The Vent/Help Thread



  • Thanks man, I really appreciate that. It's just a difficult situation to be in because we're not really together but we're not really apart. She just takes advantage. Right now she's downtown and I'm at home with the kid. Feeling pretty lousy about myself and life in general.

    BroKenny posted: »

    Stay strong bro! We're always here for you. One door closes, another opens. Just gotta take the time to search for it.

  • i'm so glad that december has yet again proved to be a living hell for me emotionally. i'm honestly surprised i kept such a positive outlook this long before breaking down. i know i sound like an edgy cunt when i say it but god i just wish i was dead. i'm so sick of this shit. fuck christmas man.

  • At least you got your kid, right?

    Thanks man, I really appreciate that. It's just a difficult situation to be in because we're not really together but we're not really apart

  • Yeah, you're right brotha.

    BroKenny posted: »

    At least you got your kid, right?

  • Seriously fuck this shit!!!!!!!!!! I just bought Ark and despite having a super computer and on the lowest settings this game runs like ASS!!!!!!! Give me a motherfucking refund Steam.

  • Have you played the game for under 2 hours? If so, you are eligible for a refund.

    BroKenny posted: »

    Seriously fuck this shit!!!!!!!!!! I just bought Ark and despite having a super computer and on the lowest settings this game runs like ASS!!!!!!! Give me a motherfucking refund Steam.

  • isn't that game on alpha or something?

    BroKenny posted: »

    Seriously fuck this shit!!!!!!!!!! I just bought Ark and despite having a super computer and on the lowest settings this game runs like ASS!!!!!!! Give me a motherfucking refund Steam.

  • It actually just finished downloading like half an hour ago and yeah, I've already sent the request for it.

    Have you played the game for under 2 hours? If so, you are eligible for a refund.

  • Not sure, It's been out for around a year and a half and really should be more (a hell of a lot more) optimized.

    isn't that game on alpha or something?

  • I'm getting so damn tired of Trump saying anything which doesn't 100% support him is a lie.

    Saying this of the media is one thing, but refusing to acknowledge the CIA's, and the big 17's, report about Russia? How can a president possibly be successful if he refuses to listen to his intelligence committees?

  • Have a meme to cheer you up :)

    enter image description here

    Flog61 posted: »

    I'm getting so damn tired of Trump saying anything which doesn't 100% support him is a lie. Saying this of the media is one thing, but re

  • So without being confronted upfront about it and given a chance to change, I just got fired.

  • "Thank you, Mr. Scrooge!"


    BroKenny posted: »

    So without being confronted upfront about it and given a chance to change, I just got fired.

  • edited December 2016

    Im getting unbelievably pissed off with my drawing, I need help and fucking layouts all the time.

    Everyone is drawing legit and im still using shitty circles, lines and tracing. The only thing I can do is draw outlines. Fucking sucks - cant even think up a drawing of my own or get proportions right if I did. Im cheating at everything so think I'll give up soon, just keep getting angry with myself. Seeing people on here and my friends legit drawings from scratch make me envyous. Love everyones stuff on here and my mates as its their own style, mines just drawing a fucking manga page already done. like wtf jordan no wonder I failed art and graphics in college. Feels like I'm letting people down

  • For what?

    BroKenny posted: »

    So without being confronted upfront about it and given a chance to change, I just got fired.

  • Everyone is drawing legit and im still using shitty circles

    Using circles as a template is always recommended. I personally don't use them, but they make drawing easier.

    lines and tracing.

    Hey, everyone starts somewhere. I used to trace all the time when I was much younger, but look where I'm at now.

    cant even think up a drawing of my own or get proportions right if I did

    That's because its nearly impossible. Most if not all artists use some kind of reference. The ones who don't use reference make abstract art.

    I used to draw manga all the time. Now all I can draw is realistic. Trust me, art is a B to learn, but it just takes time. By the sounds of it, you don't seem to really like doing it. Make sure you're drawing because you enjoy it, not because you have to.

    Im getting unbelievably pissed off with my drawing, I need help and fucking layouts all the time. Everyone is drawing legit and im still

  • Yeah, @Don't_Look_Back has a point. Some things are kinda similar to what she typed but I spent a bit of time writing this when I read this on the PS Vita. Hope you don't mind the echoing words. heh

    Jordan, even if you feel like an underdog know that even the most talented has faced their trials to get where they are. Being an artist, in any level, have their own challenges to face. Many artists, such as the high profile ones, still use shapes to help define their proportions and create their character. As do I. I first make the basic shapes to create the pose and correct the proportions before going straight for the actual drawings. It's not something to be ashamed of, it actually helps improving the art work.

    Want to know something? Your in the path I pretty much went through. I first started off with pretty much carbon copies of other drawings. Fan Art. How I gotten this far was by learning from many artists, their art styles were my inspirations which is what helped make my art style come to life. Akira Toriyama, Masashi Kishimoto, Tite Kubo, and Mark Crilley. Those 4 are what helped me get so good most of all. My first style was heavily Dragon Ball-inspired, and many were straight up copies and now take a look at my drawings, the difference is big but some hints of Toriyama's style is still there. This transition of growing as an artist was throughout the course of my life. You learn from what you see and then you take what you learned and grow on your own from that point on. As soon as I started that old webcomic and went through it for a few years, what I learned through my life was the basis where I can learn the rest on my own. As of right now, I'm practicing on things I still have yet to improve, areas I'm still weak at. My talent was based on others, they're what helped me grow much like the support of others as well, in the end isn't that what connects people? We all learn from each other, we help each other grow.

    I have a friend from Greece and she wasn't confident in her drawings. She felt like she was doing shit herself. She shown me her drawings and I could see her potential and I'm sure others had as well. She focused on improving and now I can see confidence in her work and her artwork has improved.

    Also take a look at Don't_Look_Back -- she's freaking amazing, better than I am at drawing. I'll be the first to admit that. I'm certain there's someone else who's even better than her (No offence, mate. ^^;). There's always someone who's better at something than the other, it's true for everyone. But that should never stop us at what we would like to enjoy. Strive to be something you want to be and work hard at it, there also needs to be a lot of patience involved as well. If you like to draw original artworks, maybe spend some time focusing on practice a bit more. Don't take this the wrong way, it's just that you need to take time on practice if you feel the need to. Every artist must take a break on their project to focus on ironing their weaker areas of expertise.

    Right now I'll tell you this, in the words of a character. "Some are born with talent, some aren't. That's true. But that said... Those with talent never make it through talent alone. You have to overcome. Find boundaries, and break them. The only way to grow is by overcoming challenges." My friend had boundaries, she saw through with that. I'm certain the one above me had boundaries and saw through them. I have my own boundaries I'm facing, and I'll be sure to see through it. You have your boundaries, you can see through it. We have our dreams, we need to crawl on our own and with the help of others to see through it all, facing challenges to make those dreams come true. I'll help you with what I know if you're willing to take another try at it.

    Im getting unbelievably pissed off with my drawing, I need help and fucking layouts all the time. Everyone is drawing legit and im still

  • When you've waited over 2 years for The Walking Dead S3 and its finally almost here, just 1 week left. Then Uni decides to throw 4 essays at you, all for the 21st. :'(

  • I just found out that the mother of my child was drugged and raped and is possibly pregnant. My rage is inconsolable right now, I have no idea what to do.

  • That's awful. Can you take the fucker to court? Obviously it's very hard to convict someone for rape at the moment but it's worth trying.

    I just found out that the mother of my child was drugged and raped and is possibly pregnant. My rage is inconsolable right now, I have no idea what to do.

  • She went to the police and got him thrown in jail with a $60,000 bond because he's been systematically drugging and raping girls for a while and other girls came forth.

    But he made bail literally the next morning.

    Flog61 posted: »

    That's awful. Can you take the fucker to court? Obviously it's very hard to convict someone for rape at the moment but it's worth trying.

  • Geez...

    She went to the police and got him thrown in jail with a $60,000 bond because he's been systematically drugging and raping girls for a while and other girls came forth. But he made bail literally the next morning.

  • "Justice" system

    Flog61 posted: »


  • There isn't anything I can write that will fix anything, but I wanted to mention something in case it's relevant.

    A friend of mine was raped and impregnated (no drugs involved). She is super-anti-abortion, and she chose to have the child. She thought she could raise it. She couldn't. Every time she looked at the child's face, she saw the face of her rapist, and she couldn't handle it. She had to give the child up for adoption.

    I hope your kid's mom doesn't have to make that choice. Even though she's been treating you like crap, do your best to support her as she goes through this.

    I just found out that the mother of my child was drugged and raped and is possibly pregnant. My rage is inconsolable right now, I have no idea what to do.

  • You know how everyone rants and raves about how tough Nokia phones are? Well mine fell on the footpath while I was walking today and now most of the screen doesn't register my touch, so now I gotta either pay a hundred bucks for a new phone or pay a hundred bucks to get my screen fixed. Fucking yay.

  • She's planning on an abortion if she is indeed pregnant, and if for some reason she had to have the child she says she'd do adoption.

    Hopefully she's not even pregnant. I've definitely been supportive since finding out, it happened a little while ago and sort of explains her distant behavior. I'm extremely upset that somebody would do that to her but I have to remember how she must feel and that she is the main victim here, not me.

    Thanks for your input, my friend. It's nice to know I can come here and get the occasional word of advice or support.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    There isn't anything I can write that will fix anything, but I wanted to mention something in case it's relevant. A friend of mine was ra

  • edited December 2016

    I found a disgusting channel called Cynthia G today on YouTube, if anyone is a true human being I ask of you to report her videos/channel or get the word out about her racism and even terrorism.

  • One more thing: she should get a restraining order against the guy. She doesn't have to wait until he's convicted to do that, and if she does, she'll be able to call the police if he comes anywhere near her.

    She's planning on an abortion if she is indeed pregnant, and if for some reason she had to have the child she says she'd do adoption. Hop

  • What are the videos about?

    NorthStars posted: »

    I found a disgusting channel called Cynthia G today on YouTube, if anyone is a true human being I ask of you to report her videos/channel or get the word out about her racism and even terrorism.

  • edited December 2016

    One was about a disease that only white people get that black people don't (bullshit) because, and I am quoting what she says, that white people are evil and god is giving them these diseases because white genocide is needed, the comment section of her videos are even worse. She's not a troll channel either. I just want to get the word out so YouTube finally does something. She repeatly calls white people devils and albinos.

    What are the videos about?

  • I think every artist has to go through that phase of using tracing, circles and other things you mentioned. But if you have passion for drawing you will continue developing your own style and improve your skills for sure! All you need is passion and patience (and practice of course) And trust me, no matter how good you are at drawing, you will feel anxious and envious from time to time. It's just a part of being an artist :D

    Im getting unbelievably pissed off with my drawing, I need help and fucking layouts all the time. Everyone is drawing legit and im still

  • Thanks for the replies @nohuhhhu @dont_look_back @tobi-is-a-good-boy I do really like drawing but I'm that person that compares work and then feels shitty lol. Cheers for the uplifting messages

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I think every artist has to go through that phase of using tracing, circles and other things you mentioned. But if you have passion for draw

  • edited December 2016

    There's like nobody on the forums anymore, bit sad.

  • Absolutely no justice in this system. RAINN has a list of resources for survivors here, including a list of legal and mental health resources which I hope can be useful somehow. I don't know what else to say but that I'm glad she has a support system in you.

    I just found out that the mother of my child was drugged and raped and is possibly pregnant. My rage is inconsolable right now, I have no idea what to do.

  • This is me going between threads

    enter image description here

    Brodester08 posted: »

    There's like nobody on the forums anymore, bit sad.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited December 2016

    Eh, there's just an ebb and flow to these kinds of things. Walking Dead comes back soon and people will be on Christmas Break, so I imagine there will be some spikes in activity starting this week.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    There's like nobody on the forums anymore, bit sad.

  • edited December 2016

    Well I really hope things pick up, the activity has taken a considerable dip in the last few months.

    Eh, there's just an ebb and flow to these kinds of things. Walking Dead comes back soon and people will be on Christmas Break, so I imagine there will be some spikes in activity starting this week.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited December 2016

    Yeah, hopefully. I'm surprised Batman didn't bring more people.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Well I really hope things pick up, the activity has taken a considerable dip in the last few months.

  • edited December 2016

    This is kind of a sadness vent xD but I've felt kinda sad and let down a bit lately - people keep telling me to be positive about everything and to higher my expectations, to have faith things will have good outcomes, they're the same people who I try my best to make time for, whenever they want to hang out, I always do it when it best suits them and I'm mostly free, they're the people who I don't mind spending money on and am always willing to do them favors, not wanting anything in return, and heck, I've even agreed to spend lots of money to travel for some of them but it feels like these same people barely make the effort to spend time with me and lately, allot of the time when I plan an event they never seem to be able to go or be willing to reschedule but of course at least that isn't all the time and I'm not irrational enough to dislike them and be blind to the fact that in life, everyone gets busy. I just feel unwanted sadness from encouraged high expectations that were never met but hey, I'm sure 2017 will be allot better, I've still got that hope, it's helped me get through the year xD I'll keep my optimism but I can't say I don't feel any sadness :x

  • edited December 2016

    I've noticed a lot of rants, and raves here, which is appropriate as this is the vent thread.

    However I want to point out an important fact about life, and that is:

    There is no such thing as free. Nobody is going to just give you anything. You have to work like a dog to get anything in life.

    And, you don't get what you deserve, only what you negotiate. We all want and have needs, and therefore we all have to give to get either one of those things.

    And finally, it takes energy to work for what you need, and to negotiate for what you want and need. Likewise, it takes energy to sit around and bitch about all the shit that has happened to you.

    How will you choose to spend your energy?

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