I'm responding to a months old post in a thread several months older...nevermind!
So basically, you believe age doesn't matter except when it does. You have now circled back around and blinked your statement out of existence, leaving only a debris of words in your wake. That's...a feat, if nothing else.
I backed you up and did an even quicker search of my brain, and realized I don't care.
**to admin: I buy the season pass of the wolf among us but when I started to play the season two it has no subtitles and the choices have no words. Please help me about this problem. Thanks. **
In all your posts so far, everything you've said sounds like the lines on some sort of cheap, Affirmation Fortune Cookie.
But it's where you talk about the secret shadow government that's really ruling the US, that brought tears of joy to my eyes. But in all required seriousness, you sound like you're stringing together a necklace of aphorisms. I needed something to finally was all of your posts down with, so I made this one. I mean at first, your musings were so scattered, I didn't know where to aim my comment.
But in truth, I didn't have to aim. With statements as bloated as yours, all over the place, anything I threw out was likely to hit somewhere.
Oh, that's a girl? Of course, you can clearly tell from her face that--yeah I got nothing.
No, that was rancid trash, what the $#@& is wrong with you?
Billy Madison
Um, okay. Why is that relevant? I mentioned him once, that doesn't mean you have to know who he is. It sounds like you're just being a dick honestly.
Considering you were recently skirting around pedophilia in your posts, knowing you'd gladly bang to a kid's song isn't something I'll easily forget, either.
You aren't.
How would you know what dog crap tastes like?
Dang it Gamer, you brought Mortal back!
Shame! Shame! Shame!
Seriously, where are all these disparate thoughts coming from. You sound like a bingo ball machine, and some old guy is reaching in and pulling out pithy sayings.
And then Granny gets Aphorism Bingo, then she jumps up in excitement, then breaks her hip in the process.
How could you contribute to poor old Granny breaking her hip, you monster!?
How dare you? Well then, I think your constant comic fandom postings are some of the most overrated assertions of all time!
Well they don't like you. Flattery won't get you in their pants, so stop acting so desperate.
Before clicking on your avatar: Did you have an accident on a blueberry farm? What's that on your face?
After clicking: Nevermind, false alarm. Two face Batman, that was the next logical guess. Please, carry on.
I agree, it's like if someone kept posting their mundane observations on comic book properties over and over and over and over and over and over and over andoverandoverandoverand
That would get annoying to me as well. What were we talking about?