Walking Dead: New Frontier
* They chose to create Javier to show Clem from a new perspective, since you already saw her through Lee and… more firsthand
* They acknowledge Episode 3 is taking "a few extra weeks" to incorporate feedback from forums, Twitch, YouTube, etc and tweak details of story
* They've "definitely taken feedback into consideration"
* They know "it's a continuous story" but they also wanted to appeal to newcomers
* New Frontier is a story about family; intertwines with stories about family for Clem/Javi
* The series has largely been about "surrogate families" so Javi's actual family adds a new dynamic
* When does Episode 3 come out? March 28th - They are showing a Episode 3 Clip with a Spoiler
* It's a "super emotional episode" that they've been trying to get "just right"
One of the things people love about Guardians is the mix of comedy/drama; they talk about different incarnations in comics, movies, tv, etc.
They "don't have a family" until they find each other, due to each of them having lost something beforehand
The Marvel Games panel guest summarizes the creation of Guardians of the Galaxy comic series
Marvel Games team "reassembled" two years ago to match studios with games (Telltale with Guardians, etc)
Telltale shows screens of Guardians of the Galaxy
The game is "not set in any one continuity" - not set in comics, TV, film, etc - but it will feel very familiar
It will be an original story - they use an example of Gamora in particular having an original interpretation so you "have no idea what happens next"
They want to do justice for the cast, noting that they are "deep and varied"
One of the core themes - Peter Quill is a kid "ripped through the 70s"
The 70s song aren't just for fun, but they also allow Peter to be a "POV character" - Peter's mom gave him that Walkman
For Guardians, you can use Peter's jet boots to do things like solve puzzles that other characters could not
Job: "The first time we playtest the game, we table read the script, like DND"
Marty notes that it looks visually different compared to other Telltale games - they wanted to do something visually different and "visceral"
Is it an origins story or will players be expected to know the story? - Marvel approaches it as "accessibility first"; they don't write down but they want to make sure newcomers know what is going on without confusion of "who is this character?"
Guardians TTG is "full of easter eggs" for longtime Guardians fans
Job: "The Milano almost feels like a character itself; it has lots of character to it"
They wanted the Milano to have humor to it; it will act as the "homebase" for the team for characters to talk to each other
They aren't retelling an origin story, but rather, they want to dig into the character relationships
Marvel Games team member notes symmetry - 5 episodes, 5 Guardians - they want to use that to their advantage and focus on a Guardian each episode (not 100% each episode, but more in the sense of "mental space") with how the "family" could be ripped apart
Rocket's big gun is an important plot point, but they are not spoiling more right now
Even though TTG's games ate not action games, they do have action scenes. Job says that if you like Tales, you will like Guardians too.
Caroline already played Episode 2 of Guardians, noted there was "action and heartbreak" in Episode 2
They joke about "I am Groot" being dialogue options, and then segue into talking about how they casted Groot
Drax Screenshot: Depending on your choices, someone else could be in that screenshot
Job jokes about it being "the Telltale Marvel universe"
A character in the game has their first appearance out of comics
In some ways, the "Guardians will be facing themselves" due to them all wanting a "powerful object" that is "tied to their past" - evil forces want it, and so to the Guardians for their own individual reasons. How far can their bonds be pushed?
Telltale shows new concept art not yet seen
They want to hit a broad audience - aiming for a "PG 13+ audience" as the sweet spot
I'm asking for something of good quality which I don't believe is unreasonable. What I want is improvement and acknowledgement to further improve the series.
Guardians looks and sounds fantastic! I want it so bad, it kills me people are going to be able to see the entire first episode next week when its not even finished! Hopefully it launches in April!
HomIe I aM KeEpInG iT LoUd PleAsE InFoRm CeO aNd HiGheR Up PeOplE tHAt We AlL ReAlLy WaNt AnOThEr SeAsoN PleAsE My VoICe HuRtS FrOm KeEpInG iT LouD foR ThReE YeArS!
Super excited to see what is shown!
TellTale is next guys! GET READY!!!
I've been ready.
Have fun everyone. I'll gonna head off to sleep and wake up to see what news we'll get.
It starts shortly! Get hyped!
Or don't cause then you'll get majorly bummed if you don't get what you want. get neutral!
It began
They're still sucking Javier's dick I see.
"A new character with such an interesting background!"...
This show just began and you're already ranting it?
Walking Dead: New Frontier
BADGER VS JAVIER scene. I can't wait.
I've een hearing this same stuff for months about Javier, so yes, I'm ranting. They never stop not listening.
That trailer was pretty cool though.
Someone link me the scene someone link me scene plz
That was rather fast...
It will most likely release on youtube soon.
I'm quite excited to see what they do for EP3.
I can't wait to kill that fucker, Badger.
Guardians of the Galaxy
I'm asking for something of good quality which I don't believe is unreasonable. What I want is improvement and acknowledgement to further improve the series.
Am I the only one who likes Javier? Not that I like that they keep Clem in the background, but I don't think he is a bland character.
Job: "If you love Tales from the Borderlands you're going to love [Guardians of the Galaxy]"
Edit: Dang. Blind beat me to it.
I'm looking forward to it even more now.
He's fine, but saying he has 'such an interesting background' is...exaggeration. He's pretty tropey.
I'm expecting a loaderbot&Groot dance off scene and handsome jack as Starlord's advisor.
Wow, not a single Guardians trailer?
Did Telltale really think no one wanted a Poker Night 3...
When you get meme'd again
Guardians looks and sounds fantastic! I want it so bad, it kills me people are going to be able to see the entire first episode next week when its not even finished! Hopefully it launches in April!
I feel you Pooge, maybe next event? We've gotta stay positive, like he said, keep our voices loud.
Getting pretty hyped! Loved looking at that concept art and it was cool to see the creation of 2008 Guardians of the Galaxy.
Was hoping there would be a trailer though
I assume they're gonna match the release of the game with the movie so it'll probably be out on April 25th or at the latest March 3rd.
^^ Visible interest is key
HomIe I aM KeEpInG iT LoUd PleAsE InFoRm CeO aNd HiGheR Up PeOplE tHAt We AlL ReAlLy WaNt AnOThEr SeAsoN PleAsE My VoICe HuRtS FrOm KeEpInG iT LouD foR ThReE YeArS!
When there were no questions about ANF and the criticism it's been getting recently.
Damn. Sad to hear that S3 will end up as a Frankenstein.
Well, I'm visibly interested. Does that count?
...oh, and here's this if it helps make a case: