Hey there fellow Telltale gamers,

First things first, I can't believe that I joined the forums in 2009 and only have 3 comments under my belt. I apologize to the whole Telltale community for my lack of participation in the forums, it's just that time really does fly and I guess that I got so caught up in reading all the content provided on this forum instead of putting in my 2 cents worth in. For now on I'm not going to treat my Telltale Community Forum unprofessional career as a New York city supervising job and I'm actually going to Participate more than being a Spectator. So that's why I decided to start a new discussion, however I had no clue what to call it or what would be actual discussed in this thread. Where's the beef, was the very first thing that came to mind when deciding on a cool Title for the discussion, and I promise you all that this isn't a thread where a bunch of old Ladies get together to exchange out dated recipe ideas.

I was thinking that in this thread we can just ask each other the most important questions that's on everyone minds that doesn't have a real answer to them, for example:

1.) Why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway?
2.) Why do they call it a TV set when you only get one?
3.) Why do Magical Unicorns don't really exist?

Actually I don't get the last one because Unicorns should be called Unihorns because it's a Horse with one horn! Well by now if you are actually reading this, I'm the one that's Corny so maybe we can make this the official joke thread. We all need a good laugh from time to time and if any of you have a good joke to tell (trying to keep it PG and clean) this is the place to do that. So don't be like me by being a spectator for so long, be a participator and let's make this thread one of the funniest threads in the Telltale Community!

P.S. I just bought a new car over the Holidays and it's called a "Toyota Rolls-Could-Hardly," it ROLLS down one hill and COULD HARDLY get up the next! See what I mean? Now that's really Corny! : )



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