A few words to my not-so-dear-right-now-Telltale...
Well, well, well... My name doesn't matter and I like to say that I'm so disappointed with Telltale right now. I can't even control myself, control this feeling that this company is very LAZY. Yes, lazy. Lazy.
Did I said Lazy?
Yes. Lazy!
Why? Because they launched both Batman series and TWD: ANF with so many issues! Firt of all: android supported and unsupported devices. Let me say that I'm a honest man, I work five days per week and I have other things to pay besides new super, super, super duper powerful devices. I'm fine with my current device. I don't want... Okay, I'll be honest. I CAN'T pay for another device right now.
I know, I know... It's all about new engine and stuff. But pay attention: there's a lot of websites sharing the apk + obb (of course, tell me something I don't know) and owners of GPUs like Mali or whatever actually CAN download and play it. Not all of then, but some.
See? There's a problem here.
Players with lower versions of Adreno can't PAY real money for the game, but other people can use "illegal" sources and take all the fun?
What about telltale start to work more and make those fucking games start to work fine for players like me? I play TWD series since the very first day of launch on Android, Michonne, and all the others games, like GoT and The Wolf Among Us. And now I can't play Batman series and TWD ANF. That's a fucking joke?
I know TWD ANF can run on other devices and GPUs that "supposedly" can't make the game barely open, but guess what?! They can!
So, my not-so-dear-right-now-Telltale... Let's work. Let's make things happen. You want to money? Work for it.
You have to make a new engine? Of couse, congratulations and GOOD JOB, but first starts to use the SEVERAL YEARS that you have to produce your series in the right way. Think about ALL your customers, not just the new ones who can spend lots of money with technology, everytime you want.
That's all.
Telltale will not remember that
Good point.
You're upset, that's very rational, but you are being extremely hostile. The last part is extremely elitist, it's not just the "new ones" who can afford relatively current technology and just because you're a fan who has been around since Season 1 doesn't mean you can't afford new technology, and to assume that making ANF limited to newer consoles and phones that it makes Telltale lazy or appealing to newer fans is quite absurd, my friend. In fact, Telltale isn't lazy and is responding to the issues in regard to the Batman release, it preformed poorly, especially on older consoles and phones because of the new engine, that doesn't make them lazy, it means they are a business changing their model because of performance problems, which they want to avoid due to the negative feedback that they can't really control.
Hostility isn't the key.
Are you mad because they don't support android? Because I thought they did, then again my android is dead and I haven't seen the charger for months.
I'm not being hostile. I'm mad because I know for sure that TTG can make the games work on older versions/devices/GPUs. I talk to people, I know they can do this.
And I'm sorry for the "elitist" part, but I was just trying to say that is not everyone that can afford some things. I know some REALLY GOOD devices who can't run the game and this is absurd, my friend.
You are not in my shoes right now, so that's easy to say what you said, but that's fine. There's nothing I can do, right?
Btw, everyone here like to say things like "Telltale is a lazy company", and now I can't say something like that?
They support Android, but just new and VERY, VERY, VERY expensive devices.
It's alright to be upset, it's disappointing, I understand. Some people can't afford new things and yes, sometimes the game doesn't run well on newer devices anyway and that is a fundamental engine problem that needs to be addressed separately. It's not hard to imagine what it is like in your shoes, you are upset that series you were looking forward to aren't available to you, and that is completely reasonable but open hostility to a company on their forums isn't going to accomplish anything for them. It's unlikely your concerns will be addressed until a later date, if at all, and while it's frustrating, it's something we have to accept.