The Controversy Between Betraying Clementine and Shooting Conrad


Season 3 Episode 2 right at the end where Conrad confronts Clementine about the whole 'New Frontier' thing explaining to Javier that they could use Clementine as bait to the New Frontier in order for supplies and not have to fight.

Let's talk about this unbiased as to what you picked for whatever reasons. The correct choice here for Javi and the rest of the group would be to betray Clementine and hold her to the New Frontier because that could possibly lead to Kate getting medical supplies and them possible settling this thing that they have together even though I don't think that last thing would happen there is a possibility

That's the right choice to make for those reasons. But if you are someone like me that is making all of his decisions super biased towards Clementine and I have no shame in admitting it and I already know that there is quite a lot of other people that play this way and that's absolutely fine if you don't play this way and you're playing as Javi and not another caretaker for Clementine.

You can look at it with another perspective though, maybe thinking that betraying Clementine and giving her up can lose all your trust for other people in the group even if they don't show it when you tell Tripp and the others in the group, I sure know that Gabe didn't approve of this decision at all and had a huge fit at Javi when that decision is made.

At the end of the day you have to see it from both perspectives, people that want to play as Javi and not another caretaker for Clementine, or people that want to make sure Clementine is safe no matter what even if that involves not taking a deal that could potentially help the group but at the cost of Clementine.

Thank you for reading :D


  • It's not the right choice for Javier or his group. The right choice never entails listening to a crazed dangerous would-be murderer who's not thinking straight. (I swear if someone brings a certain character into this...) And I don't need to betray and use a child that trusts me with her life and secrets to convince those New Frontier savages to maybe give us some damned supplies. When she betrays you, leaving you for dead or stealing your supplies, I hope you won't be surprised.

  • edited December 2016

    You call it the "right choice" to listen to an idiot who can't handle the loss of his girlfriend and then takes Gabe hostage because he tries to use another child as leverage on his mindless rampage-road? Even though The New Frontier has proven to not keep their end of a deal in Prescott? A group of people that totally wrecked a settlement and killed a teenage girl in cold blood because of some lost pudding?

    Yeah, no.

  • There's already a thread about it.

  • crazed dangerous would-be murderer who's not thinking straight.

    you mean Kenny?

    It's not the right choice for Javier or his group. The right choice never entails listening to a crazed dangerous would-be murderer who's no

  • edited December 2016

    You just lost your niece and now you are willing to just let someone put a gun to your nephews head and get away with it? What happens when Conrad gets another genius idea that you or the group disagree with? Take someone else hostage and say that if you agree with him then nobody has to get shot? Fuck that guy. Francine was already dead. It was not his decision to make using Clem as bargaining chip. I could understand and maybe let it slide if Francine was the one in Richmond now and Conrad wanted to trade Clem for her but he has no one there. He has no reason to even go there asides from getting revenge but 10 minutes ago he didn't even know NF occupied Richmond. As for the "we never know until we try". I agree with the previous posters, we might know that Prescott and Junkyard happened only because Badger is out of line but as far as Javi and the group are concerned all of the NF is like that. No problem with killing a child, torturing hostage, executing people on spot after they surrender (from which Clem actually saves you if you went down).

  • edited December 2016

    The right decision was to put a bullet in Conrads head and end his misery once and for all. I wanted Gabe to shoot him first and urged him to do it, but he sadly backed out. It´s good to know Javier has Gabe as a backup, but the kid needs to do what he is being told the next time around.

  • No, I meant Jane.

    crazed dangerous would-be murderer who's not thinking straight. you mean Kenny?

  • O I thought we were talking about Lilly.

    No, I meant Jane.

  • There is no "right" choice, there is only your choice.

    Peronally, I shot him without hesitation because not only did he want to use Clementine and quite possibly get her killed for something that is a heavy assumption on his part, he also pointed a gun at my nephew's head.

    The moment he threatens violence with the kids is the moment I consider him a threat to the group and thus, he had to go.

  • THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG CHOICE. That's it, I'm hoping for Conrad to have a "Nick on the fence" treatment.

  • You might want to put a spoiler in the title before somebody who haven't played Ep2 sees it.

  • Are you guys talking about Conrad?

    jdgjordan posted: »

    O I thought we were talking about Lilly.

  • I have dub thees decisions that involve Clementine, The Will of Clem, because 90% of players on there first playthrought(meaning going in blind reacting on there first instincts) are always going to chose Clem safety over everything else and that makes sense we all have a need to see her get threw safely. It comes with traveling 2 season with her. Thus The Will of Clem is far greater and more powerful then any logic you can throw out cause it just takes over any decision making we might normally would do.

  • The correct choice here for Javi and the rest of the group would be to betray Clementine and hold her to the New Frontier because that could possibly lead to Kate getting medical supplies and them possible settling this thing that they have together even though I don't think that last thing would happen there is a possibility

    No, it's not. From Javi's perspective it's a wrong thing to do, because of moral values. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I would betray someone for a possibility to let someone live a little longer. Neither would Javier I think.

  • edited December 2016

    Well, even if we don´t act over protective for Clementine, he is still threatening a kid and trying to take her captive, which is generally a bad thing to do in any situation. Also I don´t accept troublemakers in my group.

  • Well as a player, I run multiple saves. So in one I sold Clementine down the river...felt bad about it especially with all those looks she gives you...but I get to see her flip off the New adorbs. In the other I put mad dog Conrad do not point a gun at Gabe...a boy that Javi thinks of as his son, especially after losing Mariana. I can see both sides to the argument.

  • A group of people that totally wrecked a settlement and killed a teenage girl in cold blood

    She was actually 10 years old.

    Domi_nique posted: »

    You call it the "right choice" to listen to an idiot who can't handle the loss of his girlfriend and then takes Gabe hostage because he trie

  • Conrad is the new Troy. Fuck Conrad.

  • Hey at least no one shot Conrad in the dick!

    Conrad is the new Troy. Fuck Conrad.

  • Yet

    Hey at least no one shot Conrad in the dick!

  • I disagree there. Troy was someone who didn't really care about anyone and just liked to follow orders in the most overzealous way possible. Conrad on the other hand cared for his members and tried to do the best for his loved ones. That's why he wanted to trade Clementine (he knew that she was from the New Frontier so that's why he didn't trust her) for the doctor ( I forgot her name). But Tripp ( I think that's his name) said that he knew Conrad for a while and said he's a good guy.

    Conrad is the new Troy. Fuck Conrad.

  • edited December 2016

    I wasn't 100% serious. I just mean that Troy and Conrad are getting kind of the same treatment on the forums.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I disagree there. Troy was someone who didn't really care about anyone and just liked to follow orders in the most overzealous way possible.

  • I just mean that Troy and Conrad are getting kind of the same treatment on the forums.


    I wasn't 100% serious. I just mean that Troy and Conrad are getting kind of the same treatment on the forums.

  • Read some comments and now I feel like a piece of trash. Certainly gonna replay this choice.

  • Who honestly know what the fuck the New frontier was going to do to Clementine, for all we know she could get fucking torture as "justice". I just couldn't do betray her, she already trusted Javi, so why ruin that? Yeah there is no right wrong choice, I feel like it is a choice about your morals.

  • Not really important, but thanks. That makes it even worse.

    A group of people that totally wrecked a settlement and killed a teenage girl in cold blood She was actually 10 years old.

  • After reading all of these comments you guys are right actually, it had completely gone past me that Javi had just lost Mariana and had Gabe at gunpoint, I completely brushed over that not even realizing what I said, and I apologize

  • Apparently, even if you shoot Conrad, and Clementine leaves the group, her model still appears in the background for like one second during a shot (when Kate and Javier go to hug, Gabe in the background is replaced by Clem after the close-up).

  • Do we really need another topic about this? I like that the title lends itself to the topic better but kinda getting sick of seeing multiple threads on the same topic within weeks of each other.

  • Because #ProtectClementine, that's why.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I just mean that Troy and Conrad are getting kind of the same treatment on the forums. Why?

  • I thought we were talking about Ben

    fallandir posted: »

    Are you guys talking about Conrad?

  • The thing is, we all know we would have gotten into Richmond with or without Clementine because Javier's brother saw him and his family at the entrance. Sure Clementine may have been used as a bargaining tool but i think the fact that Javier brought his brother's family to him will work in his favor more than anything.

  • You know, despite the major split in percentages, I actually think this isn't that bad of a choice overall.

    I've been watching walkthroughs, and although most people end up shooting him, most people didn't choose it without hesitation. I saw quite a few playthroughs where people seemed relatively indecisive or on the fence about it. And honestly, I'd consider that a good thing, even if they end up shooting him in the end.

    If you ask me, the hesitation in making a choice is more important than how many people actually chose it. Just because a choice has a 80/20 or 90/10 split doesn't mean the choice can't be a difficult one. It means it has an answer more people agree with, but that doesn't necessarily mean it was easy to make. If a choice has a 80/20 - 90/10 split, but most people seem to agonize/deliberate over it, I'd consider it a good choice. If a choice has a 90/10 split where everyone unanimously picks one option without hesitation (*cough* the final choice in Michonne *cough*), then I'd consider it an unsuccessful choice.

    In my opinion, the choice to hide/show Lee's bite counts. The grand majority of people chose to show it, but that doesn't necessarily mean the choice was bad or imbalanced. I've seen a lot of people actually mull over it. Hell, I remember thinking about it the first time I played: "But what if they turn on me? Then again, what if I turn on them, literally?"

  • Or the "spirit of Lee" that still influences you to decide for Clem's best interests.

    jdgjordan posted: »

    I have dub thees decisions that involve Clementine, The Will of Clem, because 90% of players on there first playthrought(meaning going in bl

  • It made me feel like a piece of shit but I betrayed Clementine. But my reasoning was simply that I didn't want to murder Conrad. I was so against his plan but it was the only way to avoid any bloodshed.

  • I would never betray clementine... but that's personal.

    Looking at it from Javier's POV, I wouldn't betray Clementine. Conrad was going off the deep-end, he even took Gabe as a hostage to try and get me to listen.

    Looking at it from a logical POV, I probably would betray Clementine. Kate needs medical supplies, and what better way to barter than with a bargaining chip?

  • Oh yeah, this thread. My, how times fly.

    Still think it was just a tad too biased though. And I wish it payed off more subplot-wise, though you can say that about a lot of things.

  • edited June 2017

    I'm tired of people thinking they are special because they make unfriendly choices towards Clementine. You point a gun at my nephew's head and force me to betray my partner : You die. End of story.

  • its not really cause of that i just think that the fact that Conrad is triple determinant warranted some sort of attention althought telltale should have made this choice not as biased as it came out as in episode 2 .

    I'm tired of people thinking they are special because they make unfriendly choices towards Clementine. You point a gun at my nephew's head and force me to betray my partner : You die. End of story.

  • I know I know, but certain people in this forum think this way.

    UrbanRodrik posted: »

    its not really cause of that i just think that the fact that Conrad is triple determinant warranted some sort of attention althought telltale should have made this choice not as biased as it came out as in episode 2 .

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