Tv Show Toning Down Violence
It's been reported that the producers of The Walking Dead Tv series have, in response to the backlash concerning the Season 7 premiere, decided to tone down the amount of violence and gore concerning the, at the time, remaining unfilled episodes of the season.
I was just curious about people's thoughts concerning this recent report. If I'm being honest, this is ridiculous and is only going to hurt the show rather than help it. Sure people had a problem with the season premiere, but what were you expecting from a Tv show about zombies, that features blood and gore in almost every single episode? There is a viewer discretion warning at the beginning of every episode for a reason, if you can't handle it, then don't watch it. Shows like GOT, and hell, even previous TWD episodes, have done much worse, but THIS is where we draw the line? As a viewer, I was not bothered by the levels of violence from the episode, nor previous episodes, because I expect it as a result of the world they live in. It's a harsh, cruel, unforgiving world where people revert to their basic, primitive behaviors in order to survive, it's not going to be all sunshine and rainbows.
Something people tend not to understand is that it's supposed to be gory and horrifying. It's the world they live in. It's not a story about beating the odds and living happily ever after. So yes, I do think it's ridiculous and I'm hoping they don't go through with it.
Just SJWs ruining more things.
It's too late, they already did.
Yea, the eye bulge was nasty, and they were two characters I really liked, but it wasn't that bad. I don't remember any closeups of their heads slowly splitting open while Negan swings away, they cut back to headless bodies when he was done. I mean hell, I've seen a walker rip someone's stomach open with his hands, another walker dangling from a ceiling by his intestines, and I don't even know how many people getting their throats ripped out by a bite but I can think of at least two. AND ONE OF THEM WAS RICK DOING THE BITING. First thing I thought after reading the backlash following the episode was, really?
We also had Noah literally get bit and torn apart by walkers, and Glenn was forced to watch inside a revolving door.
And I'm pretty sure they have a focus shot on him when he's pressed up against the glass so we don't miss any of the blood or his agonized reaction. I feel like I've seen far more brutal things than a shot of a guy swinging a baseball bat downwards in this series.
What does this have to do with "SJWs"?
I don't think they needed to compromise because fans are very reactionary and silly, and complain about everything, but I understand why they feel like they had to address it. I don't think its going to hurt the show though. I don't feel like theyre going to go too far in the opposite direction and people who watch the show for extreme gore are watching it for the wrong reason anyway.
Here's hoping things won't get even more boring. Less violence huh? Great, a good chance for more characters to sit around talking about philosophy and speaking out of their ass.
Wait, you mean to tell me that isn't why people watch The Walking Dead?
I'm very disappointed. Although it's important to listen to your audience, I doubt that a majority of them were complaining. I never read the comics, so all I knew about Negan was that he's an important villain that takes out one of the main characters. Seeing how he single-handedly changed almost everything, I really felt it. After all the crazy ass villains we had before, this guy really made me feel intimidated - which is GOOD. We have to understand why Rick & group would stop fighting after all this time. That violence pales in comparison to real life, and it's a goddamn show about zombies. I feel like this, if you can't handle the graphic nature of TWD then change the channel. Just tune in for reviews or Talking Dead if you want to keep up with the show but can't handle the gore. If the less-violent tone is too jarring for me, I'll abandon the show; personally I only started to like it when Rick started to really stand his ground after saving Carl from being raped by the bikers.
I really hope AMC doesn't change some of the upcoming iconic moments because they were allegedly too graphic. I don't really understand why it's just now that people are complaining about this in large numbers, Noah's death was by far more distrubing for me but I didn't really complaint. I probably wouldn't get it.
Oh boy. Yep, thats all they do on that show is sit and talk. Nothing else.
I think because it was two well known characters, Glenn especially. Noah was so new, most people probably didnt care that much. I was not one of those people. I still think that was one of the worst things weve seen on the show.
First they have little to no cussing, and now they're toning down the gore and violence?! I'm done.
The gore offends them.
Yeah, it was awful. I do got to give them credits for thinking of something so devious before Kirkman could. Ack, it hurts my eyes just thinking about it.
I agree though that's probably why. I imagine if it had been Aaron there wouldn't have been such an uproar.
its a zombie apocalypse what the heck do people expect ?????
It's really not. Everyone i've seen complaining about this are not really internet types.
This is disappointing news. I have a feeling they are going to completely lose the people who don't understand world building and thought the first half of this season was boring.
I think they are taking the backlash to the scene the wrong way. Its not that it was gory its that they are going overboard with how hopeless the walking dead is. The show lost any humour and became a drag. Not to mention the dreadful cliffhanger
Less violence in a zombie show
![enter image description here](
If Walking Dead had been taken on by HBO a premium channel, then the violence and swearing wouldn't be much of an issue. AMC is more basic cable station and still has done well with it. Even though the comics were violent, I believe they still can pull off a great show without an excess of showing gore and eviscerations. The Negan intro was one of the last most brutal acts I am up to date with that I can think of. I haven't gotten past issue 149 I think so anything with the stuff has happened, I don't know much about as far as brutal violence. Since I took a halt on reading the comic at the end of compendium 3.
I edited your post just a tad to remove a spoiler about something since it hasn't happened in the show. Hope you don't mind.
But yeah, I agree. Personally, I'm much more less opposed to the changes like getting rid of the worst of the Michonne and Governor stuff and changing Lori's death, because personally, that stuff would certainly get people to quit the show, or at the very least, question it a lot.
Stupid person: Hey, let's watch the Walking Dead!
Disclaimer: This show contain graphic violence. Viewer discretion is advised.
Graphic violence happens
Stupid person: I can't believe they showed violence on here! It was so graphic!
Me: wtf, lol
It is fine as long as you did not cause any spelling errors to make me look silly, And I wasn't aware that I was spoiling parts of the comic since I guess I assumed I was so far behind probably most of everyone else with the comics. Yes focusing too much violence is not that entertaining and becomes somewhat barbaric after while. Some violence is fine and even natural. At times I wonder out of all the ways Negan could of taught Rick and his group a lesson he chooses one of the most vile, barbaric and brutal way to take out someone out than maybe a bullet to the brain. I think that scene from both the comic and show along with Negan's constant swearing is what makes him so popular a villain by beating someone's head in.
And I remember how plenty of folks went bananas because of how they did not show all that brain matter and gore in the season 6 finale I never minded or cared even though I still dislike cliffhangers. I'd wonder even in real life if only the most psychotic of minds would still get enjoyment out of beating brain matter into the dirt. But this shows the minds of people and how far gone they can become detached or desensitized to violence as long as it isn't happening to them. Might still be just a show but also shows how far your willing to go to view graphic violence even if it's fantasy violence.
They should tone up the sex and nudity.
it's only fair
As an earlier comment pointed out, SJWs are to blame. They're the equivalent of 1950s Moral Guardians - both treat women and minorities as weak, defenceless creatures needing White Knights.
I still don't get what this has to do with gore in a zombie tv show.
It doesn't, SJW has become a buzzword by this point to relate to something a certain group of people don't like, even though it has nothing to do with the actual meaning. I don't see how this relates to some guy on the internet defending a girl for fedora tipping points, nor is this social justice, people just don't want to see as much gore I guess which I think the mere notion of that is illogical. Zombie related movies and shows has always been bloody and has always displayed graphic content, people just need to get better stomachs, or stop watching this material while eating dinner if they can't handle it.
Quite honestly, if they're gonna show people getting their heads bashed in, then they should allow the word "fuck" to be said on air, as they did with Breaking Bad.
And they do say that it is a Mature rated show, and that viewer discretion is advised. So that means children are probably better off not being andrellowed to see the show, and if certain people find the show to be to much, then perhaps they shouldn't watch it.
Instead of censoring the show, how about viewers use self control and discretion. If they don't like the show, or perhaps find it to gruesome for their tastes, then don't watch the fuckin' thing.
In the words of Negan, in regards to them censoring the show: "Not cool! You have no fucking clue how not fucking cool that shit is."
And the cussing.
That's one of the most disappointing things I've heard in months. It's extremely important that those kind of things stay in the show. It was perfect in Season 7 so far, and toning it down will make the show so much less interesting.
Oh that makes so much sense the series about zombies should tone down on its violence how could they have something harming each other ON A SHOW WITH ZOMBIES THINGS THAT EAT PEOPLE ALIVE AND HAVE SHOWN GORE SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE ESPECIALLY ON FUCKING NOAH S DEATH WHICH IS EVEN WORSE THAN GLENN S .
True. HBO had their opportunity to take Walking Dead, but can you believe they ironically declined the walking dead due to them feeling the show would be far too violent for TV. Then went on to accept present day Game Of Thrones which isn't any better.. Haha
I mean, it is a zombie show, I'm not sure why people don't expect an insane amount of blood and gore.
Though, I had to turn when Noah was getting torn apart like a wet piece of bread on that revolving door.
Say what you will about the comic and games but at least they don't pull this shit.
too much gore in a show bout post apocalyptic zombie killin reeeaalllyyy![:) :)](