Question: Will we ever see a playable LGBT character in a Telltale game? We saw it in amazing choice driven games such as Life is Strange and Dragon Age/Mass Effect. I feel like it not only adds demension to a character but opens up many big scenarios that many fans can relate to and feel identified with in our current society.
Answer: LGBT characters have been represented in multiple stories of ours... but I suppose you're right. We don't really have a stand-out LGBT playable character now, do we? I'd love to see it myself, and it's only a matter of time. Actually... now that I think about it.. there may have already been at least one playable LGBT character already, but that aspect of their life may not have been clearly articulated in the story. LGBT pride and inclusiveness is VERY important to Telltale.... and I would not be surprised we saw a more prominent and playable role for someone in the near future.
Hello Job,
I'm glad to hear you are doing well, I feel like many people don't stop to think that this company is run by people who live li… moreves outside of work and therefore deserve a level of understanding and patience.
Now to my one question.
Will we ever see a playable LGBT character in a Telltale game? We saw it in amazing choice driven games such as Life is Strange and Dragon Age/Mass Effect. I feel like it not only adds demension to a character but opens up many big scenarios that many fans can relate to and feel identified with in our current society.
The shitstorm that would ensue if we played an an lgbtq character though. I mean we had people complaining that there hasn't been a white ma… morein series playable character in TWD yet, if this happened there'd be even more people ranting about how telltale are 'SJWs'.
I wonder if the planes have wi-fi?
I'm not chastising Job whether or not he has access to the Internet while in mid-air, I'm just curious about whether there are reliable wi-fi in planes since I've never been on one before.
Question: What do teams or general employees do to relieve stress or build team cooperation?
Welp. We go to the movies together a lot... and there ARE fun groups of people that get together for things like push-up club outside! Personally, I like to use VR for fitness and stress relief... and sometimes I'll be in the VR Lab downstairs taking a little workout break.
I think overall my FAVORITE Telltale stress relief solution was the day we had PUPPY THERAPY in the office! Our HR teams helped bring a ton of puppies into the offices... many of whom need new homes! People all met in the activities room and cuddled cute puppies all day. Some of the puppies were adopted. IT WAS AWESOME!
Alright, only one question this time. After reading through this thread I've filtered out a few I had that have already been answered or wil… morel be later on (Supershow, GotG, etc.)
Here is your question: What do teams or general employees do to relieve stress or build team cooperation? I've heard stories of groups from companies going out to play some sports or play some games in office as a way to ease everyone's psyches. I'm sure with the amount of Live production with deadlines and some choice words from impatient fans here can get to some people. I just want to know the answer of how you guys have made it to this point, without all of you burning down the office.
Thanks for this AM(a)A. I'm deeply sorry that some things got out of control here with the last thread. Though I completely understand that you have life problems, and you can't always be here. For next time, maybe give a bit more info as to what is going on or why you were unable to show up. Riled up people can quickly jump to conclusions here.
Considering the percent of answered questions on this thread is about 10%, I think a much better idea would be for Job to do a QnA where the… morere's a dedicated thread that's closed after an hour or so. Job should pick an hour/few hours at a time where he knows there will be absolutely no interruptions and answer the questions he gets asked. Because with the current situation, it's extremely EXTREMELY unlikely he's gonna come back and answer all the questions from many pages ago. A set time and date where he is completely free would, IMO, be a better option. Because with this way, so many people with so many good questions are being missed.
Question: What do teams or general employees do to relieve stress or build team cooperation?
Welp. We go to the movies together a lot... … moreand there ARE fun groups of people that get together for things like push-up club outside! Personally, I like to use VR for fitness and stress relief... and sometimes I'll be in the VR Lab downstairs taking a little workout break.
I think overall my FAVORITE Telltale stress relief solution was the day we had PUPPY THERAPY in the office! Our HR teams helped bring a ton of puppies into the offices... many of whom need new homes! People all met in the activities room and cuddled cute puppies all day. Some of the puppies were adopted. IT WAS AWESOME!
What is the plan going forward with determinant characters with both ANF and GoT we have several determinants and it would really make the g… moreames much worse if they all pull a Nick or Sarah and have little to no role until they are killed off. Understandable if you don't answer this second question but it goes with the first has Telltale considered not doing determinant characters anymore?
Job, this is very important for me:
As someone who has never done drugs, doesn't drink (never will), or anything like 'em, I was wonderin… moreg (seeing as Javi does drugs, which is fine) I have to ask this one question (statement?): The one thing I never want my Clem to do is smoke, drink, do drugs, etc., and if Clem is able to do so, in this game, can it be a choice by the player? (Javi did get a choice) I don't want to be forced to be a bad parent! Plain and simple, those are the only things I never want my Clem to do/use.
Sorry for the long question and thanks so much for your time!
I assumed he couldn't answer on the plane either due to no wifi access or wifi being too expensive, it would be too difficult to use a VR headset to exercise on a plane due to space (unless he wants to hit another passenger )
Even though Job is not currently answering questions, I'm trying to see if I can help arrange something else as an alternative. Sit tight. (Definitely won't be immediate or anything, but hopefully you get the idea!)
Q: Could you describe the way Telltale receives and analyses feedback that they receive from the fans? By "TellTale" I mean everyone who works on the game itself like Story writers, level designers, engineers, artists and such.
A: It's a cross between looking at decision and play style data for one. That's super important, and gives us a scientifcally accurate slice of knowledge on which players are doing what. We then look to a wide variety of different sources to both observe and LISTEN to feedback from players. That includes, Twitch, Youtube, feedback on twitter, Facebook, and more -- and of course, this very forum itself. The feedback informs our process as we develop live, and we consider the users the last part of the live development process itself.
I've been away from forums for a few days now and I was eager to check back on Job's AMA and now I see this. Did it actually go "way out of … morehand"? Why those people weren't banned if it was out of hand or is that a hyperbole? It's hard to recognise such things in non-verbal way tbf.
Anyway, Job I hope you and your cat feel well. VR makes wonders I suppose. My question is:
Could you describe the way Telltale receives and analyses feedback that they receive from the fans? By "TellTale" I mean everyone who works on the game itself like Story writers, level designers, engineers, artists and such.
Well, it did go a bit out of hand in some places, yes. People were asking multiple questions at once. People were asking questions that coul… moredn't be answered due to confidentiality and Telltale's own well being (by this I mean that as a company, they can't answer or reveal "everything" about their products, sometimes the truth hurts). People also went a bit stir-crazy with their comments after Job mysteriously disappeared from the AMA without a word. The thread was a bit too crowded so it needed a reboot.
Though, I guess the same things can now be said about this thread as well; It is understandable and expected, unfortunately.
Job, you seemed to have forgotten to answer my question. But don't worry, I have the curtesy of reposting it for ya.
Question: Why is the pacing in A New Frontier so considerably fast as opposed to the previous instalments in the series? Is there any particular reasons the writers have decided to go this way or is this just for the first two episodes, as a quick introduction?
Explanation: I've noticed that there are very little down-times in this season and everything just seems it's moving at a high velocity. It's like most of the scenes are just constant steps to move the story forward, from A to B, from dramatic point in the story to another, yet there's no time for us, as the players, to digest what's happened so that it could have more weight on our mind. Now, I'm not saying a fast paced story is a problem, it's not, but it's that with this season, everything's moving so fast that nothing leaves much of an impact in the long run. Like, I had barely gotten to know Javier and his family before they were already in conflict with the antagonists and then Javier gets kidnapped, and then we meet Clem, and then we're in Prescott, and then someone's dead, and then we're locked up, etc, etc. It's all just too fast and I think it's effecting my ability to actually care for the characters, as I never get a chance to know more about them or what they're going through.
Maybe I'll host a Q&A. I'll give you all answers. There will be absolutely no substantiating them and most will be fictitious, but I'll give you answers.
I'm sorry but if Season 3 wasn't so half-assed this wouldn't have happened in the first place. I understand what you said about the Season 2… more-"era" and it can't be changed, but people are annoyed at how Season 3 (shouldn't even be called Season 3 due to how bad it is compared to previous seasons) turned out. I understand that we sometimes go... too far - but Job could've at least told us that he wasn't able to make it (literally takes like, what, a minute?) but instead he made us wait days/weeks before he let us know. Him staying quiet during all this won't help anything (and I probably don't help either with this reply but I'm trying to justify what's happening).
I just wanna say I'm really glad Job is back and answering a lot of peep's questions as he promised he would be. Was beginning to lose hope but I trust the dude, and his responses to each question have been excellent. With one exception for the "let's revisit that when the series concludes" thing, but still fair responses. Job, if ya see this I'm thankful this QnA was set up and I'm very pleased with your responses, especially your response to me. It's helped me see Season 2 in a slightly different light. In short, GG Job.
I swear some of people on this forum have never worked a customer service based job before. All you need to do is work at a busy restaurant… more or retail store for a few months to understand how crazy customers can get. I really wanted to ask Job a question, but that opportunity was once again ruined by a select group of people on this forum.
As someone who works over 50 hours a week as a civil engineer and does other things outside of work, I completely understand what Job means by the TellTale team are real people with real lives. I have several "customers" with my job (one being the general public), but I also have personal things like family and my own well being. While I'm willing sacrifice 2 extra hours of my day to better my company and out "customers," it would be foolish, inefficient, and detrimental to myself, the company, and our customers if I slave myself to work.
Job can't be a slave to the forum because he has more than j… [view original content]
I just wanna say I'm really glad Job is back and answering a lot of peep's questions as he promised he would be. Was beginning to lose hope … morebut I trust the dude, and his responses to each question have been excellent. With one exception for the "let's revisit that when the series concludes" thing, but still fair responses. Job, if ya see this I'm thankful this QnA was set up and I'm very pleased with your responses, especially your response to me. It's helped me see Season 2 in a slightly different light. In short, GG Job.
Hi! I'll keep my question short. I'm looking for clarification on GOTS2
As far as GoTS2, it's true that we had let the world know the door is open for more, and that we already know what we want to do next time around. We can say that it's not something with a release date at the moment, and that the second we have news on more Game of Thrones, you'll be hearing about it from us first, right here on our site.
Does this mean it's not in development at all? And please tell me I'll be seeing more of my girl Mira!
Hate it when you have to download an app in-order to join the Airplane's Wi-fi (You hear me Aeromexico, DO YOU!!?? (please fix that problem with the Boeing 737-700, and 737-800))
Question: Will we ever see a playable LGBT character in a Telltale game? We saw it in amazing choice driven games such as Life is Strange and Dragon Age/Mass Effect. I feel like it not only adds demension to a character but opens up many big scenarios that many fans can relate to and feel identified with in our current society.
Answer: LGBT characters have been represented in multiple stories of ours... but I suppose you're right. We don't really have a stand-out LGBT playable character now, do we? I'd love to see it myself, and it's only a matter of time. Actually... now that I think about it.. there may have already been at least one playable LGBT character already, but that aspect of their life may not have been clearly articulated in the story. LGBT pride and inclusiveness is VERY important to Telltale.... and I would not be surprised we saw a more prominent and playable role for someone in the near future.
We assure you, we would simply not tolerate such ignorance and intolerance. We'll tell the stories we're going to tell.
Sorry guys! Only catching up to page 7 now! Sadly... there was no wi-fi on the plane!
... burning some mignight oil now and catching up. Thanks for your patience!
You haven't heard the last of end credits songs. Not by a long shot.
We do expect the releases of 3, 4, and 5 to be MUCH tighter than the gap between 1/2 and 3. That's for sure.
Neat! Glad to hear it!
Question: What do teams or general employees do to relieve stress or build team cooperation?
Welp. We go to the movies together a lot... and there ARE fun groups of people that get together for things like push-up club outside! Personally, I like to use VR for fitness and stress relief... and sometimes I'll be in the VR Lab downstairs taking a little workout break.
I think overall my FAVORITE Telltale stress relief solution was the day we had PUPPY THERAPY in the office! Our HR teams helped bring a ton of puppies into the offices... many of whom need new homes! People all met in the activities room and cuddled cute puppies all day. Some of the puppies were adopted. IT WAS AWESOME!
"it's extremely EXTREMELY unlikely he's gonna come back and answer all the questions from many pages ago"
Can confirm: Puppy day was amazing.
I'm playing for Javi.
You're not alone!
Everyone loves Caroline.
Hell yeah.
Characters that may live or die depending on the decisions you've made will likely be a part of what we're doing for the foreseeable future.
Your Javi only smokes on screen if you choose to have him do so. Feedback noted on your concern... but we'll have to see what happens!
SPOILER ALERT: Plane had no wi-fi, bro! Trying to catch up with this thread now!
And we're all very pleased about it.
Guys. It's cool. Just... look for answers at my own crazy pace. I PROMISE I will get to these! Thank you for your patience!
Though I should clarify that he's not the "only" reasons I'm playing.
Q: Could you describe the way Telltale receives and analyses feedback that they receive from the fans? By "TellTale" I mean everyone who works on the game itself like Story writers, level designers, engineers, artists and such.
A: It's a cross between looking at decision and play style data for one. That's super important, and gives us a scientifcally accurate slice of knowledge on which players are doing what. We then look to a wide variety of different sources to both observe and LISTEN to feedback from players. That includes, Twitch, Youtube, feedback on twitter, Facebook, and more -- and of course, this very forum itself. The feedback informs our process as we develop live, and we consider the users the last part of the live development process itself.
I need some as well, along with a life sized Loader Bot and Gortys.
"The thread was a bit too crowded so it needed a reboot."
"Though, I guess the same things can now be said about this thread as well; It is understandable and expected, unfortunately."
NO. Just be patient.
I'm smelling some HYPOCRISY over here.
Shut up :dojotards:
Job, you seemed to have forgotten to answer my question. But don't worry, I have the curtesy of reposting it for ya.
Is creating emoji's against people your coping mechanism?
Fair enough.
I'm open to that.
Season 3 doesn't have to be good for you to have common human decency.
This is a saga.
I just wanna say I'm really glad Job is back and answering a lot of peep's questions as he promised he would be. Was beginning to lose hope but I trust the dude, and his responses to each question have been excellent. With one exception for the "let's revisit that when the series concludes" thing, but still fair responses. Job, if ya see this I'm thankful this QnA was set up and I'm very pleased with your responses, especially your response to me. It's helped me see Season 2 in a slightly different light. In short, GG Job.
Hi! I'll keep my question short. I'm looking for clarification on GOTS2
Does this mean it's not in development at all? And please tell me I'll be seeing more of my girl Mira!
Hate it when you have to download an app in-order to join the Airplane's Wi-fi (You hear me Aeromexico, DO YOU!!?? (please fix that problem with the Boeing 737-700, and 737-800))
Yesssss you got your answer!!
I don't think that was a good answer, sorry.