Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited December 2016

    What's the game at 1:24?

    Likely the animators film project

  • How they emphasize how much he cares about both Dee and Bonnie. In the DLC proper, you do briefly see him attempting to go help Bonnie with Dee holding him back and the next you see of them has him following her. Here, its clear that Dee's concern for him is what causes him to go and having to leave Bonnie is so conflicting to him that hearing another gunshot causes him stop momentarily. Almost makes me wonder if it was supposed to be his story originally.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    What was interesting about Leland?

  • Yeah. Nothing personal. I just scroll through and sometimes notice correlations with things I agree/disagree with and the respective username. Just being my overly analytical self.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Really? I don't really recall talking to or debating with you, but okay. Nice to hear it!

  • edited November 2016

    Okay, then why is Grim trying to Le Pew that goth girl?

    What's the game at 1:24? Likely the animators film project

  • The walker that Clementine kills before Lee dies has a twin that "canonically" kills Nick.

  • Oh I'm dumb I thought you were asking what game Brock Samson was in since those comments were so close together, and I didn't bother checking because of that. Apologies, that seems to be a film project or something.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, then why is Grim trying to Le Pew that goth girl?

  • edited December 2016

    Javier is handcuffed in the present day shot with Clementine, suggesting that Clementine saved him from the same group that tattooed his neck.

  • Actually, she seems to be the one holding him prisoner.

  • Javier probably escaped a group by himself and met her while he was on the run, also did you guys notice Clementine did the knee thing on a walker at the end of the trailer that Jane taught her on episode 4?

  • A lot of people believe that Javier is her prisoner, but I have my doubts. He's probably still handcuffed just because they didn't have the key. Taking prisoners doesn't seem like Clem, we know that Javier "needs" Clem, and episode 1 is titled "Ties that Bind". Yeah I don't think he's Clems prisoner but I guess we'll have to wait and see for sure.

    Actually, she seems to be the one holding him prisoner.

  • That is also a strong possibility. And yeah I did notice that, Clem really got the hang of that trick! Walkers are nothing to her now.

    Javier probably escaped a group by himself and met her while he was on the run, also did you guys notice Clementine did the knee thing on a walker at the end of the trailer that Jane taught her on episode 4?

  • Clem's finger is missing (determinant) when she kills the walker, possibly revealing that the determinant outcome is in fact a result of the Season 2 endings rather than present decisions.

  • edited December 2016

    She's just an assassin and a descendant of Altaïr and Ezio. Her having the eagle vision would explain why she's a good shot from the moment Lee hands her a gun!

  • Whaddyamean?

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    It wouldn't matter that they dropped the deck on her. She was beyond help. I didn't understand why Jane or someone above didn't shoot her when they realised she couldn't be rescued quickly.

  • edited December 2016

    ANF "Ties that Bind" is a reference to the the 1782 hymn by John Fawcett titled "Blest Be the Tie that Binds". I've included the hymn and my interpretation below:

    1. Blest be the tie that binds
      our hearts in Christian love;
      the fellowship of kindred minds
      is like to that above.

    2. Before our Father's throne
      we pour our ardent prayers;
      our fears, our hopes, our aims are one,
      our comforts and our cares.

    3. We share each other's woes,
      our mutual burdens bear;
      and often for each other flows
      the sympathizing tear.

    4. When we asunder part,
      it gives us inward pain;
      but we shall still be joined in heart,
      and hope to meet again.

    I believe this is saying that two likeminded individuals who understand one another and share a similar goal is like to that above... Heaven. When everything is out on the table for two individuals (their fears, hopes, aims) they can truly empathize and understand each other as if they were one. The third part sings about sharing each other's woes and sympathizing with each others burdens, something I definitely expect Javier and Clem to do shortly after they meet. The first through the third part of this hymn is truly about bonding with another soul on a complete other level of teamwork and understanding. The fourth part is troubling, as it suggests that these two composite souls will be ripped apart and that it will deeply trouble them, but that there will be hope to meet again.

    My predictions: Javier and Clem will be two peas in a pod, motivated by a desire to protect their loved ones and avenge their fallen. They will be a great team but towards the end of the season be separated with one of them dying, perhaps suggesting that instead of meeting physically somewhere else they will reunite in some sort of afterlife. I'm getting feels already.

  • I'm telling you guys, she's gonna lose the finger if she stayed in Wellington. Just you wait

  • edited December 2016
    • Javier's jersey is number 25
    • If you listen closely you can hear that David (the guy getting drunk on the porch at the beginning) had been making funeral arrangements for Pepa (the zombie grandpa)
    • David had drank at least 4 beers and was working on another one by the time Javier shows up
    • The camera shots in the sneak peek make it so that we truly don't know what happened to Javi's family. The father is attacked by the walker-Pepa but the camera cuts before we are able to determine a wound. Yaya has a face wound but the camera doesn't show us whether she was bitten or scratched. David is attacked on the bed and not shown to die, but judging from Javier's face something really terrible happened.
    • I counted 8 members of Javier's family. Javier, David, Yaya, Pepa, the father, the little girl, a little boy, and a teenage girl. Of these, one is a walker already, one is definitely wounded by a walker, and two more might have been bitten. So it's possible that half of Javi's family is wiped out in a single incident.
  • edited December 2016

    I think it's just easter eggs for fans, but Javier house full of pictures of places S1&2. Like Ski Lodge from S2E2, river from S2E1. And if you look better you can see(not in my pictures, in trailer)St. John farm, Hershel's barn etc.

    enter image description here
    enter image description here

  • When Clem dropped the rest of the deck, Sarah was already dying. So how was that wrong of them? But Jane should have killed her rather than let her be eaten alive.

    DabigRG posted: »


  • I didn't say that was wrong(specifically), but rather that if the walkers attacking and then ignoring her didn't indicate that she was dead, the deck getting dropped shortly afterwards means she's definitely deader.

    Bon-Bon posted: »

    When Clem dropped the rest of the deck, Sarah was already dying. So how was that wrong of them? But Jane should have killed her rather than let her be eaten alive.

  • edited December 2016

    This is what I now think about Javier's family after some more consideration:

    (I compiled some evidence at the end of the post, none of it is in the character descriptions)

    Unnamed (Mama) - wife of Rafael and mother of Javier, David and possibly Hector

    enter image description here

    Rafael García - husband of "Mama" and father of Javier, David and possibly Hector

    enter image description here

    Hector García - brother of Javier and David, uncle of the two kids

    enter image description here

    David García - brother of Javier and Hector(?), father of the two kids

    enter image description here

    Javier García - brother of David and Hector(?), uncle of the two kids

    enter image description here

    Kate(?) García - wife or girlfriend of David, mother of the two kids(?)

    enter image description here

    Eleanor(?) García - daughter of David and Kate(?)

    enter image description here

    Noah(?) García - son of David and Kate(?)

    enter image description here


    First of all, this is the conversation between the characters regarding the funeral:

    Kate(?):Noah(?)... Uncle Hector is taking care of it

    Javier: What are the plans for the funeral?

    Kate(?): David made arrangements with his father, before he passed...

    Gathered from that:

    • Hector seems to be the uncle of the kids.
    • Kate(?) is not Rafael's daughter
    • Because David is Rafael's son and David and Kate's(?) son seems to call Hector uncle -> Kate(?) is probably David's wife

    All other evidence is found in the dialogue and through logical conclusions, but I'm too tired to write it all down now. If you want evidence for a certain character, ask and I'll provide as much as I can later.

    Thanks to @cRipper for providing the conversation between the characters. Also, this might interest you as well @BetterToSleep.

  • THIS is awsome. You have my like.

    This is what I now think about Javier's family after some more consideration: (I compiled some evidence at the end of the post, none of i

  • Watch Javier conveniently used to go fishing at that river AND would go on Skiing trips every winter at that very cabin!

    Murmle22 posted: »

    I think it's just easter eggs for fans, but Javier house full of pictures of places S1&2. Like Ski Lodge from S2E2, river from S2E1. And if you look better you can see(not in my pictures, in trailer)St. John farm, Hershel's barn etc.

  • Why would Javier ask David about his name in the start of the trailer if they are brothers?

    This is what I now think about Javier's family after some more consideration: (I compiled some evidence at the end of the post, none of i

  • edited December 2016

    He didn't.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Why would Javier ask David about his name in the start of the trailer if they are brothers?

  • He didn't ask his name, he said "David! David, hey David!" or something along those lines.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Why would Javier ask David about his name in the start of the trailer if they are brothers?

  • I thought he said "Hey, hey, it's.. It's David, right?"

    He didn't ask his name, he said "David! David, hey David!" or something along those lines.

  • Just checked. Javier says: "David! David (he stutters at this part, so maybe that sounded like "it's" to you), hey! Hey, David."

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    I thought he said "Hey, hey, it's.. It's David, right?"

  • I see

    Just checked. Javier says: "David! David (he stutters at this part, so maybe that sounded like "it's" to you), hey! Hey, David."

  • Top notch!

    Kate's voice sounds familiar. Any ideas on who the actress is?

    This is what I now think about Javier's family after some more consideration: (I compiled some evidence at the end of the post, none of i

  • And that his family would tour around the farms of Georgia.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Watch Javier conveniently used to go fishing at that river AND would go on Skiing trips every winter at that very cabin!

  • Da hell is this in her mouth?

    enter image description here
    enter image description here

  • Her endoskeleton.

    Murmle22 posted: »

    Da hell is this in her mouth?

  • If Bonnie drowned alongside Luke, Kenny doesn't get angry when he comes out and finds Clementine bleeding on the ground. Apparently, Mike left already by the time he got to the door.

  • Ezio didn't have his ring finger cut off. And Clem should make a hidden blade to become an assassin. oh wait..

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    She's just an assassin and a descendant of Altaïr and Ezio. Her having the eagle vision would explain why she's a good shot from the moment Lee hands her a gun!

  • In Season 2 when Mike leaves you used to be able to shoot him if you selected the right choices. Now the cut scene appears but there's no cross hairs and no option to shoot.

    People have discussed that it's because they want to put Mike in Season 3.

  • Link?

    DabigRG posted: »

    If Bonnie drowned alongside Luke, Kenny doesn't get angry when he comes out and finds Clementine bleeding on the ground. Apparently, Mike left already by the time he got to the door.

  • That was the most likely reason aside from thinking that Clementine doing so would be a bit out of character.

    vipprimo posted: »

    In Season 2 when Mike leaves you used to be able to shoot him if you selected the right choices. Now the cut scene appears but there's no c

  • Kenny! Jane! Help! They're robbing us!


  • Maybe she has her tongue pierced? I dunno

    Murmle22 posted: »

    Da hell is this in her mouth?

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