The Vent/Help Thread



  • The trick is to lower to lower your expectations not higher them, no wonder you're disappointed all the time.

    prink34320 posted: »

    This is kind of a sadness vent xD but I've felt kinda sad and let down a bit lately - people keep telling me to be positive about everything

  • I dont know where you live but here in germany thats ( as far as I know ) forbidden might be for your country also true i would check the laws regarding that

    BroKenny posted: »

    So without being confronted upfront about it and given a chance to change, I just got fired.

  • I just took a quick look and there wasn't a single comment that didn't make me cringe.

    NorthStars posted: »

    I found a disgusting channel called Cynthia G today on YouTube, if anyone is a true human being I ask of you to report her videos/channel or get the word out about her racism and even terrorism.

  • Thanks, Im glad someone else sees it.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    I just took a quick look and there wasn't a single comment that didn't make me cringe.

  • You know I have to say, that I don't understand what the big deal is with people wanting to share the political opinions, or argue their political opinion, be it over social media, or in person.

    And the reason I say that, is because you're not going to change anyone's mind about anything. People are gonna believe whatever they choose to believe, whether it is right or wrong, true or false, and there is nothing you can do about it.

    So why stir up needless trouble, or risk possibly losing friendships? Leave politics to the politicians, and enjoy you're friendships, and peace of mind.

    And that's all I got to say!

  • A society that doesn't critique itself sounds like a dangerous society to be a part of.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    You know I have to say, that I don't understand what the big deal is with people wanting to share the political opinions, or argue their pol

  • Not a vent but I feel oddly happy with my life for the first time in almost two years. Not much has changed but I feel very optimistic.

  • Hopefully you get hooked on that feeling. Nice!

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    Not a vent but I feel oddly happy with my life for the first time in almost two years. Not much has changed but I feel very optimistic.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited December 2016

    She repeatedly calls white people devils and albinos.

    Given the whole enslave thing. She's not far off.
    And let's not forget that at one point they did try to prove that, black people weren't even human .
    Devils...? Yea for a decade or two.

    NorthStars posted: »

    One was about a disease that only white people get that black people don't (bullshit) because, and I am quoting what she says, that white pe

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited December 2016

    It's just Nation of Islam tier black nationalism. Not worth giving her more attention.

    EDIT: Rofl, looked at her Facebook group page and looks like I called it. Bullshit rambling about "black capitalism" and photos of old NOI members. Black Panthers are probably rolling in their graves (the dead ones at least).

    NorthStars posted: »

    I found a disgusting channel called Cynthia G today on YouTube, if anyone is a true human being I ask of you to report her videos/channel or get the word out about her racism and even terrorism.

  • I went to buy some mince pies and cheese and crackers only to find out when I was paying the last little bit on card that my bank account was empty!!!! I left my stuff and ran to the atm and it was -51p :( amazingly tesco let me off like 15p so I could get my festive treats with the change i had and my boyfriend transfered 60p into my account so its all good now and I shouldn't get charged but damn that was embarrassing.

    I knew direct debits were a bad idea and they took it on the only day ive been short on funds, literally it was less then a day.

  • Oh.
    enter image description here ....

    I went to buy some mince pies and cheese and crackers only to find out when I was paying the last little bit on card that my bank account wa

  • If it were a U.S. bank (and if we used pounds sterling in the U.S.), they'd happily charge you a £35 fee for being 51p under.

    At least it was a happy ending! The Vent Thread is much nicer today than usual.

    I went to buy some mince pies and cheese and crackers only to find out when I was paying the last little bit on card that my bank account wa

  • I've seen a couple channels like that. I usually ignore them and move on because they're just being scumbags, and their communities are always just as bad. Might as well have a breeding ground for those kinds of assholes instead of giving them the attention they so greatly hunger for.

    NorthStars posted: »

    One was about a disease that only white people get that black people don't (bullshit) because, and I am quoting what she says, that white pe

  • Oh boy. I wonder what the fucking justice system is gonna do next. I'm so sorry man, that sucks so bad. I really hope you can get the fucking the fucker punishment he deserves and make sure the mother of your child is gonna be okay. Fucking christ.

    She went to the police and got him thrown in jail with a $60,000 bond because he's been systematically drugging and raping girls for a while and other girls came forth. But he made bail literally the next morning.

  • oh please.

    Cope49 posted: »

    She repeatedly calls white people devils and albinos. Given the whole enslave thing. She's not far off. And let's not forget that

  • edited December 2016

    I just reported it and moved on. Granted youtube doesnt take down any channel like that because they are to afraid to. Thanks anyways.

    I've seen a couple channels like that. I usually ignore them and move on because they're just being scumbags, and their communities are alwa

  • awwwwww.... maybe a safe space will help, LMAO

    When you've waited over 2 years for The Walking Dead S3 and its finally almost here, just 1 week left. Then Uni decides to throw 4 essays at you, all for the 21st.

  • edited December 2016

    I tried to investigate it and see what she kept trying to get at with all the racism, but I think my soul slowly died of to much bullshit to go on. Thanks anyways, I reported it.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    It's just Nation of Islam tier black nationalism. Not worth giving her more attention. EDIT: Rofl, looked at her Facebook group page and

  • I would, but the issue is that, as you said, YouTube just doesn't fucking care and they're afraid to break a community like that. It wouldn't do any good, and why do that and spend all day getting angry about the fact that a channel like that exists when you can easily ignore it and feel relieved that at least those assholes have a breeding ground to say shit like that and aren't going out in public and doing crazy bullshit.

    NorthStars posted: »

    I just reported it and moved on. Granted youtube doesnt take down any channel like that because they are to afraid to. Thanks anyways.

  • I was angry the day I first accidently ran into her channel but not anymore, like you said I really dont like to waste my time on pathetic racists like them. They can breed together in a small town and have a nuke get dropped on them is what needs to happen. The thing is channels like that, the people really do act like that in their real lives. That rabid Cynthia G I can assume acts no differently if she met anyone outside her race. Dont worry like I said, Im ignorin'

    I would, but the issue is that, as you said, YouTube just doesn't fucking care and they're afraid to break a community like that. It wouldn'

  • December has been hard for me too, man.

    We'll get through it, it's good to stay positive. Try to focus on the good things in life, instead of the bad.

    i'm so glad that december has yet again proved to be a living hell for me emotionally. i'm honestly surprised i kept such a positive outlook

  • Thanks. This was a few days ago so things have changed, but things are definitely still fucked.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    December has been hard for me too, man. We'll get through it, it's good to stay positive. Try to focus on the good things in life, instead of the bad.

  • I don't think I can say in words how messed up that is. Hopefully the bastard who did it goes to jail, and I hope she's getting the support she needs.

    I'm sorry I can't do more, mate. All I can suggest is to just be as supportive as you can. Good luck to both of you getting through this.

    I just found out that the mother of my child was drugged and raped and is possibly pregnant. My rage is inconsolable right now, I have no idea what to do.

  • I watched one video of hers in which she pushed that "black people can't be racist bullshit" and she said that you can't be racist unless you think that one race is superior to another. In her own words "I can be prejudiced, but not racist."

    Just gonna point out that the definition of racism includes prejudice based on race. Also, she's disabled the comments on a lot of her videos. Clearly not a believer in free speech.

    NorthStars posted: »

    I was angry the day I first accidently ran into her channel but not anymore, like you said I really dont like to waste my time on pathetic r

  • I agree 100% here. I think critique the viewpoints and ideologies of other people is essential in maintaining a stable society. We can't trust in one person or group to always be right, and it's only in an open playing field of ideas that we can see who's idea has the most merit to it.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    A society that doesn't critique itself sounds like a dangerous society to be a part of.

  • Be petty af it works wonders

    prink34320 posted: »

    This is kind of a sadness vent xD but I've felt kinda sad and let down a bit lately - people keep telling me to be positive about everything

  • My direct debit has a limit of £10 or so meaning that I will never be able to make the account have less than that amount, so will never get into overdraft.

    It may be irritating that you know you have £10 you can't access but it means you don't worry about taking out too much without noticing

    I went to buy some mince pies and cheese and crackers only to find out when I was paying the last little bit on card that my bank account wa

  • edited December 2016

    What a wack, her whole point was her trying to prove blacks are superior. One of her bullshit videos is about how black people are immune to diseases and no other races are because god is punishing non blacks. Hypocritical idiot.

    I watched one video of hers in which she pushed that "black people can't be racist bullshit" and she said that you can't be racist unless yo

  • He's a gangster, I think he is used to being in and out of jail and paying and gaming his way through the system. I don't have much hope for justice at this point.

    It's okay that you all can't do more, you have all done plenty already just by taking a moment out of your days to offer me support. Thank you for the well wishes, I truly appreciate you

    I don't think I can say in words how messed up that is. Hopefully the bastard who did it goes to jail, and I hope she's getting the support

  • Thank you, I'll check out those resources and pass them along to the victim. I appreciate your help, truly. And I'm glad I'm here for her too, even though we can't stand each other sometimes I do love the mother of my child and I plan to stand by her

    Absolutely no justice in this system. RAINN has a list of resources for survivors here, including a list of legal and mental health resource

  • edited December 2016

    I doubt the guy will face any consequences. Sounds like he deals coke and guns and probably has more than enough money to fight whatever case is thrown at him. What a rapist monster, it makes me sick. Right now I'm putting my thoughts and energy towards healing the real victim and being there for my kid as well. I appreciate your thoughts and concern in this difficult time.

    Oh boy. I wonder what the fucking justice system is gonna do next. I'm so sorry man, that sucks so bad. I really hope you can get the fucking the fucker punishment he deserves and make sure the mother of your child is gonna be okay. Fucking christ.

  • And it doesn't help that there are racist cops out there killing unarmed teens . And didn't the KKK just had a parade to celebrate Trump-bums win???

    NorthStars posted: »

    oh please.

  • edited December 2016

    Again, oh please. If you are agreeing with her you really are racist. Yes there is the KKK, there is also black panthers. There is also black racists that keep shooting up innocent cops till this day because they say all cops are evil. The channel I just shared right now want a white genocide. What us your point? That there are white racists so that means there are no black racists? This Cynthia g twit is one of the most racist people I've seen. Are you fucking kidding me? If you are not a troll please to back to buzzfeed.

    Cope49 posted: »

    And it doesn't help that there are racist cops out there killing unarmed teens . And didn't the KKK just had a parade to celebrate Trump-bums win???

  • edited December 2016

    Again, oh please. If you are agreeing with her you really are racist. Yes there is the KKK, there is also black panthers. There is also black racists that keep shooting up innocent cops till this day because they say all cops are evil. The channel I just shared right now want a white genocide. What us your point? That there are white racists so that means there are no black racists? Are you fucking kidding me? This Cynthia g twit is one of the worst racists ive seen. If you are not a troll please to back to buzzfeed.

    Cope49 posted: »

    And it doesn't help that there are racist cops out there killing unarmed teens . And didn't the KKK just had a parade to celebrate Trump-bums win???

  • So apparently it's fair that innocent white people that had nothing to do with what happened in the past, now get called devils for no true reason. Riiiighhhtt. That will totally break the cycle. Calling more races devils will totally prove a point.

    Cope49 posted: »

    She repeatedly calls white people devils and albinos. Given the whole enslave thing. She's not far off. And let's not forget that

  • The girl has issues yes .

    I've never watched her videos . And I don't plan to but at one point in history, the name Devil fitted perfectly . Today not so much .

    NorthStars posted: »

    Again, oh please. If you are agreeing with her you really are racist. Yes there is the KKK, there is also black panthers. There is also blac

  • edited December 2016

    Who are you calling a devil? 1 percent of whites owned slaves. Every race had slave owning history. Africans sold themselves as slaves and agreed to it, and used themselves as slaves. If white people are devils to you so be it, because by that logic everyone is satan. But you need to some research in history. I could care less either way. Being called a devil is hardly an insult.

    Cope49 posted: »

    The girl has issues yes . I've never watched her videos . And I don't plan to but at one point in history, the name Devil fitted perfectly . Today not so much .

  • No it's not fair or right . And it's not how I do things . I have my moments sure and so do the rest of you.
    You don't know her or what led her up to this point . She's venting .People use YouTube for that sometimes
    . It's not just her on there with racist video channels .

    NorthStars posted: »

    So apparently it's fair that innocent white people that had nothing to do with what happened in the past, now get called devils for no true reason. Riiiighhhtt. That will totally break the cycle. Calling more races devils will totally prove a point.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited December 2016

    People who are dead and gone.

    NorthStars posted: »

    Who are you calling a devil? 1 percent of whites owned slaves. Every race had slave owning history. Africans sold themselves as slaves and a

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