Am I the only one who do not wish to have children?
I am not wishing for having kids of my own since I have gone through two periods with psychose. Would be very naughty by me to put a child of my own to life and risk that that little life would maybe fall down in depression and self hate, wouldn't it? The world is one bloody mess enough as it is, we regular "mortals" do not have to make it worse.
Happy new year btw!
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I find it pretty hilarious how you finished off this super serious thread with an important subject matter by saying
like what you just said wasn't even said. That made me laugh for a bit.
Heheh, well, you need to have a little humor. ^^
Well I think you are just being realistic for your situation. When I was a young girl, the idea of having kids appealed to me...but as I got older and realized my sexual identity, the idea still interests me. I Even though I am bisexual..for most of my teen years I dated men and wasn't until I got out of high school and away from my family did I find a woman to date...that was epic fail...dated a guy...then met my soul mate, cheesy I know. So if I were to have a child....adoption or artificial insemination.
So I respect your decision.
It's OK to not want kids. I know one couple who had one only because they thought idiots have more kids than smart people and to prevent the future population from being almost entirely idiots, smart people had a duty to society to make children. That's not really how it works. I know another guy who wanted a kid because he thought if he didn't have one, then one day when he died, there would be no one to cry at his funeral. There are lots more cost effective ways to get people to cry at your funeral if it matters that much. Basically, realize you might wind up with someone who causes you to change your mind in the future, but for now, there's no need to feel obligated to reproduce.
Yeah, i want kids. I'm 34 and still working on it.
Even though I want kids, I can respect someone who doesn't just have kids because they feel they have to, and consider all the factors.
No. While I'm a dad I know lots of people who have no intention of having children.
I'm a guy and I'm not sure if I want children. If I'm a bachelor I get to keep more of the money I make.
I'm not too sure. I don't think I do but i'm only 19 so it's not like i'd be having children any time soon since i'm more focused on a career than anything else. So really my opinion could still change.
I'm asexual though, and I don't think i'd force myself to have sex to get pregnant with children so if I did have any children then they'd most likely be adopted, which i'm okay with.
How old are you?
I'm 15 and I really can't see myself having children. My dad keeps telling me he understands how I feel now, but that I'll probably change my mind because "Honey, having your own children feels different than babysitting your sister, trust me." I mean, I guess he'd know, but...
I'm terrified at the possibility of losing my child, or screwing them up the way I am.
A lot of debilitating illnesses (Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Cancers, both types of Diabetes, many different autoimmune disorders, etc.) run in my family, and I really just don't want to risk putting my child through that. Don't want biological children, if any at all.
I don't want children. That doesn't make you empty & that doesn't make you selfish. Fulfillment without children is possible. No matter what others would have you believe. Your reasons for not wanting any are your own. Live your life the way you want. You're the one who has to live with the choices you make.
I had to read the OP about 2 or 3 times and I still can't really understand what it's saying.
Do you not want children because you are mentally ill and you don't want to expose your child to it, or is it something else?
I have never had siblings or was never close to anyone in particular. I'm not very good with children, but being around my cousin's children gives me unimaginable joy. I'm not really sure why, but it does. I can only imagine what it would be like to have a child of my own.
I'd love to have one, but I don't have the means to have a child just yet. Maybe someday I will. If I don't have one, I'd probably adopt at some point.
I'd personally like to adopt children, my parents gave me a chance when I was born and took me into their home, treating me with love and I'd like to do the same for children who feel alone, I'd like to give them a home - of course, only when I see myself fit to care for another human being xD need to learn to fully care for myself first
adulthood here I come!
I don't really agree with having kids, so I probably won't be.
I'm 15 and i don't want to have children.
I don't think i would be a good father. I mean... I don't think i would be a bad father, but i have a younger brother, and i really have no idea how to play with children. I'm simply not natural at this.
Other than that... We have a lot of heart problems and some mental illnesses in our family. I also wear glasses and my older brother doesn't have a perfect sight either. So my genes are not the best.
Also, i believe having children at this point is pretty pointless. World War III could begin at any moment, and there is 7 billion of people on Earth already.
So yeah. If anything, i would like to adopt children.It's a much better option in my opinion.
You're also forgetting you're only fifteen.
I'm twenty-three and everyone is always prodding me as to why I don't bare fruit. My reasoning is much the same as yours in a grander scheme... I'm far too young and irresponsible to care for a perpetually shitting noise machine with no intelligence.
Yeah, i'm aware of the fact i'm still young and my perspective will most likely change.
Anyway, i wouldn't say i'm all that irresponsible when it comes to children or treat them like shitting machines with no intelligence. I think that raising children can sometimes be even fun, in a way. But my point is - it's irresponsible to create a new life form, just because you have a need for it.
I'm 19, and while I do want children, I'm not sure it would be a good idea. Right now it doesn't look like I'll have a good enough job to take care of an entire family, and I often have phases where I'm just a unlikeable and miserable piece of shit. No kid should grow up with a parent like that. On top of that, I also have trouble keeping a relationship going and can be short tempered; again less than ideal for a father.
On the other hand, watching new life grow is something special that I don't want to miss out on; having witnessed (or still witnessing) multiple cousins growing up. I'm still on the fence about it, but then again I'm still young. Maybe one day I can consider it in earnest, but right now I don't think I'd be a good father.
Twenty-seven. I believe very much of the thing is that not only did I faced two psychosis (spelling?) but until last year I took anti-depressive pills which made it worse.
Everyone has their own opinions and beliefs. My mom graduated high school in 1974 and her friend got married and decided to not have kids. They have lots of money nowadays and take vacations and are happy. My fiancé and I love kids and we want to have them. She is a Daycare worker and wants to teach Kindergarten. I have worked in a daycare to better study child behavior and I want to teach fourth or fifth grade.
My fiancé is probably at the high percentile range in intelligence at a the 130 to 135 range. I am at 160 and I want to have intelligent kids to better the world. I am half Scottish/English and half mostly Italian. She is half Irish/Scottish andnd half African. Our children would be immune to some diseases and would be very strong due to their varied genetics.
Children can bring happiness to a well founded family or they can bring trouble to a crumbling relationship. That is why it's important to wait to decide if you want to have kids or not. I'd say that if you do not want to be a mother, then don't force it as you could potentially bring ruin to yourself and a child.
I really want to have children someday. But sadly, I'm never going to.
I don't trust myself being a father.
I am 99% sure I will never have kids, as I would not trust myself as a parent and I don't care for the burden of raising children right.
Since I was young I always said that I'll adopt a child (because I knew about the Birds and the Bees when I started school) So I knew the pain i'd have to go through.
I lost interest in the idea of having kids when I started secondary but I still talk about what I would name my kids if I had any (cuz that's how I spend my precious break time at school)
I'm 14 and even though I'll probably have children in the future, right now it sounds terrifying.
I'm only 15 so it is extremely early, but I do hope to one day have children, as long as I can raise a family well with someone that I can trust and love.
I really do want children eventually. I want to be able to say that I was able to be a good parent to someone, especially when you hear about all of these awful parents, beating their children, molesting and raping babies and young children. At the very least, I'm probably going to adopt in my life.
My only hesitation comes from the common nature of depression, ADHD, addiction, and schizophrenia in my family. If I were to raise a child, I'd have to raise them very carefully, and let them know the struggles that lay ahead of them.
Kys Carlos.
Only if i find the right person to have them with.
No, I'm genuinely not interested in having a kid, but I wouldn't mind the idea of adopting one if I was able to raise one properly.