Exacty what I was thinking, it even has a similar art style and, by the looks of it, powers (being able to possess certain animals or objects). Still looking forward to it.
Is it me, or does this event seem a bit... unorganized, especially from the camera/host changes? It is like they didn't plan the transitions and camera points.
I'm screaming internally
These are video games, not the Oscars
"Don't drop the toast, don't drop the toast...oooooooh craaaaaaap!"
I can hear it now.
These are the Game Awards. I hate this slime baggery too, but it's kind of expected from an event like this.
Maybe you're right. I definitely think Jack is a lot more known than Boogie is. I've never heard of him, actually.
I've got a party going while I wait for the news... does this thing run for another hour?
I was rooting for Katjaa ;-;
All I'm here for is TWD and The Uncharted 4 Single Player Story DLC. Please show them soon...
50 mins
Did he just turn into a fucking COFFEE MUG
Yeah, yeah, he definitely did...
10/10 best game.
Lol, its modern Prop Hunt
"Coffe mug simulator 2017"
Don't let Seananners near that game.
Well, Prey looks pretty cool to say the least!
Cringey ass motherfucker. Sorry, it had to be said.
If you can turn into a goddamn coffee mug it's a masterpiece.
Prey looks a lot like a Dishonored game but in space.
Prop Hunt Extreme
Yes, yes he did.
Y tho
Exacty what I was thinking, it even has a similar art style and, by the looks of it, powers (being able to possess certain animals or objects). Still looking forward to it.
Makes me wonder what else you can turn into. Light particles?! Laundry detergent???! The possibilities are endless, I'm preordering.
It's this kind of immersive gameplay we have always wanted, 10/10 would drink again. In all seriousness though, the game looks pretty interesting.
Look! A Brazilian! Just like me! Now we are talking lol
Damn dude, is not hard learning english, you have time to spent the whole day playing videogames but you don't have time to learn english?
"She's going to translate for me"
*literally a whole minute of Portuguese speaking"
Me: Hooo boy
Rocket League easy victory.
I immediately thought of sexually orientated objects.
Imagine playing as a used condom.
Where's my Walking Dead D':
Is it me, or does this event seem a bit... unorganized, especially from the camera/host changes? It is like they didn't plan the transitions and camera points.
Wasn't spanish, it was Portuguese.
Cannot take E-sports seriously.
A yeah, Forza got it.