Do you think Clem´s story should end in Season 3?



  • Nope. I'm hoping her story picks up soon since it seems to tie in with the overall story.

  • HELL NO! She's 13 years old. She have a lot to live for!

  • No, Clem is the most central character in The Walking Dead, and has been since season 1

  • edited January 2017

    It wouldn't make any sense for her life to end in season three, since she's a deuteragonist in the game, her life is now connected with Javier and his family, so for telltale to end her life after season 3 would be the most bs move ever, Clem could possibly be in twd up to at least the bare minimum season five or four or even season 7, TT has a lot of stories to bear fruit with Clementine. So the answer is No!.

  • edited January 2017

    In every section of this TWD community (about new frontier) you've been completely negative about new frontier, to be honest, you're better off not playing it, people like you are so darn annoying.

  • To be truly honest? It should've ended with Season Two.

  • Ending her story does not mean to end her life.

    HELL NO! She's 13 years old. She have a lot to live for!

  • edited January 2017

    Hell to the No

  • But I want to see her life, you know? I really want to see Clem turning into a badass and beautiful woman.

    Domi_nique posted: »

    Ending her story does not mean to end her life.

  • Clementine is Telltale's #1 selling point. Of course not.

  • ending her story ends the walking dead game to end her story means to reboot the series cause you
    can not go on without clem its been her story sense season 1 you can have a spin off to go on
    but to continue the regular season story you cant no season 4, 5 , or 6 or how far they plan
    you would than have to remake the story or reboot the story but to continue the season
    you cant not without clem so when her story end so does the seasons

    Domi_nique posted: »

    Ending her story does not mean to end her life.

  • It should've ended with season 2. Hopefully telltale moves on completely from her after this season. They're definitely heading in the right direction.

  • edited January 2017

    Hell yes.

  • Lol no, to suddenly end her story when she isn't the main focus this season would be stupid

  • Spoiler

    Yes unless she becomes a playable character again. It really blows my mind to think that. We don't actually get to play Clementine only in flashbacks

  • Absolutely not!

  • I'm in the "her story should have ended in Season 2" boat.

  • Nah.

    It should've ended with season 2. Hopefully telltale moves on completely from her after this season. They're definitely heading in the right direction.

  • I would say it should have just ended at S2 now that I've seen who she is in S3. But who knows, could be something redeeming about her later on that would want me to continue seeing her story.

  • edited January 2017

    Headed in the right direction by completely invalidating the first 2 seasons of the game? Sounds like a great way to completely wipe out half of your player base.

    It should've ended with season 2. Hopefully telltale moves on completely from her after this season. They're definitely heading in the right direction.

  • edited January 2017

    That's how you judge people here man. By their opinion.

    real life logic right here.
  • edited January 2017

    Bruh, you should have bought a new IP if you wanted a continuation of a previous games story instead of a new story. Wait. That seems wrong.

    Green613 posted: »

    Headed in the right direction by completely invalidating the first 2 seasons of the game? Sounds like a great way to completely wipe out half of your player base.

  • edited January 2017


    I don't want to play The Walking Dead Season 7 and still have Clem as the main character. Not only should she have had a walk into the sunset type ending in season 2 (With Kenny, Jane or Wellington) but it'll eventually be time to let go. Move the hell on!

  • To, what? When they red green or blue decision the zombie apocalypse? There's a reason the comic and show sticks with Rick, this is not some grand tale of saving the world, you can have Game of Thrones if that is your vice. The Walking Dead has always been a much more focused narrative on the select group in the story, and how they change as their tale progresses. It very closely follows the evolution and developments of characters throughout their beginnings. Rick, and his group. Nick and his family, the story keeps a focus on the characters, not the world.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    YES! I don't want to play The Walking Dead Season 7 and still have Clem as the main character. Not only should she have had a walk into t

  • If that were the case then you'd see a lot of fans demanding TT for more stories from twd, so again ending at season 2 or 3 is not the answer.

    Domi_nique posted: »

    To be truly honest? It should've ended with Season Two.

  • No way. I want to see her until she's an adult. I feel the whole point of her character is to show a child surviving all the way to adulthood and more during the zombie apocalypse. She is my favorite character as well even more than Lee and Kenny at this point.

  • I said it many times before. Telltale's The Walking Dead is NOT Clementine's story. It doesn't matter if thousands of people imagine it to be so, it just isn't. And the series wouldn't need a reboot without Clem. They can just continue it without her, everyone else is already dead anyway.

    jon200547 posted: »

    ending her story ends the walking dead game to end her story means to reboot the series cause you can not go on without clem its been her s

  • edited January 2017

    I don't see the problem. Telltale could just continue the series with another character, like they did/do with Michonne and Javier. That way, Clementine could've had a beautiful end to her story (the Kenny-endings are perfect) and the fandoms could've just imagined Clem's offscreen-life the way they wanted it to be. Without the forced involvement of Clem in Season 3 and insulting deaths of Kenny and Jane.

    hs19940 posted: »

    If that were the case then you'd see a lot of fans demanding TT for more stories from twd, so again ending at season 2 or 3 is not the answer.

  • edited January 2017

    Yet people are complaining about an if scenario that TT could possibly kill off Clem, now if that were the case then there would be a lot of people crying over the fact that she's gone lmao, yes i agree with you that the stories in twd are not just about her, it is also about other people lives too. But again the reason TT TWD sold a lot was mainly to do with Clementine, to be honest, and the previous people that were with her, but then again the camera was mostly on Clem, so yh I think if they get rid of Clem in future, it'll wipe the shine of twd for while, to be honest, it wouldn't feel right killing off clem, since they killed off everybody else.

    Domi_nique posted: »

    I said it many times before. Telltale's The Walking Dead is NOT Clementine's story. It doesn't matter if thousands of people imagine it to b

  • Exactly, she's important

    No, Clem is the most central character in The Walking Dead, and has been since season 1

  • I fully agree with you.

    No way. I want to see her until she's an adult. I feel the whole point of her character is to show a child surviving all the way to adulthoo

  • edited January 2017

    Did i say that the zombies had to be vanquished and everyone lived happily ever after? No i didn't. If she leaves with Kenny? It'd be okay to assume that wherever they went , they went together and were okay. If you stayed with Jane? It would be okay to assume that they started a community at Howes. At Wellington? It's okay to imagine that Clem stayed there in relative peace.

    I don't like The Walking Dead comic/tv show and i don't like Game of Thrones tv show/books. Thanks, i'll pass. I refuse to hold onto a single video game character like a parent who refuses to wean their child off of their bottle.

    To, what? When they red green or blue decision the zombie apocalypse? There's a reason the comic and show sticks with Rick, this is not some

  • It's not an insult to Kenny or jane, that was just another step in Clem life that she has to move on and can't hold on to people like that to survive in world full of zombies, everyone in the community should've known that Kenny wasn't going to last at all, he was already battered and weak in comparison to Clem, Jane was vulnerable already because of her loss of her lil sis, Clem had her head screwed on throughout, that's why she has lasted this long.

    Domi_nique posted: »

    I don't see the problem. Telltale could just continue the series with another character, like they did/do with Michonne and Javier. That way

  • Of course Clem is a major reason for lots of people to stay with TWD. But there is no trust that Telltale can surprise us again with entirely new characters. They did it once with Lee and Clem, why are people so afraid of new things?

    hs19940 posted: »

    Yet people are complaining about an if scenario that TT could possibly kill off Clem, now if that were the case then there would be a lot o

  • I think they should end it when she turns 16 or 18 in season 4-6 (the bare minimum season 5)

    Domi_nique posted: »

    I don't see the problem. Telltale could just continue the series with another character, like they did/do with Michonne and Javier. That way

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