Guess Who is Back AND ALSO RIGHT
It has recently come to my attention that during the S1/S2 livestream, apparently there is some new information/headcanon/wHATEVER on Arvo. Namely;
Yes, it’s true, Natasha is sick. They didn’t mention what she had though.
They also said that Arvo was trying to get away from his group with Natasha.
This is what I heard. Either way, I don't care. Because it means I was right. And you all were wrong. So @everyone who thought Arvo was a liar, or drug addict, or the evil mastermind of the group, your theories were all terrible and you were wrong. And I was all right. He just wanted to escape with his sister. I knew it, I knew it all along suck it [Mod edit: Removing New Frontier Spoilers] wow. I'd blame this rant on me being high but I've never taken a single drug in my life so I have nothing to blame nothing k bye
(ps if you take anything in here seriously it is your own damn fault.)
I never had much against the kid in the first place. Just got stuck in a messy situation.
Your point? He still shot fuck him.
I don't hate him, but he still shot a child who in some people's plays had not treated him poorly, so he's not likable to me. Jane and Kenny are kind of to blame for that though. It was also dumb of Bonnie and Mike to trust him with a gun right away. I do think had certain things happened differently, he and his sister might have been ok people to have around.
So he still shot clem
He still says to his group that you robbed him even if you didn't. I very much doubt that his entire group would come after you just because Jane stole ONE gun. Personally, I never thought he was a drug addict but he definitely kept the meds to himself and his sister and then blamed Clem. It sucks that his sister was sick, I didn't doubt it, but don't blame others for your problems. That's shitty. Not to mention he tries to kill Clem and puts everyone in danger again by running on the ice that he lied about being safe, so the so called "new info" doesn't change my view of him at all. He's still a little shit.
Does anyone else want to punch that guy dancing in the gif. I think its the face and hair that does it for me.
You know like how that guard cant stand dudes face in tales from the borderlands game?
i think that a telltale staff member mentioned one time that natasha has sickle cell anemia, which would explain why she's sickly pale. i honestly never believed that arvo was completely in the wrong, even after he shot clementine. after all, clem's group robbed and slaughtered his entire group.
Optionally* robbed. His group unoptionally opened fire on them. And then he shoots Clem, for reasons. **** Arvo.
No matter what Jane still takes Arvo's gun and didn't return it. We still stole from him, regardless.
to be fair, his entire family/crew had been killed and kenny had spent the past day beating the fuck out of him. it makes sense for him to be unhinged and on edge.
They're Romero zombies. You need some serious plot retard and lack of sense to be in danger from them.
I made the question!
I clipped that moment of the stream. I was planning on doing a thread about the topic some days after the release of A New Frontier. But, you know.
Not the fact that you're right...More so the fact that telltale was horrible in at least alluding to that.
Kenny was after all on edge after Carver beat the fuck out of him. And he was on edge for several episodes.
alright? i'm talking about arvo.
I was pointing out that you're likely right, as telltale has done that kind of thing before, hence the 'after all'
Huh. Whaddya know, he really was trying to leave his group. I was never really certain about that, tbh. I knew his sister was sick though.
Come to think of it, not really much to say at this point anyway. It's pretty clear cut what happened: Arvo was planning to get his sister away from Buricko and Vitali, Jane and Clementine unknowingly ruined his plan, so he had to lead them back to them and it all went downhill from there.
Buricko technically only opened fire because Clementine/Kenny shot Rebecca's walker. He and especially Vitali probably wanted to hurt the group anyway, but still.
Zombies aren't the only thing to worry about, though
Not having a gun during the apocalypse is like being naked inside of a daycare center-- it's most likely not going to end well for you
Lmao. True, but in his situation he had no reason to shoot our girl. Not in my playthrough. Thus, **** Arvo..
So far no arvo
Honestly, I still say it should stay that way, even if the present day plot is definitely good.