Anyone else rather unimpressed with the 'cliffhanger's content?
I actually enjoyed the opening of season 3, despite its faults and the rather manipulative advertising by telltale with respect to certain things, but I thought the ending of episode 2 was cheesy, trite, and obvious.
My first thought at the end of the very first flashback, where David gets separated from Javier, was 'oh he better not end up being the main villain we run into four years later' - and of course, that's what happened.
Is it too much to ask for a bit of creativity and originality? This has been done so many times before. The abusive husband, the poor wife who hits it off with his friend/brother, the figure from the past returning in a big leadership position just for the sake of 'drama'.
The worst thing is that telltale almost seems to have though it was shock us. Ending the episode immediately and not giving a 'next time' trailer, like 'oooh guys we got you there!! Cant show you any scenes from the next episode after that mindfuck!! Who knows what will happen :O'.
I think the story has potential, I'm just praying that Telltale sticks it back together sensibly, without yawn-worthy constructed predictable 'drama'.
Damn I forgot to add a spoiler tag and it won't let me edit my post - can a mod help me out? Not that someone wanting to avoid spoilers should be clicking on this thread in the first place :P
You can already see how this is going to end.
Javier is going to make his joining to the New Frontier in Ep 3, David will get jealous beacuse Kate and Gabe love him more than they care about David, he will blame Javi about Mariana's death, we will have to kill David.
And at the end we probably take over the New Frontier and be the good guys.
Hope I'm wrong, but David being jealous of Javi will play a big role.
It surprised me. It seems terribly obvious in hindsight, but there was enough in the episodes to distract me.
We do not know how things will turn out. Hopefully, they'll make it interesting.
I got you man.
If I remember correctly, if you want to edit, you can use this link for editing this discussion. I think you can switch out the numbers at the end for your other discussions and do the same. I think.
I've fixed the issue...for now (also you can flag a discussion for spoilers and we can do that way for you too).
Wait, was David abusive?
Not as far as I recall. The most I do is the fact that he punches Javier at the beginning and apparently doesn't notice that Kate cut her hand when she broke his mug. Unless I did miss something, being a mean guy who's wife is getting real with your estranged brother automatically makes abusive.
Kate kind of hints at David having anger issues during that opening for Episode 2. When she's talking about the glass, she makes note of how OCD he is about something as ridiculously unimportant as silverware. When David shows up to rage on everyone, he's instantly peeved and takes it all out on someone who basically can't defend himself, simply because he doesn't want a conversation; he just wants to be right.
Now, that doesn't mean he's PHYSICALLY abusive (well, maybe to Javier, he is... I get the fact that Javier wasn't there for their dad, but to just up and beat on him like that was a bit over-the-top), but the mental strain of his words and actions are definitely noticeable.
I mean, he has anger issues and an inferiority complex to his brother, sure. His actions on his brother are reasonable, it's grief and Javier wasn't there. He's not abusive, but a bit of a dick, yeah.
Oh okay. I heard her say something about it being a souvenir from the service or something and just went with it. Wasn't too happy to see that house again, tbh.
There' a lot of hints that David is abusive (all over the place). They want you thinking it, but don't flat out say it so you can make your own call. Right up to how you handle the first 2 minutes of interaction in episode 1.
But sadly....I can sort of see the story with this over the next 3 episodes as well. It's playing out like clockwork and I seriously hope I'm wrong. It will be interesting what angle they take (probably forcing it...since that's how they WANT the story to go) since I actually rejected all of Kate's advances. Not sure what they are going to do, but again, I feel a "David accuses you anyways" vibe for that coming because I'm going against what the story really wants. Really hope I'm wrong and there are some surprises and other angles it will take. I'll still play it though
Just won't be as impressed waiting over the next few months for each episode.
I dont know the way kate acts is typical of an abused wife, shes scared when she breaks his cup. Also he beats up his brother tons,
Pretty obvious lame twist and pretty typical way to end these terrible episodes
Yeah kinda lame as I couldn't care less about David. If it was Nate, though, I for sure would be impressed.
Honestly, I assumed David was going to be the main villain since the trailers, just like I knew Mari and Hector would die.
In retrospect especially: the trailers were really damn revealing.
Fair enough on her actions, I can't really argue on that yet. The only time I watched him attack Javier was because he didn't show up on time to his father's passing, and that's easily explainable, unless there's more than that that I didn't see.
I think the fact that when Kate cuts her hand her biggest concern is not her own pain but that David might be angry, coupled with the fact that when David comes and sees the blood his first reaction is to get angry without asking her how she is, is symptomatic of an abusive relationship.
I'm not saying it was physically abusive, but there are many other forms of domestic abuse than just physicality.
I don't know, I don't think it would fit Nate's character well, he didn't seem like the leader type.
Well if David is the leader then David essentially killed his own daughter so im interested to see how that plays out
I really hope I can guilt trip him hard.
Not saying I would, but I really want the option.
I liked the cliffhanger. Cant wait to tell David that his people killed his daughter and nearly his wife if he wont accept us in.
The return of David is more unrealistic than the return of Kenny.
In the case of Kenny, two people who last saw each other in Georgia meet by chance in an abandoned ski lodge in the mountains of Virginia, two years into the apocalypse.
In the case of David, two people who last saw each other potentially in Miami, Florida meet in a community in Virginia, four years into the apocalypse, and we are supposed to believe that one of these two people managed to become the leader of said settlement, even though they were far away when the outbreak started and the community was founded.
Fair enough, just seemed like he was dick and not abusive. Personally, I wouldn't say I would get behind it until it's given more clues.
I liked the episode 2 Cliffhanger better than the one from Episode 1. I didn't expected it and it makes for an interesting third episode. I liked it a lot.
That'll be solved in Episode 3s opening flashback lol
I honestly didn't see it coming, the thought never crossed my mind and it got me excited.
I respect your opinion, but if a wife is actively scared of her husband more's going on than just him being a 'dick' imo
I would absolutely agree in real life, in video games, it is a bit more complicated.
I don't think David should of beaten up Javier over that as he had a valid excuse of why he wasn't there because of the traffic being backed up for miles and he tried his hardest to get there in time
Not really about being late to David though, it's more about the fact that he wasn't there. It was grief and bottled up emotions. It made sense, and while Javier had a completely reasonable excuse to miss it, I understand David's actions and will justify them.
It actually surprised me quite a lot.
There's also the fact that their father apparently favored Javier over David, so the feeling of knowing his father died wondering where his brother was had to be making things worse when he did go.
Okay, serious question: What exactly happened to make David's appearance at the end a "twist"? Was he the one who was implied to be bitten in the back of the van?
Nah that was Hector.
David's reveal wasn't a twist. Telltale almost went out of their way to hint he would turn up again.
It actually surprised me. I can't wait to tell him what his assholes did to his daughter.
Okay, I get that much, but what happened in-story? Was he supposed to be dead or something?
I was expecting to be Lilly and then David popped up and it really did shock me. I didn't even consider David to be the leader of the NF so while I'm disappointed that it wasn't Lilly (as soon as I heard the male voice I was really upset), this is one of the few twists that Telltale has gotten right. I've seen plenty of YouTubers play and express the same shock.
David or Hector?
In the first scene at the outbreak, David takes their mom to the hospital, Javier warns him not to take the highway.
The rest of them get into the van where the last scene is Javier and Hector looking at a bite on Hector's hand.
So we have to assume Hector and their mom turned, and in the chaos of the outbreak Javier and family never finds out what happened to David, they could probably guess Javier's mom died though.
We aren't given anything else I don't think but I would assume they tried to reach the hospital and just never found David there, or they decided going to the hospital was suicide (lots of dead people)
Perhaps we'll find out in the next episode's flashback.
Okay. I was just really confused as to why that was clearly meant to be a major shock and it even took me a second to realize who he was.
"Oh! That guy who beat up Javier for not being there and then got annoyed when Kate brouke his army mug...K?"
The Garcia home was in Miami? Where was that said?
Based on the launch trailer, I expected the reveal in the end to be a famous character from the comics/tv-show or someone famous from a previous TWD-game, especially from the 400 Days DLC or Michonne's story.
Don't get me wrong. I still like that it is Javiers brother tho. I didn't think about him at all, but I don't care about him either (yet). But let's not forget that this sets up for an interesting future, since it were David's own men who killed his daughter Mariana and shot his (ex-)wife Kate.