How to embed YouTube videos + How (and when) to use large text + Forum Emoticons

Posting YouTube Videos
To embed a YouTube video in your post, just directly copy and paste the URL of a YouTube video. You do not use the Link tool to embed YouTube videos anymore.
Using Large Text
If the first character you type on a line of text is a hashtag (#), you can use special text. Using one hashtag gives you large text, and using more hashtags gives you smaller text; you can use up to six hashtags. Please do not over use large text if something else like bold text would work fine; only use it for special reasons, such as labeling sections of a post.
If you type anything (including a space) in front of the hashtag character, it will not display any special text. #This will not display special text.
You can also use bold/italic formatting with hashtags as well.
One Hashtag (Bold) (Italic)
Two Hashtags (Bold) (Italic)
Three Hashtags (Bold) (Italic)
Four Hashtags (Bold) (Italic)
Five Hashtags (Bold) (Italic)
Six Hashtags (Bold) (Italic)
Hover your cursor over a smiley (or if on a touch screen, touch and hold the picture of the emoticon) to see what to type to display this emoticon.
I will leave this thread open in case you guys want to ask how something else works.
EDIT January 14th: You can also use this thread to toy around with forum formatting/text/etc to see how something would look. Please do not just spam the thread to be funny, but experimenting to see how something would look is okay.
Thanks for this, Blind. I needed this.
Well, really just the "edit thread" link, because I keep forgetting... But still, this helps everyone.
Not sure if i'm doing something wrong
You need to use the discussion number, not a comment number. That discussion number is 111864 (the link you see if you select it from the forum page list of discussions).
I see... It seems like you get a different url if you get to the thread via feed replies. Thanks.
What is the reason when a thread gets closed? is it because the people commenting on the thread fight? or is it because it hits the maximum number of comments? or is it because the topic is very delicate?