Is Clementine the problem with Season 3? SPOILERS
Bold opinion in bound but I really wanna hear other people's opinions on this. Let's talk for a minute, is Clem the biggest problem with Season 3? I believe she is, now I am not saying season 3 is bad, but many people are disappointed and it is pretty justified. The choices once again don't matter, and almost everyone has the same opinion this season. In season 1 and even 2 players had different opinions and had new ideas of what was moral and not. It was Kenny vs Jane or simply characters like weather we liked Ben. But with Season 3 and Clem being a huge character we are all still very attached to her. At the end of season 1 everyone was in love with Lee and Clem. In season 2 we were all still in love with Clem. We have grown this connection to a beloved character in almost 24 hours of gameplay. Now we get a choice to disagree or agree with her? What do you really think the players will do? We know Clem, we raised Clem, we also were Clem. We all had the choice to make our own Clementines based on our choices so we love her, she represented our choices in Season 2. And you think you're putting my loyalty to the test by putting some random character who I know nothing about over Clem??? LOL. Look 90% players shot Conrad, 94% got locked up, and 83% stayed with Clem. This whole "Lets see if they stay loyal to Clem" Is a joke and clearly isn't working. This isn't creating much discussion because everyone loves Clem. I think her character is ruining this season because I don't really care to know the other characters (Nor do I get enough time because once again why go back to what they did right in Season 1 and actually get to talk to characters). I don't have any relationship with these characters, and for me it's almost the same thing that happened to me with Kenny in Season 2.
But I would love everyone's thoughts on this.
I don't think that introducing a new character who was unrelated to Clem and put the player to control it was a good idea. If you look at Javi POV, we wouldn't side so much with Clem at all. After all, for him, she's just a little kid that looks like a psycopath pointing a gun towards him.
But since we know her from previous episodes, we will agree with her because we know she's not mean. I believe Telltale should've either put her as the playable character and let us meet Javi in her POV or don't put her in the game at all.
I don't see how it is Clem fault the fact that you can't put yourself in Javi's shoes or that you can't be objective.
Do you bring your feelings on everything? Because that is going to make your "professional" life very complicated.
I agree. We should've been controlling Clem, or Clem shouldn't have been in this Season at all. I don't understand why TellTale wants to appeal to new players so badly this season - did sales go down? I'm afraid we will never get an official answer from TellTale...
Personally, i dont think shes the problem and i love that she is in the game as a supporting character so i can see how she has changed in the few years time jump sinse season 2. That being said i dont agree with telltales decision to make the big choices about supporting or not supporting clem for the reasons you stated above. Theres such a huge bias there toward clem that it was honestly quite laughable that they thought it would even be a close decision. I honestly get the feeling they are forshadowing some ultimate choice where clementine becomes determinant. Though i certainly hope not considering that would be a death sentence cough kenny/jane cough
Eh, if it didn't have Clem people would still be complaining cause she's not in it.
So you were the 10% of people then ayy? Good for you, glad you could do that. 90% players couldn't. Walking dead is supposed to be emotional. Even if Clem wasn't in here I still wouldn't care if anyone died. You know why? Because they don't give any info about them anymore. You don't get to talk to them like you did in Season 1, and that is disappointing.
I agree with this. Thanks for your opinion
Probably, maybe i'm not trying to blame Clem as a whole. The characters are just really bad and I really don't care for any of them
Ill have to disagree with you here. I really liked the new cast of characters, Javi, Kate, and Mari being my favorites. I enjoyed playing Javier and i actually care about saving Kates life even though ive been playing telltale long enough to know that shes gonna die one way or another before episode 5. They definately could have done a much worse job with the new cast in my opinion.
I am really glad you like the characters, I just wish I got to know them more. Back story and everything. That is what I loved about Season 1, I got to talk to everyone and learn about the past, now it is like "Hey we just meet but I am nice so like me!". I just wanna be able to talk to them and walk around instead of having every second being chaos like it was in Season 2. But I see your point and respect it alot.
No, is not a fact of being always against Clem to not be bias, she is right in a lot of situations, but I know Javier would never do things like:
"Hey take my Candy Bar, it is for my niece, she is like a daughter to me and I love her, take it please random stranger"
"Yeah have my van please, I will not complain, I have it since the beginning of the apocalypse but take it girl who is taking me prisoner"
I didn't accept Conrad deal because he threatened me, but I am not about selling friends neither, I didn't with Vaughn in TFTBL, didn't with Colins in TWAU, etc.
And I don't understand what do you mean with the "They don't give any info about them anymore".
If you mean about Clem past, there will be more flashbacks, if you mean about Javi family, what else there is to know? is not like you knew the favorite color of Kenny and Lilly in S1.
Being bias is pretty difficult when you have spent 24 hours with a character, as I said I applaud you, but I don't think of myself as playing as Javier, I am playing as myself. What choices I would make bassed on what is around me. That is what TellTale is all about. What more is there to know? Backstory was one of the biggest things in Season 1, you got so many opportunity's to wonder around and talk to these character. You weren't thrown into this crazy chaos every 2 seconds. I just don't think their is enough for me to sit here and say that I would choose a random character over one that I once played. Characters are just too boring, season 2 all over again. But it is just my opinion, and I respect yours a lot. I hope I am wrong and the season gets better.
I am pretty much with you on everything. I coudn't care less about Javier and I am really disappointed that I can't create her story further.
Wait wait wait, what questions do you have that the game doesn't answer?
Because the only stupid thing it has is "How they survived 4 years without any of them dying, losing a finger or something like that", but Javier and Kate talk about how since the apocalypse started, they've been moving in the Van always, no groups, nothing, just them.
I am also gunna clarify with what I said when I said "I am playing as myself". In these games I use my personality's to determine what I choose. The character is supposed to be what you make of it, you get to create the character how ever you want. I take everything in to account (I have a brother, a sister in law) All of that but I just can't seem to care enough when they don't have much personality or back story.
Maybe it is that it is just 4 years into the Apocalypse and there just isn't much too talk about anymore. Now the characters just all seem the same (Love instrest, mean guy, good guy, cool guy) Nothing else. I just wanna learn about the character's instead of being thrown in and just having to guess who I like more when making a decision. I will always refer to season 1 because it was a great season, wish they would've done gone back and done some of the good from that season. Oh well
I'd like more detailed examples, you mean that you don't feel guilty if for example at the end of Ep 1
You have to choose between avenge your niece or help your family.
You think you are doing the wrong decision because you choose Clementine?
No because I barley see them as my family. The only character I liked was the Niece, but they did what they did to Pete. Kill off the only interesting character before the end of the first episode. I really don't care that this sister-in law has been shot, I really don't care that my brother is in this gang, I really don't care about this guys dead wife. You know why? Because I don't know anything about themmmm. They are just kinda there, like Sarah was in Season 2. Just there. I want to get more involved and maybe I don't need to hear their backstory, but I wanna get a relationship with them. And see how my personality fits in with theirs, but nope. These decisions don't mean much because the game isn't building it up, they just shove it in your face.
(I'm kidding don't get mad, I just find funny that you can't at least pretend or try to feel how Javier is feeling)
No it's all good I think it is funny.
Javier is the character that I get to make the choices for right? So I am this character making decisions on my own, but when I don't know anything about my own character I really just don't care, as I said, they are just throwing choices that mean nothing when you don't have much info. Anyways good talk.
Javier story outside of Clementines, as an alternative branch: Cool. Replacing Clem --> My world is in agony. Please just tear out my heart, I'll feel less pain.
With Clem as the side character, the only way that I would disagree with her or go against her if the weight is extremely high, like save Clem or let 10 babies die choice. I'm like you: I agreed to Clem in my first game-play.
What Telltale should do in the later episodes is make choices concerning Clem more ambiguous to their meaning or choices that Clem doesn't understand but Javi makes them for her good.