The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • We just heard Negan wondering whether being a walker was like a Neil Young concert every day

    The hell man? :lol: Sounds like that one thread from a while back implying that it's like an acid trip.

    The walkers actually DO need to eat. If they dont, they lose the energy to move around and just sort of wait until something comes by

    Well that's...interesting. Can they starve?

    Also, the two first examples you provided are mostly a result of the season 1 TV director who favored more sci fi elements which aren't actually in the comic and which dont appear in any of the later seasons.

    I never truly thought about Natasha nor

    Ah, so an adaption exclusive explanation that didn't go anywhere? Gotcha. Still, sounds like a fascinating concept.

    We can also count Mark killing Brenda as him possibly remembering that this woman had wronged him

    Oh yeah! How could I forget about Mark?

    I can't think of any other examples... the only rule we truly know is that hot tempered people can tend to turn faster because they're more walker like.

    Really now?! So walkers are constantly pissed off then? Poor Kenny. :lol:

    I'm a comic reader as well and to be honest the issue is still debated and theorized by characters to this day. We just heard Negan wonderin

  • Isn't it like against rules to talk about banned users?

    Spodes posted: »

    Does anyone know what happened to Daze? I don't browse this site at all (as of recently I've only been active in this thread specifically, s

  • How did Nick die exactly? Was it still heroic? I loved that guy

  • Can anyone link me the background music of Jane's flashback? I can't find it

  • -___- grow up fool

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Isn't it like against rules to talk about banned users?

  • There's nothing heroic about the way he died , he just gets bitten on the neck and dies.

    How did Nick die exactly? Was it still heroic? I loved that guy

  • What are Kenny's responses to each piece of food if you choose to feed him in 102?

  • The thought does cross my mind sometimes, considering how disliked or loathed teenage characters tend to be, especially in a zombie apocalypse based story.

    I can't help but feel that Gabe will struggle to find any real fans, even if he does attempt to redeem himself in future episodes. I actually don't mind him so far, and he doesn't seem as annoying as some make him out to be...or perhaps he's perceived as a threat because he's interacting with fan-favourite Clementine.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Is there a teenager people generally like?

  • So I've thought up a decision I'd like to put in TWDG. I sort of thought it up and may make for a difficult moral dilemma. After Clementine meets Ava she's introduced to two other members of The New Frontier one a charming but seemingly ditzy and mysterious boy around 19 (let's call him Tod) and a girl (Phoenix) around the same age who acts immediately distrustful of Clementine and advocates tieing her up and imprisoning her. Some time passes and the three begin to Phoenix advocates that no one is trustworthy and that they've lost people due to trusting outsiders while Tod days otherwise. Suddenly as the argument is about to reach it's breaking point Tod's gun fires and shoots Phoenix in the neck killing her but appearing accidental and innocent. He later reveals to Clementine that his dumb and charming persona is in fact a facade and he intentionally murdered Phoenix as a way to defend a "helpless young girl" as well as a dislike for her while sarcastically saying she owes him one. David questions Clementine about Phoenix's death to which she can claim it was accidental or on purpose. What would you choose?

  • This is basically the same concept of the bar scene

    Clemenem posted: »

    So I've thought up a decision I'd like to put in TWDG. I sort of thought it up and may make for a difficult moral dilemma. After Clementine

  • Yeah it is in the sense that it's a choice between Loyalty vs Honesty except in this scenario players would have more of a say in Clementine's morality and she doesn't kill anyone regardless of what the player does

    LeeClemKen posted: »

    This is basically the same concept of the bar scene

  • I'd say so, considering he ignored the fact that he had been shot on the way out of the herd in favor of going out to get help for the other two and, from a certain point of view, succeeded. Putting yourself after the safety of your friends is definitely heroic in my book. :+1:

    How did Nick die exactly? Was it still heroic? I loved that guy

  • I think it might be a remix of her theme from No Going Back, but don't quote me on that.

    Can anyone link me the background music of Jane's flashback? I can't find it

  • I think I'd tell him the truth, since Tod seems like he'd be a problem in the long term.

    Clemenem posted: »

    So I've thought up a decision I'd like to put in TWDG. I sort of thought it up and may make for a difficult moral dilemma. After Clementine

  • At the end of S2 E2, you get an "important" (ppfffffftt hehe) choice with the name Bravery. The options were Surrending to Carver or Going out to look for Kenny. I never understood what choice was the "Brave" one.

  • That's a good question. I'd say that surrendering to Carver would be the brave thing since you're not only putting yourself in potential danger to save Carlos but you also have the option to charge Carver when he grabs Alvin(which I sadly didn't think to do on the first playthrough) to prevent Kenny from getting him killed.

    At the end of S2 E2, you get an "important" (ppfffffftt hehe) choice with the name Bravery. The options were Surrending to Carver or Going out to look for Kenny. I never understood what choice was the "Brave" one.

  • Well I know why he was banned, he...requested it until mid July apparently, didn't give a reason.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I have no idea. I only noticed that last night myself.

  • What @DabigRG is what I believe primarily; their minds are taken hostage with only sense and primitive thinking left of them, with one goal in mind, to kill anything you see and move towards noise.

    I'm a comic reader as well and to be honest the issue is still debated and theorized by characters to this day. We just heard Negan wonderin

  • Da hell?! What, is he tryin to kick a habit somethin?

    Spodes posted: »

    Well I know why he was banned, he...requested it until mid July apparently, didn't give a reason.

  • I thought that too. I wonder if was Telltale's point of view.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That's a good question. I'd say that surrendering to Carver would be the brave thing since you're not only putting yourself in potential dan

  • Considering how the rest of the Season went, not for very long.

    I thought that too. I wonder if was Telltale's point of view.

  • That's what I deducted, it seems quite arbitrary, or maybe it is planned out, who knows.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Da hell?! What, is he tryin to kick a habit somethin?

  • Isn't it like against rules to talk about banned users?

    Probably not, and if so, I don't see the harm in questioning why he was banned because I wanted to discuss with him.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Isn't it like against rules to talk about banned users?

  • I wouldn't know, but doesn't he deny the food in general? Either way, I just feed Clem, Duck (Kenny and Katjaa appreciate you for this), Ben, and someone else, maybe Mark unless he refuses it, I forgot.

    BroKenny posted: »

    What are Kenny's responses to each piece of food if you choose to feed him in 102?

  • Well I'm not reading your top post, but I did see your Clem morality thing, and I really wish they would bring our Clem back, she's gone astray from her seasons 1 and 2 self, and it's making me annoyed and disappointed with her being out-of-character, so I do implore Telltale to help guide her back.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Yeah it is in the sense that it's a choice between Loyalty vs Honesty except in this scenario players would have more of a say in Clementine's morality and she doesn't kill anyone regardless of what the player does

  • but you also have the option to charge Carver when he grabs Alvin(which I sadly didn't think to do on the first playthrough) to prevent Kenny from getting him killed.

    What? I never knew this was an option, but wouldn't he die regardless from Carver?

    DabigRG posted: »

    That's a good question. I'd say that surrendering to Carver would be the brave thing since you're not only putting yourself in potential dan

  • At the end of S2 E2, you get an "important" (ppfffffftt hehe) choice with the name Bravery. The options were Surrending to Carver or Going out to look for Kenny. I never understood what choice was the "Brave" one.

    Well, it was labeled Bravery right? As @DabigRG already stated, you can be brave by going out and trying not to get Carlos hurt, and apparently you can charge Carver or something? I don't know, I've never seen that option, and for Kenny's you could say it's brave as you're trying to protect your friends by killing off the adversaries, so it's all regarded in that sense clumped together.

    At the end of S2 E2, you get an "important" (ppfffffftt hehe) choice with the name Bravery. The options were Surrending to Carver or Going out to look for Kenny. I never understood what choice was the "Brave" one.

  • Well, yes and no. Yes, he dies because of what Carver does to him; no, Hank is the one who shoots him before being shot himself with Alvin last drop of life.

    Spodes posted: »

    but you also have the option to charge Carver when he grabs Alvin(which I sadly didn't think to do on the first playthrough) to prevent Kenn

  • Does Clementine get hurt in the process?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well, yes and no. Yes, he dies because of what Carver does to him; no, Hank is the one who shoots him before being shot himself with Alvin last drop of life.

  • edited March 2017


    Spodes posted: »

    At the end of S2 E2, you get an "important" (ppfffffftt hehe) choice with the name Bravery. The options were Surrending to Carver or Going o

  • Yes. Check the video below.

    Spodes posted: »

    Does Clementine get hurt in the process?

  • Kenny will only eat if you feed Duck. It's Katjaa and Carley that deny the food altogether.

    Spodes posted: »

    I wouldn't know, but doesn't he deny the food in general? Either way, I just feed Clem, Duck (Kenny and Katjaa appreciate you for this), Ben, and someone else, maybe Mark unless he refuses it, I forgot.

  • And Ben if you saved him instead of Carley, he also denies it.

    BroKenny posted: »

    Kenny will only eat if you feed Duck. It's Katjaa and Carley that deny the food altogether.

  • edited March 2017

    When does Alvin die?

    Edit: Never mind, just saw in the "next episode" thing that he's in the chair, got it.

    DabigRG posted: »


  • You mean Doug lol.

    Spodes posted: »

    And Ben if you saved him instead of Carley, he also denies it.

  • Yeah Doug, I had to write that quickly and wasn't thinking, my bad.

    BroKenny posted: »

    You mean Doug lol.

  • Actually I do stand corrected, Carley/Doug will take the apple but I mean, Clem loves the apple so I don't wanna give it to them. xD

    Spodes posted: »

    Yeah Doug, I had to write that quickly and wasn't thinking, my bad.

  • I don't know if this is the right place or not to post my query so sorry in advance. I am having a game freeze issue in android "The walking dead season 1 ep 2", I have downloaded it but still I have to download it every time and the game freezes every time whenever I paly ep2 when we try to "shoot crow" I just don't know what is the problem, pls help...

  • I personally agree with you but the mods have told me not to discuss banned users a few times. Maybe the rules have changed.

    Spodes posted: »

    Isn't it like against rules to talk about banned users? Probably not, and if so, I don't see the harm in questioning why he was banned because I wanted to discuss with him.

  • enter image description here

    LordSIF posted: »

    -___- grow up fool

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