Man kidnapped and tortured by 4 people #BLMKidnapping
What a great way to start 2017. I can tell this year is gonna be great.
You know what was the worst thing about this? The Police saw this as a small crime and not a big deal.
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What a great way to continue an apocalypse, amirite?
It was stupid of me to think that 2017 was gonna be better than 2016.
All years suck. 2016 was no different.
Gee, aren't you positive?
I don't see what positivity is gonna do, other than give people false hope.
BLMKidnapping, huh? Pretty ironic coming from the lot who lecture people on "waiting until the facts come in" when police kill unarmed black kids
This has already been both posted & discussed.
There was already a thread about this...and yes BLMKidnapping?
We already had a thread about this, and also, the kidnapping was not affiliated with BLM. Please don't spread misinformation and/or stereotype. EDIT: And, yes, it was called a hate crime too as it justly should have been.