I'm glad Snowie's hanging in there. First and foremost, remember to take care of yourself. As someone else who suffers from anxiety I know how stressful things can be, especially in regards to traveling long distances and being on your own. I agree that you should start trying to find a way to move out, but do it at your own pace. Focus on your well-being for now.
Your mom sounds like she's being really insensitive. I don't know how rocky things are between you, but I would suggest sitting down and calmly talking about the situation with her and your stepdad. Try to reach some sort of compromise but don't be afraid to assert yourself - you're 28, the condition of your room really shouldn't be their business. (Cleaning up some would probably get them off your back for a bit though.) Plus, this is your pet, and you only want to keep her safe. Good luck.
Snowie's still doing okay. She's not recovered though. She barely ever eats hay, still has a leaky bladder which is likely linked to her age… more [but fortunately hasn't been as bad as it was before] and I've been keeping her on her pain relief, since whenever she's off it, that's when Snowie goes downhill. It's been kind of a difficult month or so for me, having to take extra care of her and not really being sure what to do on putting her down or not. The vet said she's a healthy weight and looked alert, but the carrot paste he gave me to help kick start her digestion so Snowie will eat hay again, it hasn't worked. But she still eats her grain food, and tucks into her vegetables just fine, and loves sleeping on my lap getting attention [more so now she's on her own without Snuffles]. She needs proper care now, she can't stay out in a hutch, not at night at least.
I've been wanting to keep her indoors with me at night, since it gets so cold whe… [view original content]
If you absolutely must keep her outside, make sure that she's somewhere where she can stay dry. Rain is not good, especially if she's already sick.
Rabbits can stand the cold better than people think; the heat is actually a much bigger problem for them - but if they get wet then the temperature will become a problem and their natural heat becomes a little hard for their body to control.
Snowie's still doing okay. She's not recovered though. She barely ever eats hay, still has a leaky bladder which is likely linked to her age… more [but fortunately hasn't been as bad as it was before] and I've been keeping her on her pain relief, since whenever she's off it, that's when Snowie goes downhill. It's been kind of a difficult month or so for me, having to take extra care of her and not really being sure what to do on putting her down or not. The vet said she's a healthy weight and looked alert, but the carrot paste he gave me to help kick start her digestion so Snowie will eat hay again, it hasn't worked. But she still eats her grain food, and tucks into her vegetables just fine, and loves sleeping on my lap getting attention [more so now she's on her own without Snuffles]. She needs proper care now, she can't stay out in a hutch, not at night at least.
I've been wanting to keep her indoors with me at night, since it gets so cold whe… [view original content]
Snowie's an old bunny, and on her own. She'll get colder on her own, especially this time of year. Honestly just wanting it to warm up again so the little waffle can be comfortable out there come night time. She has a protective cover, but it doesn't make any difference.
If you absolutely must keep her outside, make sure that she's somewhere where she can stay dry. Rain is not good, especially if she's alread… morey sick.
Rabbits can stand the cold better than people think; the heat is actually a much bigger problem for them - but if they get wet then the temperature will become a problem and their natural heat becomes a little hard for their body to control.
I hope everything goes well!
It's much more preferable that she stays inside in those conditions, of course - I was just concerned because your family seems like they don't want to get her comfortable. In which case, if you had literally no option you'd have to make the best of a bad situation. In which rain is really her worst enemy so please be wary if it ever comes to that.
Regardless, I hope you manage to get her inside because as pets grow older their bodies eventually don't work as well so not taking any risks is the better option overall.
Snowie's an old bunny, and on her own. She'll get colder on her own, especially this time of year. Honestly just wanting it to warm up again… more so the little waffle can be comfortable out there come night time. She has a protective cover, but it doesn't make any difference.
I don't know. Maybe your bunny is done with life and you're not ready to let it go? The vet will continue to take your money and give you things that don't work. I hope that your situation works out but your bunny has lived very long. Be thankful.
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put her outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because of the veins in her ears closing up from the injections, so the vet had to inject it directly in the kidneys, twice. Snowie just kept holding on like the tough little cookie she is, and it made me feel really sad afterwards when I carried her out of there, because I don't think she wanted to go. But the vet agreed she was just going to get worse, and she still wasn't eating normally. I didn't want her to suffer like some others I've seen go. I think besides old age after Snuffles died, a bit of Snowie died too and she just missed her. She's always had somebody with her. That and I believe she might've had a stroke before and that's why she had the bladder weakness.
You don't see it so much in these pictures, but she had her on and off days. And this was one such day a few weeks before:
Snowie was pretty much like this in the garden. Even when I had her on my lap Snowie would just want to sleep on there for a long time before digging at me with her paws telling me to put her back. I know I made the right choice, but I'm really going to miss her. She was my first rabbit and my last out of the group we had, and she was a bossy little thing nipping me sometimes, but she was a sweetie bunny indeedy, and I just hope she found the others. So excuse me, I have to spam some bunny pics now.
This is Snowie with her brother Snuggles:
We had so many rabbits at the time we had to give him away with another after these two were split for a while [he kept nipping the fur off around Snowie's eyes when grooming her] he went to a good home. It's possible he could be dead too now. He liked keeping himself clean, and he had these little small front legs that made me think of a T-rex with their little front claws. Bossy like his sis, but a good boy.
This is Snowie with Stewie:
He was a few months younger but he suffered a lot of health issues when he was little and he died a couple of years ago. These two were a perfect match though. Usually you have a bonding period where it can take weeks for two rabbits to get along if they've not grown up together, but these two were just scared shitless of each other, and kept running around in circles in their cage. Within a day they'd settled down and were cuddle buddies.
Stewie loved food, but loved attention more. If you put fresh food down, and went to stroke him, even if he was hungry he'd stop eating and settled right down.
And this is Snowie and Snuffles last year:
After Stewie passed away, Snowie kept licking this small bunny toy I gave her and was looking sad, so I set her up with Snuffles, who hadn't been with another rabbit since Buttons. These two took a while to get along, some weeks of having them run free in the garden, a few biting wars I had to break up, but after a while I was soon able to have them in a hutch together and they were buddies too...although Snowie kept trying to hump Snuffles, basically letting her know she was the boss, but they got along really well. Snuffle didn't like exploring much, she preferred snoozing on pillows and attention. After her operation on her eye, Snuffles stayed on our couch for 2 straight weeks and didn't even try to get off.
And here's Snowie, in the time she's been 'secretly' upstairs, after having the reign of my kingdom, getting to stretch and hop about on my bed, and eat all the greens and food she desired, and gain all the attention she wanted too. I can safely say, she was spoiled rotten:
I got Snowie cremated today [with a little carrot, since she loved those things]. I have her with the ashes of Snuffles, Stewie, Buttons and Blackie. I don't know what to do with them. I want to release their ashes somewhere, but I can't decide where. The garden is pee ridden from the dogs crapping out there, and I just want to put them somewhere where they'll be free if that makes sense. I'll have to think on it some more but any suggestions are appreciated.
Thanks for all the supportive comments. Even just being able to talk somebody else, you guys helped, so thank you.
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put … moreher outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because… [view original content]
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put … moreher outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because… [view original content]
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put … moreher outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because… [view original content]
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put … moreher outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because… [view original content]
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put … moreher outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because… [view original content]
I'm really sorry for your loss :c Losing a pet is really horrible, especially one you've had for a long time. I dunno if there's an afterlife - even less for pets - but I've got my fingers crossed that Snowie's in a better place with Snuffles, and all your other rabbits.
Words can't express how awful it is losing someone or something, but I'm sure Snowie's in a better place. My old family cat Claws was kind of similar when we put him down, as it were, stubborn bastard. I know I felt really bad when we put Claws down but, in retrospect, I know it was the right thing to do. All you can do is try to do right by your pets, and just looking at this thread I can tell that's what you were succeeding in doing. It's really admirable, the strength of character it's taken to support Snowie despite your mention of arguing with your parents, and I'm sure she really appreciated it after losing Snuffles. Sometimes a bit of love and care can go a long way with an animal, and I'm positive it went a long way with keep her happy during these difficult times.
As I said before, I'm truly sorry for your loss. Rest easy, Snowie ; - ;
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put … moreher outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because… [view original content]
As for what to do with the ashes, I'm assuming there isn't a nice carrot patch convenient to your neighborhood. (And if there were, they wouldn't really want rabbit ashes scattered there.) You knew Snowie better than anyone. Where do you think she would want her ashes released?
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put … moreher outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because… [view original content]
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put … moreher outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because… [view original content]
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put … moreher outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because… [view original content]
I'm so sorry for your loss, Lilac.
I'm not too good with words but I'll say what I can.
I hope Snowie is now at peace, and I hope you're doing alright. Losing a pet is terrible.
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put … moreher outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because… [view original content]
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put … moreher outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because… [view original content]
Man, this is extremely hard to read. I'm a pretty emotional guy and it broke my heart reading how Snowie seemed to want to hang on even after getting the shots. I've enjoyed getting to know Snowie's story and I'm sorry that she's gone.
Don't be sad, any of you. Small or big, we all come to live our adventures and after we're done, we go find another path. I'm sure Snowie is happy with her brothers/sisters and would hate you to be sad for her. Why would you be, if Snowie has left you so many good memories?
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put … moreher outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because… [view original content]
I'm glad Snowie's hanging in there. First and foremost, remember to take care of yourself. As someone else who suffers from anxiety I know how stressful things can be, especially in regards to traveling long distances and being on your own. I agree that you should start trying to find a way to move out, but do it at your own pace. Focus on your well-being for now.
Your mom sounds like she's being really insensitive. I don't know how rocky things are between you, but I would suggest sitting down and calmly talking about the situation with her and your stepdad. Try to reach some sort of compromise but don't be afraid to assert yourself - you're 28, the condition of your room really shouldn't be their business. (Cleaning up some would probably get them off your back for a bit though.) Plus, this is your pet, and you only want to keep her safe. Good luck.
If you absolutely must keep her outside, make sure that she's somewhere where she can stay dry. Rain is not good, especially if she's already sick.
Rabbits can stand the cold better than people think; the heat is actually a much bigger problem for them - but if they get wet then the temperature will become a problem and their natural heat becomes a little hard for their body to control.
I hope everything goes well!
Snowie's an old bunny, and on her own. She'll get colder on her own, especially this time of year. Honestly just wanting it to warm up again so the little waffle can be comfortable out there come night time. She has a protective cover, but it doesn't make any difference.
Hang in there Snowie!
It's much more preferable that she stays inside in those conditions, of course - I was just concerned because your family seems like they don't want to get her comfortable. In which case, if you had literally no option you'd have to make the best of a bad situation. In which rain is really her worst enemy so please be wary if it ever comes to that.
Regardless, I hope you manage to get her inside because as pets grow older their bodies eventually don't work as well so not taking any risks is the better option overall.
Please take care!
I'm so sorry, Lilac. For both you and Snowie.
I don't know. Maybe your bunny is done with life and you're not ready to let it go? The vet will continue to take your money and give you things that don't work. I hope that your situation works out but your bunny has lived very long. Be thankful.
I thought Rabbits only lived to about 5 years old?
Snowie passed away yesterday at 8 and half. A few days ago I noticed she was shuffling around and not moving her back legs much. When I put her outside in the garden, she was wobbly on her feet and struggled to hop, when some days before she had no trouble at all. Snowie just wanted to sleep in the grass while I stroked her, and at one point she fell over and couldn't get up and chose just to sleep there while I cuddled and kept her warm since it was a little breezy that day.
I had seen this before some years ago with another rabbit we had named Blackie, when had his second stroke, and kept leaning on things, and one point I found him collapsed and he was trying and just couldn't get up. Snowie was leaning on the side of her cage too, and in the garden when I saw how she was, I knew then it was time.
We took her to the vet and she was put to sleep, she slowly settled down and drifted right off, but it took a few doses after that because of the veins in her ears closing up from the injections, so the vet had to inject it directly in the kidneys, twice. Snowie just kept holding on like the tough little cookie she is, and it made me feel really sad afterwards when I carried her out of there, because I don't think she wanted to go. But the vet agreed she was just going to get worse, and she still wasn't eating normally. I didn't want her to suffer like some others I've seen go. I think besides old age after Snuffles died, a bit of Snowie died too and she just missed her. She's always had somebody with her. That and I believe she might've had a stroke before and that's why she had the bladder weakness.
You don't see it so much in these pictures, but she had her on and off days. And this was one such day a few weeks before:

Snowie was pretty much like this in the garden. Even when I had her on my lap Snowie would just want to sleep on there for a long time before digging at me with her paws telling me to put her back. I know I made the right choice, but I'm really going to miss her. She was my first rabbit and my last out of the group we had, and she was a bossy little thing nipping me sometimes, but she was a sweetie bunny indeedy, and I just hope she found the others. So excuse me, I have to spam some bunny pics now.
This is Snowie with her brother Snuggles:

We had so many rabbits at the time we had to give him away with another after these two were split for a while [he kept nipping the fur off around Snowie's eyes when grooming her] he went to a good home. It's possible he could be dead too now. He liked keeping himself clean, and he had these little small front legs that made me think of a T-rex with their little front claws. Bossy like his sis, but a good boy.
This is Snowie with Stewie:
He was a few months younger but he suffered a lot of health issues when he was little and he died a couple of years ago. These two were a perfect match though. Usually you have a bonding period where it can take weeks for two rabbits to get along if they've not grown up together, but these two were just scared shitless of each other, and kept running around in circles in their cage. Within a day they'd settled down and were cuddle buddies.
Stewie loved food, but loved attention more. If you put fresh food down, and went to stroke him, even if he was hungry he'd stop eating and settled right down.
And this is Snowie and Snuffles last year:

After Stewie passed away, Snowie kept licking this small bunny toy I gave her and was looking sad, so I set her up with Snuffles, who hadn't been with another rabbit since Buttons. These two took a while to get along, some weeks of having them run free in the garden, a few biting wars I had to break up, but after a while I was soon able to have them in a hutch together and they were buddies too...although Snowie kept trying to hump Snuffles, basically letting her know she was the boss, but they got along really well. Snuffle didn't like exploring much, she preferred snoozing on pillows and attention. After her operation on her eye, Snuffles stayed on our couch for 2 straight weeks and didn't even try to get off.
And here's Snowie, in the time she's been 'secretly' upstairs, after having the reign of my kingdom, getting to stretch and hop about on my bed, and eat all the greens and food she desired, and gain all the attention she wanted too. I can safely say, she was spoiled rotten:
I got Snowie cremated today [with a little carrot, since she loved those things]. I have her with the ashes of Snuffles, Stewie, Buttons and Blackie. I don't know what to do with them. I want to release their ashes somewhere, but I can't decide where. The garden is pee ridden from the dogs crapping out there, and I just want to put them somewhere where they'll be free if that makes sense. I'll have to think on it some more but any suggestions are appreciated.
Thanks for all the supportive comments. Even just being able to talk somebody else, you guys helped, so thank you.
And Snowie thanks you too.
I'm sorry to hear that, Lilac. May Snowie rest in peace.
I am sorry for your loss, she looked like a very sweet bunny.
I'm really sorry to hear that Lilac, I was hoping that Snowie was going to pull through. R.I.P. Snowie, you have my condolences.
I'm so sorry, Lilac. I'm sure Snowie was a wonderful rabbit. I hope you're doing alright, may she rest in peace.
You did what you could for her. She's at peace now.
I'm really sorry for your loss :c Losing a pet is really horrible, especially one you've had for a long time. I dunno if there's an afterlife - even less for pets - but I've got my fingers crossed that Snowie's in a better place with Snuffles, and all your other rabbits.
Words can't express how awful it is losing someone or something, but I'm sure Snowie's in a better place. My old family cat Claws was kind of similar when we put him down, as it were, stubborn bastard. I know I felt really bad when we put Claws down but, in retrospect, I know it was the right thing to do. All you can do is try to do right by your pets, and just looking at this thread I can tell that's what you were succeeding in doing. It's really admirable, the strength of character it's taken to support Snowie despite your mention of arguing with your parents, and I'm sure she really appreciated it after losing Snuffles. Sometimes a bit of love and care can go a long way with an animal, and I'm positive it went a long way with keep her happy during these difficult times.
As I said before, I'm truly sorry for your loss. Rest easy, Snowie ; - ;
Aw, I'm sorry to hear she passed on, but glad it was peaceful.
It sounds like she had a good life with companionship and a loving owner.
I'm sorry for your loss.
As for what to do with the ashes, I'm assuming there isn't a nice carrot patch convenient to your neighborhood. (And if there were, they wouldn't really want rabbit ashes scattered there.) You knew Snowie better than anyone. Where do you think she would want her ashes released?
I'm sorry for your loss, Lilac. You're a pretty cool person on here so it sucks this happened to you. May your bunnies rest in piece.
Aww...
I'm so sorry, Lilac. Maybe if you have some nearby woods you can probably put them there. May Snowie and the others rest in peace.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Lilac.
I'm not too good with words but I'll say what I can.
I hope Snowie is now at peace, and I hope you're doing alright. Losing a pet is terrible.
I'm sorry. I know how it feels. I lost my cat a few weeks ago. She was like my daemon. I'm so sorry.
Man, this is extremely hard to read. I'm a pretty emotional guy and it broke my heart reading how Snowie seemed to want to hang on even after getting the shots. I've enjoyed getting to know Snowie's story and I'm sorry that she's gone.
Don't be sad, any of you. Small or big, we all come to live our adventures and after we're done, we go find another path. I'm sure Snowie is happy with her brothers/sisters and would hate you to be sad for her. Why would you be, if Snowie has left you so many good memories?
Super Cute rabbit. (i dunno what to do)
awww, so sorry to hear that. R.I.P Snowie. may never be forgotten.