Back To The Future: The Game Season 2 Theories
Back To The Future: The Game was a big thing for Telltale when it first came out, but now that its been ages and over the years Telltale has made so many more games; most people have forgotten about Back To The Future: The Game, especially now that there's a new engine. My question for you is... If you could make a BTTF Season 2 story line, what would you do?
Feel free to post any theories or suggestions down in the comments bellow...
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I would love another season! The authors did a great job on Season 1 and would love to see maybe some prequel storyline maybe? Or a parallel story from another character point of view?
yeah that would be cool I like that idea of the parallel story
I'd love Marty to go into parallel universes to sort out what events led to him having duplicate versions of himself. Possibly we could relive a few scenes from the movies. We could see a cowardly Marty, a crime boss Marty were the grandson of Bif was the right hand man of Marty, etc. We could see the grandchildren of Marty and Jennifer, possibly even great grandchildren.
That's pretty far, I mean seeing great grandchildren would be cool, but it would be a bit far down the track. I like the idea of a cowardly Marty, crime boss Marty and that whole story there.
Well TT hinted at great grandchildren when they showed us Arthur's dad in episode 5. We already have seen Marty's children in Episode 2 of the movies. I'd love to see Marty's grandchildren and even great grandchildren. In 1985, people thought that by 2015 there would be flying cars and futuristic stuff. It'd be cool for TT to imagine what 2030 or 2060 would be like. I'd like for us to also see Jennifer, Marty, and their families in 1990-1995 and 1995-2005 in this series to show us character progression. So that way we could take a break from the usual 1985-1986 setting.
I might have the unpopular opinion here, but I think that Back to the Future doesn't really need a sequel. It picked up where it left off from the third movie. I think its purpose was to fill in any blanks that might have appeared in the third movie (without it being canon). It seemed like a "what if" sort of scenario to me and I got the feeling from the extra material that they were intending it to be a one time thing.
But if a sequel were to happen I just hope Christopher Lloyd will be willing to voice Doc again. Fixing up the split Martys would be pretty cool and I would be interested to see how Telltale tackles it if they decide to.
I'm pretty sure this game is Canon to the BTTF timeline though, they haven't discarded it. In my opinion, people do want to see more of this game series, if you leave a TV Show, Movie, Comic or even Video Game left like that; the players will want to see more. This game is one of my favorites of the Telltale Games and I have always wanted a Season 2.
I don't think. I'm pretty sure the devs said it was supposed to be a what if scenario. And no, I don't think this game is cannon.
That might be true, but I didn't personally see the ending to be some sort of cliff hanger. I thought it was just supposed to be something for comedy's sake.
I have only seen the opinions of you and the people on this thread regarding the topic so I wouldn't really know. To what I am seeing I'm pretty much the only one that feels this way.
That is to say I'm not against a sequel. I enjoyed playing the game as well and would love to see another one. I just don't think it will happen is all,
We NEED a sequel to this game. Who cares about Game of Thrones, we need another Back to the Future
True, I'm with you there bro.
Nearly six years later and I'm still holding out hope for a Season 2.
Sadly, I think that ship has sailed. It seems as if Telltale has got too many other big properties going on to care about revisiting BTTF. With the 2015 hype having been and gone, the chances of a second season are a lot less now than they were 3 or 4 years ago, which is when they should have done a Season 2. Perhaps someday we'll see another publisher have a go at their own version of a BTTF game. Oh well, at least we still have the IDW comic series.
TT is unbelievable as we need a need a sequel. They need to get their best writers to make a sequel, no excuses.
WHAT!! IDW Comic Series what's that??
Nuff said.
Stan Lee quote.^^
It's a monthly comic book series of BTTF that started in October 2015; IDW is the publisher. Bob Gale is in charge of the storylines, so he gives the stories and characters some authenticity. This comic series is a lot more like the movies, and not at all like the animated series comics that came out in the '90s. There was even a 5-issue comic spinoff dedicated to the Telltale BTTF Game called "Citizen Brown". You can buy the whole series of BTTF comics on IDW's website, both in print form and as digital downloads. Check it out, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Well it wasn't until 2015 that Back to the Future was available for 360, One and PS4. So this might give me hope that there will be a season 2.
What did you guys think about AJs impression as Marty Mcfly we haven't seen him go on any TV show or interview since 2015 and its been 2 years. WERE ON EARTH IS AJ LOCASIO!!!!!
It was very very good. At first I thought that it was Michael Fox.
If you guys wanna see some more of AJ I found some of his social media accounts here:
His Twitter account
His Youtube account
And if your wondering about if he has a facebook account well yes and no. He does have one but he said he is bad at keeping consistent with it so if you want to see images of him just go to his twitter instead. But I will put his facebook account here anyway just in case you still wanna see it so here you go:
His Facebook
JayP, thank you soooo much for telling me about the IDW Comic Book Series, I just read one of their BTTF Comics, it's based off The Game's Episode's 1 and 2. I really enjoyed it, thanks for telling me about that.
Hey, no problem! Glad you liked it. Who knows, maybe Telltale writers can get some Season 2 ideas from the IDW comics. I'm intrigued by this "Biff to the Future" story arc they've got going on at the moment. It follows Biff's journey building his empire, with the help of the sports almanac that old Biff gave him. Maybe they could do something like that for a new season of the game, fill out the existing characters a bit more. Plus, anything to get more voice work out of Tom Wilson and the original cast can't be too bad either.
If they did do another BTTF I would hope it would play like the first season. A choose your own adventure - Interactive movie isn't what I'd want from a BTTF game.
I'd like to see a Season 2 and Christopher Lloyd did mention something about it several years ago. I will try and ask him at LFCC 2017 but it's possible that if it is happening sometime in the FUTURE that he can't discuss it.
to Beautifulcolt sense we did not get a 4th movie that game ment to be back to the future 4
I asked Christopher Lloyd about a Season 2 at the LFCC 2017 and he says he hasn't heard anything and doesn't think anything will be happening anytime soon. Such a shame, but something could happen a long ways, if you'll forgive the pun, in the FUTURE!
if there's aver a sequel, I would like it to have a gameplay more like TWAU, TWD etc... I mean , choices that affects (more or less) the story and relationships.
Same, something I noticed a lot from playing BTTF and many older Telltale Games, is that the choices you made didn't affect the story where, as with newer Telltale Games; you can change the story and even die, if the BTTF game were to be made now... a lot of things would be different, like being able to wreck timelines, die, choose how your story plays out, do QTE's and tones more that Telltale has incorporated in their games with the new engine.
Well, rip to one of the most distant dreams on mine. Many people might not think much of this game but to me its one of Telltale's best. Such a shame we never got a second season despite the obvious cliffhanger.
Hey, no worries. I still care about it and consider it one of the best ones. It doesn't matter to me what kind of gameplay it'll include, I just wish we'll get a BTTF Season 2, or Sam & Max Season 4.
S&M and BTTF were my favourite games.
And let me tell you: as you may know, Telltale's gonna go bankrupt soon. It is actually their our fault. No-one cares about stupid walking dead. They should've just made those 2 new seasons I just told you about. I'm really sad, but also angry. What is with them? They know people want Sam & Max and BTTF, but they just keep annoying us with new TWD episodes. Whatever. Bye my favourite game company.. it was such a great adventure.. even lost my old account, but I can't do anything about it..
Well, I wish you'll have a great week.
I understand Telltale has ended now
, but recently... I was scrolling through BTTF Season 2 stuff on the internet and found this discussion on page 1. It's been a while since I was last on here, I've just returned for a little while to fix up some old comments of mine that needed some work with grammar and punctuation. If I've replied to your comment and you're a bit confused as to why I'm replying now (years later) well.. it's just so everyone can understand my comments slightly more clearly than before. One more thing before I sign off, I apologize to anyone who had trouble reading my poorly written out comments.