What's the best piece of advice you've ever gotten?
Be it from a celebrity or someone you know personally, share it below.
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Be it from a celebrity or someone you know personally, share it below.
Drink water upside down to get rid of hiccups.
My mother once told me that "You don't talk to yourself, you talk to other people. You have to put your thoughts in order, and express yourself in a way someone who has never been in your mind can understand"
I think the most important advice I got was from a book, and it was really my interpretation of the book: Feelings don't make you weak, they make you stronger. Being afraid of having them makes you weak. And not having them at all makes you a monster.
Best advice I have ever gotten? Well one time someone I loved dearly told me to keep my hair short. I have always kept it short since then.
"Go fuck yourself!"
my life has been so much more chill since then
And more pleasurable, I assume?
Make sure you flip the pan at a perfect 36 degrees for the best pancake flip.
Invest in SpaceX(2002). I didn't, nor knew how. I should have though. I really should have.
"Live every day to the fullest, ask yourself that if you die today, would you be okay with how you experienced life? Do everything you want to and can, don't waste the time you have, don't ponder on the judgments and thoughts of others, don't be afraid to be who you are because at the end of the day, those judgments don't matter and if we're all going to die one day, why not do it being yourself? In saying that, don't forget to express how you feel about the people you care about and love because just as you might be gone any day, they could be too and you don't want to be too late in telling them how much you appreciated and cared about them. It can be scary being truthful, it can be uncomfortable, but at least you'll find a sense of closure. So don't ponder your dreams every night, don't linger on the past and imagine what you could've been, think of what you can be now, it's time to stop fantasizing about the perfect life and time to start doing what you can to make that dream a reality, because dreams can come true but it depends on you."
I don't know why, but this made me tear up
Definitely. And to plate scrambled eggs ~30secs before so they finish on the plate. AND WARM THE PLATES
"Spend every day of your life trying to be who you wanna be. It doesn't matter what you think of yourself or what you want for yourself because you don't even have to do it for yourself, become who you want to become. Help people, smile, be creative. Do it for whoever you want to do it for."
I don't remember who told me this, but I dunno. I kind of like it.
I thought you were CAITT..
"No one cares"
Not in a bad way but no one actually gives that much of a shit so stop worrying what other people think of you because they dont really care they're more than likely too wrapped up in their own lives worrying about what people think of them to even notice
"Never piss into the wind". Unfortunately by the time my Dad told me this it was already too late.
This thread is cringey af. XD
A few quotes that have meaning to me.
"Always believe you're a champion, even if you aren't".
"Treat others how they treat you".
"Life isn't a problem to be solved. It's a mystery to be lived. So live it."
"If you're in a moment of second guessing, go for it. Because at the end of the day, it's better to have taken the chance rather then not and always left wondering what could of been".
How to write an essay: 1) Tell them what you're going to tell them.
2) Tell them
3) Tell them what you told them.
It's a bit more conplicated in university, but for highschool this works.
Be excellent to each other.
"Shut the fuck up."
Don't eat yellow snow.
never be later but if you are, come up with a good excuse
Never do drugs! I´ve smoked a lot of weed though but I don´t count that as a drug.
Never smoke. It's useless
That's like saying whiskey isn't an alcoholic drink. Or that lemons aren't fruits.
To vote for Donald Trump. Turned out to be great advice.
You know the old saying.
When life gives you lemons... Go murder a clown.
Lemons are vegetables motherfucker!
This is not so much what I have been told, but what I have learned through life.
If you really want to know if people care about you, see if their words line up with their actions, and visa-versa.
Dont just take someone at their word when they say they care about you, because people are excellent at pretending to care so they can get whatever they can from you, and sometimes so much so that sometimes you don't see past their sick little game until it's to late.
To most people, you're only as good as what you have to offer. You're just a fad to them, and once you're used up, people will kick you to the curb.
That's why I say watch what they say and what they do, and see if it two line up. In fact, pay more attention to their actions as opposed to their words, because words are cheap.
If people truly care about you as a person, then their words and actions will reflect that.
Wear a condom
How come? Are you comparing it with other drugs like cocaine?
Amen to that. Unless you know proof positive through bloodtesting, that the other person is negative for STDs, ALWAYS wear a condom.
Never take anyone at their word if they say they are clean, because people tell as many lies as they have teeth.
If you request that they get tested, and they are unwilling or apprehensive, that tells you there is something wrong.
You only have one body, and one life, so why put yourself at risk?
"Don't bound your happiness to other people"
That doesn't mean you should avoid people. It means you shouldn't be unhappy just because you don't have anybody. You always have yourself, and it's all that matters. If someone left you - fuck them.
It is a drug.
Hell, even caffeine is a drug.
Just because it's not as severe as cocaine etc. doesn't make it not a drug.
Wow, I actually only now realized how badly you burned me there. Ouch.
Don't get high on your own supply.
I don't think it was a roast, it was rather just a joke.
"You can't control anybody around you. All you can control is how you react."
Whether you let yourself react to something bad by screaming and losing control, or you look at the bright side, it's all a choice.
Advice from my mom. That advice has been what's kept me mostly sane throughout my life.
Weed can be fine in moderation, but you do have to moderate it...
It'll give you different forms of cancer. Not only that, but according to what I've read, it may possibly be linked to mental illness.