Earliest films you saw in theaters?
I can still remember the first three films, I saw
The original release of Return of the jedi
National lampoons vacation
Not sure how I held onto those memories, I was real young but I still remember going to the wirh my parents
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It's hard to remember exactly but I believe it was the first Toy Story with my mother.
I remember watching pretty much every Marvel/DC movie that ever existed after Blade was released the moment they came out.
I didn't go to cinemas much. I went to a drive in a few times. The earliest movie I remember watching at a cinema was the Water Horse when my grandfather took me.
it might have been Aladdin but i don't remember.
Either a film like 'How To Train Your Dragon' during a school trip to the cinema or it was Tim Burton's 'Alice In Wonderland' with my friend.
1998 Godzilla. One of reasons I still like it.
If i had to choose which american version of godzilla to see it would be the 98 one. The one that came out a few years ago was quite dull
I think mine was Toy Story 2.
My mom said my first ever theater movie was Finding Nemo. It came out just after I turned 2. I sat through the entire thing!
I know for a fact that the first movie I ever saw in a theater was Monsters Inc, which came out when I was three years old. Others I remember were the first live action Scooby-Doo movie and this one film that was about tigers that got separated and held in captivity when they were babies. (I forget the name of it, but I remember being bored by it.)
EDIT: It was called Two Brothers.
Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, sadly.
The first SpongeBob movie in 2004. Went with my brothers. I remember laughing my ass off when Patrick busted out the stripper legs. When we got home, me and my brother spent a long while telling Mom what happened in the movie. I couldn't hardly go to sleep that night because I kept thinking of Patrick's stupid stripper legs and laughing. Got on Mom's nerves.
Patricks stripper legs still kind of crack me up, just look at the damn things.

(P.S. Googling "Patrick stripper legs" was probably not the best way to find that gif)
Commando starring Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1985. I was 3.
Finding Nemo/Toy Story
I seem to remember it being Aladdin.
I remember seeing water world in a bar in thailand when I was a toddler the sceen was a tv with a sort of magnifier in front so the picture was distorted
I didn't go to the theatre until I was older(old enough to sit still and watch it quietly). Pretty sure the first one was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(1990).
I saw it in a drive-in. Also distorted. I do miss being able to put the seat back while watching a flick.
Beauty and The Beast, 1991.
The earliest three I remember (I was under and/or around 10) - Who Framed Roger Rabbit (I remember this because the theater was so packed), Honey I Shrunk the Kids (I originally went to Ghostbusters II with my grandma, but she didn't like it at all, so we went to that movie instead), and Back to the Future Part II (this one is the first I remember being excited to see).
My mom also said that she took me to see Song of the South when I was 5 or 6 (and that she took my sister and I to see Pinocchio in the theaters (likely around the same age), and it scared my sister when he got to Pleasure Island, so we left the theater early). I don't remember going to the theater when I was that young though.
Bugs life I believe, 1998. Was 3.
One I remember the most from my child years was Monsters Inc. Think that was 2001
I'm sure it was probably some Disney/Pixar movie, but I can't remember. The earliest movie I can remember watching however was Mission to Mars when I was 4 with my sister, but I got scared by all the death and aliens and faces so I asked to leave about three quarters through the movie or something when the astronauts are in the big face mountain and meet the alien.
The first film i can remember at a young age was Lord of the rings : the fellowship of the ring.
I remember going with my auntie, and when the movie finished and the credits rolled, people had no idea what happened, they obviously didn't read the books and thought there was to the movie, i didn't know what was going on because i was young and hadn't heard of LOTR before and one guy said "It's okay, it's part of a trilogy".
Finding Nemo was the first Pixar film I saw in theaters.