Unpopular walking dead opinions?



  • Dang I forgot about that

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    Name's Chuck, Charles if you're fancy

  • In my opinion, Rebecca was the most poorly written character in the entire game, and I found her annoying in every interaction. For the amount of screen time she had, she had extremely poor development. Her character does a complete 180 reguarding Clementine from complete cold hearted 0 compassion, to trying to be her best friend and treating Clementine like her therapist. Her actions in the triangle between her Alvin and Carver seemed so messy and inconsistent. She treated Alvin like shit then suddenly the next episode is all affectionate with him. Like I can't tell if she's supposed to be psycho, or they kept changing their minds every episode.

    Either way, in my opinion, if they kept her cold hearted and and mean during the entire season instead of making her attitude flip flop at every turn, it would have made dialogue with her more interesting...caring about her and help her would be based on how much you were willing to do for the baby despite her being a horrible person. It would do more to test the players morals.

  • edited January 2017

    That is so pointless. You want to murder an old man purely because he gave tough, realistic advise which essentially saved Clem's life?

    No one said anything about "murdering" anyone. What if I walked up to your kid (I have no idea if you have a child or if he/she is ugly, but let's say it applies here) and said, "you're one ugly little turd. Your parents need to stop feeding you McDonald's and get you to play sports-- maybe you'll burn off some of that fat and not get early onset diabetes." Does the second sentence justify the first sentence? And oh, yes, it's equivalent.

    (EDIT) Please, people-- don't forget that he LITERALLY TOLD HER THAT SHE WAS GOING TO BECOME A ZOMBIE-- it was a CERTAINTY. A CHILD.

    Also, don't tell me that any parent who overheard that statement would be like, "Kool and the Gang, man. You're right."

    Also, I lived in fairly rural Georgia during most of the the first 13 years of my life. I was firing a gas gun (which I've since heard has more firepower than the gun the killed Lincoln) at various targets when I was seven years old. So yeah, learning how to fire guns is important in that scenario, and I would have had no compunction about teaching it to her. But the hair thing was a stretch. If a zombie is smart enough and close enough to grab your hair you're probably screwed anyway.

  • I don`t realy like Jane.... because is sucide her self for (well donno). ANd i like Kenny and i select to save him :)

  • Given how dumb the group were being about it, I feel its the only way he could get through to them. No you cant leave the kids to draw pictures any more and hope they will be fine

    IggyPopYo posted: »

    That is so pointless. You want to murder an old man purely because he gave tough, realistic advise which essentially saved Clem's life?

  • edited January 2017

    lol she was pregnant dude, hormones and stuff

    Emmalilly posted: »

    In my opinion, Rebecca was the most poorly written character in the entire game, and I found her annoying in every interaction. For the amou

  • edited January 2017

    Dude, I don't mean to pick on you here, but how did you start that sentence with perfect spelling and grammar, then suddenly get weird for the rest?

    IonutuPlay posted: »

    I don`t realy like Jane.... because is sucide her self for (well donno). ANd i like Kenny and i select to save him

  • Sorry, but i'm very bad English speaker.. Dont judge me :)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Dude, I don't mean to pick on you here, but how did you start that sentence with perfect spelling and grammar, then suddenly get weird for the rest?

  • Lee Everett is my favorite character.

    (I take this as an unpopular opinion because most of you are Kenny/Jane/Clementine fans.)

  • Mine too.

    Lee Everett is my favorite character. (I take this as an unpopular opinion because most of you are Kenny/Jane/Clementine fans.)

  • Eh, he's definitely been on my Top 10/11 lists for a while now, so agreed. I'm kinda hoping Javier picks up a little more steam to even be a consideration.

    Lee Everett is my favorite character. (I take this as an unpopular opinion because most of you are Kenny/Jane/Clementine fans.)

  • Oh, my bad! I was just kinda jarring to the point I just assumed you did that on purpose.

    IonutuPlay posted: »

    Sorry, but i'm very bad English speaker.. Dont judge me

  • edited February 2017

    Yeah I know that he teached Clementine how to protect herself thanks to Chuck. But you've gone way too far. Lee is nothing like Carlos. Carlos didn't even let her look at the walkers and was overprotective, even if Chuck told Carlos the same thing that he told to Lee, I don't think Carlos would have done that.

  • 400 Days is a masterpiece in it's own right. Even after playing it and watching it countless times it still manages to have so much mystery. For every answer it provides it raises 3 more questions. The unknown status of basically the entire cast is as intriguing as it is frustrating.

  • But that's the point: An intelligent and respectable man with hidden anger issues takes care of his daughter figure, which brings out that anger due to his protectiveness. Carlos is what Lee would be like if he decided his way was better than following Chuck's advice.

    Yeah I know that he teached Clementine how to protect herself thanks to Chuck. But you've gone way too far. Lee is nothing like Carlos. Carl

  • Lee is like Rick to me. Rick didn't want to teach Carl how to protect himself when later he thought he was old enough to learn how to protect himself. Lee obviously didn't want to teach a child how to fight and waited for her to grow up. Unlike Carlos, he had an 15 year old daughter and still locked her in the house.

    DabigRG posted: »

    But that's the point: An intelligent and respectable man with hidden anger issues takes care of his daughter figure, which brings out that a

  • You're right, but mood swings are one thing, personality flip is different. I don't know, maybe that was what they had in mind while writing her character, that because she was pregnant her hormones were causing her to react differently all the time. If this was the case, it's execution was unrealistic and not believable to me....Pregnancy doesn't change your conscious or fundamental parts of your personality. It makes you more emotional and sometimes on the unreasonable side, but she had strong hate for Clementine over at least 2 days...Hormones wouldn't cause that...She was like a damsel in distress one minute, then she watched Carver's face get caved in and barely flinched. 5 minutes later she's all scared of the zombies acting like she's been sheltered from bad things...I don't know. Maybe I am looking at it too realistically. she just really got on my nerves.

    Louche posted: »

    lol she was pregnant dude, hormones and stuff

  • she had strong hate for Clementine over at least 2 days

    Actually, it was only one day. Clementine, Pete, and Nick were out for over a day and Rebecca only got worked up when she returned because she realized Alvin is still out there after Pete got bit..

    5 minutes later she's all scared of the zombies acting like she's been sheltered from bad things

    Oh cripes, you just made me realize that Sarah going for the touchdown makes her braver/smarter than Rebecca as well. How did I not notice that before?

    Emmalilly posted: »

    You're right, but mood swings are one thing, personality flip is different. I don't know, maybe that was what they had in mind while writin

  • edited January 2017

    Actually, it was only one day. Clementine, Pete, and Nick were out for over a day and Rebecca only got worked up when she returned because she realized Alvin is still out there after Pete got bit.

    She's still snappy to Clem after the whole group returns once Carver visits the cabin.

    Rebecca: "And you just opened the door for him?"

    Rebecca: "Did he SAY his NAME?"
    Clem: "I don't remember/I didn't ask his name."
    Rebecca: "You don't remember/How could you not ask his name?"
    Clem: "He had a gun! I didn't want to make him mad."

    Clem: "Why do you care so much?"
    Rebecca: "Excuse me!?"

    DabigRG posted: »

    she had strong hate for Clementine over at least 2 days Actually, it was only one day. Clementine, Pete, and Nick were out for over

  • To be fair, so was Carlos and Alvin, but fair point. Carver just brings out the worst in everyone.

    Davissons posted: »

    Actually, it was only one day. Clementine, Pete, and Nick were out for over a day and Rebecca only got worked up when she returned because s

  • I know, I would really like to see a future episode/DLC/even a whole season with those characters.

    But for now, I guess you'll have to settle for fanfiction

    400 Days is a masterpiece in it's own right. Even after playing it and watching it countless times it still manages to have so much mystery.

  • edited January 2017

    It was pretty odd we didn't get an option to do so to Alvin and Sarah. At least AJ crying when he did was a hope spot after seeing those assholes die that it makes sense for her to drop everything to find him, though she could've still gone back if she felt like it; Clementine was still present when those two died--even going to sleep in the latter's case!

    It was pretty odd that we didn't get an option to destroy Jane/Kenny's brain, isn't it? Maybe we can attribute that to the craziness and stress of the situation.

  • Underrated? People talk about Lee like he's a god.

  • It's one of my personal top 5 episodes in the whole series.

    400 Days is a masterpiece in it's own right. Even after playing it and watching it countless times it still manages to have so much mystery.

  • You know what, I've tried ignore you constantly accusing me of this, but it's getting really annoying. I did read the whole thing and I get what you're saying, but I disagree. People seem to really like Lee in all aspects, not just as a guardian.

  • Sometimes, people have nothing worth saying about one part of a post and just comment on another.

  • I miss how Season 1 knew how to have fun with its characters, even if they were ones that weren't popular or well liked.

  • I'm curious how you can not blame Lilly for killing Doug or Carley. Not hating her for it is one thing. The RV was probably in Lilly's best interest. But mistakenly murdering Doug or choosing to shoot Carley over an insult when no one was looking? I don't understand.

    * I think Christa is dead. * I think Carver was AJ's father. Even though I'd prefer if he was Alvin's, I think he's most likely Carver's.

  • edited February 2017

    Okay, I'm not gonna lie. When I first played TWD, I hated Lilly.

    But..the more I looked into this story, the more I really pitied her. Because she saw her father die in a pretty brutal fashion of murder, which kinda made her go crazy. And I figured, maybe if her dad never died, maybe Carley/Doug would never have died either.

    And as for the RV part. Was that wrong? Was leaving those children behind cruel? Yes, very. But it wasn't for no reason. She was stuck with a group that essentially hated her, and she thought all she could do was ensure her own survival. And I'm pretty sure she feels bad for at least some people in that group for leaving as well.


    Sarah1281 posted: »

    I'm curious how you can not blame Lilly for killing Doug or Carley. Not hating her for it is one thing. The RV was probably in Lilly's best

  • 1) I understand why many questioned Kenny's death at the start of S3, but we should remember the odd occurrences which led to other deaths:

    --Lee (bitten on the arm)
    --Duck (a bite through two layers of clothing)
    --Sarita (almost completed covered yet a Walker found exposed skin and began to gnaw on her)
    --Pete (Walker's teeth > clothing?)
    --Ben (impailed)
    --Carlos (stray bullet then devoured--was any else hit?)
    --Nick (...poor guy)

    I know there are more, but the ones I listed above made me scratch my head. And, yes, I know, somehow Michonne had been able to walk unscathed while wearing a vest (plot armor is one thing, but seriously...).

    2) TWD is an immense universe. The potential to tell stories from different survivors is what attracted me--the game, not the show and comic. My preference is to allow each story to retain its unique "personality" and not influence the direction of the others. Things will start to become too cliched, in my opinion (e.g., character killed every episode, settlement falls, "evil" community/leaders).

  • I don't watch the TV show yet and what I've heard doesn't really paint a positive picture of Rick, at least after a certain point.

    Lee obviously didn't want to teach a child how to fight and waited for her to grow up. Unlike Carlos, he had an 15 year old daughter and still locked her in the house.

    That's kinda the point, though. It's supposed to be that Carlos and Sarah are so disturbed by the loss of his wife and her PTSD(which may be connected) that he's going to an extreme to keep her safe. Of course, Clementine and Carver were supposed to be breaking them out of that in their own way, but the lack of focus on Carlos and that particular subplot kinda leaves in jarred open.

    Lee is like Rick to me. Rick didn't want to teach Carl how to protect himself when later he thought he was old enough to learn how to protec

  • Yeah, I didn't like it either, but I'm one of the very small minority that went against shooting him. When I started playing the game I told myself that I would play Javier - you know, since I never met Clem. So when Conrad threatened Gabe, where Javier is at in his head space, he wouldn't just up and shoot him. He would negotiate with him. And that's what I did. Because Javier is all about his family. I mean, the guy dropped the gun in the trailer, and I didn't have him shoot the guy from the truck. So it didn't make sense for him to shoot Conrad in cold blood.

    DabigRG posted: »

    The Conrad choice in the subway was too unbalanced/biased/whatever.

  • Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. :D

    Lee is BOSS!!!!

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I've been holding off on saying this for a while as I'm pretty sure these have got to be some of the most unpopular opinions out there. F

  • I would have rather TT just made season three only about Javier and his story. They should have kept Clem out of it. It's as if they tossed her in as an after thought to bring back older fans. And that takes away from the game for me, because the whole time all I can think is how much I wish I was actually playing as Clem and not Javier.

    Clem is now that survival chick I imagined her as in season 2, but she was still too young. Now that she's 14 she is more capable of doing more things on her own, and I want to play her like that.

    Dont know if it is super unpopular, but I think playing as Clem in season 2 was great, and season 2 was better than season 1 overall, and I wish Javier wasnt the main character in A New Frontier (people seems pretty 50/50 on this dunno)

  • I can say the same with Kate. She is married to his brother, yet she flirts with him every second that she gets before the world ended. Personally I would rather see Javier with Eleanor than Kate.

    darthsansa posted: »

    I don't like Eleanor. I don't trust her + she is not a well written character. I can't stand a romance with her and Javier.

  • Good reasoning. At the very least, they should've balanced it out a more so that there's a clearer set of benefits for either choice. It's Talk Sarah out of it and the Pulluo Jane problem all over again except somehow worse.

    GoldenBuffy posted: »

    Yeah, I didn't like it either, but I'm one of the very small minority that went against shooting him. When I started playing the game I told

  • Actually, she's thirteen. Gotta cling to some remnant of her specialness somehow

    GoldenBuffy posted: »

    I would have rather TT just made season three only about Javier and his story. They should have kept Clem out of it. It's as if they tossed

  • Agreed, though I hope that is not the case.

  • If Chuck hadn't been as blunt as he was, Lee would've never woken up and realised that in that type of environment, where the dead are literally walking and death's at every corner, there's no need for savouring the innocence of a child and trying to hide them from reality, there is only survival and the need to keep striving for it, and to do that, you have to be honest with yourself and the child, whatever their age.

    By being truthful and not pussyfooting over the truth, Chuck technically saved Clementine's life in the long run. How you can fault him for that is certainty beyond me.

    IggyPopYo posted: »

    That is so pointless. You want to murder an old man purely because he gave tough, realistic advise which essentially saved Clem's life?

  • In season two I thought she was 11.5?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Actually, she's thirteen. Gotta cling to some remnant of her specialness somehow

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