I don't want to agree with this but you do have some good points. But the thing is, Auntie Greenleaf must have made her the glamour right? Someone like Faith would definitely not go to the government witches so she would have to go to the closest one, Auntie Greenleaf. Lily had a contact for Auntie Greenleaf but you get the book. Faith would've thought of a way to keep the book or at least hide that as evidence, otherwise where else would she get the contact for AG, she says no one else cared for her, so why would they help her. Nerissa said she brought the head to the apartments but when you follow the blood trail and see that the person who brought the head had to have hurt themselves climbing over the fence you have to think she would be injured. But "Nerissa" has no sustaining injuries for doing so, and it can't have been "Faith's" head because there were no bloodstains behind the fence. OH AND, if it was Faith who is pretending to be Nerissa, she wouldn't just leave her coat in Toad's place, especially if she brought it with her to the Woodsmen, she only forgot it because she brought the Axe. But seeing as how the Axe later on ends up in the pawn shop, wouldn't Toad pawn it t? He needed the money, and there's some right there, Bigby didn't take it with him and Toad had no use for it. Plus Toad never spoke about so what happened to it, crap doesn't just turn up where it is, it's placed there for a reason.
Faith is nerissa. Go back to episode 2 the scene with Georgie and when you go into the locker room a note on the ground reads faith thanking nerissa for covering a shift of hers. This indicates that nerissa wouldve glamoured as faith to cover the shift and unfortunately must have been killed that very night. Due to faith, being the donkey skin girl, already used to hiding in a different skin than her own, she glamoured herself as nerissa to cover everything up. Hence why she said the exact same thing at the end as she did in the beginning about big b not being as bad as everyone thinks.
Interesting that you said you studied Niccolo Machiavelli when you're not even aware of the fact that he's infamous for something he never d… moreid. It is a common misconception that he faked his own death but there is absolutely no proof that he did. He did however write a book which addresed the topic of how it was a great way to fool your enemies.
I think you probably discovered Machiavelli through the 2pac conspiracy theories. Him renaming himself to Makiaveli is just a referance to the fact that he read some of his books in prison, not a historical reenactment of something that never happened.
Something that bothers me (just a tad) is nerissa, being the little mermaid, is supposed to find walking agony, so why after shes free from being a prostitute does she change into comfortable clothing but still wears heels, trainers would have gone better with her outfit anyways.
How many of those that believe we never met Faith chose "He hit you" after Faith stops you from going after Woody? Because the percentage would in my mind only make sense if it's less than 1%.
The only thing i have to point out in all of this, that many of you are missing, is that after Lilly died she transformed back into he troll form.. Just like Faith would have done if that was a Glamoured head.. But it didn't.. Also when you ask the mirror where faith is of course it can't because the spell put on all the girls with ribbons reacts with the same outcome.. "these lips are sealed" .... You get the same response from Nerissa when she meets you at the office.. It isn't until after Vivian dies the girls are able to speak freely... Either way whether it is Nerissa or Faith matters not to me.. I'll for sure pick up season 2 and find out anyway!!
The only thing i have to point out in all of this, that many of you are missing, is that after Lilly died she transformed back into he troll… more form.. Just like Faith would have done if that was a Glamoured head.. But it didn't.. Also when you ask the mirror where faith is of course it can't because the spell put on all the girls with ribbons reacts with the same outcome.. "these lips are sealed" .... You get the same response from Nerissa when she meets you at the office.. It isn't until after Vivian dies the girls are able to speak freely... Either way whether it is Nerissa or Faith matters not to me.. I'll for sure pick up season 2 and find out anyway!!
Yeah so if Faith was actually ALIVE, wouldn't that mean that Faith sacrificed Nerissa to be killed? What did she want to achieve? If she so wanted to leave the town, why would she give Bigby clues as to who she really is? I have a feeling that Lily had a conspiracy with Faith though
Bigby said in episode 1 to Faith after she put an axe on Woody's head. "I feel like we've met before"
What was that about? I couldn't possibly think of anything because the game had no prologues or whatever and Bigby said that in episode 1. Why would Telltale do that? I'm puzzled though but I am researching at it.
Vivian died in Episode 5 right? Which meant that the girls could speak now. However, Nerissa didn't undid her ribbon still. Also, in episode 5, there was this prostitute girl who was wearing the same ribbon still. What was that about?
If the spell is truly broken, couldn't Bigby and Snow ask the mirror where Faith's true body is? I am having a feeling that doctor Swineheart is involved since he was the one who was examining Faith's body. If that was glamoured, it would have turned out to be Nerissa and he would have told Bigby but he didn't. OR, perhaps it didn't change to Nerissa at all...
Well, my theory is that is neither Nerissa or Faith. Is actually Red Ridding Hood.
No one ever saw her in the game and Wolf said "I feel like we've met before", and if he doesn't ever met Nerissa or Faith in this world he couldn't remember/said that.
She came back get revenge on him or something, cause it's crystal clear now that she can't be trusted.
Also, Faith is really dead. And if Red is glamoured as Nerissa, she might be dead too. Because why keep Nerissa alive if you had Lily and Faith killed?
So, that's my theory. Kinda off.
Red Riding Hood is revealed to be living in the Homelands by herself in the Fables comics. She has no clue that the Mundy world exists and is oblivious to a lot of events that have taken place in the series...
Well, my theory is that is neither Nerissa or Faith. Is actually Red Ridding Hood.
No one ever saw her in the game and Wolf said "I feel li… moreke we've met before", and if he doesn't ever met Nerissa or Faith in this world he couldn't remember/said that.
She came back get revenge on him or something, cause it's crystal clear now that she can't be trusted.
Also, Faith is really dead. And if Red is glamoured as Nerissa, she might be dead too. Because why keep Nerissa alive if you had Lily and Faith killed?
So, that's my theory. Kinda off.
First, just want to say how impressed I am with the amount of thought going into this. I have read several 'theories' and still can't decide which way around it is. Lots of clues point to the fact that 'Nerrisa is indeed Faith. This would mean that the first Faith we met must have been the real Faith and the 2nd Faith we met, the head, was indeed Nerrisa glamoured as Faith. However, the 'head' has facial injuries consistent with the injuries the 1st faith received so that surely means they are the same Faith and therefore Faith is indeed dead. So why do all the clues throughout the game point to the fact that Nerrisa is in fact Faith? Perhaps there is things that we are unaware of and they will be revealed in Season 2 (if they feel it's worth making another season) and things will become clearer. It would make sense that they leave this season on a cliffhanger as anyone who played and enjoyed the game wil be desperate to buy into the second. I know I will.
Can't happen.
Red Riding Hood is revealed to be living in the Homelands by herself in the Fables comics. She has no clue that the Mundy world exists and is oblivious to a lot of events that have taken place in the series...
How you all have blown my mind AWAY!! i always wondered why you had the option to call for nerissa when shes walking off or just simply leave her to walk but never knew why that was an option but now i fully understand thanks guys
Lilly, Nerissa, and Faith make a plan to escape the Pudding and Pie.
Lilly (perhaps with the help of Faith) gets photographs of Crane for leverage.
Nerissa panics and tattles to Georgie.
Lilly-as-Snow is killed at the Open Arms.
I think Nerissa feels responsible. Since she cannot get help from the authorities (“my lips are sealed”), she saves Faith and sacrifices herself.
Nerissa uses a glamour to look like Faith and Faith uses a glamour to look like Nerissa.
Nerissa-as-Faith gets a black eye and is killed by Georgie while Faith-as-Nerissa is allowed to live.
Faith-as-Nerissa makes it her mission to avenge her friends.
Faith-as-Faith deals with the Woodsman at Toad’s place. Not clear as to her reason for this, aside from a fortunate but unpredictable means of getting Bigby emotionally invested. Maybe she needs someone to give her a black eye to match the Nerissa-as-Faith head so she provokes Woody. Bigby showing up just then was super convenient.
She proceeds to give Bigby clue after clue to solve the case. Faith-as-Nerissa procures Nerissa-as-Faith’s head. She must make sure the body and or the glamour is in a safe location where it will never be found and dispelled. (Lilly’s glamour is not dispelled until Bigby solved the puzzle and opened the glamour box, so depending on the rules of glamours, Faith may only need to hide Nerissa’s glamour box.)
Faith-as-Nerissa places Nerissa-as-Faith’s head on the Woodlands doorstep…with her RING in the mouth.
Later, someone drops Lilly-as-Snow’s head and body off…
Even later, Faith-as-Nerissa points Bigby to the Open Arms and the scene of Lilly’s murder.
Then, Faith-as-Nerissa encourages Bigby to pursue the Beauty and Beast lead which takes him to the pawn shop and butcher.
Finally, Faith-as-Nerissa takes down the Crooked Man with her testimony. She is then free of her former profession and rather pathetic husband.
I think this theory fits nicely with the true characters of the Little Mermaid and Thousand-Furs aka Donkey-skin. Both can be viewed as victims who react quite differently to their circumstances.
The Little Mermaid gives up her power of speech (lips are sealed). She trades her fish tail for legs. Even though each step is supposed to feel like daggers, she is the most graceful creature on earth. (Another hint that it was not really Nerissa during that awkward flipper stripper dance.) When the man she had given up so much for falls in love with someone else, she can either die or murder him and become a mermaid again. She dies (sacrifice).
Thousand-Furs escapes an incestuous father using a disguise (glamour). While hiding in the forest dressed in her furs and black-face, a King and his hunters catch her and make her a kitchen drudge (lousy job). She uses her cleverness to find ways to communicate indirectly. For three nights during a festival, she gets the king’s attention by dressing up and dropping gold items in his soup. The first item (clue) was…a ring. She lives happily ever after.
Yeah you're actually wrong about Lily transforming back to her troll form after she died. She didn't transform until Bigby opened the glamour tube, the effects of which are made clear in the scene with Granny Greenleaf. You open the tube, the glamour is broken.
The only thing i have to point out in all of this, that many of you are missing, is that after Lilly died she transformed back into he troll… more form.. Just like Faith would have done if that was a Glamoured head.. But it didn't.. Also when you ask the mirror where faith is of course it can't because the spell put on all the girls with ribbons reacts with the same outcome.. "these lips are sealed" .... You get the same response from Nerissa when she meets you at the office.. It isn't until after Vivian dies the girls are able to speak freely... Either way whether it is Nerissa or Faith matters not to me.. I'll for sure pick up season 2 and find out anyway!!
I get what you're saying, but it wouldn't matter if she's dead. The spell would have no affect on her anymore because the ribbon is removed. You're able to see dead people in the mirror (like we found out with Faith's father). But with faith we couldn't see because the ribbon wasn't removed from her or Vivian so the spell couldn't be broken. Let me know what y'all think.
The only thing i have to point out in all of this, that many of you are missing, is that after Lilly died she transformed back into he troll… more form.. Just like Faith would have done if that was a Glamoured head.. But it didn't.. Also when you ask the mirror where faith is of course it can't because the spell put on all the girls with ribbons reacts with the same outcome.. "these lips are sealed" .... You get the same response from Nerissa when she meets you at the office.. It isn't until after Vivian dies the girls are able to speak freely... Either way whether it is Nerissa or Faith matters not to me.. I'll for sure pick up season 2 and find out anyway!!
Appart from that "Faith being Nerissa" question, something still troubles me, at the end of the game. If Vivian really suicided to free the girls from the spell... Why would Nerissa -the real or Faith glamoured- still be wearing that ribbon ? Wouldn't that be the first thing to remove if she really wanted to change life that bad ? I mean, she has alreayd packed up her things, is already living the town, but still wearing the ribbon ? Something is not right here ... -suspicious-
First, just want to say how impressed I am with the amount of thought going into this. I have read several 'theories' and still can't decide… more which way around it is. Lots of clues point to the fact that 'Nerrisa is indeed Faith. This would mean that the first Faith we met must have been the real Faith and the 2nd Faith we met, the head, was indeed Nerrisa glamoured as Faith. However, the 'head' has facial injuries consistent with the injuries the 1st faith received so that surely means they are the same Faith and therefore Faith is indeed dead. So why do all the clues throughout the game point to the fact that Nerrisa is in fact Faith? Perhaps there is things that we are unaware of and they will be revealed in Season 2 (if they feel it's worth making another season) and things will become clearer. It would make sense that they leave this season on a cliffhanger as anyone who played and enjoyed the game wil be desperate to buy into the second. I know I will.
Except in the comics Little Red Riding Hood was actually still in the homelands (which happens way after the game). She'd never been to the mundy world so it's impossible.
DONT CONTINUE TO READ SPOILER OF THE COMIC ARE HERE!!!!! I mean it, really, I completely spoiler the end of the comic! SO CLOSE MY COMMENT. If you don't care.....continue! :P
Ok, I was always thinking Faith is Nerissa. It's a storytelling, it's making much more sense and atmosphere like that. Turning out Nerissa is Nerissa isn't really THE BREAK THRU THING! First I made my list:
Faith is a fighter, e.g. she would never let George speak with her like he did with Nerissa on the pole
Nerissa is the afraid One, she never can pull off something like that!
Faith is THE master of disguise. Shown with the donkey skin, which she used in the middle age to escape. Of course she is using proper stuff for every situation. This was just her first "glamour", call her nostalgic. But even then, she uses her first item for escaping again. She used it as direction sign.
she made Nerissa glamour herself as Faith, probably with a trick, she is good in stuff like that, centuries of being the one escaping, manipulating and hiding, made her this. Nerissa is desperate, searching for the glamour, to open it, breaking the box. Because she knows......George will kill her immediately, and because of the f.....ribbons....she even can't tell she isn't Faith....her lips are sealed, when it's about working stuff.
In character she don't smoke the HuffnPuffs in the end it doesn't matter anymore....so she smoke whatever.
A lot of signs, I don't repeat it again, they are all over forums! And with we fade away, I guess she never meant the girls. She meant the unknown characters. The little mermaid, the beauty, the snow white, they are known well. When they discovered the donkey skin story, all of them never really heard of it before. So she was willed so sacrifice and use the Princesses, she knew, when it's about them, everybody would listen. When a Snow White dies everybody is alarmed. When a little mermaid is trying to help, and speaks up, people would be supporting her. So she died, to live, to escape. She is willed to do anything for that, like always. It's making a lot of sense. It's her faith, it's the Crocked mans faith. She never was just a hooker. She is more. And I guess, she disguised herself as working jobs for the Crocked man. As a character she is deep and there are a lot of options for writers.
But, I needed proof, I am terrible. So I searched the ending of the comics, because TT is strictly about following the comics. And here is the mistake they did, why everyone is confused. And it doesn't make any sense. Why should faith tell him the whole story, turn her back on him, walking away, and second after that, give him the hint SHE IS FAITH. Well she didn't in the comics. She walks away, Bigby walks away. And around the corner the escaped Crocked Man is standing, grabbing "Nerissa". He has the ring of the donkeyskin girl, putting it on her finger and says the wordplay "I HAVE FAITH"! BAAADANG! It's Faith, always was her, and will be. So in the comics, just we the audience is knowing the truth about her identity. They should have done that in the game, too. Thus it wouldn't be that unlogical. Riddle solved, nobody of you need to crack your heads anymore. LMAO! Me either. For me, spoiling myself, isn't a big deal. If you go mad at me, I warned you! So calm down.
If you read the comics the Nerissa Faith riddle anyway is solved. So all the discussions are useless. I made a comment about that after you. Huge Spoiler Alert there. TT ruined it a little bit, by changing the story in the game. I will read now all the comics, and play the game correctly after it. Anyway, it's a awesome game and comic. The last time I was consumed by a game like that, was Gabriel Knight, sins of the father. A long time ago. I hope they continue the game and the comics.
Except in the comics Little Red Riding Hood was actually still in the homelands (which happens way after the game). She'd never been to the mundy world so it's impossible.
Still confusing as fuck, but having read and watched a few theories, I'm settling on that Nerissa's dead and Faith's the one alive. But knowing me, I'll probably change my mind by the time I post this...
this is the Vertigo comic book adaptation of the Wolf among us, entitled Fables: Wolf among us, written by one of the original Fables comic book writer, so you know their close with the writers of the game,.,
what you see here is the continuation of what happened last with the interaction of Nerissa"FAITH" and Bigby(ep. 5), when Nerissa"FAITH" went into the corner she was cornered by the "Crooked Man" with a ring(read the comic to understand why this is happening), but the important part is he said "I HAVE FAITH" to her,.,.
I know this is going to sound stupid, but I assumed Nerissa at the end was Faith because she walked so comfortably, like it was natural for her to have legs, where it states in the book of fables that Nerissa struggles to walk because every step feels like shards of glass through her legs...you can sort of see her discomfort when she is on the pole trying to dance for Georgie.
I know this is going to sound stupid, but I assumed Nerissa at the end was Faith because she walked so comfortably, like it was natural for … moreher to have legs, where it states in the book of fables that Nerissa struggles to walk because every step feels like shards of glass through her legs...you can sort of see her discomfort when she is on the pole trying to dance for Georgie.
the only reason I might disagree with your theory is because in TWD season 1 ending stats it lead us to believe Kenny as deceased... and in S2E2 ta freakin da there he is. the major difference and possibly confirming your point is that in TWD it never stated that he was deceased, but in that series the stats didn't label the characters alive or dead -- they stated only the events that happened (kenny's said "was lost to the herd" on my play through).
I guess in so many words my point is that I wouldn't put it past Telltale to label Faith dead when she actually is not in order to deceive the player for dramatic effect.
It would be cool if Faith were alive, but it can't be true. The special statistics at the end of the game confirms that Faith is "Deceased".… more Also, Nerissa's confession to Bigby at the end revealed how she already guided the investigation along. Nerissa's "You're not as bad as everyone says you are was just her own clever way of implying, "Oh, and by the way, the Faith you met was actually me". Bigby being able to confront her would be due to anger in how she greatly manipulated his feelings and is now just calmly walking away.
I'm glad this wasn't the ending we got. Just imagine the crooked man snatching nerissa after she turns the corner after her and bigby's final conversation. but the crooked man is dead by then so it must be different from the comics.
It's over guys, She Is/Was always "FAITH".,
here is the proof.,,.
this is the Vertigo comic book adaptation of the Wolf among us, … moreentitled Fables: Wolf among us, written by one of the original Fables comic book writer, so you know their close with the writers of the game,.,
what you see here is the continuation of what happened last with the interaction of Nerissa"FAITH" and Bigby(ep. 5), when Nerissa"FAITH" went into the corner she was cornered by the "Crooked Man" with a ring(read the comic to understand why this is happening), but the important part is he said "I HAVE FAITH" to her,.,.
I don't want to agree with this but you do have some good points. But the thing is, Auntie Greenleaf must have made her the glamour right? Someone like Faith would definitely not go to the government witches so she would have to go to the closest one, Auntie Greenleaf. Lily had a contact for Auntie Greenleaf but you get the book. Faith would've thought of a way to keep the book or at least hide that as evidence, otherwise where else would she get the contact for AG, she says no one else cared for her, so why would they help her. Nerissa said she brought the head to the apartments but when you follow the blood trail and see that the person who brought the head had to have hurt themselves climbing over the fence you have to think she would be injured. But "Nerissa" has no sustaining injuries for doing so, and it can't have been "Faith's" head because there were no bloodstains behind the fence. OH AND, if it was Faith who is pretending to be Nerissa, she wouldn't just leave her coat in Toad's place, especially if she brought it with her to the Woodsmen, she only forgot it because she brought the Axe. But seeing as how the Axe later on ends up in the pawn shop, wouldn't Toad pawn it t? He needed the money, and there's some right there, Bigby didn't take it with him and Toad had no use for it. Plus Toad never spoke about so what happened to it, crap doesn't just turn up where it is, it's placed there for a reason.
Faith is nerissa. Go back to episode 2 the scene with Georgie and when you go into the locker room a note on the ground reads faith thanking nerissa for covering a shift of hers. This indicates that nerissa wouldve glamoured as faith to cover the shift and unfortunately must have been killed that very night. Due to faith, being the donkey skin girl, already used to hiding in a different skin than her own, she glamoured herself as nerissa to cover everything up. Hence why she said the exact same thing at the end as she did in the beginning about big b not being as bad as everyone thinks.
He said that he advised not that he did
Something that bothers me (just a tad) is nerissa, being the little mermaid, is supposed to find walking agony, so why after shes free from being a prostitute does she change into comfortable clothing but still wears heels, trainers would have gone better with her outfit anyways.
How many of those that believe we never met Faith chose "He hit you" after Faith stops you from going after Woody? Because the percentage would in my mind only make sense if it's less than 1%.
The only thing i have to point out in all of this, that many of you are missing, is that after Lilly died she transformed back into he troll form.. Just like Faith would have done if that was a Glamoured head.. But it didn't.. Also when you ask the mirror where faith is of course it can't because the spell put on all the girls with ribbons reacts with the same outcome.. "these lips are sealed" .... You get the same response from Nerissa when she meets you at the office.. It isn't until after Vivian dies the girls are able to speak freely... Either way whether it is Nerissa or Faith matters not to me.. I'll for sure pick up season 2 and find out anyway!!
2 words "Glamour Tube"
Yeah so if Faith was actually ALIVE, wouldn't that mean that Faith sacrificed Nerissa to be killed? What did she want to achieve? If she so wanted to leave the town, why would she give Bigby clues as to who she really is? I have a feeling that Lily had a conspiracy with Faith though
Bigby said in episode 1 to Faith after she put an axe on Woody's head. "I feel like we've met before"
What was that about? I couldn't possibly think of anything because the game had no prologues or whatever and Bigby said that in episode 1. Why would Telltale do that? I'm puzzled though but I am researching at it.
Vivian died in Episode 5 right? Which meant that the girls could speak now. However, Nerissa didn't undid her ribbon still. Also, in episode 5, there was this prostitute girl who was wearing the same ribbon still. What was that about?
If the spell is truly broken, couldn't Bigby and Snow ask the mirror where Faith's true body is? I am having a feeling that doctor Swineheart is involved since he was the one who was examining Faith's body. If that was glamoured, it would have turned out to be Nerissa and he would have told Bigby but he didn't. OR, perhaps it didn't change to Nerissa at all...
Still confusing.
Well, my theory is that is neither Nerissa or Faith. Is actually Red Ridding Hood.
No one ever saw her in the game and Wolf said "I feel like we've met before", and if he doesn't ever met Nerissa or Faith in this world he couldn't remember/said that.
She came back get revenge on him or something, cause it's crystal clear now that she can't be trusted.
Also, Faith is really dead. And if Red is glamoured as Nerissa, she might be dead too. Because why keep Nerissa alive if you had Lily and Faith killed?
So, that's my theory. Kinda off.
Can't happen.
Red Riding Hood is revealed to be living in the Homelands by herself in the Fables comics. She has no clue that the Mundy world exists and is oblivious to a lot of events that have taken place in the series...
First, just want to say how impressed I am with the amount of thought going into this. I have read several 'theories' and still can't decide which way around it is. Lots of clues point to the fact that 'Nerrisa is indeed Faith. This would mean that the first Faith we met must have been the real Faith and the 2nd Faith we met, the head, was indeed Nerrisa glamoured as Faith. However, the 'head' has facial injuries consistent with the injuries the 1st faith received so that surely means they are the same Faith and therefore Faith is indeed dead. So why do all the clues throughout the game point to the fact that Nerrisa is in fact Faith? Perhaps there is things that we are unaware of and they will be revealed in Season 2 (if they feel it's worth making another season) and things will become clearer. It would make sense that they leave this season on a cliffhanger as anyone who played and enjoyed the game wil be desperate to buy into the second. I know I will.
I still think it's a possibility if the game follows it's own paths.
I suppose so, but TellTale loves making it's games canon with a series, and Bill Willingham might not be up for a non-canon timeline
How you all have blown my mind AWAY!! i always wondered why you had the option to call for nerissa when shes walking off or just simply leave her to walk but never knew why that was an option but now i fully understand
thanks guys
So Nerissa died instead of Faith. Poor Nerissa. I'm glad Faith is alive though
I agree.
Lilly, Nerissa, and Faith make a plan to escape the Pudding and Pie.
Lilly (perhaps with the help of Faith) gets photographs of Crane for leverage.
Nerissa panics and tattles to Georgie.
Lilly-as-Snow is killed at the Open Arms.
I think Nerissa feels responsible. Since she cannot get help from the authorities (“my lips are sealed”), she saves Faith and sacrifices herself.
Nerissa uses a glamour to look like Faith and Faith uses a glamour to look like Nerissa.
Nerissa-as-Faith gets a black eye and is killed by Georgie while Faith-as-Nerissa is allowed to live.
Faith-as-Nerissa makes it her mission to avenge her friends.
Faith-as-Faith deals with the Woodsman at Toad’s place. Not clear as to her reason for this, aside from a fortunate but unpredictable means of getting Bigby emotionally invested. Maybe she needs someone to give her a black eye to match the Nerissa-as-Faith head so she provokes Woody. Bigby showing up just then was super convenient.
She proceeds to give Bigby clue after clue to solve the case. Faith-as-Nerissa procures Nerissa-as-Faith’s head. She must make sure the body and or the glamour is in a safe location where it will never be found and dispelled. (Lilly’s glamour is not dispelled until Bigby solved the puzzle and opened the glamour box, so depending on the rules of glamours, Faith may only need to hide Nerissa’s glamour box.)
Faith-as-Nerissa places Nerissa-as-Faith’s head on the Woodlands doorstep…with her RING in the mouth.
Later, someone drops Lilly-as-Snow’s head and body off…
Even later, Faith-as-Nerissa points Bigby to the Open Arms and the scene of Lilly’s murder.
Then, Faith-as-Nerissa encourages Bigby to pursue the Beauty and Beast lead which takes him to the pawn shop and butcher.
Finally, Faith-as-Nerissa takes down the Crooked Man with her testimony. She is then free of her former profession and rather pathetic husband.
I think this theory fits nicely with the true characters of the Little Mermaid and Thousand-Furs aka Donkey-skin. Both can be viewed as victims who react quite differently to their circumstances.
The Little Mermaid gives up her power of speech (lips are sealed). She trades her fish tail for legs. Even though each step is supposed to feel like daggers, she is the most graceful creature on earth. (Another hint that it was not really Nerissa during that awkward flipper stripper dance.) When the man she had given up so much for falls in love with someone else, she can either die or murder him and become a mermaid again. She dies (sacrifice).
Thousand-Furs escapes an incestuous father using a disguise (glamour). While hiding in the forest dressed in her furs and black-face, a King and his hunters catch her and make her a kitchen drudge (lousy job). She uses her cleverness to find ways to communicate indirectly. For three nights during a festival, she gets the king’s attention by dressing up and dropping gold items in his soup. The first item (clue) was…a ring. She lives happily ever after.
Its only see you around wolf you need to know and how to music drops and bigby squinting. He knows himself I chose chase her cuz I want answers NOW!!!
Yeah you're actually wrong about Lily transforming back to her troll form after she died. She didn't transform until Bigby opened the glamour tube, the effects of which are made clear in the scene with Granny Greenleaf. You open the tube, the glamour is broken.
I get what you're saying, but it wouldn't matter if she's dead. The spell would have no affect on her anymore because the ribbon is removed. You're able to see dead people in the mirror (like we found out with Faith's father). But with faith we couldn't see because the ribbon wasn't removed from her or Vivian so the spell couldn't be broken. Let me know what y'all think.
Appart from that "Faith being Nerissa" question, something still troubles me, at the end of the game. If Vivian really suicided to free the girls from the spell... Why would Nerissa -the real or Faith glamoured- still be wearing that ribbon ? Wouldn't that be the first thing to remove if she really wanted to change life that bad ? I mean, she has alreayd packed up her things, is already living the town, but still wearing the ribbon ? Something is not right here ... -suspicious-
My guess is that one mystery ties in with the other.
Perhaps Nerissa was glamoured as Faith in the entirety of Episode 1 and when we first met Nerissa, it was actually Faith glamoured?
I think Nerissa/Faith is actually Little Red Riding Hood. Check out this video and tell me what you think.
Except in the comics Little Red Riding Hood was actually still in the homelands (which happens way after the game). She'd never been to the mundy world so it's impossible.
DONT CONTINUE TO READ SPOILER OF THE COMIC ARE HERE!!!!! I mean it, really, I completely spoiler the end of the comic! SO CLOSE MY COMMENT. If you don't care.....continue! :P
Ok, I was always thinking Faith is Nerissa. It's a storytelling, it's making much more sense and atmosphere like that. Turning out Nerissa is Nerissa isn't really THE BREAK THRU THING! First I made my list:
Faith is a fighter, e.g. she would never let George speak with her like he did with Nerissa on the pole
Nerissa is the afraid One, she never can pull off something like that!
Faith is THE master of disguise. Shown with the donkey skin, which she used in the middle age to escape. Of course she is using proper stuff for every situation. This was just her first "glamour", call her nostalgic. But even then, she uses her first item for escaping again. She used it as direction sign.
she made Nerissa glamour herself as Faith, probably with a trick, she is good in stuff like that, centuries of being the one escaping, manipulating and hiding, made her this. Nerissa is desperate, searching for the glamour, to open it, breaking the box. Because she knows......George will kill her immediately, and because of the f.....ribbons....she even can't tell she isn't Faith....her lips are sealed, when it's about working stuff.
In character she don't smoke the HuffnPuffs in the end it doesn't matter anymore....so she smoke whatever.
A lot of signs, I don't repeat it again, they are all over forums! And with we fade away, I guess she never meant the girls. She meant the unknown characters. The little mermaid, the beauty, the snow white, they are known well. When they discovered the donkey skin story, all of them never really heard of it before. So she was willed so sacrifice and use the Princesses, she knew, when it's about them, everybody would listen. When a Snow White dies everybody is alarmed. When a little mermaid is trying to help, and speaks up, people would be supporting her. So she died, to live, to escape. She is willed to do anything for that, like always. It's making a lot of sense. It's her faith, it's the Crocked mans faith. She never was just a hooker. She is more. And I guess, she disguised herself as working jobs for the Crocked man. As a character she is deep and there are a lot of options for writers.
But, I needed proof, I am terrible. So I searched the ending of the comics, because TT is strictly about following the comics. And here is the mistake they did, why everyone is confused. And it doesn't make any sense. Why should faith tell him the whole story, turn her back on him, walking away, and second after that, give him the hint SHE IS FAITH. Well she didn't in the comics. She walks away, Bigby walks away. And around the corner the escaped Crocked Man is standing, grabbing "Nerissa". He has the ring of the donkeyskin girl, putting it on her finger and says the wordplay "I HAVE FAITH"! BAAADANG! It's Faith, always was her, and will be. So in the comics, just we the audience is knowing the truth about her identity. They should have done that in the game, too. Thus it wouldn't be that unlogical. Riddle solved, nobody of you need to crack your heads anymore. LMAO! Me either. For me, spoiling myself, isn't a big deal. If you go mad at me, I warned you! So calm down.
Have a nice day! Your Welcome!
If you read the comics the Nerissa Faith riddle anyway is solved. So all the discussions are useless. I made a comment about that after you. Huge Spoiler Alert there.
TT ruined it a little bit, by changing the story in the game. I will read now all the comics, and play the game correctly after it. Anyway, it's a awesome game and comic. The last time I was consumed by a game like that, was Gabriel Knight, sins of the father. A long time ago. I hope they continue the game and the comics. 
Still confusing as fuck, but having read and watched a few theories, I'm settling on that Nerissa's dead and Faith's the one alive. But knowing me, I'll probably change my mind by the time I post this...
The Wolf comic is based on the game. The game is based on Fables but the comic you mean is based on the game
I agree. The Game implies that Faith is the one alive.
It's over guys, She Is/Was always "FAITH".,
here is the proof.,,.
this is the Vertigo comic book adaptation of the Wolf among us, entitled Fables: Wolf among us, written by one of the original Fables comic book writer, so you know their close with the writers of the game,.,
what you see here is the continuation of what happened last with the interaction of Nerissa"FAITH" and Bigby(ep. 5), when Nerissa"FAITH" went into the corner she was cornered by the "Crooked Man" with a ring(read the comic to understand why this is happening), but the important part is he said "I HAVE FAITH" to her,.,.
I know this is going to sound stupid, but I assumed Nerissa at the end was Faith because she walked so comfortably, like it was natural for her to have legs, where it states in the book of fables that Nerissa struggles to walk because every step feels like shards of glass through her legs...you can sort of see her discomfort when she is on the pole trying to dance for Georgie.
I never noticed that before! Holy crap GOOD SPOT!
Thank you. I re-did the ending twice just to watch her stand there and walk away because I was trying to see any signs of discomfort.
Same here. Noticed very quickly, but thought people would remember to look.
the only reason I might disagree with your theory is because in TWD season 1 ending stats it lead us to believe Kenny as deceased... and in S2E2 ta freakin da there he is. the major difference and possibly confirming your point is that in TWD it never stated that he was deceased, but in that series the stats didn't label the characters alive or dead -- they stated only the events that happened (kenny's said "was lost to the herd" on my play through).
I guess in so many words my point is that I wouldn't put it past Telltale to label Faith dead when she actually is not in order to deceive the player for dramatic effect.
I just hope Nerissa is still alive. I like her better than Faith. She was just...nicer and less violent than Faith.
I'm glad this wasn't the ending we got. Just imagine the crooked man snatching nerissa after she turns the corner after her and bigby's final conversation.
but the crooked man is dead by then so it must be different from the comics.
"I'm not gonna be doing this for much longer. So now's your chance."
Her plan was already in motion when you first meet her.
Technically we never met one of them. The ones were met were both the same persob