I think even if you dislike how they use multiple protagonist in ANF, it doesn't change the fact that Telltale successfully managed to do it in Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones.
I just remembered something
Back when TFTBL was announced, someone in the office also made commemorative pastries. Harrison Pink, I think… more?. Anyways, TFTBL turned out to be one of their best games.
Now GotG has commemorative pastries.
You see where I'm going with this?
Wow, a nightmare eh?
I think even if you dislike how they use multiple protagonist in ANF, it doesn't change the fact that Telltale successfully managed to do it in Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones.
Oh thank god! When I saw a supposed plot leak that said you'd play only as Star Lord I got kinda nervous. But that does raise a question: How exactly will GOTG The Telltale Series handle multiple protagonists? Will it be like Game of Thrones and we'll spend around 10-20 minutes as each guardian per episode, or (since there's five episodes and five guardians) perhaps dedicate an entire episode to each guardian? I'd prefer the first one, but I wouldn't mind the latter.
I imagine at this point, Telltale is only working with modern gen consoles ever since they updated their engine for all newer Telltale titles starting with Batman.
No no i LOVE it when theres two people to play as. I meant what i said as a joke, seeing as how we play javi 90% of the time so far in ANF and not enough clem. Know what i mean?
Wow, a nightmare eh?
I think even if you dislike how they use multiple protagonist in ANF, it doesn't change the fact that Telltale successfully managed to do it in Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones.
Marvel Games creative director Bill Rosemann shared a few new story details about Telltale's upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy adventure series [...] "We are really taking it seriously and focusing on each character," ... To do this, the game will take explore the questions: "Who are they? What do they want? How are they a family? What could tear that family apart?”
This comment can be moved to the General Marvel Thread if need be.
This trailer has probably been seen by you 5 times already.
I'm posting this anyway.
My biggest concern is that the credits will be merged with the choice screen and they're gonna play some random, forgettable music like in Batman and ANF.
Oh, and that the main menu will be generic af like in the aforementioned Batman and ANF. This things are really bugging me, especially in ANF, since this style kinda fits Batman.
My biggest concern is that the credits will be merged with the choice screen and they're gonna play some random, forgettable music like in B… moreatman and ANF.
Oh, and that the main menu will be generic af like in the aforementioned Batman and ANF. This things are really bugging me, especially in ANF, since this style kinda fits Batman.
My biggest concern is that the credits will be merged with the choice screen and they're gonna play some random, forgettable music like in B… moreatman and ANF.
Oh, and that the main menu will be generic af like in the aforementioned Batman and ANF. This things are really bugging me, especially in ANF, since this style kinda fits Batman.
Yeah. I get why they're doing that visual push to a streaming service menu for their episodes, but for that, their games loses that visual flair of menus when you first boot up the game.
My biggest concern is that the credits will be merged with the choice screen and they're gonna play some random, forgettable music like in B… moreatman and ANF.
Oh, and that the main menu will be generic af like in the aforementioned Batman and ANF. This things are really bugging me, especially in ANF, since this style kinda fits Batman.
My biggest concern is that the credits will be merged with the choice screen and they're gonna play some random, forgettable music like in B… moreatman and ANF.
Oh, and that the main menu will be generic af like in the aforementioned Batman and ANF. This things are really bugging me, especially in ANF, since this style kinda fits Batman.
Can't wait to see a black screen while Starlord and gang say some kooky shit, since visuals are exclusive to PAX attenders :')
Lol ture. Maybe if it's everyones wish it might happen
Well, Drax certainly did try.
Looking forward for the Guardians of the Galaxy Telltale Game! Cannot wait definitely going to play it!
Multiple characters confirmed for Guardians! I was worried at first, based on the synopsis leaked, but oh boyy can't wait!
And yet they can't even pull off two for ANF!
Wow, a nightmare eh?
I think even if you dislike how they use multiple protagonist in ANF, it doesn't change the fact that Telltale successfully managed to do it in Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones.
Well there are the rumoured weekly releases. So it would make sense for them to be testing it already.
The secret to Telltale. Just stuff them with cupcakes and everything will be fixed.
Exactly. TWD S3 wasn't a "two-protagonist game" first; It was "A New Frontier: With Javier" game first.
GotG is meant for multiple protagonists, so this is going to work out just fine, @Nightmare9990.
Oh thank god! When I saw a supposed plot leak that said you'd play only as Star Lord I got kinda nervous. But that does raise a question: How exactly will GOTG The Telltale Series handle multiple protagonists? Will it be like Game of Thrones and we'll spend around 10-20 minutes as each guardian per episode, or (since there's five episodes and five guardians) perhaps dedicate an entire episode to each guardian? I'd prefer the first one, but I wouldn't mind the latter.
I imagine at this point, Telltale is only working with modern gen consoles ever since they updated their engine for all newer Telltale titles starting with Batman.
No no i LOVE it when theres two people to play as. I meant what i said as a joke, seeing as how we play javi 90% of the time so far in ANF and not enough clem. Know what i mean?
360&PS3 are basically discontinued consoles for telltale. Batman proved that they're new games are not made for older generation consoles.
This is WHY having a PC is the best reason for these games
But an average PC from 2005/2006 (when Xbox 360 and PS3 were introduced) probably wouldn't work out that well either though.
I am actually excited to see how this game goes. Seems like it'll be good. Hope for some screenshots soon. But no rush.
Im so exited! Im a big fan of telltale series in generel, but if you combine it with the Guardians of the Galaxy, that just has to be awesome!
Okay, this is a few days old, but it's a small tidbit of info for the story themes of Guardians.
Which Marvel game do you think will be the best in 2017? Telltale's GotG or Spider-Man PS4?
Just a rumour but it's certainly interesting.
Ps4 pro 60 fps support? or just pc ?
I predicted this a while ago and I'm actually very proud.
Who is that fuckin' idiot asking Job a question? Pfft, 'The Vigilante' my ass.
He could've asked anything, and he says this?
I just hope this doesn't suffer from ANF syndrome
PG? So it's confirmed to be E10+-T?
This comment can be moved to the General Marvel Thread if need be.
This trailer has probably been seen by you 5 times already.
I'm posting this anyway.
Perhaps at PAX east next Friday we'll learn more information in regards to guardians of the galaxy. I'm excited to see more of it.
YES!!! Finally, another choice-based Telltale game I can play with my younger sibling.
Thank you, Telltale!
My biggest concern is that the credits will be merged with the choice screen and they're gonna play some random, forgettable music like in Batman and ANF.
Oh, and that the main menu will be generic af like in the aforementioned Batman and ANF. This things are really bugging me, especially in ANF, since this style kinda fits Batman.
GotG is gonna get Tales from The Borderlands vibes, Batman and ANF don't deserve to be mentioned cuz their menus and soundtrack is extremely meh
Yeah, their current style of credit doesn't really make me notices the music.
Yeah. I get why they're doing that visual push to a streaming service menu for their episodes, but for that, their games loses that visual flair of menus when you first boot up the game.
How you can call Batman's menu generic is beyond me.
Yeah, I phrased it wrong. It really fits Batman, but feels really generic in ANF.
Batman's credit music is great though. WHat the fuck.
Can't wait to see a black screen while Starlord and gang say some kooky shit, since visuals are exclusive to PAX attenders :')
I'm getting mah Mix Tape ready for this xD