Will be there continuation of the game?

The game has so many choices, experiecne, fun and lots more, when one question still remais in my head: Will be there in the future a Minecraft Story Mod 2?


  • I hope not. 8 episodes was more than enough and I enjoyed the ending.

  • Hard to say. Personally i was not that high on the minecraft series but it did seem to be quite popular and well liked by fans so it is certainly a possibility somewhere down the road Telltale will make a season 2. I wouldn't hold hope out for anything coming out this year but i could see an announcement for possible DLC to bridge into a S2 if they decide to do it.

  • I honestly believe M:SM is 10x better than all of TTG's TWD combined. I hope we get a season 2.

  • I've played almost all of telltales games and that ending felt weaker then thier other ines they could have had more in it I was expecting Soren to come back but I think they did not because too many expected it I think they are saving those ideas for the next game if there will be one but like most telltale games it's probably going to take a year or up to 4 years.

  • edited January 2017

    On one site read the theory that in 2018 can be out, but this is only a theory

  • Shhh hush now child ^_^ :)

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I honestly believe M:SM is 10x better than all of TTG's TWD combined. I hope we get a season 2.

  • The ending was good because it basically said that the adventures in Minecraft never end.

  • When will Minecraft story mode 2 already have a release date?

  • No sorry, but ... I'm pretty sure they have big plans for the creation of a second season!

    When will Minecraft story mode 2 already have a release date?

  • My friends and I would pay a gajillion bucks for a season two that would literally make me soooo frekin happy

  • I Honestly would not like a season 2 / continuation because they did pretty much everything they could with the series. The game also took over a lot of telltales time because they were also busy releasing other games that were more important than MCSM like Batman. Plus The game went for 8 episodes that's a lot more then telltales normal 5 episodic adventures so give the game a break. They probably wont continue the game any time soon because it was 8 episodes. Maybe in the future when telltale gets a chance to do it.

  • Here's what you said is wrong. the game did one month period! It's very fast and I think if a company wants a second season will be their choice. and if they did additional adventures, this does not mean that there may not be a second season. It is likely that the second season may come out in the year 2018 and not much more.

    Tazmangamez posted: »

    I Honestly would not like a season 2 / continuation because they did pretty much everything they could with the series. The game also took o

  • we've got opinions you kid.

    Shhh hush now child ^_^

  • DenikRG to me it felt like MCSM took over a lot of Telltales time. When MCSM was 1st announced I was very excited and I was also very excited while playing through episodes 1-5. But then when they announced episodes 6-8 and Batman I lost a bit of my interest in MCSM and I'm sure a lot of us did because of Batman. This is a consequence that might happen in a 2nd season of MCSM with GOTG or something like that. Over all I think they did everything they could with the series and I'm not against a squeal I'm just explaining that they will probably not do a season 2 for a while because season 1 went for 1-8 episodes. The main Telltale episodes go from 1-5 not 1-8 so they could 100% do a sequel just not right now

    DenikRG posted: »

    Here's what you said is wrong. the game did one month period! It's very fast and I think if a company wants a second season will be their ch

  • 12?

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I honestly believe M:SM is 10x better than all of TTG's TWD combined. I hope we get a season 2.

  • It better not. It ended up with a perfect conclusion

  • Exactly, fayescarlet!

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I honestly believe M:SM is 10x better than all of TTG's TWD combined. I hope we get a season 2.

  • Part of me is telling me that there might not be a sequel to the game, but part of me wants there to be a sequel cause the story is really good.

  • It may happen but I don't see it happening anytime soon considering telltale has game of thrones,Guardians of the galaxy,walking dead and whatever else in the works currently.

    cool11guy12 posted: »

    Part of me is telling me that there might not be a sequel to the game, but part of me wants there to be a sequel cause the story is really good.

  • I hope not there are way more interesting series they can make than Minecraft, and personally I think Minecraft is the worst game they've made.

  • I want more Minecraft Story mode pls

  • A season two ore somting


  • Can we seriously not fight over this? I thank you in advance.
    As for the season 2... I think this one is basically complete. We have a story, we have an ending that is not THAT vague and every character seems happy. Do we really need more of it? I'll admit, I wouldn't mind another "story", but for now, let's focus on the on - coming series.

  • you kid.

    says the user with the name "PetraTheHotHead" lolololol


    we've got opinions you kid.

  • kek

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I honestly believe M:SM is 10x better than all of TTG's TWD combined. I hope we get a season 2.

  • edited February 2017

    It likely won't have a Season 2. Sorry, but if they aren't giving a Season 2 to The Wolf Among Us which was a game 3 billion times better than MC:SM (not saying the game is shit, just that it's not as good) then there's no way they're giving one to Season 2. Unless Telltale wants a ton of money over quality content and satisfying conclusions, which I'd like to hope they don't.

  • I think in the wolf among us case I believe going in it was planned as a one time thing although Kevin Bruner has said there's a possibility later on. And as far as telltale wanting money over quality I refer you to ANF.

    It likely won't have a Season 2. Sorry, but if they aren't giving a Season 2 to The Wolf Among Us which was a game 3 billion times better th

  • DenikRG what I said was not wrong we all have our opinions and mine is that I don't think a season 2 would be good right now I'm not against a season 2 I am just explaining that it is taking over a lot of TellTales time with the new upcoming GOTG they probably wont have time for MCSM. Also DenikRG you gotta accept the fact that it went for 8 episodes that's much longer then a normal TellTale series goes for they also pretty much did everything they could with it but a season 2 is totally cool with me and again for the 100th time I am not against MCSM season 2 I just think they need to have a break from it for a minute

    DenikRG posted: »

    Here's what you said is wrong. the game did one month period! It's very fast and I think if a company wants a second season will be their ch

  • you kid. says the user with the name "PetraTheHotHead" lolololol (kidding)

  • And as far as telltale wanting money over quality I refer you to ANF.

    I'm aware of that mess. That's why I said

    "which I'd like to hope they don't."

    I know they probably do, but I like having the idea that they AREN'T Konami.

    Chibikid posted: »

    I think in the wolf among us case I believe going in it was planned as a one time thing although Kevin Bruner has said there's a possibility later on. And as far as telltale wanting money over quality I refer you to ANF.

  • I noticed a lot of people complaining about a season 2 but there were a couple things left unanswered like what happened to Soren where did Ivor go in the end? Think about how people really wanted the Walking dead season 2 and they got up to 3 seasons in not saying minecraft is the most deserving of a sequel (I think takes from the borderlands is) but it season 2 of story mode probably won't come till sometime after the second season of Game of thrones.

  • Telltale said production of other games won't delay time of production of MC:SM, hence the FAQ.

    Tazmangamez posted: »

    I Honestly would not like a season 2 / continuation because they did pretty much everything they could with the series. The game also took o

  • It depends. There may be, or there may be not.

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