Most of the time they tell good stories with interesting characters, they price their games well, and choice based cinematic gameplay (whether or not they matter) is just one of my things.
Kenny is probably the best example of what they do well he is a character where you have half the people who played hate his guts and think he is the worst person ever while the other half would say he is a hero who isn't afraid of making the hard choices.
I like telltale for the reason that I am a huge fan of their games. For exemple Tales from the borderlands is just one of the greatest games out there in my opinion but TWD, GOT and TWAU are also amazing games. For this reason I am looking forward tho their next games even when I feel angry about the way they released there last Games.
The Walking Dead Season 1 is what got me into Telltale games. I enjoy stories that have mystery/suspense and after they did The Wolf Among Us and Batman, it made me like them more.
TWD, TWAU, TFTB and GOT. That's 4 reasons right there. All great games, some of my favorite games EVER. Great story, characters, writing, etc. I had no reasons NOT to like them.
But nowadays, their work seems to be getting a little sloppy. The game(s) crashes a lot, the graphics suck, and the characters are really boring IMO.
It's a love/hate. I like the art style, the characters, the concept. But sometimes the story's too limited or I catch myself in front of the screen thinking "really? -,-" or "that reaction is so hilarious, its unreal" or "yeye.. ofc that had to happen".
Also I hate most fighting/action scenes, cause I sit here thinking I'm playing the alpha of the 1st videogame..
But they have potential and I "only" played TWD 1+2, TWAU, GoT, Batman Ep.1.
So on one hand while playing the games I think "This is fun and cool" and on the other "what a sh*tgame xd", but TT has a place in my heart still. ... </3
TWD Season 1 but that is so long ago, I feel like TWD has gone downhill. If Telltale dont improve the series I might lose interest in their games completely.
In the beginning I felt... like their games had some kind of special charm, different/unique, but now... I honestly don't know.
Now I feel like their games are saturated and repetitive.
TWDG S1 got me into Telltale. I loved the designs (S1-2... New Frontier is pretty uncanny valley), story, and how much effort was put into the games. Even though S2 was disappointing, their characters were memorable and I still enjoyed it for what it was (though their treatment of Sarah, Nick, and how it became the Kenny and Jane Show was aggravating).
I think Telltale has let fame get too it's head and has over saturated the market. Besides DONTNOD, they have a monopoly on these types of games, they know it, and have stopped caring as much. The puzzles, hubs, and little Easter Eggs that they used to have been shoved to the side, their episodes have gotten shorter and shorter, and they continue to pick up more franchises that they cannot handle (Minecraft, Guardians of the Galaxy, Batman, etc.). I feel like soon every big franchise is going to have a Telltale Game for it and instead of shitty action-movie games, we'll have shitty games.
When LionsGate announced they were going to have an original project with them, I was super excited. I want Telltale to do original stuff. I want them to have their own IP like DONTNOD because soon people are going to get tired of them picking up all these other people's IP's. I want to see how Telltale can handle their own stories, create their own worlds, and not be limited. It's been like three years since they announced the Super Show, though, and I'm losing hope.
Because when they aren't making horrible writing decisions and ruining beloved characters, they bring an immersive experience with amazing lovable characters and a gripping story that you feel genuinely invested in.
They tell really engaging stories, they give you total freedom to mold your main character the way you want them to be without being restricted by a morality system( mass effect). And their games only cost $5 an episode. The games do have their share of flaws( technical issues mostly for me), but the good outweigh the bad imo.
Because playing a book is such a neat concept. It's a similar enjoyment I have with audiobooks too
I also love how transformative they are with established mythos/canon. I think they do really well with balancing inspiration from those sources while still making it unique, modern, and thoughtful. Some of TT's character portrayals I actually like better than the source. It's like super, professional fanfiction for me basically
1: the walking dead
2: choices matter
3: games are so cool and interesting
4: the walking dead 1 2 and 3 are great games!
5. Sam and Max was my childhood game (when my dad instal it to my computer
6. the walking dead
7. All game
1: the walking dead
2: choices matter
3: games are so cool and interesting
4: the walking dead 1 2 and 3 are great games!
5. Sam and Max was my childhood game (when my dad instal it to my computer
6. the walking dead
7. All game
They may not "matter", but I still experienced wildly different scenario's based on my decisions throughout their games, which is more than enough. A few examples include
Batman - I chose to fight a specific villain at the end of episode 4, and ended up confronting someone entirely different in the finale's intro
Batman - I saved a character and experienced an entirely different personality for that character with uniquely different dialogue options
Tales from the Borderlands - The way I tackled a scene at the start of episode 3 was based entirely on my last decision
Tales from the Borderlands - I recruited a party of fighters, but characters were un-accessible because of my choices in the season
Game of Thrones - I saved a playable character, and experienced a uniquely different plot line
In the long run the games are still "Tailored by how you play" as advertised.
I like that they dont "waste" time on gameplay, alot of the time, I feel like, even if a game has a good story, it often goes like, 20 minutes of story, 60 minutes of gameplay, very rarely does the game integrate the story into the gameplay, even things that many people apparently find annoying, such as the train in TWD season 1, or generally all the puzzles and hub areas, I felt served the story well, and was fun to do. And while people go on about "the illusion of choice" I dont mind too much, as one of the fun parts of Telltale, is seeing peoples reactions to what you say, as well as you being able to play the character you want, for example, in TWD Season 2, I played a very survivor oriented Clem, because I feel like she would be more hardened and not as soft after the ending of season 1, so she would be really gloomy at times, and not very optimistic after what happened to her, but when the situation called, she was still the nice little girl from season 1, trying to help people.
The Walking Dead was also a whole new experience for me, very rarely have I gotten so utterly immersed in a world, to the point where I start making choices based on that world, rather than how I would like to be in real life, in season 2 I made my choices based around what I felt was safe, and who was trustworthy, whereas in season 1 I was blindly trying to be nice whereever I could, but in season 2, with Clem being so young, I didnt have that luxury, which is why I thing being back to playing an adult in A New Frontier is a bit disappointing, but there is still 3 episodes left, hope they can turn it around, still hoping there will be another game down the line with Clem as main character
As for the Wolf Among Us, I kinda spoiled that for myself a long time ago, watching Pewdiepie play it, but I played it recently, and it was pretty damn good, but it doesnt feel like it has the same weight as the walking dead, because things doesnt feel as urgent or dangerous, because theyre lacking the primal danger that is the walkers.
Batman was ok, I originally thought it was really good, as it was the first Telltale game I had played, but after playing The Walking Dead season 1 and 2, as well as The Wolf Among Us, I still think its decent, but it doesnt really have any of the tension or charm that TWD s1 and s2 had.
I have yet to play Game of Thrones, as I have not watched any Game of Thrones yet, but would like to at some point, and heard that the game kinda spoils some of the show, I have also not played Tales of the Borderlands yet, because I dont really feel like it, again because I feel like it will probably not carry the same weight as The Walking Dead, and I also got a big character death spoiled apparently, anyone have any good words to convince me to give it a try?
I like telltale because the games at least feel like they have some sort of consequence because they're decision based and reflect your personality in some way.
Its critically acclaimed by practically everyone, including the forums. I mean just check the dozens of threads of first time players gushing about it, and saying how they wish they played it sooner.
I like that they dont "waste" time on gameplay, alot of the time, I feel like, even if a game has a good story, it often goes like, 20 minut… morees of story, 60 minutes of gameplay, very rarely does the game integrate the story into the gameplay, even things that many people apparently find annoying, such as the train in TWD season 1, or generally all the puzzles and hub areas, I felt served the story well, and was fun to do. And while people go on about "the illusion of choice" I dont mind too much, as one of the fun parts of Telltale, is seeing peoples reactions to what you say, as well as you being able to play the character you want, for example, in TWD Season 2, I played a very survivor oriented Clem, because I feel like she would be more hardened and not as soft after the ending of season 1, so she would be really gloomy at times, and not very optimistic after what happened to her, but when the situation called, she was still the nice little… [view original content]
1: the walking dead
2: choices matter
3: games are so cool and interesting
4: the walking dead 1 2 and 3 are great games!
5. Sam and Max was my childhood game (when my dad instal it to my computer
6. the walking dead
7. All game
I love Telltale because well it all started a while ago and I was into BTTF a lot so I found out there was a BTTF game so I got it and that's what led me into Telltales other game because I remember when I 1st played BTTF the game for the 1st time and loving the way the gameplay was and how you could say different things to people so that led me to their other games and here I am a complete Telltale games fan!!
Well, I like the stories they tell, the characters they create, and even the gameplay, despite how little of it there is. Call me weird, but there's something about the way their games play that I just like. Shit like the free roam sections/hubs and what such. It's a cross between the classic adventure game conventions and narrative-driven storytelling, and one that feels rather unique and engrossing to me.
Despite some of the questionable decisions they've made as of late, I think at their core, they're still a good developer. Keyword here being developer. They leave quite a bit to be desired as a company... but as a developer, they still have a lot of good people working there; passionate people that want to deliver more of the engaging stories that they're known for. It's just that other parts of the company are holding back that potential, if those glassdoor reviews and what such can be trusted.
I don't think it's too late for them to get back on the right path. Unfortunately, it seems like they need a wake-up call to make the push to change things within the company. And it doesn't help that since they've carved out this niche of story-based games, they practically have a monopoly on it. And if there's one thing history should teach you, it's that monopolies aren't that healthy-- more often than not, they lead to stagnation and/or laziness; why take risks when there's nothing to risk? You're not really losing anything by taking a risk, but you're not exactly earning anything by doing so, either.
I love how Telltale focuses on the story of their games. The games are never exactly complicated, it is just a matter of do this and that. I also like how the graphics are kind of basic yet they just make it work.
I... eh... Uh...
The Walking Dead season 1?
(I'm starting to think about moving to the Dontnod side... but this one has the forums...)
Most of the time they tell good stories with interesting characters, they price their games well, and choice based cinematic gameplay (whether or not they matter) is just one of my things.
Kenny is probably the best example of what they do well he is a character where you have half the people who played hate his guts and think he is the worst person ever while the other half would say he is a hero who isn't afraid of making the hard choices.
No matter whatever shortcomings there might be, I'll always love Telltale for TFTB, it's just the best.
I like telltale for the reason that I am a huge fan of their games. For exemple Tales from the borderlands is just one of the greatest games out there in my opinion but TWD, GOT and TWAU are also amazing games. For this reason I am looking forward tho their next games even when I feel angry about the way they released there last Games.
The Walking Dead Season 1 is what got me into Telltale games. I enjoy stories that have mystery/suspense and after they did The Wolf Among Us and Batman, it made me like them more.
TWD, TWAU, TFTB and GOT. That's 4 reasons right there. All great games, some of my favorite games EVER. Great story, characters, writing, etc. I had no reasons NOT to like them.
But nowadays, their work seems to be getting a little sloppy. The game(s) crashes a lot, the graphics suck, and the characters are really boring IMO.
It's a love/hate. I like the art style, the characters, the concept. But sometimes the story's too limited or I catch myself in front of the screen thinking "really? -,-" or "that reaction is so hilarious, its unreal" or "yeye.. ofc that had to happen".
Also I hate most fighting/action scenes, cause I sit here thinking I'm playing the alpha of the 1st videogame..
But they have potential and I "only" played TWD 1+2, TWAU, GoT, Batman Ep.1.
So on one hand while playing the games I think "This is fun and cool" and on the other "what a sh*tgame xd", but TT has a place in my heart still.
... </3
In the beginning I felt... like their games had some kind of special charm, different/unique, but now... I honestly don't know.
Now I feel like their games are saturated and repetitive.
TWD Season 1 but that is so long ago, I feel like TWD has gone downhill. If Telltale dont improve the series I might lose interest in their games completely.
I know right? Its like they aren't as passionate and puts effort in their games.
Because they never fail to tell amazing stories. There's nobody like Telltale, even though other developers have tried.
TWDG S1 got me into Telltale. I loved the designs (S1-2... New Frontier is pretty uncanny valley), story, and how much effort was put into the games. Even though S2 was disappointing, their characters were memorable and I still enjoyed it for what it was (though their treatment of Sarah, Nick, and how it became the Kenny and Jane Show was aggravating).
I think Telltale has let fame get too it's head and has over saturated the market. Besides DONTNOD, they have a monopoly on these types of games, they know it, and have stopped caring as much. The puzzles, hubs, and little Easter Eggs that they used to have been shoved to the side, their episodes have gotten shorter and shorter, and they continue to pick up more franchises that they cannot handle (Minecraft, Guardians of the Galaxy, Batman, etc.). I feel like soon every big franchise is going to have a Telltale Game for it and instead of shitty action-movie games, we'll have shitty games.
When LionsGate announced they were going to have an original project with them, I was super excited. I want Telltale to do original stuff. I want them to have their own IP like DONTNOD because soon people are going to get tired of them picking up all these other people's IP's. I want to see how Telltale can handle their own stories, create their own worlds, and not be limited. It's been like three years since they announced the Super Show, though, and I'm losing hope.
Because when they aren't making horrible writing decisions and ruining beloved characters, they bring an immersive experience with amazing lovable characters and a gripping story that you feel genuinely invested in.
I just think their games are fun and usually have a good story to get wrapped up in. That's all I need.
I don't take things so seriously.
They tell really engaging stories, they give you total freedom to mold your main character the way you want them to be without being restricted by a morality system( mass effect). And their games only cost $5 an episode. The games do have their share of flaws( technical issues mostly for me), but the good outweigh the bad imo.
Because playing a book is such a neat concept. It's a similar enjoyment I have with audiobooks too
I also love how transformative they are with established mythos/canon. I think they do really well with balancing inspiration from those sources while still making it unique, modern, and thoughtful. Some of TT's character portrayals I actually like better than the source. It's like super, professional fanfiction for me basically
1: the walking dead
2: choices matter
3: games are so cool and interesting
4: the walking dead 1 2 and 3 are great games!
5. Sam and Max was my childhood game (when my dad instal it to my computer
6. the walking dead
7. All game
They made good games once upon a time.
I just like games that let me make conversation and situation choices.
They may not "matter", but I still experienced wildly different scenario's based on my decisions throughout their games, which is more than enough. A few examples include
Batman - I chose to fight a specific villain at the end of episode 4, and ended up confronting someone entirely different in the finale's intro
Batman - I saved a character and experienced an entirely different personality for that character with uniquely different dialogue options
Tales from the Borderlands - The way I tackled a scene at the start of episode 3 was based entirely on my last decision
Tales from the Borderlands - I recruited a party of fighters, but characters were un-accessible because of my choices in the season
Game of Thrones - I saved a playable character, and experienced a uniquely different plot line
In the long run the games are still "Tailored by how you play" as advertised.
I enjoy their games....yeah, that's....that's about it.
I like that they dont "waste" time on gameplay, alot of the time, I feel like, even if a game has a good story, it often goes like, 20 minutes of story, 60 minutes of gameplay, very rarely does the game integrate the story into the gameplay, even things that many people apparently find annoying, such as the train in TWD season 1, or generally all the puzzles and hub areas, I felt served the story well, and was fun to do. And while people go on about "the illusion of choice" I dont mind too much, as one of the fun parts of Telltale, is seeing peoples reactions to what you say, as well as you being able to play the character you want, for example, in TWD Season 2, I played a very survivor oriented Clem, because I feel like she would be more hardened and not as soft after the ending of season 1, so she would be really gloomy at times, and not very optimistic after what happened to her, but when the situation called, she was still the nice little girl from season 1, trying to help people.
The Walking Dead was also a whole new experience for me, very rarely have I gotten so utterly immersed in a world, to the point where I start making choices based on that world, rather than how I would like to be in real life, in season 2 I made my choices based around what I felt was safe, and who was trustworthy, whereas in season 1 I was blindly trying to be nice whereever I could, but in season 2, with Clem being so young, I didnt have that luxury, which is why I thing being back to playing an adult in A New Frontier is a bit disappointing, but there is still 3 episodes left, hope they can turn it around, still hoping there will be another game down the line with Clem as main character
As for the Wolf Among Us, I kinda spoiled that for myself a long time ago, watching Pewdiepie play it, but I played it recently, and it was pretty damn good, but it doesnt feel like it has the same weight as the walking dead, because things doesnt feel as urgent or dangerous, because theyre lacking the primal danger that is the walkers.
Batman was ok, I originally thought it was really good, as it was the first Telltale game I had played, but after playing The Walking Dead season 1 and 2, as well as The Wolf Among Us, I still think its decent, but it doesnt really have any of the tension or charm that TWD s1 and s2 had.
I have yet to play Game of Thrones, as I have not watched any Game of Thrones yet, but would like to at some point, and heard that the game kinda spoils some of the show, I have also not played Tales of the Borderlands yet, because I dont really feel like it, again because I feel like it will probably not carry the same weight as The Walking Dead, and I also got a big character death spoiled apparently, anyone have any good words to convince me to give it a try?
I like telltale because the games at least feel like they have some sort of consequence because they're decision based and reflect your personality in some way.
Its critically acclaimed by practically everyone, including the forums. I mean just check the dozens of threads of first time players gushing about it, and saying how they wish they played it sooner.
Choices in all games realy matters! good joke guys! you know your choices your story
try to play season 2 and 3 (are verry intersing then firt one)
Dontnod is a good company but no good enough for telltale
I love Telltale because well it all started a while ago and I was into BTTF a lot so I found out there was a BTTF game so I got it and that's what led me into Telltales other game because I remember when I 1st played BTTF the game for the 1st time and loving the way the gameplay was and how you could say different things to people so that led me to their other games and here I am a complete Telltale games fan!!
cause they're pretty good. They've made some questionable decisions lately sure, but what company hasn't?
I like their style
Besides what made me love their games was that telltale was able to make me remember their characters music choices and...tears
Naughty Dog?
I was referring to episodic games.
Well, I like the stories they tell, the characters they create, and even the gameplay, despite how little of it there is. Call me weird, but there's something about the way their games play that I just like. Shit like the free roam sections/hubs and what such. It's a cross between the classic adventure game conventions and narrative-driven storytelling, and one that feels rather unique and engrossing to me.
Despite some of the questionable decisions they've made as of late, I think at their core, they're still a good developer. Keyword here being developer. They leave quite a bit to be desired as a company... but as a developer, they still have a lot of good people working there; passionate people that want to deliver more of the engaging stories that they're known for. It's just that other parts of the company are holding back that potential, if those glassdoor reviews and what such can be trusted.
I don't think it's too late for them to get back on the right path. Unfortunately, it seems like they need a wake-up call to make the push to change things within the company. And it doesn't help that since they've carved out this niche of story-based games, they practically have a monopoly on it. And if there's one thing history should teach you, it's that monopolies aren't that healthy-- more often than not, they lead to stagnation and/or laziness; why take risks when there's nothing to risk? You're not really losing anything by taking a risk, but you're not exactly earning anything by doing so, either.
I love how Telltale focuses on the story of their games. The games are never exactly complicated, it is just a matter of do this and that. I also like how the graphics are kind of basic yet they just make it work.
Because they have, in my opinion, some of the best writers this industry has to offer. I also like most of their games.