What is so bad about climate change?
I don't really understand how climate change affects me. People are talking about excessive heat waves and droughts but it is not that hot where I live and we seem to have plenty of water here so how bad could climate change be?
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Well if I remember correctly from school; the worry surrounding global warming is the earth's ice caps. If they melt there would be massive flooding, to put it simply. Basically this would happen.
I am going to post a link for you to read...it is from NASA...they go into a lot of detail but keep it easy to understand without all the big words that scare everyone away.
There is natural climate change and then there is the con of man made climate change. 30 years ago scientists agreed the planet was getting colder. Now they say it's getting warmer. Lying bastards.
Increased droughts, hurricanes and tornados as well as massive flooding(imagine sea level going up a few hundred feet) should worry you.
The ability to grow food is going to get much worse and the death of billions and the collapse of civilization is not out of the question.
If the Earth's ice gaps melted, humanity would cease to exist.
In addition to above reasons, another major one are the deadly effects on insects, especially bees, which humans are extremely reliant on for agricultural farming pollination.
I don't know about you guys, but it is snowing where I live. And it is the first time I walked in snow.
I'd be ded if the ice melted. Lel.
People thinking climate change wont affect them
I always find it funny when people confuse climate with weather.
Yeah but thalidomide is safe as fuck.
I just find it depressing.
When you stop expecting much good, the bad isn't as saddening. Turns out the less you care, the more enjoyable the world becomes.
I certainly believe in Climate Change but the earth has always naturally fluctuated. We humans don't have much to do with Climate Change but I'm not going to deny the fact that we have at least affected the climate maybe just a minuscule amount. There is certainly nothing we can do to stop the climate from changing - it's natural.
For an example, look at the most recently severe Ice Age; probably the most severe of the last billion years, occurred from 850 to 630 million years ago (the Cryogenian period) and may have produced a Snowball Earth in which glacial ice sheets reached the equator, possibly being ended by the accumulation of greenhouse gasses such as CO2 produced by volcanoes. Humans weren't around to melt the glaciers at this time in the earth's history, yet they melted anyway; it was clearly hundreds of times worse in terms of the ice caps melting. I agree that pollution shouldn't ever reach China's level, so, at the moment, we should be good. When other industrialized nations get as bad as China, then we'll have a problem.
So, even if you believe that fluctuations in the climate are normal, do you believe manmade pollution has at least had a very large effect on exacerbating environmental conditions? I mean, it's not exactly as if Climate Change science is nonsense like you purport.
What.... no, seriously, just what? No, Climate Change is not a man made hoax.
Global Warming was just one of the consequences of Climate Change, but it was not the only consequence of note. Extreme changes for both ends of the spectrum - be it extreme heat or extreme coldness are possible consequences. That is why the title was changed from Global Warming to Climate Change.
Okay, good, I just wanted to make sure we were at least on the same page there. In which case, I would disagree that the science is as disorganized or "tin foil"-y as you said. I think the debate is an important one worth having, personally, seeing as how the consequences are pretty severe down the line and we are running out of time to properly combat it.
If you already agree that man made pollution is affecting the ecosystem, then I am curious as to why you believe the debate is not worth having?
google, kid. its your friend. or hey, books!
For those who think that man's attribution to global climate change is only marginal compared to the natural fluctuation of global temperature, enjoy, and apologies for the length of the image, but it is necessary to get the point across
edit: this is an xkcd comic
Do you really think that all those climatologists who say it's manmade forgot to account for milanikovich cycles? Pretty crazy accusation if you step back and think about it.
Like I said, I'm not going to deny manmade climate change, but I will deny the fact that we have everything to do with it. I don't believe we have done more to change the climate than the amount the earth's climate naturally changes. I've never denied the fact that scientists probably account the Milankovitch cycles in their findings; I just deny the amount climatologists blame humans for climate change.
Very damn interesting. Seems from 1936-1948 the global temperature sky rocketed then dropped again after. Me thinks, something revolving around massive military/weapon build ups of nearly every major industrial country on the planet had something to do with this perhaps? That time period pushed oil, fossil fuel, and steel production to astronomical levels for that time to a point that most countries couldn't keep up with demand.
I think it's interest, because it's around 1945 that the temperature starts to drop, and doesn't level back from pre 1936 build up until 1948. 1944 and 1945 even for Germany were the height of Arms production during the war. Let alone the massive fire bombings of cities, nuclear bombs, insane amount of fuel being used by armies numbering millions, and fleets with thousands of ships. You can imagine. I think that graph there is brilliant.
That is a very dark sign. Pity no one back then realized it, few likely would of cared if they did. If there was ever proof that Human activity causes the temperature to rise. Looking at that graph from the ten year period of 1935-1945 is proof for me.
First, no offense intended, but the validity of facts, by definition, does not depend on your approval or denial unless you have substantial peer-reviewed scientific evidence to counter the evidence that already exists in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Earth's climate does indeed naturally fluctuate, but it does so at an incredibly slower pace (thousands to millions of years instead of centuries or decades) than the kind of radical climate changes that have already taken place within the last century. The rate of change began to increase at an exponential rate ever since the Industrial Revolution, and that pace continues to increase with no signs of slowing down.
For example, the Earth's natural rate of climate change does not work this quickly all on its own.
Right, but the Aral Sea wasn't the result of carbon emissions, global temperatures, alterations in weather patterns, or any other kind of climate change talking point. Stalin approved an irrigation project, wherein they would grow cotton in the region, and this led to rivers being redirected, pesticides running into the sea, and salinity rising while water levels fell so aquatic life perished.
Edit: lol damn, me bumping this thread has gotten you all dem likes, you're welcome
While climate change is fact, and emissions are quite obviously the culprit (evident by laboratory conditions), that lake is a poor example of climate change at work. There are numerous variables at play with that lake, such as what Dillon mentioned with diverting water sources.
Really? Well I did not know that!
So OK, probably not a good example. How about that global heat index though as a better example?
Right, DillonDex pointed this out above, I was not aware of Stalin's Great Plan as linked above. So yeah probably not the best example.
It may not affect you, but it will affect the next generations. My parent's generation is leaving a devastated world that my generation is going to have to pay for. We are going to pay for your mistakes. And so will our children and grandchildren and their granchildren. And you not caring about anyone else tells a lot about you. And it's not like we still have some decades to fix it, we are already feeling the death of the planet. I live in a fucking cold place, but guess how much snow we has last winter? Almost nothing. We are finding dead penguins, whales and sea wolves all around due to contamination. The lack if snow and animals makes tourism drop, and with the crisis we are going through and the factories closing, for a city that depends enterely on tourism and factories, we have some reasons to worry about. So, start working do find that rare and precious gem called fucking empathy, because you don't have fucking anything to worry about, you won't have to pay for anything, you won't suffer. But guess who has to worry, who will pay, who will suffer? Your fucking children.
I'm not sure if OP is being serious or just trolling.
It's a Communist fallacy and an excuse to enact heavy government regulations that literally kill businesses.
No, it really isn't.
Lol soooo hilarious
it's a joke right?
I understand that you are being sarcastic, but I literally cannot tell whether or not this is serious.
Yeah well here winters ain't used to be cold as f, but now theres -20- -25 °C, and in the summer its 38-45°C.
So don't you tell me its a hoax because if you live in an unaffected area you probably dont give a fk about others who do so maybe dont be that ignorant.
Just sarcasm.