Dont Feel Cut Out For The Role of Javier
I like Javier, he's a pretty cool guy. I agree with a lot of you guys. We really really need some more Clem control, the story has been good so far, but I just feel like with Javi I am trying to be someone who he is not. I'm trying to be there for Clem almost be like a Lee 2.0, protect her no matter what and choose her over anyone. I've realised in cut scences Javi is more interested in his family than anyone else, which yeah of course make sense for him as a character, but for me to be suddenly put in his shoes and to try to choose his family over Clem just isn't possible for me. Yeah for him as a character to do this in scences where we aren't controlling him is obvious as he's only just met Clem, but we've known her for so long and gone through so much with her.
Surely I can't be alone on this. I feel as if us as players, or me at least aren't cut out for the role of Javier and protecting his family when we have Clem there too. Because it'll always be 100% Clem, for me atleast.
Exactly when the whole opening scene with Javier and his family I just had a hard time showing sympathy because it felt so plot device-ish ala AJ / Rebecca and it didn't feel as real as say when Lee died protecting Clementine from the Stranger in S1
Exactly. You can't throw the player in someone's shoes who already has a moral compass. Lee was a much better perspective because he was a neutral kind of guy, being given a second chance in the Apocalypse. When we played Clem, her moral compass wasn't developed quite yet. With Javier its just dumb.
u right
Yeah, I feel you, I also tried to make Lee a sort of Justin Bieber, but the game didn't gave me the option so I hate S1.
Dude... you are playing Javier, not yourself, you are playing a sarcastic guy who loves his family and would do anything for them, I get it you like Clem, and you want to side with her always, but if it doesn't make sense for the character to do so, then you shouldn't do so.
Yeah man I agree. Couldn't agree more.
It's up to the player to define what kind of personality the Character has though.
Of course, Telltale characters never had their own personality, never.
Coug cough Bruce, Rhys, Fiona, Rodrik, Asher, Mira, Lee, Jesse cough cough.
If I'm playing Javier, he should be making his own decisions, and not answering people with "..."
But here we are, in the third game of a series playing as a new character who's back story has to be fed to us because its the third game in a series. It was a horrible decision to make such a sudden and drastic change in the middle of a story.
I get where your coming from but it just doesn't make sense to me. How can we not side with Clem after all we've been through with her?
o is anyone else running into this problem where I choose to go to the junkyard with Eleanor and stand my ground with Clem just to end up in Prescott at the start of episode 2 helping out with Kate's surgery?
Doing something that is called "being objective", or put yourself in the role of Javier?
Yeah I also got that Clementine-over-everyone-feeling. If I would play as Javier and met Clem for the really really first time I would question her actions a lot more. When the New Frontier tatoo would have been revealed to me as Javier, I would of course question her character, but since I know Clem since season 1 I was like "yeah she probably had her reasons"
"It's Clem what could go wrong"
Nah dude. Clem is No. 1 and always will be for me 2 seasons before this one has give me that opinion now I'm just supposed to drop that and choose what's best for Javiers family who I've knew for an episode or two over Clem. I get your opinion and your entitled to it, obviously I just can't agree with it.
This is why if TT wanted us to play as Javier so badly Clem shouldn't have been in this season. I feel as though they used Clem as bait to get the attention of those who like the game because of Clem.
Yeah, Excactly. If it was anyone else or if you'd played with Javier for 2 seasoms you'd have your questions to ask but as its Clem and because we've known her for so long it's inevitable that over 90% of us are gonna side with Clem.
it felt like Clementine and the Season 2 endings were an after thought and that Javier was the plan the whole time. Javier's story should have been another DLC like Michonne and 400 Days
While I think episode 2 could have used a few more Clem flashbacks. In episode 1 I thought playing as Javi was perfectly paced out. He really is a breath of fresh air in this series. He's not needlessly cold or edgy. he's one of my favorite protagonists Telltale has done. Its gonna be fun to go back and play him with a different angle.
I agree. I love how TT have kept Clem in this storyline but I feel like it's effecting my choices massively. I wouldn't get rid of her no way, I still want to see her story develop but for me a different approach would of been preferred.
Exactly. I was only excited for season 3 because of Clem. But knowing we're not going to be playing much as her I'm passing this season and will just watch it online.
I'll second that.
I feel you. He's cool I like him, but maybe for me a 50/50 split between him and Clem would of suited the season abit better. Javi is a good guy with a good relationship with Clem so far but he cares for his family most and for me it's Clem.
I get where 'Lee Everett' is coming from though, he's right. We shouldn't have to make biast choices between the ones we love and know from the ones we just met.
Why did they even bring back Clementine if she was basically irrelevant to the game? I mean she's been downgraded to Sarah / Carlos level
I third that I guess ? lol. Clementine doesn't let me think correct. Whenever Clem wants to leave and I see the answer "Stay with us", I press that, instead of the other answers lol.
While I really really like Javier, maybe he should have been a DLC. Feels a little bit like the tv show. We have the normal show and also the spin off "Fear the Walking Dead". It's a different story and the mexican-spanish culture is a lot more present in the spin off. It gave me similar vibes.
While there are a lot of chaos moments in season 3, I still can't wait to continue. I also already paid for the season pass, so yeah of course I am gonna play it.
I think I would have a panic attack, if Clem did actually something really evil to me. I would probably pause and think for an hour what to do with her, when I would have the option to shoot her or something. Aaaarrrrrgh. Nostalgia and feelings are stonger than logical thinking
They brought her back because of her popularity. That's what I assume anyway.
I liked that at least the NPC Clem is acting how I should act. Being cautious, question actions, stay out of trouble. All that stuff. Glad she wasn't like "Oh so you must be Javier the new main character of this game. I will be super nice to and act as if we knew each other for a long time. AJ told me we are in a game dimension and people are controlling us. What bullshit though right..." lol
I am getting the Luke feels from Javier. Luke was one of my all time favourites characters and Javier is handsome. Nice to look at. lol
Haha, yeah. I honestly couldn't bring myself to do anything like that to her because I care for her more as a character than Javi. I'm looking firawrd to the episodes to follow though, wondering where Clem has gone and when she'll be back. Hopefully get some more play time as her. That'd make me a lot happier.
You just said it all dude! Thank you!![<3 <3](
That's true. She reminds me of Molly from season 1.
I see what you're saying and while I think Javier is a great protagonist, I don't think Clementine really belongs in this story she kind of feels out of place.
Haha, glad you share the same opinion. Bit stupid what TT have done in all honesty, trying to promote the game to new fans I guess.
I have to agree. I mean I care for Clem more than I do myself on the damn game. So if it comes to it and it's Clem and AJ and Javi and Gabe and his family and I'm playing as JAVIER I don't know how I'll cope.
This is one of the problems I have with ANF so far... I mean, I'm actually enjoying it for the most part, I was on the fence about Javier and his family and I was worried I wouldn't give two shits about them, but they actually grew on me a little. Some more than others, like Mariana, but of course they had to kill her. But if it comes to a point where I have to choose between Clem or them, I'll always go for Clem no matter what. So I'm starting to feel a bit, I don't know, disappointed in a way, because I know there won't be any tough choices when it comes to Clem and Javi's family, even though it doesn't make sense to the story and to Javier's character if I always go for Clem... I feel like A New Frontier should either have a completely new story without any returning characters at all, or just follow Clem's story and be Season 3. They tried to please the old fans as well as trying to bring in new fans, but that never works out..
I don't have that Clem over anyone else feeling. I'm a 34 year old guy in real life and I like playing as an adult guy who can form romantic relationships, etc. I will stick by Clem if the situation calls for it. But if i have to choose Clem or Javier's family and i'm Javier, i'm choosing my family.
Great way to put it. I feel excactly the same. I feel like Javiers story is one Clem isn't really fitting into and really feel like it should of been a DLC, a totally different story tbh and season 3 be a continuation of Clem.
Yeah, understandable. As for myself I'll always stick by Clem, even if she becomes the most evil fuck ever in season 3 she's still Clem and I'm the one who's raised her and took her what she's been through. I feel like season 1 and 2 were great, a continuation of eachother but ANF is kinda unfitting. I'm liking it so far but it doesn't give me the same feel as S1 and 2. Doesn't feel as immersive and emotional, I'm starting to get to like the characters but I'm only really really emotionally attached to Clem.
Anyone else also chose Tripp over Eleanor, because Clem said that Tripp is more trustworthy ? I actually wanted to go with Eleanor back, when she offered it. Just to have some action xD. I don't know, if I chose different, because of Clem, but she reminded me not trust someone just because he/she was nice
But then Tripp was super cool, also strong and he would be with us to protect the people at the junkyard.
I disagree entirely. I feel invested in Javi and his role with his family. Of course I'm still partial to helping Clem, but I think Javi is an excellent character that I'm glad we have an opportunity to explore. If season 3 did one thing right, it was the characters, including Javi and his family