Voltron Discussion - Sheith
There's a load of BS going around a certain pairing within the Voltron fandom (namely: Shiro and Keith, aka Sheith) regarding age difference. I won't say which social media the BS is takin place in because people will stray from the main point.
I don't know how many people in TTG forums know what Voltron is or if they even watch it, but I want the opinions of people who do know what I'm talking about.
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I grew up watching voltron in the 80s, love the new netflix version but I am not sure what you mean.
With the Legendary Defender series, it is not confirmed as to what Keith's age is, but he is described to be in his late teens (which is actually 18-19). Shiro is older than him but a lot of people ship Sheith (Shiro/Keith) but there's so many bullshit about it. There are artists who are receiving death threats and irl gore and child pornography, being called pedophiles, all because they think Keith is too young for Shiro.
I want to know what other people think.
Well if he is 18-19 he's not really a child, so I don't see the point of the pedophile thing. Shiro can't be that much older than Keith anyway.
People don't know what late teens is anymore (and it's not confirmed if he's 18 or over anyways) and Shiro is 25, and if Keith is confirmed to be under 18 then the antis will have more than enough reason to continue to send death threats and live child pornography to Sheith shippers.
They are sending them live child pornography? That's sick. I would say late teens are 17 to 19. So I don't really understand why people are going crazy over this.
Because people think it's a large enough age difference to make it an abusive and pedophile-like relationship.
People don't know the difference between an adult and a legal adult. They think being an adult means you're 18 which is incorrect.
Early Teens = 13-15
Mid Teens = 16-17
Late Teens = 18-19
Then you've got the early 20's.
Take Ben Paul from TTG's The Walking Dead. He is a late teen but he is a college student - that'd make him 18-19.
But people don't know that.
Well if he is trusted to save the galaxy (not quite sure what they're saving) I think he can be in a relationship with a 25 year old. As long as it's not like the Clem and Luke thing everything's fine
Sweet Jesus, Clukentine was the worst! Like, Older!Clem is alright (if you write the fanfiction well) but it doesn't work too well because the image of the sweet little Clemmy-Clue is still in our heads.
Wait what? So these people have child pornography in possession and distribute it to unwilling people. But the people who ship two fictional characters are the ones in the wrong?
Apparently. =_=
If someone does that to me, I'm immediately gonna report it to police and they'll get the IP and location in no time flat.
I love the new Voltron on Netflix (if that's what you mean). I watch it all the time. But as for Shiro and Keith, it's the internet. People ship any and everything and everyone, but I am kind of surprised it's not Keith and Lance, since they have that frenemy thing going.
Trust me Klance is a big thing! But people who are against Sheith make claims against Sheith shippers calling them crude names and accusing them of being pedophiles and sending pics of real gore and child pornography.
People think there's a large enough age difference between Shiro (25) and Keith (late teens so possibly 18-19) that it's an abusive or pedophiliac relationship.
Those people are obviously crazy. How did they get their hands on child porn?
Don't ask me cuz I don't know and I don't want to know.
If someone were to do that to me, though, I would call the authorities and they would have no choice but to track down that person.
I agree. The age difference between Shiro and Keith pales in comparison to this.
And it' happening to Clem and Javi too.
But antis don't care and don't realize what they're doing.
Y'know what's worse? Most of the antis are Klance shippers as well (Keith/Lance) so there's biased opinions in there as well.
Clementine would be about, maybe, 14 years old, maybe 15 and Javi is an adult (as far as we know; he looks a lot older). So yeah, it'd be pretty bad...