How well can telltale really do without these big titles?
Throwing in big names like Game of thrones, Batman, walking dead, Guardians of the galaxy (possibly), increase the chances of high sales by default because they attract the fans of those communities other than telltale. This is the reason why telltale has been lazy because these big names almost guarantee them success (atleast what they think) but this is not sustainable in long run and we actually saw the effects on TTG Batman (surprisingly low sales). TWAU did well despite the fact that it didn't have the same exposure as these titles and that was because it was actually good. Verdict: big names decreasing quality of the games)
(P.S didnt include borderlands because it was a good game)
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I agree, I would actually like to see something original from them. Even though Life is strange was an alright game at best, it still was a breath of fresh air. Another episodic game that is really worth the money paid for it was King's Quest. The story was excellent, and the puzzles caused the player to think. I heard rumors that Guardians of the Galaxy price will be 30 bucks instead of the usual 25.
If TT games remain as simplistic and short as they are now, I don't think I'll continue to buy them.
Borderlands is big, but Marvel and Batman is much larger. One reason Wolf did good was because it was hot off the heels of Walking Dead, and from a pretty unknown comic. However it's Telltales second best selling series, and to this day people still want more. I just hope Telltale does one day return to Wolf.
I also really hope Gaurdians is different from Borderlands. I'd be pretty disappointed if it feels very similar and Telltale decided to do the bigger name rather than continuing with Borderlands.
I dont know why you are acting like Game Of Thrones was not a good game and was relying on a big title...
Infact it had better choices,harder choices and a amazing storyline.
The fact that you probably didnt like was probs due to the ending and how open it left you. Game of thrones wa a sucess.
Some people need to stick their head out of where the sun dont shine. GoT:S1 Is defo up there with TWD:s1
i would like to see how many people agree with that
I just came into this thread because I wanted to say that I misread the title as "How well can telltale do without these big titties", and that made me laugh hysterically.
Also, Sam & Max isn't a huge title, not a ton of people know about it. But the Sam & Max games are some of Telltale's best. They can do well with smaller titles, it's just that it helps to have a creative leg to stand on. Most people doing artwork usually start off by drawing someone elses work, because it's easier and it gives you a leg to stand on so you can train to slowly to start making your own stuff, but still veering back to the fan art from time to time.
Probably not a lot.
I think they can do well regardless if they use big titles or not.
All they need is effort.
True that.
I think Telltale shouldn't be afraid of making games from lesser known titles or making an original game. The pros of making lesser known title they usually have lower expectations. Word of mouth, good advertisement and good reviews will help with the sales.
Listen fool, GoT was not liked as much due to the fact that it didnt follow an exact recipe, like the other games. It was deemed sucessful anyway,which is why S2 is in the making(along with the multi-year contact)
Damm, I think your right. It's definetly going to feel like borderlands
I think Batman didnt do well. Its good to see these big names (batman,Got) getting outperformed by games like TWAU,TFTB (who have relatively less exposure). It shows that you cant just throw in a big name and expect it to do well, have to put some effort in making a good game. We will see how ANF does but they have to improve drastically from first 2 episodes, again this is just my opinion.
I just realized this is an exact reason of why I'm not interested in any Marvel/Batman/GotG related topics. It's just too much of this everywhere.
Okay on an unrelated note, I thought the title said, "How Well Can Telltale Really Do Without These Big Titties." I'm sorry, I know unrelated comments are frowned upon here, but this was too funny to not address.
They're working on an original IP at the moment, for a 'super show'!