What is your least favorite telltale game?



  • Back To The Future.

    I actually like this game. But compared to other games I played, this stood out the least.

    I haven't played some titles like Minecraft, GoT and the Michonne series so I can't say if these are better or worse than Back To the Future.
    I'll make a decision about New Frontier when the game is finished

  • For one that I just outright disliked? Game of Thrones. But A New Frontier highly disappointed me because I actually cared about the series.

  • Of the games that I have played, I'd say Michonne. Minecraft at least have the scope of the adventure and the antagonists are genuinely engaging. Michonne didn't have the same stakes because you know Michonne is going to survive because she is protected by canon and the only three episodes shortness doesn't help.

  • I don't see the problem since the older thread is nowhere to be found. It's nice for newer members to be able to take part in these types of discussions even if it has been done before.

    Cope49 posted: »

    This has been done already.

  • Back to the future.

  • edited February 2017

    I would have to go with ANF, but since it isn't completed yet I'm gonna go with Minecraft: Storymode. I didn't hate it though, it was still enjoayble. ANF is the first Telltale game I've disliked so far, but I'm gonna have to see if they'll chance my opinion in the next episodes.

  • edited February 2017


    I don't see the problem since the older thread is nowhere to be found. It's nice for newer members to be able to take part in these types of discussions even if it has been done before.

  • I've only played TWD series and GOT series on here. So I gotta go with GOT, its slow with way too many "main" characters, it would have been better to be more streamlined, cause half the time I forget why this character is doing here and what I'm supposed to do with them. Though it does have its great moments with main characters and meeting their deaths, their are just too many characters for me to care that much if one of them dies cause I did something, so I just move on.

    In order:
    The Walking Dead Season 1
    The Walking Dead Season 2
    The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
    The Walking Dead: 400 Days
    The Walking Dead: Michonne
    Game of Thrones

  • The first two episodes were really good but once the 3rd episode came out it just fucking dropped hard

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Game of Thrones never really interested me and it's a shame since I wanted to like it.

  • What didn't you like about TFTBL?

    IonutuPlay posted: »

    The walking dead a new frontier and Tales from borderlands

  • Your not exactly missing out on a lot since TWAO is its own story and doesn't have much to do with the comics with the exception of crane

    fred10359 posted: »

    The Wolf Among Us, for me. Don't get me wrong, the game is great; the characters, the story, the twists, and the action was good, but I felt

  • I like the graphics, it really makes the environments pop and they look good. Although I really wish they kept the old style and improved on that. Clem looks amazing in s3

    Okay, I'll give you a couple fair reasons. * Choices don't matter. For instance, Kenny and Jane die regardless if you saved them in sea

  • Eh, I felt episode 1 was OK, episode 2 was better, 3 was good, 4 wasn't that great, 5 picked up towards the end and 6 was the best.

    The first two episodes were really good but once the 3rd episode came out it just fucking dropped hard

  • Definitely, The Walking Dead: Michonne

  • Kenny and Jane's designs, though.

    I like the graphics, it really makes the environments pop and they look good. Although I really wish they kept the old style and improved on that. Clem looks amazing in s3

  • lol yeah those are complete garbage, clearly not enough time spent on them

    Kenny and Jane's designs, though.

  • Ammm... what is TFRBL ?

    What didn't you like about TFTBL?

  • edited February 2017

    voice actors seem like they're phoning it in,

    In their defense, Patton Oswalt's wife died around the time of recording some episodes. That kind of hurt could really bring a lot of negativity into the session and cause a lot of people to just not care.

    Jaku2011 posted: »

    Minecraft is absolute trash, voice actors seem like they're phoning it in, Minecraft is a boring setting, story is as generic as it gets, di

  • So?

    Cope49 posted: »

    This has been done already.

  • Minecraft without a doubt.

    A New Frontier so far.

    Michonne was pretty meh in hindsight (without the Season 3 hype), but I liked it while it was going on, so that counts for something.

    Season 2 was meh as well, but ANF actually made me appreciate it more.

    I loved Jurassic Park though, so maybe I'm just weird.

  • So.

    Try following the older thread instead of this copy&paste ver.


  • edited February 2017

    Minecraft: Story Mode.

    I really like ANF so far. The only flaw I see in it is not enough Clem.

  • You mean the older thread that's probably like 8+ pages back in the Telltale Talk section and probably hasn't had a comment in weeks and there's a rule against Necrobumping? Thanks! Sure will!

    Cope49 posted: »

    So. Try following the older thread instead of this copy&paste ver.

  • The Walking Dead Season 1. Don't get me wrong I like the game, but I just enjoyed the rest a lot more. Plus Season 1 is really overrated and not nearly as good as people make it out to be.

  • Understandable, doesn't make the game not trash.

    voice actors seem like they're phoning it in, In their defense, Patton Oswalt's wife died around the time of recording some episodes

  • I started playing Batman and i'd put it on the list right next to GoT. Its just a technicle mess. How can someone Greenlight something like this?

  • Fair.

    Jaku2011 posted: »

    Understandable, doesn't make the game not trash.

  • Sam & Max, because it was my first game from Telltale

  • Borderlands prefer Gearbox Version

  • Because it's BATMAN.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    I started playing Batman and i'd put it on the list right next to GoT. Its just a technicle mess. How can someone Greenlight something like this?

  • Probably Game of Thrones. I haven't actually finished it though.

    I like all of Telltale's (post TWD) games.

  • Back to the future although I only played 30 minutes of it I thought it was really bad sure it was before telltale was as big as it is now but still. If we are talking more recent I would say game of thrones because I guess I have to enjoy it or at least understand it.

  • The first 30 minutes of Back to the Future are quite boring, but it starts to pick up after that. It's a really good game.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Back to the future although I only played 30 minutes of it I thought it was really bad sure it was before telltale was as big as it is now b

  • Batman was very glitchy but it has still a good story. Like when they made uninteresting characters interesting. The combat was the best combat system I have ever seen in a telltale game :)

    Batman. It was glitchy, highly commercialized, and I never felt truly immersed.

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