Killing people of course there is no social control on me if I try.
I will mostly kill criminals of course and make the world a better place for us all... Except when I get really depressed than I write down my name
Yeah, that'd definitely be for the best. I mean, I could use it to rid the word of people like Carver and Jake but you know what they say about he who fights monsters....
Not the people on it, LOL!
Just the forum.
What face?
your big blue eyes are...nice I guess though!
thank u ^.^
I'd write the name of my genitals to see if they'd combust.
(Sidenote, my dick's name is Calithon)
Question my reality and existence first. Seriously, actual proof magic exists!
Write "humanity".
Step 1: write the man with hat who hit Javier (forgot his name) the guy who want that gas
why ?
Yeah, but why Gabe ?
I would kill so many people who were shitty to me.
Because I think this a forum where everyone seems to argue with everyone over stupid reasons. And then they get banned.
I would if I Could
Why in the heck would everyone needs to know the name of your D, and your genitals?
You don't have a name for your stuff? I carry it around proudly, like my first born child. And course. If it goes wrong I can use a bigger fake dick!
Write everyone's name in it.
Write my own name in it.
So if I write someone's name in it and erase their name in it after they die does that mean they will resurrect from the dead?
I would have to get a wrist brace.
Nope, I don't have a name for my stuff, why put names to our organs when we know what they are?
I'd tell you about a little thing called "spell-checking." Lol!
dramatic music
I will write "Death Note" in it and see what happens
For affection!
Same, Honestly I would use it on something super petty. I'd use it on so many innocents.
I will write the names of the ppll who don't like lee
I said that before in a comment
Is it me or is this a new "Would you become a murderer?" thread?
This is very ironic
Forgot the name? I got some bad news for you buddy...
What? A man's gotta eat.
I say "Challenge accepted. Throw an entire army at me; I'll be waiting for them."
put trumps name along with his cabinet roll it up into a j and chill enjoying the news;)
Y tho
Killing people of course there is no social control on me if I try.
I will mostly kill criminals of course and make the world a better place for us all... Except when I get really depressed than I write down my name
What was Trump's full name again?
Donald Trump

I'd probably just write my own name
Okay, that's actually pretty funny.
carver and jake?
The Bandit [Leader] who used Jolene.