Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Probably why some people insist that Kenny is just repeating his original arc.

    clem talking to kenny in the tent to try and get him to come out is reminicent to season one where lee is trying to talk kenny into stopping

  • well at times it does feel like a retread

    DabigRG posted: »

    Probably why some people insist that Kenny is just repeating his original arc.

  • Hmm...I'll have to compare when I get back to my 3rd playthrough, since as much as I've grown to dislike the guy recently(read:not much), he and Sarah do have some of my favorite lines in Amid the Ruins.

    megamike15 posted: »

    well at times it does feel like a retread

  • In episode 2 of season 2...the walkers seem to be hostile to people.

  • And Sarita is a...Indian...lady....

    In episode 2 of season 2...the walkers seem to be hostile to people.

  • What? I thought she was very tanned and from Texas

    DabigRG posted: »

    And Sarita is a...Indian...lady....

  • Well, I guess that explains why Mike wanted to go there.

    What? I thought she was very tanned and from Texas

  • enter image description here
    enter image description here

    I feel like there's a pattern here

  • Wow, you're just noticing that. Also, does that second pic ever actually happen?

    I feel like there's a pattern here

  • Yea, I completely missed it.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    I thought that was fairly obvious to be completely honest. Christa references a vegas weekend and then gives Omid a playful smirk before ent

  • Yes I actually just did lol and the second one does happen but with nick it's if you choose to save him over Pete and they hide in the shed thing and Clem has to hold back the doors while nick moves a crate in front of the doors

    DabigRG posted: »

    Wow, you're just noticing that. Also, does that second pic ever actually happen?

  • Hey i don't know how to add pictures but if you look at the episode 3 menu pic of ANF, you can see Jesus and what appears to be a city behind him - which is kinda cool since we haven't been in an actual downtown area in the game yet

  • Okay, that's what I thought. I was wondering if they ever did something with Luke, but you're right.

    Yes I actually just did lol and the second one does happen but with nick it's if you choose to save him over Pete and they hide in the shed thing and Clem has to hold back the doors while nick moves a crate in front of the doors

  • You could also say it's a foreshadowing of Lee's death. Remember on the dairy farm?
    Clem: What happened to Mark?
    Lee: He got lucky out there, could've been a lot worse.
    Clem: Be careful, I want you to stay lucky too.
    Lee: Ever since I met you I've had good luck, so don't worry.
    Clem: Please be lucky...

    quinnics posted: »

    * When Vince, Justin and Danny look outside the prison bus window and see walkers attacking a group of people, Shel and Becca can be seen as

  • edited December 2016

    “Rick, we found a community with fresh clementines.”

    As much as I want the game and show/comics to be completely separate, I really wouldn't mind if Jesus showed up to rick again and slightly mentioned Clementine. That would be pretty sick.

  • A New Day

    A House Divided

    Give No Shelter

    I feel like there's a pattern here

  • found a video where you can hear clem say "Are you dead, too?" through the walkie. It's at 1:46

    quinnics posted: »

    * When you go with Jane to look for the others, Jane will find the fresh walkers and will want to search them. Before you do, selecting 'we

  • Let's prey the walkers don't guess how to make a battering ram.

  • edited December 2016

    Double post for some reason T-T

  • what about the people who left lilly on the road? how would she have the RV then?

    Pride posted: »

    they have the exact same rust spots and everything

  • true, my first thought when I noticed was "oh look it's just reused.."

    I personally felt like the Stranger's car was completely unintentional and when people noticed they just went, "Sure let's go with that!"

  • "I woulda had to cut the other one off just for you to stand a chance."

    rokon900 posted: »

    What are you talking about? Omid says this "With your arm and my leg, I'll cripple fight you right here, buddy."

  • Also while cutting David's leg off you can even talk to Ben whose watching you do it, there's some pretty funny dialogue in that too :P

    *The cop that is driving Lee to prison in Season 1 is Vernon's brother. *Kenny, Duck and his awesome pick-up truck make a cameo in the op

  • Oh shit.

    Let's pray Javier and Clementine are unlucky as hell.

    You could also say it's a foreshadowing of Lee's death. Remember on the dairy farm? Clem: What happened to Mark? Lee: He got lucky out the

  • You know what, I never really thought about that. Dammit Jane!

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Before Arvo shows up, when Jane is picking the lock she mentions that Rebecca will never survive the trip heading to the town/church that Cl

  • eddie wasn't a junkie..he was a stoner XD

    When she said, "Junkie" I thought of Eddie. I was thinking that those meds we're for Eddie, but it wasn't .-.

  • edited December 2016

    ...and how did the zombie's entire head just exploded from a pistol bullet in the trailer.

    Hawkes posted: »

    Wonder how did he not get deaf after using the gun right next to his ear.

  • They need to have a similar screenshot in S3

    Keep the tradition alive, Telltale

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited December 2016

    Javier and Clementine's group holding back a junkyard monster truck

    Deltino posted: »

    They need to have a similar screenshot in S3 Keep the tradition alive, Telltale

  • I realize this might've been posted before, but if you choose to do nothing (let the time run out) when you're forced to choose between saving Shawn / Duck (Season 1 Episode 1), the game choices shown at the end of the episode say you chose to save Duck.

    Kenny doesn't acknowledge you saving his son, but he also doesn't berate you for not doing so.

  • And also when clementine speaks in the dream sequence she does so in her season 2 (older) voice, implying that it was only a dream

    If you're playing the game with subtitles, in episode 5 when Clementine is dreaming, Lee's subtitles will be white and Clem's will be pink,

  • Handguns are just mini shotguns. ;)

    TheMPerson posted: »

    ...and how did the zombie's entire head just exploded from a pistol bullet in the trailer.

  • So Im currently replaying the game so my original choices are ready to go with season 3 and i've made a few little discoveries about around every corner.

    Firstly, its a minor thing but when Lee gets seperated from clementine after meeting molly and is in the sewer you have to walk down a sloping hill into another section of the sewer. If you walk in the middle of this slope where there is water flowing Lee will fall on his arse and slide down the hill however if you walk along the edge of the slope where there is no water flowing lee will walk down no trouble and just hop of the end staying on his feet. Nothing changes even in that scene but I still thought it was cool

    A more major one I found because the game glitched (boy the xbox one version of season 1has some glitches). After going into crawford and finding it infested the game glitched and skipped the whole cutscene of the group running into the school and discussing the situation it just placed lee in the corridor. I thought maybe a did something wrong or I was remembering wrong so I walked around a bit. When I walked into the classroom for the first time I triggered the cutscene where the group decides where to look for supplies and who goes to look for what, at this point I figured my game was back on track so I went on , talking to ben about keeping the bandit trade a secret etc. When I went into the corridor i noticed molly wasnt there telling lee to hurry up however the game let me go out to the autoshop so again I kept going. However after going out and doing molly and the battery mission the game skipped the entire cut scene after lee and molly jump onto the roof and teleported lee back in the corridor. Now at this point I couldnt get the story to progress (which is kenny and brie bursting in with the fuel and walkers chasing them) all could do was talk to vernon and christa outside the nurse station. Just out of curiosity I went back to the classroom and bizzarely Lee and ben have dialogue when lee goes back into the classroom, lee asks ben if anyone else is back and ben says no everyone else is still gone and that he is worried. Lee then tells ben to keep working on the door while he goes to look for the others. The reason I find this interesting is that this dialogue would be impossible to get without the game glitching, lee cant get back to the classroom without triggering kenny and brie bursting in. Anyway I just found it interesting that these lines were in the game ready to go but they would never be seen based on changes made.

    Short version

    Ben and lee have a different dialogue exchange if he goes back to the classroom before helping kenny and brie but without glitches this is impossible so there is dialogue in the game that no one ever sees.

    I just thought it was really interesting and makes you think about all the stuff left out even at the last minute

  • So one of the recent screencaps, we've seen the same location before:

    enter image description here

    Take a look behind both Clem and Javier in these pictures, it's the exact same spot outside the gas station in the airport community.

    enter image description here

    You can also the slight changes done to Javi's baseball shirt, with the R now on the front. The interesting thing about the shirts are that they're white and blue, much like how Clementine's baseball cap is white and blue with the letter D in blue also like the R. With the whole baseball thing, it's almost like it's symbolism for them being a team.

  • "Amid The Ruins" Twitch Stream

    Question: How do you think leaving the people of Howe's to die weighs on Bonnie's conscience?

    Context: By the end of "In Harm's Way," Bonnie cooperates with a group of hostages taken to Howe's Hardware, including people with whom she had been friends with, and plots to flee the community. The escape results with the pragmatic leader of the settlement murdered and with multiple innocent residents potentially devoured.

    Erin Yvette: I am sure that the moment of her departure is gonna stick with her for a long time. I don't imagine she is okay with it whatsoever. I honestly don't think she was a hundred percent certain what she was doing when she was doing it. I think Bonnie just constantly lives in regret and wanting to redo things, and so she's probably not dealing with it too well. Yeah, I would imagine she's struggling.

    Nathan Ortega: There were some good people there. It wasn't all—

    Erin: Yeah, yeah! It was not at all—I mean, it was well-intentioned in that she thought she was doing the best thing for herself. And I think, you know, in these last few moments right before she runs away it's just like "oh my God, what did I just do," and dealing with that for however long she can stay alive for.

    Nathan: I feel like characters are constantly put in situations where they have to make critical, incredibly tough decisions, and then live with those decisions on a regular basis.

    Erin: Oh yeah.

    [Clip One] [Clip Two] [Clip Three]

  • edited December 2016

    This is the same location here too--see the red circular gas sign? This is just a different view of the same location.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Also, I love the Christmas lights in the pic with the horses!

    enter image description here

    I hope it's Christmastime (as the game will be coming around then anyway, so it could be) and they're celebrating by putting up lights haha! Since they seem to have it up in one pic but not the other. They should put up lights all over the airport town like

    enter image description here

    Who cares if it draws walkers and/or other survivors. Or alternatively they could just put up

    enter image description here

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    So one of the recent screencaps, we've seen the same location before: Take a look behind both Clem and Javier in these pictures, it's

  • Wait... I figured out with my powers that No Beard Javier and Clem with bandages is a flashback... why looks the place abandoned in a flashback, but with people in the present day?

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    So one of the recent screencaps, we've seen the same location before: Take a look behind both Clem and Javier in these pictures, it's

  • Maybe they found the place in the flashback?

    Wait... I figured out with my powers that No Beard Javier and Clem with bandages is a flashback... why looks the place abandoned in a flashback, but with people in the present day?

  • I found out if that if Lee said to Clementine to keep her hair short, she will reference this in again in Ep 5 to Kenny if the player chooses the dialogue option "To keep the group together" when Kenny asks what would Lee say at the current situation

  • Or the screenshot probably isn't actually in the game and was just made up as an exclusive screenshot.

    (Talking about the one without the R on Javi's shirt)

    Wait... I figured out with my powers that No Beard Javier and Clem with bandages is a flashback... why looks the place abandoned in a flashback, but with people in the present day?

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