What is One of the most annoying things on social media?
I find a lot of social media stuff annoying but one really stands out to me. One of the dumbest is when rappers are calling each other out online. Everywhere I look, guys are yelling into their cell phones about how they're going to do this and that to someone. Not only is it pointless to scream at your phone but it's so incriminating. I don't get it.
Is there anything that annoys you regarding social media?
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Im sick of this fucking salt dude already.
Salt dude?
1.People who post tons of selfies
2. Chain Letters/Posts
I really hate it when people get up on soapboxes and start preaching their political views excessively on social media. A post every now and then is fine but if exceeds a certain point:
Shut the fuck up. No one cares.
Regardless of how much I might agree or disagree with what you say, I refuse to indulge you. That will only encourage more of your pointless fuckery.
That excessive selfie stuff is a great call! That's another one.
So true.
People who post stupid questions and topics. People who argue their political opinions on social media and then get downright nasty when you contradict their opinion.
Fucking Tweety Bird and Minion memes.
Minion memes. Snapchat filters. Chain letters. Those "I'm gonna see who my real friends are!" Shit on Facebook. Fatlogic ("Drink THIS and lose weight instantly and repair your metabolism!"). Selfies.
This forum.
Chain messages and posts - I don't need people posting stuff on my feed with creepy pictures and saying I have only 5 minutes until something happens, like ffs, I'm just trying to enjoy my banana! Also, I don't need people messaging me chain love letters - I already tell people I appreciate them as often as I can without them getting sick of it.
I haven't had social media in forever, it's filled with cringy 12-year-olds spamming emojis and hashtags, not to mention the memes are god awful. Hell, even Reddit is pretty bad now in days (other than a few specific subreddits), so I just go on 4chan for shitposting/memes (and niche technology threads), and go on Telltale forums for TWD primarily. Other than that, my social media accounts are just anonymous privacy-strict entities that sit there in case I actually can benefit from using social media (some places will give you bonuses for following them on Twitter, etc.).
Having a opinion, sharing it and people bashing on it and that they can't see the difference between critical thinking and opinion
The most annoying thing is/was the policy requirement to supply your real name and the options to post personally identifying information. As someone who lived through/enjoyed 90s wild west Internet...that never sat right with me, as much as I understand wanting to limit Internet Fuckwad theory
FB nowadays makes me miss the utter fustercluck mess that was Inside the Web, MySpace, etc...kind of
This topic also reminds me of another one of my guilty pleasures to lazy to post in the other thread: Failbook
Dumbass controversies over little things that don't even matter or feel as though people are getting offended just for the sake of being offended without even knowing what they're even supposed to be offended by. The current one is the boycott for Split. The past ones being DC fans wanting to shut down Rotten Tomatoes just because Suicide Squad got shit reviews, people debating every year on whether to say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, and the red cups at Starbucks.
Groupthink and complete lack of accountability and truth to basically anything that people post
Everyone in comment section (youtube for example) turns into a political master mind under politics videos for example.
"This is the best for the country" etc. In the end it's one of those idiots you see in real life or in the news behind a computer screen pretending to know something.
Then people posting "first" or "Like this comment and you will get a donut emoji from me". Those people have too much time. It's so cringey too read and see
The people who bitch about Donald Trump.
Minion memes, selfies, Chain messages, etc
I know all about that, had a crazy few weeks on a particular group chat that heralds that same hive mind.
You dont happen to be talking about the group chat that originated in these forums, do you?: P
"These lips are sealed..."
Fucking minion memes, man. Tweety bird too.
It makes me angry every time I see someone using a person with down syndrome or any other type of handicap being used for retweets or likes.
Most annoying thing in Social Media? Social Media itself. shrugs
People who still unironically use "faggot" as an insult in 2017.
No shit!
People getting "triggered" over everything (if they were just trolling, then good acting) then claim you're the shitty one because you disagree or point out their flaws etc
Something else that's incredibly annoying about social media, the fact that every dumb ass bastard on it has an opinion about everything, and doesn't give two shits about anyone else's opinion but his own.
The way I see it, social media, like Facebook I like, are just places where people go so they can bitch and fucking complain about everything that goes wrong in their life.
So many people these days, especially in a comes to social media, lack discretion, and they start talking about very intimate details, details that others don't need to know about.
Four things a person should always keep private are:
Obviously a lot of these people do this, because they are looking for sympathy, and there is nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but the point is is that sharing your problems on social media, is frankly stupid.
Anything, especially if it's personal, can be used against you. And if there's one thing that people in general love is Gossip.
Knowledge is power, and in the world we live in; if you do not have power over somebody, they have power over you.
That's why it is so essential to keep Private Business private. Only discuss your personal problems with people that have proven to you that they are trustworthy, and discreet.
"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence." - George Washington.
The people
Don't forget "gay", too.
If something is just bad they compare it to The Last Airbender over dramatic bitches
People complaining about people complaining.