Gay adoption.
I know that this a hotly debated issue, and no I don't have anything against homosexuals. I don't care what people do in private!
Anyway I know that homosexuals can now legally adopt children. And I know that the Liberal media would have you believe that children are just as happy with two dads or two moms, just as happy as they are with a mom and a dad.
However listen to what a woman, who was raised with a lesbian couple had to say about growing up without a father. I thought it was interesting to hear her thoughts on the actual experience of being raised by a homosexual couple.
Like I said I AM NOT HATING ON HOMOSEXUALS. I'm just merely sharing this woman's experience.
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She barely makes any points. "Would've been cool to have a dad" was the only one, and she doesn't even explain it. Her mother did not force tolerance, she respected her religion, I don't understand what her problem was.
Well my cousin mom is lesbian and technically he wasn't adopted his mom got a doner but it doesn't really affect his life in anyway my cousin is still young only thing is I don't he gets enough discipline.
Look, I know some people who've been raised by a gay couple, and they say that it was perfectly fine for them, they didn't feel the need for a mom and they speak very fondly of their dads. So, this girl has had a bad experience, the folks I talked about a good experience. Results: Just like all kids in heterosexual couples.
Oh fuck me, the anecdote as reasoned opinion gambit. No, studies or it didn't happen. From what I've read there is no correlation between being raised by a homosexual couple and having a decreased life "anything". If anything studies suggest that children raised by homosexual parents tend to do better in some categories, often speculated to happen because the parents go through life with a negative stigma, and instill an open world view into their children because of it.
Who cares? There's people with a mom and a dad in a household who end up being disasters some of which I know. I know people raised by single parents who've went to college and have good lives. Your going to have good and bad parents of all genders and races but that's not a complete representation of them all. And honestly I think also people inject political bullshit WAYYY too much into things like this.
The points she rose were essentially that she woul've liked to have a father. Does that mean that additionally to gay couples, single mothers and fathers who raised their children alone shouldn't have, that they're damaging them by doing so? Of course not, because a child needs a a loving and healthy familial environment to have a good childhood, something that can be provided by heterosexual couples, single parents and gay couples.
Anyways, if we go by the "wellness of the children" argument: several studies have shown that same-sex parenting doesn't have a negative impact on children, they're no different than kids with a dad and a mom. What can although damage them is the family instability, something that saddly concerns both hetero and gay marriage.
I think it's unfair to say that homosexuals have negative parenting.
However I also think it is unfair for people to say growing up without any opposite gender doesn't have negative concequences.
I'll see if I can find some research on the issue.
There is that.
Not going to share my opinion, because I really don't have one.
I don't trust mainstream sources really. Not since Trump's election and how deceptive they can be with information.
To Google Scholar I go.
Just about anything beats growing up in the system though.
What is the point of this thread? That gay people shouldnt adopt?
To the woman in the video she seems like she wants 15 minutes of fame. Anyway there are lots of ungrateful and bitter adults who were adopted (regardless of who the parents are) and im sure plenty of other kids were much happier with two parent than being in a home
"The system"
What do you mran by that?
I think he means the foster care system, which is true.
Basically what AAA_Jane said. When kids are surrendered by their parents and bounced around from foster home to foster home. The consequences are often pretty horrific.
If you think it's crucial for a child to have a mom and a dad, I suppose you think that single parenting should not be allowed?
I think it's less about allowed and more about stability.
A single parent can be successful, but the relationship, or lack thereof, isn't stable.
As for homosexual couples, I am still researching.
Not to sound cheesy, but if a child's in a loving relationship with their parent (or parents), whatever the actual parent's sexuality is, where they're cared for and treated in the correct manner, I don't see any issue with it. I'm fairly sure a gay couple are capable of caring for their child just as well as their heterosexual counterpart, if not better at times.
But there are many worse examples with straight parents with a mother and father
Anyone could easily interview few of them children then say this shows straight parents with a mother and father is wrong
Then show few children of same sex couples with awesome home life and say this shows being raised with same sex parents is right
So easy to be manipulative, biased and create an agenda here so easy to spin any message or point you want
My friend has same sex parents and turned out great but there are examples of bad parents no matter your sexual preference ffs
My parents were divorced and I grew up with just my mom and brothers just made me appreciate and admire my mother more
If the kid is cool with it, and the folks wanting the child seem alright, then by God, I say let Timmy have two mommies/daddies!
I think it's a bad idea. They are crying, screaming in public and pooping without warning. Make parents ashamed. Do not listen, do not learn. And cost a lot. Kids are bad. Avoid having them.
I probably would've turned out better if I had gay adoptive parents my whole life instead of my birth parents and my mom's husband.
The concern over this makes no sense to me. I'm just not clear on why a same-sex household be any more or less stable than a heterosexual one, just because they're homosexual. Why wouldn't an otherwise loving couple be able to raise well-adjusted kids?
Being heterosexual does not make you a better or worse parent.
Being homosexual does not make you a better or worse parent.
Also factor that while children may be heavily influenced by upbringing, they are also very much individuals themselves
Bottom line, I would rather a child be raised in an accepting, loving environment than a lonely and dysfunctional one, regardless of whether the parents are the same sex or not. Or of it's a single parent home. Better if all the concern and energy go toward mitigating child neglect and abuse before we worry about the parents' sexual orientation/genitalia.
It's an interesting conundrum to figure out and study.
It shows how well the relationship between a child and heterosexual parents are VS homosexual parents. If there is something to be studied and discovered here than it should be sought after.
Well sure, if for the sake of psychological and sociological curiosity as there are plenty of confounding factors here. But I'm just not at all in a lather about it when there still exists actual, observable harm that children suffer from their caretakers-- especially when it just doesn't follow that negative outcomes are a direct consequence of lifestyle.
Dooble poast
Neither am I, I just think it'd be interesting to look into if there are benefits to either one.
I think gays should not adopt at all.
Kids should CLEARLY be orphans forever, so when they grow up and reach 18 years old, they are thrown to the streets.
And what do those kids do? they steal, murder, rape, sell drugs, etc etc.
But of course, since I don't want kids having a family, I shouldn't complain because that is what I want, buuuuut, I am going to complain, and I am going to say things like "Kill all thieves, murders, etc"
Now, speaking without the sarcasm, a kid needs a family that provides for him, "but he needs to have a mom and a dad", why would a straight couple adopt when they can have children themselves, unless they are sterile there isn't really a lot of reasons.
The same people who are against gay adoption, are against abortion, they want a girl to have the baby, throw it to the orphanage, and the kid never having a family, but chill, that is "good conservative moral"
So you need one parent with a dick and another with a vagina?
What's next, marrying is illegal if the spouses have the same hair color?
Wait, LGBT people can legally adopt now? Huh. Cool. I'm happy for them. Man I am not caught up with politics.
... Did she just compare having homosexual parents to having parents that are abusive and living in a foster home?
That's a bit insulting. Especially seeing she said her mother did nothing but love her,
I barely trust news sources anymore either, but CBS is slightly better.
Well with the way identity politics is shaping the western world. . .
Depends on where you live. I'm a Virginian and it became legal here when same sex marriage did.
I'm screwed up and my family kind of is too. Does that mean straight parents shouldn't be allowed to have kids?
Correlation does not equal causation. This isn't even correlation - this is being ungrateful.
I actually did an essay on this for college a few months ago. Really it shouldn't matter whether or not both parents are male or female. You could be completely screwed up either way. It all depends on what kind of people your parents are when growing up. Hell, it could even just be the kind of person you end up being regardless of how your parents treated you. You could be a huge asshole as an adult despite having great parents or be a cool person despite having shitty ass parents.
Homosexuality is disgusting.
ok fam
I think it's downright stupid to suggest that homosexual couples should not adopt just because a couple of people would have preferred to have a mother and a father, I would have preferred many things, like parents that were financially responsible or that didn't hit me but people don't get to choose their parents and no one has an ideal situation going on, what I can tell you for sure is that having a family is better than not having one.
Point being like all parents homosexual parents are not going to be perfect, and yes the kids are going to have struggles but that's just the way life is.
I know right!